Thousands Turn Out for Long Island’s ‘Back the Blue’ Rally

It is understandable that given what is happening in New York City that the good people would want to thank the police for being the only barrier between them and the bad guys.

The police are a necessary evil in this dangerous country.

The police are a necessary evil in this dangerous country.

I don't think that is true at all.
Those pictures look like pretty small crowds, actually.
Depending on where ever the photographer stood, maybe not everyone there could fit in the shot.

God bless you and everyone there always!!!

right? it cracks me up all the justice provocateur's fact checking now everything. I wonder when they'll film me wiping my ass with how many sheets of toilet paper.
It is understandable that given what is happening in New York City that the good people would want to thank the police for being the only barrier between them and the bad guys.

The police are a necessary evil in this dangerous country.

The police are a necessary evil in this dangerous country.

I don't think that is true at all.
don't police exist in every country?
Let's have more of those and less of the "other". That would be great.
What is it that fuels your hatred for black people?
My support of police is totally unrelated to skin color. The perception that supporting police is equivalent somehow to hating black people is a dangerous false equivalency that is dividing us as a country. I want to see reforms especially related to random stops of minorities. That does not appear to be addressed in the reform legislation.
Let's have more of those and less of the "other". That would be great.
What is it that fuels your hatred for black people?
My support of police is totally unrelated to skin color. The perception that supporting police is equivalent somehow to hating black people is a dangerous false equivalency that is dividing us as a country. I want to see reforms especially related to random stops of minorities. That does not appear to be addressed in the reform legislation.
That was you calling for more Blue Lives protests and less Black Lives protests. Clearly cops lives are more important than black lives to you. Since cops are into killing black people I am drawn to the conclusion that you would like more killings of black people.
Prove me wrong.
Prove to me that the lives if black people are important.
This is the suburbs showing appreciation for law enforcement, but it will be destroyed if Democrats get their way. Remember, it's a Biden priority to build affordable housing in these neighborhoods and give them to mostly minorities in the name of diversity. Biden's plan is to replace the American dream with the American handout. This plan is like bussing students on steroids. What ever happened to striving for excellence?

What happened was that white people got to the Middle class, people of color got left behind.

The Rich have spent the last 50 years trying to do backsies on the Middle Class that White people got from the New Deal and the Great Society.

The "Great Society" destroyed the black family
Let's have more of those and less of the "other". That would be great.
What is it that fuels your hatred for black people?
My support of police is totally unrelated to skin color. The perception that supporting police is equivalent somehow to hating black people is a dangerous false equivalency that is dividing us as a country. I want to see reforms especially related to random stops of minorities. That does not appear to be addressed in the reform legislation.
That was you calling for more Blue Lives protests and less Black Lives protests. Clearly cops lives are more important than black lives to you. Since cops are into killing black people I am drawn to the conclusion that you would like more killings of black people.
Prove me wrong.
Prove to me that the lives if black people are important.

Saying you don't care about Black Lives Matter doesn't mean you don't think black lives matter.

One is an organization and a slogan that has been co-opted by said Marxist organization, the other is a concept.
Let's have more of those and less of the "other". That would be great.
What is it that fuels your hatred for black people?
My support of police is totally unrelated to skin color. The perception that supporting police is equivalent somehow to hating black people is a dangerous false equivalency that is dividing us as a country. I want to see reforms especially related to random stops of minorities. That does not appear to be addressed in the reform legislation.
That was you calling for more Blue Lives protests and less Black Lives protests. Clearly cops lives are more important than black lives to you. Since cops are into killing black people I am drawn to the conclusion that you would like more killings of black people.
Prove me wrong.
Prove to me that the lives if black people are important.

Saying you don't care about Black Lives Matter doesn't mean you don't think black lives matter.

One is an organization and a slogan that has been co-opted by said Marxist organization, the other is a concept.
Both are concepts.
Read Luke:15
Let's have more of those and less of the "other". That would be great.
What is it that fuels your hatred for black people?
My support of police is totally unrelated to skin color. The perception that supporting police is equivalent somehow to hating black people is a dangerous false equivalency that is dividing us as a country. I want to see reforms especially related to random stops of minorities. That does not appear to be addressed in the reform legislation.
That was you calling for more Blue Lives protests and less Black Lives protests. Clearly cops lives are more important than black lives to you. Since cops are into killing black people I am drawn to the conclusion that you would like more killings of black people.
Prove me wrong.
Prove to me that the lives if black people are important.

Saying you don't care about Black Lives Matter doesn't mean you don't think black lives matter.

One is an organization and a slogan that has been co-opted by said Marxist organization, the other is a concept.
Both are concepts.
Read Luke:15

Which verse?
Let's have more of those and less of the "other". That would be great.
What is it that fuels your hatred for black people?
My support of police is totally unrelated to skin color. The perception that supporting police is equivalent somehow to hating black people is a dangerous false equivalency that is dividing us as a country. I want to see reforms especially related to random stops of minorities. That does not appear to be addressed in the reform legislation.
That was you calling for more Blue Lives protests and less Black Lives protests. Clearly cops lives are more important than black lives to you. Since cops are into killing black people I am drawn to the conclusion that you would like more killings of black people.
Prove me wrong.
Prove to me that the lives if black people are important.

Saying you don't care about Black Lives Matter doesn't mean you don't think black lives matter.

One is an organization and a slogan that has been co-opted by said Marxist organization, the other is a concept.
Both are concepts.
Read Luke:15

Which verse?
Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.
Which verse?

In this case the sheep doesn't want to repent, it want's to fuck shit up.
Blue Lives matter ...ALL Lives matter!


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Altering the American flag is against the U.S. Flag code.....but I'm sure that trump cultists don't care.

Altering an EXISTING flag is a crime. Poor little stalinist can't even state the law correctly.
Let's have more of those and less of the "other". That would be great.
What is it that fuels your hatred for black people?
My support of police is totally unrelated to skin color. The perception that supporting police is equivalent somehow to hating black people is a dangerous false equivalency that is dividing us as a country. I want to see reforms especially related to random stops of minorities. That does not appear to be addressed in the reform legislation.
That was you calling for more Blue Lives protests and less Black Lives protests. Clearly cops lives are more important than black lives to you. Since cops are into killing black people I am drawn to the conclusion that you would like more killings of black people.
Prove me wrong.
Prove to me that the lives if black people are important.
You still haven’t answered why cops kill more whites?
That was you calling for more Blue Lives protests and less Black Lives protests. Clearly cops lives are more important than black lives to you. Since cops are into killing black people I am drawn to the conclusion that you would like more killings of black people.
Prove me wrong.
Clearly crime statistics prove you an idiot.
Prove to me that the lives if black people are important.
Well you can't prove black lives have value if you look at monthly reports of black on black murder and crime. But if you look at statistics of blacks killed by cops percentage wise, more whites are killed by police
than blacks are.

You are a fool spreading your Covid-like ignorance around.

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