Thousands Turn Out for Long Island’s ‘Back the Blue’ Rally

Those pictures look like pretty small crowds, actually.
Here's the thing. I support the police. I also support police reform and equal rights. They shouldn't be mutually exclusive.
They're in a park with trees. They number in the thousands. You've had your neck stuck in the DNC get-trump talking points too long. I'm surprised to hear you say "I support the police." But I'm glad you do, because as a cop's mom, hearing that someone supports the police gets my respect.
The "Great Society" destroyed the black family
Just as it was intended to do.

The Moynihan Report warned LBJ that the stability of the family was one of the greatest factors in generating wealth, so the democrat Party set up the "Great Society" to replace the male head of household with a government check.
Ted Nugent was supposed to play the National Anthem on his guitar.
But Nassau County officials threatened him with a 14 day quarantine when he flew in due to the Wuhanvirus.
It was reported on Newsmax cable news this morning. Fox News sucks anymore since Disney bought their news division.
Fox is failing to report alot of news anymore.
Blue Lives matter ...ALL Lives matter!


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Altering the American flag is against the U.S. Flag code.....but I'm sure that trump cultists don't care.

The First Responders also have a have an altered flag as well. Not sure if either of these are against the US Flag Code. Some say it isn't because it is honoring the men and women who are fighting in the trenches against Covid, 911 and other times and it is not an altered flag it is a separate flag. Others and I think I would side with them, it is an altered flag. When I see it, I see all of America and to alter a flag is against US Code. The only one that is allowed to alter the flag would be the Commander and Chief.
Blue Lives matter ...ALL Lives matter!


View attachment 367716

I'd have participated in that rally since I support good cops. But sounds like there were a lot of smelly Trumpublicans in attendance. I try not to get too close lest I get any on me.

Besides, those guys were probably not wearing face masks. Dangerous!
A bigger story was the cancelation and rejection of Ted Nugent appearing and singing the National Anthem. Organizers wisely determined to have the well-known racist, poopy pants bigot draft-dodging child molester might not be a wise decision.
Local news reports indicate 1,000 attendees or less for an area with a population of millions within an hour's drive or public transportation.

Which racist, poopy pants, bigoted, draft dodging child molester - Ted or Trump? :D

It is understandable that given what is happening in New York City that the good people would want to thank the police for being the only barrier between them and the bad guys.

The police are a necessary evil in this dangerous country.

How about a necessary thing that isn't "evil". That would be a good change.

I think everyone realizes a need for the police. What we don't need are the bad apples who shoot first and ask questions later.

Not everyone, those in Seattle are defunding the police. That will be nice, then they can walk about the whole city with no fear.
I take back my suggestion that I'd have been a part of this rally in order to support good cops.
These folks do not appear to be particularly bright and were 110% Trumptards.

Let's have more of those and less of the "other". That would be great.
What is it that fuels your hatred for black people?
My support of police is totally unrelated to skin color. The perception that supporting police is equivalent somehow to hating black people is a dangerous false equivalency that is dividing us as a country. I want to see reforms especially related to random stops of minorities. That does not appear to be addressed in the reform legislation.
That was you calling for more Blue Lives protests and less Black Lives protests. Clearly cops lives are more important than black lives to you. Since cops are into killing black people I am drawn to the conclusion that you would like more killings of black people.
Prove me wrong.
Prove to me that the lives if black people are important.
Your logic is flawed. You are comparing positive supportive rallies FOR police to negative attack protests AGAINST police. They are not similar. Furthermore, the group you support "Black Lives Matter" does not believe black people are important. If they did they would protest the thousands of Black men, women and children being shot to death every year. They only care about the handful of Black people killed by police that they can leverage into power for themselves. You are being duped, Billy.
I have been populating a thread for nearly two months documenting the Black lives that don't matter. I have also been calling out the killings in inner cities since I joined this board. You are barking up the wrong tree trying to paint me as a racist.
Let's have more of those and less of the "other". That would be great.
What is it that fuels your hatred for black people?
My support of police is totally unrelated to skin color. The perception that supporting police is equivalent somehow to hating black people is a dangerous false equivalency that is dividing us as a country. I want to see reforms especially related to random stops of minorities. That does not appear to be addressed in the reform legislation.
That was you calling for more Blue Lives protests and less Black Lives protests. Clearly cops lives are more important than black lives to you. Since cops are into killing black people I am drawn to the conclusion that you would like more killings of black people.
Prove me wrong.
Prove to me that the lives if black people are important.

You're entire premise is fucked in the head.
Law and Order, Peace, Prosperity vs riots, anticharity, chaos, hate, violence, racism, looting, arson, murder....
You choose what world that you want to live in on election day.
Let's have more of those and less of the "other". That would be great.
What is it that fuels your hatred for black people?
My support of police is totally unrelated to skin color. The perception that supporting police is equivalent somehow to hating black people is a dangerous false equivalency that is dividing us as a country. I want to see reforms especially related to random stops of minorities. That does not appear to be addressed in the reform legislation.
That was you calling for more Blue Lives protests and less Black Lives protests. Clearly cops lives are more important than black lives to you. Since cops are into killing black people I am drawn to the conclusion that you would like more killings of black people.
Prove me wrong.
Prove to me that the lives if black people are important.
Your logic is flawed. You are comparing positive supportive rallies FOR police to negative attack protests AGAINST police. They are not similar. Furthermore, the group you support "Black Lives Matter" does not believe black people are important. If they did they would protest the thousands of Black men, women and children being shot to death every year. They only care about the handful of Black people killed by police that they can leverage into power for themselves. You are being duped, Billy.
I have been populating a thread for nearly two months documenting the Black lives that don't matter. I have also been calling out the killings in inner cities since I joined this board. You are barking up the wrong tree trying to paint me as a racist.
Do you believe there is a problem with the way law enforcement treats minorities, yes or no?
The "Great Society" destroyed the black family
Just as it was intended to do.

The Moynihan Report warned LBJ that the stability of the family was one of the greatest factors in generating wealth, so the democrat Party set up the "Great Society" to replace the male head of household with a government check.
Yes, The Great Society is probably the most egregious example of Systemic Racism in modern American history. It has decimated the lives of three generations of poor Black people.
The "Great Society" destroyed the black family
Just as it was intended to do.

The Moynihan Report warned LBJ that the stability of the family was one of the greatest factors in generating wealth, so the democrat Party set up the "Great Society" to replace the male head of household with a government check.
Yes, The Great Society is probably the most egregious example of Systemic Racism in modern American history. It has decimated the lives of three generations of poor Black people.

Yes as AFDC originally trained black fathers to live on street corners instead of at home, so their baby's mama could collect a check!

True story.
They're in a park with trees. They number in the thousands. You've had your neck stuck in the DNC get-trump talking points too long. I'm surprised to hear you say "I support the police." But I'm glad you do, because as a cop's mom, hearing that someone supports the police gets my respect.

Okay... then you should be able to find a picture showing a larger crowd.

I do think the good cops are getting a bad rap right now... and the majority of them are good guys doing a difficult job under difficult circumstances.

The one percent of them that are the bad apples are the problem, because the system is designed to protect bad apples. Every time we have one of these incidents, we find out the officer involved had a long record of unpunished misconduct.

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