Three cops shot in Baton Rouge

Well, the widows and orphans will have GOP thoughts and prayers to console them.
As well as millions of dollars on the GoFundMe campaigns that conservatives always support.


Yeah, sure….if you can’t pass logical gun legislation, the next best thing is sending $5.

Right, they arrested 3 hildabitch supporters earlier this week that broke into a pawn shop and stole guns and ammo with the expressed intent of shooting police, one was still on the loose. So take you unpatriotic snide remarks and shove them.

And your imagination that there is some sort of political arm to thugs who break into stores makes you sound dumber than normal. Just be a good little republicunt and offer your thoughts and prayers.

Coming from a commiecrat propagandist I'll take that as a compliment. Now run along and play with your strap on.
So odd to see males that think that women need "strap ons" if the penis is the end all and be all.....I wonder if that is in some way connected to the Fact that almost all violent shootings are done by males.

Well, the widows and orphans will have GOP thoughts and prayers to console them.
As well as millions of dollars on the GoFundMe campaigns that conservatives always support.


Yeah, sure….if you can’t pass logical gun legislation, the next best thing is sending $5.

Right, they arrested 3 hildabitch supporters earlier this week that broke into a pawn shop and stole guns and ammo with the expressed intent of shooting police, one was still on the loose. So take you unpatriotic snide remarks and shove them.
They were males, weren't they?

Black males, you know the ones 11 times more likely to kill than any other.
Well, the widows and orphans will have GOP thoughts and prayers to console them.

Just can't bring yourself to criticizing BLM can you? Ya condemn the righties on this forum who have done nothing but mind their own business or sucker punch killers.

BLM strikes me as the same people who go looting and call it demonstrating. Whatever (if any) useful message they have is overshadowed by the militants.

The righties on this board will offer thoughts and prayers only to the survivors.

If the shooters are any religion other than Islam, they will be lone wolf nut jobs. If they are Muslims the shooters will represent all 1.5 billion plus Muslims.


Of course I am
No, but white people have no qualms blaming brown people. If it was a white guy they'll start telling you why he was mentally ill or lone wolf.

If its a Black person it means all black people blah blah something
What color have all the cop killers been?. Where you been?
Police say couple who fatally shot 2 Vegas police officers and civilian believed law enforcement the 'oppressor' | Fox News
One out of a thousand. Congrats on being a gullible fool
KING: White men killed most cops in 2016, conservatives silent
You do realize there is a difference between shooting someone in the commission of a crime and outright assassinating someone right?
And why is it you guys ignore the shooting stats in our large cities and the outright calls for the murder of police by ONE SEGMENT OF OUR SOCIETY?

And they're not all males.
Sundance is engaged in libel to aid and assist our enemies.

In no way do any of our government official contribute in any way to these atrocities.

I am quite sure that Sundance is being watched.
Well, the widows and orphans will have GOP thoughts and prayers to console them.

Just can't bring yourself to criticizing BLM can you? Ya condemn the righties on this forum who have done nothing but mind their own business or sucker punch killers.

BLM strikes me as the same people who go looting and call it demonstrating. Whatever (if any) useful message they have is overshadowed by the militants.

The righties on this board will offer thoughts and prayers only to the survivors.

If the shooters are any religion other than Islam, they will be lone wolf nut jobs. If they are Muslims the shooters will represent all 1.5 billion plus Muslims.


Of course I am
...and what if the shooter is a righty?
Well, the widows and orphans will have GOP thoughts and prayers to console them.

And democrats will supply the shooters.....

Yeah, of course it’s liberals buying all of those guns. Rrrrrrriiiiiigggggggghhhhhhhhtttttttttt!

Nah...more likely blacks stealing them.
You know,like the ones they caught last week in Louisiana trying to break into that gun store.

They didn't try, they did. They stole 8 guns, 3 of 4 suspects are in custody, 6 guns recovered and they stated their intent was to shoot police.

This is just another goofy fear mongering story. "Ok, you got me on theft, tresspassing, burglary and probably multiple felonies...but let me just tell you something...I wanted to kill cops too!" Lol...come on
No, but white people have no qualms blaming brown people. If it was a white guy they'll start telling you why he was mentally ill or lone wolf.

If its a Black person it means all black people blah blah something
What color have all the cop killers been?. Where you been?
Police say couple who fatally shot 2 Vegas police officers and civilian believed law enforcement the 'oppressor' | Fox News
One out of a thousand. Congrats on being a gullible fool
KING: White men killed most cops in 2016, conservatives silent
You do realize there is a difference between shooting someone in the commission of a crime and outright assassinating someone right?
And why is it you guys ignore the shooting stats in our large cities and the outright calls for the murder of police by ONE SEGMENT OF OUR SOCIETY?
It's not different to the dead cop and their family, is it?.........But I agree about that ONE SEGMENT OF OUR
I read your link. Our president isn't "against" police by admitting our criminal justice system is not free of racism. That would be stupid. There are racists and there are damned ignorant power trippers in the police force. Not all of them, and the president never said they were. But the black activists have a valid point and until people listen and do something about it, this is going to continue. Your choice.

I read your link. Our president isn't "against" police by admitting our criminal justice system is not free of racism. That would be stupid. There are racists and there are damned ignorant power trippers in the police force. Not all of them, and the president never said they were. But the black activists have a valid point and until people listen and do something about it, this is going to continue. Your choice.

You have been for the truth:

'A 1996 analysis of 55,000 big-city felony cases found that black defendants were convicted at a lower rate than whites in 12 of the 14 federally designated felony categories.[15] This finding was consistent with the overwhelming consensus of other, previous, well-designed studies, most of which indicated that black defendants were slightly less likely to be convicted of criminal charges against them than white defendants.[16] In 1997, liberal criminologists Robert Sampson and Janet Lauritsen undertook a painstaking review of the voluminous literature on charging and sentencing, and concluded that “large racial differences in criminal offending,” and not racism, explained why proportionately more blacks than whites were in prison—and for longer terms.[17]

Even though America's legal-education and civil-rights establishments have created a massive industry devoted entirely to uncovering even the barest shred of evidence pointing toward white racism in the justice system, the net result of their efforts has been nothing more than an occasional study showing a miniscule, unexplained racial disparity in sentencing, while most other analyses continue to find no racial effect at all.'

Is the Criminal-Justice System Racist? - Discover the Networks
Well, the widows and orphans will have GOP thoughts and prayers to console them.

Just can't bring yourself to criticizing BLM can you? Ya condemn the righties on this forum who have done nothing but mind their own business or sucker punch killers.

BLM strikes me as the same people who go looting and call it demonstrating. Whatever (if any) useful message they have is overshadowed by the militants.

The righties on this board will offer thoughts and prayers only to the survivors.

If the shooters are any religion other than Islam, they will be lone wolf nut jobs. If they are Muslims the shooters will represent all 1.5 billion plus Muslims.


Of course I am
...and what if the shooter is a righty?
Probably is a opposed to a lefty. More people right-handed.....just like most violent shooters are male.
As well as millions of dollars on the GoFundMe campaigns that conservatives always support.


Yeah, sure….if you can’t pass logical gun legislation, the next best thing is sending $5.

Right, they arrested 3 hildabitch supporters earlier this week that broke into a pawn shop and stole guns and ammo with the expressed intent of shooting police, one was still on the loose. So take you unpatriotic snide remarks and shove them.

And your imagination that there is some sort of political arm to thugs who break into stores makes you sound dumber than normal. Just be a good little republicunt and offer your thoughts and prayers.

Coming from a commiecrat propagandist I'll take that as a compliment. Now run along and play with your strap on.
So odd to see males that think that women need "strap ons" if the penis is the end all and be all.....I wonder if that is in some way connected to the Fact that almost all violent shootings are done by males.


I think not.

"That's really all it is: alot of men standing around in a field waving their dicks at one another. Men, insecure about the size of their penises, choose to kill one another.

That's also what all that moron athlete bullshit is all about, and what that macho, male posturing and strutting around in bars and locker rooms represents. It's called 'dick fear.' Men are terrified that their dicks are inadequate, and so they have to 'compete' in order to feel better about themselves. And since war is the ultimate competition, essentially men are killing one another in order to improve their genital self-esteem.

You needn't be a historian or a political scientist to see the Bigger Dick Foreign Policy Theory at work. It goes like this: 'What? They have bigger dicks? Bomb them!' And of course, the bombs, the rockets, and the bullets are all shaped like penises. Phallic weapons. There's an unconscious need to project the national penis into the affairs of others. It's called 'fucking with people' " --- George Carlin
Police don't like to be targeted. The black community says "Really?" :cool:

THIS right here is why we're in the mess we're in. You have no sense of reality....NONE

It is also proof of my other thread. You condone this violence. Perhaps one day it will come for you and your tune will change.

Your accusations are lame. Point is that cops don't seem to like it when they are targeted. No one does. Yet they target blacks with impunity and now cry that THEY are unfairly targeted. It's ironic.
The presidunce and both attorneys general have been against the police. None of them have ever done anything but denigrate the police.


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This is the fault of Obama, BLM, the new black Panthers, the left wing media and George Soros .. Soros is funding it , Obama is allowing , BLM and black Panthers are carrying it out and the media is making money from it.. The Summer of Chaos is coming true.. This is all planned by Soros and Obama and BLM .. So Libs . So if this continues through the summer are you going to say that this summer of Chaos is true. If Obama calls for Marshal law right before the elections are you going to say the people who has been saying this for years it was going to happen . Are you going to concede and say they were right?? Will you be happy if Obama calls for Marshal Law so he can remain president? do you want a dictator?

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