Three Dozen Female Colleagues from SNL Defend Franken

A embarrassment at best, downright enablers at worst!

If you voted for Trump, and I have no idea if you did or not, you need to STFU. After all, you would be an enabler-in-chief...

Oh, I see, tis worse to vote for someone who was accused, then to vote for an enabler who was now proven. And remember, it wasn't me who admitted that Bill should have been removed, it is now your own people..........and who helped him deflect? Why Hillary-) Lefty logic, lol
Oh, I see, tis worse to vote for someone who was accused, then to vote for an enabler who was now proven. And remember, it wasn't me who admitted that Bill should have been removed, it is now your own people..........and who helped him deflect? Why Hillary-) Lefty logic, lol

So you did vote for the pussy grabber? So you accuse others of enabling, while you are doing the same. You're a hypocrite. Well done.
Bill was a great president, but terribly flawed person.
I didn't vote for any of them...
Bill had consensual sex with Monica. Nobody's business but theirs....

Hillary is Hillary. For all her flaws, would have been infinitely a better president than The Orange Buffoon.
I don't think she enabled him with anything.

You say that anyone who voted for Trump is an "enabler" but Hillary didn't "enable" Bill in any way. LOL. Thanks for the laugh. Please, carry on!
i read an article last night by some woman opining how those women's accounts were meaningless but i also disagree. thank you, jillian!

creeps have creepy patterns of behavior...

al franken behaved badly in a certain situation where other loose behavior was going on and he got caught up in bad judgement.

many many credible rational women who have worked closely with al franken have vouched for his verifiable pattern of appropriate and professional behavior in their presence.

guys like al are simply not in the same league as trump, roy moore, weinstein, CK, etc...

the relevant creep factor is not even close!
. Have you lost your mind ?? So a man's wife of over 30 years is not to be believed, but a flippin liberal leaning SNL non-funny shows women speaks, and the whole country is supposed to just say "ok since SNL'S women says so, then it must be all ok" ? Good Grief !!!!!
Release the Franken!

Stay in the Senate, Al

why wouldn't he? even the woman who complained says he shouldn't resign and she doesn't want a hearing for a stupid picture.

why do we need to keep telling you this, Frankie?

now feel free to go support the orange sexual predator and the child molester roy moore.

What about the second accuser?
2nd Al Franken accuser on why she went public with her story

Lindsay Menz, who has accused Sen. Al Franken of groping her at the Minnesota State Fair in 2010, is speaking out about the alleged incident for the first time on camera this morning.
Oh, I see, tis worse to vote for someone who was accused, then to vote for an enabler who was now proven. And remember, it wasn't me who admitted that Bill should have been removed, it is now your own people..........and who helped him deflect? Why Hillary-) Lefty logic, lol

So you did vote for the pussy grabber? So you accuse others of enabling, while you are doing the same. You're a hypocrite. Well done.
Bill was a great president, but terribly flawed person.
I didn't vote for any of them...
Bill had consensual sex with Monica. Nobody's business but theirs....

Hillary is Hillary. For all her flaws, would have been infinitely a better president than The Orange Buffoon.

So you didn't vote for any of them? Then why complain! You got what you allowed other people to give you.

As far as the your assertion that Trump grabbed PU***. So did your friend Bill, and he raped it! So did Al, so did Conniers. So what do you want to do? You tell us!

You want them all thrown out? OK, lets do it! Everyone from here through mid February, gets INSTANTLY thrown out! What do you say? I know what is coming, and I am ALL FOR IT-)
Oh, I see, tis worse to vote for someone who was accused, then to vote for an enabler who was now proven. And remember, it wasn't me who admitted that Bill should have been removed, it is now your own people..........and who helped him deflect? Why Hillary-) Lefty logic, lol

So you did vote for the pussy grabber? So you accuse others of enabling, while you are doing the same. You're a hypocrite. Well done.
Bill was a great president, but terribly flawed person.
I didn't vote for any of them...
Bill had consensual sex with Monica. Nobody's business but theirs....

Hillary is Hillary. For all her flaws, would have been infinitely a better president than The Orange Buffoon.
. Oh quit belly aching.. The Demon-crats are the ones who lowered the bars in all this bullcrap in trying to protect their own. Once upon a time infidelity was considered a very dishonorable thing, but in the protection of Bill Clinton's infidelity the bar was moved to accommodate his protection under all circumstances. Now we have since moved on towards normalizing all sorts of crazy things in order to accommodate the actions of those in high places doing things that people considered highly inappropriate throughout time. Like it has been said before, the libs need to quit acting all surprised at Trump or others when things are said, because they (the libs) set the stage for these people to be elected in the environments in which they themselves had created. This feigned politically motivated outrage you people get is just hilarious.
I wonder how many of the women Donald gawked at in teen beauty pageants would stick up for him? how about the child molester? are the young girls he couldn't keep his hands off of standing up for him? No? didn't think so.... but the women who worked with Al sure are.

Three dozen women who worked with Sen. Al Franken on the set of "Saturday Night Live" signed a statement pledging their support for the comedian-turned-politician, who was accused last week of sexual harassment.

The letter was signed by 36 women who worked on the show in some capacity during Franken's two tenures, from 1977-1980 and 1988-1995. Most were production and crew members, save for cast members Jane Curtin and Laraine Newman.

We feel compelled to stand up for Al Franken, whom we have all had the pleasure of working with over the years on 'Saturday Night Live,'" the statement read.

"What Al did was stupid and foolish, and we think it was appropriate for him to apologize to Ms. Tweeden, and to the public. In our experience, we know Al as a devoted and dedicated family man, a wonderful comedic performer, and an honorable public servant. That is why we are moved to quickly and directly affirm that after years of working with him, we would like to acknowledge that not one of us ever experienced any inappropriate behavior; and mention our sincere appreciation that he treated each of us with the utmost respect and regard."

*more at link*

‘SNL’ women defend Al Franken amid sexual harassment accusations
ahh yes as i suspected when it comes to democrats we should attack the women but with republicans we should believe them.
i read an article last night by some woman opining how those women's accounts were meaningless but i also disagree. thank you, jillian!

creeps have creepy patterns of behavior...

al franken behaved badly in a certain situation where other loose behavior was going on and he got caught up in bad judgement.

many many credible rational women who have worked closely with al franken have vouched for his verifiable pattern of appropriate and professional behavior in their presence.

guys like al are simply not in the same league as trump, roy moore, weinstein, CK, etc...

the relevant creep factor is not even close!
. Have you lost your mind ?? So a man's wife of over 30 years is not to be believed, but a flippin liberal leaning SNL non-funny shows women speaks, and the whole country is supposed to just say "ok since SNL'S women says so, then it must be all ok" ? Good Grief !!!!!
Libtarded innit?
The liberal hive protecting one of its queens.
Aren't you the same sterling intellect who just a few minutes ago tried to get away with posting that the Confederacy were "Liberals"?

Why yes, you are.

Run, don't walk, to that library. And stay in there over the holiday. You need it.
Oh, I see, tis worse to vote for someone who was accused, then to vote for an enabler who was now proven. And remember, it wasn't me who admitted that Bill should have been removed, it is now your own people..........and who helped him deflect? Why Hillary-) Lefty logic, lol

So you did vote for the pussy grabber? So you accuse others of enabling, while you are doing the same. You're a hypocrite. Well done.
Bill was a great president, but terribly flawed person.
I didn't vote for any of them...
Bill had consensual sex with Monica. Nobody's business but theirs....

Hillary is Hillary. For all her flaws, would have been infinitely a better president than The Orange Buffoon.
. Oh quit belly aching.. The Demon-crats are the ones who lowered the bars in all this bullcrap in trying to protect their own. Once upon a time infidelity was considered a very dishonorable thing, but in the protection of Bill Clinton's infidelity the bar was moved to accommodate his protection under all circumstances. Now we have since moved on towards normalizing all sorts of crazy things in order to accommodate the actions of those in high places doing things that people considered highly inappropriate throughout time. Like it has been said before, the libs need to quit acting all surprised at Trump or others when things are said, because they (the libs) set the stage for these people to be elected in the environments in which they themselves had created. This feigned politically motivated outrage you people get is just hilarious.

The left actually thinks they have this, lol.

Let me tell all of you good people, by New Years, they are DOA!
Oh quit belly aching.. The Demon-crats are the ones who lowered the bars in all this bullcrap in trying to protect their own. Once upon a time infidelity was considered a very dishonorable thing, but in the protection of Bill Clinton's infidelity the bar was moved to accommodate his protection under all circumstances.

That's true. Well said.

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