Three issues that most (not all) R-W'ers refuse to accept

First, the repeated claim that Obama has.....virtually single-handedly ....boosted our country's deficit by $18 or so trillion......

Nobody has made such a claim

wrong ... I've corrected RW's and their lack of deficit/debt education on almost a daily basis .... soooooooooooooooooooo

Please provide a quote of someone who has blamed Obama for creating $18 trillion in debt.

please hold your breath while I review several hundred threads ...
Over the several months that I've accessed this forum, there are three issues that most right wingers refuse to acknowledge....either because of denial, or because of abject stupidity. I am sure that privately, they know better, but on here, these issues get denied as if reality did not exist, trumped by partisanship.

First, the repeated claim that Obama has.....virtually single-handedly ....boosted our country's deficit by $18 or so trillion......There is no mention by these right wingers as to how the costly wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were going to be paid, and the interest that MUST be paid from this borrowed money. Although Obama has managed to hold expenditures down a bit, any mention of additional taxes to pay for these wars or to improve our crumbling infrastructure and these right wingers go ballistic.

Second, the other repeated claim that Hillary Clinton and the President lied about the Benghazi tragedy. Actually, facts are pretty clear to anyone who wishes to exercise even a bit of objectivity. The stupid video WAS a main contributing factor to riots in Indonesia, Egypt, Tunisia, England, France, Somalia, etc......Ergo, the FIRST assumption by the State Department was indeed that the video caused the Benghazi uprising which, later, turned out to be a confirmed terrorist attack. Beside all the speculation and despite the arrest of one Libyan terrorist who declared that the video was indeed the font for the riots, the administration DID conclude that it was a terrorist attack. Hatred of Clinton and Obama seems to blur these simple realities.

Third, the right wingers also repeated claim that global warming is nothing but a hoax......Although virtually ALL reputable scientists state otherwise, these right wingers have chosen to believe such "scholars" as Hannity, Levin, Palin or Limbaugh that claim that GW is simply a socialist and liberal plot against the well-known polluters and big businesses.

Obama's election....and, most of all, RE-election.....has scratched off that very thin veneer of decency, objectivity and sanity that once united us all.....Now, hatred by some seems to trump even stark reality.

the low information wackos repeat what they hear and read in the rightwingnut blogosphere.

Yep, like the hildabeast emailing her rug rat the night of the attack saying it was an al Qaeda like group terrorist attack and her message to the Egyptian Prime minister the following day verifying the same, saying the video had nothing to do with it. That kind of rightwing blogosphere bs?
Nobody claimed Obama increased the deficit by $18 trillion or anywhere near that. Are you confusing the deficit with the national debt? Nobody claimed he increased the national debt by $18 trillion either. I think you need to re-write your OP since we can't very well debate utter nonsense you made up in your head.

Obama the liar, the con man, the snake called it "irresponsible and unpatriotic" did he not now the deficit has ballooned to $18 trillion on his watch. Answering yes or no is Obama a lying two faced hypocrite?

That post does not claim Obama made the 18trillion it asked if we are at 18 trillion NOW under Obama. Perhaps you should go back to school and learn how to understand what you read?
Over the several months that I've accessed this forum, there are three issues that most right wingers refuse to acknowledge....either because of denial, or because of abject stupidity. I am sure that privately, they know better, but on here, these issues get denied as if reality did not exist, trumped by partisanship.

First, the repeated claim that Obama has.....virtually single-handedly ....boosted our country's deficit by $18 or so trillion......There is no mention by these right wingers as to how the costly wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were going to be paid, and the interest that MUST be paid from this borrowed money. Although Obama has managed to hold expenditures down a bit, any mention of additional taxes to pay for these wars or to improve our crumbling infrastructure and these right wingers go ballistic.
Firstly, obama didn't hold down spending, period. That was the Republicans. No one claim obama added all the debt, he merely doubled it. That money for the wars you're bitching about could have gone to it. And it's a small fraction of our entire liability. Ignoring everything else is senseless.
Second, the other repeated claim that Hillary Clinton and the President lied about the Benghazi tragedy. Actually, facts are pretty clear to anyone who wishes to exercise even a bit of objectivity. The stupid video WAS a main contributing factor to riots in Indonesia, Egypt, Tunisia, England, France, Somalia, etc......Ergo, the FIRST assumption by the State Department was indeed that the video caused the Benghazi uprising which, later, turned out to be a confirmed terrorist attack. Beside all the speculation and despite the arrest of one Libyan terrorist who declared that the video was indeed the font for the riots, the administration DID conclude that it was a terrorist attack. Hatred of Clinton and Obama seems to blur these simple realities.
Yes, Hillary dropped the ball, people died and then she lied. To help obama get elected. I thought you said the right has avoided your points? Do you read the forum?
Third, the right wingers also repeated claim that global warming is nothing but a hoax......Although virtually ALL reputable scientists state otherwise, these right wingers have chosen to believe such "scholars" as Hannity, Levin, Palin or Limbaugh that claim that GW is simply a socialist and liberal plot against the well-known polluters and big businesses.

Obama's election....and, most of all, RE-election.....has scratched off that very thin veneer of decency, objectivity and sanity that once united us all.....Now, hatred by some seems to trump even stark reality.
You discussing sanity is like listening to a Muslim opine on the Jewish situation. You had to throw the word "credible" in there, well because you're a dishonest fuck. Let's be honest. You don't get to decide who all is credible or not for everyone else.

The fact is we are emitting less pollutants as technology grows. Crippling businesses with heavy taxes and fines to chase a liberal wet dream around isn't going to be good for the economy or employment. The Earth has always warmed and cooled, it's grade school stuff.
Nobody claimed Obama increased the deficit by $18 trillion or anywhere near that. Are you confusing the deficit with the national debt? Nobody claimed he increased the national debt by $18 trillion either. I think you need to re-write your OP since we can't very well debate utter nonsense you made up in your head.

Obama the liar, the con man, the snake called it "irresponsible and unpatriotic" did he not now the deficit has ballooned to $18 trillion on his watch. Answering yes or no is Obama a lying two faced hypocrite?

That post does not claim Obama made the 18trillion it asked if we are at 18 trillion NOW under Obama. Perhaps you should go back to school and learn how to understand what you read?

If I say 9-11 happened on Bush's watch, doesn't that mean I'm blaming Bush for 9-11?

Now, off to the Obama's FEMA re-education camp for you! :)
What I find TRULY Amazing is the ability of the Obama supporters to pretend that after almost 8 years Obama is some how NOT responsible for anything at all.
One thing off the top of my head, under the Obama Administration, OBL was finally tracked down and killed. Now, I know that's a negative in the eyes of the RW............
First, the repeated claim that Obama has.....virtually single-handedly ....boosted our country's deficit by $18 or so trillion......

Nobody has made such a claim

wrong ... I've corrected RW's and their lack of deficit/debt education on almost a daily basis .... soooooooooooooooooooo

Please provide a quote of someone who has blamed Obama for creating $18 trillion in debt.

Here's one... (minus the $42) :)

the deficit is 18 Trillion...Period! Christ,,,wasnt it around 42.00 when Clinton was President?
First, the repeated claim that Obama has.....virtually single-handedly ....boosted our country's deficit by $18 or so trillion......

Nobody has made such a claim

wrong ... I've corrected RW's and their lack of deficit/debt education on almost a daily basis .... soooooooooooooooooooo

Please provide a quote of someone who has blamed Obama for creating $18 trillion in debt.


Yup....and they reported that Obama got the National Debt to over $18 trillion on a pace to more than doubling it by the time he leaves office.....$24 trillion and we become Greece.
First, the repeated claim that Obama has.....virtually single-handedly ....boosted our country's deficit by $18 or so trillion......

Nobody has made such a claim

wrong ... I've corrected RW's and their lack of deficit/debt education on almost a daily basis .... soooooooooooooooooooo

Please provide a quote of someone who has blamed Obama for creating $18 trillion in debt.

nat said deficit, I know you mean deficit and not debt don't you? There is a difference between federal deficit and national debt .... yet again.

Nobody claimed Obama increased the deficit by $18 trillion or anywhere near that. Are you confusing the deficit with the national debt? Nobody claimed he increased the national debt by $18 trillion either. I think you need to re-write your OP since we can't very well debate utter nonsense you made up in your head.

Obama the liar, the con man, the snake called it "irresponsible and unpatriotic" did he not now the deficit has ballooned to $18 trillion on his watch. Answering yes or no is Obama a lying two faced hypocrite?


Ahahaha you fail at reading comprehension. What do you think "the deficit has ballooned
Nobody claimed Obama increased the deficit by $18 trillion or anywhere near that. Are you confusing the deficit with the national debt? Nobody claimed he increased the national debt by $18 trillion either. I think you need to re-write your OP since we can't very well debate utter nonsense you made up in your head.

Obama the liar, the con man, the snake called it "irresponsible and unpatriotic" did he not now the deficit has ballooned to $18 trillion on his watch. Answering yes or no is Obama a lying two faced hypocrite?


Ah, so you want to debate a typo? I obviously meant the word 'debt' and you are ignoring the phrase "ballooned to" is this by choice? I'm still waiting for the left to make an honest rational argument worth debating.
Nobody claimed Obama increased the deficit by $18 trillion or anywhere near that. Are you confusing the deficit with the national debt? Nobody claimed he increased the national debt by $18 trillion either. I think you need to re-write your OP since we can't very well debate utter nonsense you made up in your head.

Obama the liar, the con man, the snake called it "irresponsible and unpatriotic" did he not now the deficit has ballooned to $18 trillion on his watch. Answering yes or no is Obama a lying two faced hypocrite?


Ahahaha you fail at reading comprehension. What do you think "the deficit has ballooned
Nobody claimed Obama increased the deficit by $18 trillion or anywhere near that. Are you confusing the deficit with the national debt? Nobody claimed he increased the national debt by $18 trillion either. I think you need to re-write your OP since we can't very well debate utter nonsense you made up in your head.

Obama the liar, the con man, the snake called it "irresponsible and unpatriotic" did he not now the deficit has ballooned to $18 trillion on his watch. Answering yes or no is Obama a lying two faced hypocrite?

That post does not claim Obama made the 18trillion it asked if we are at 18 trillion NOW under Obama. Perhaps you should go back to school and learn how to understand what you read?

No, you fail at reading comprehension.
First, the repeated claim that Obama has.....virtually single-handedly ....boosted our country's deficit by $18 or so trillion
If you hold Bush responsible for every penny of deficit during his term, you must then hold The Obama to the same standard.
If you're honest anyway -- which we all know you are not.

Second, the other repeated claim that Hillary Clinton and the President lied about the Benghazi tragedy.
You assume that this is a meaningful issue to :"R-wingers"
-I- don't care.
This negates your premise.

Third, the right wingers also repeated claim that global warming is nothing but a hoax
A rational, honest person understands there are at least two sides to this - that the planet is actually warming, and that the warming is caused by man.
The former is questionable, the latter is Post hoc ergo propter hoc

By all means lets have a link to even one post that claims Obama increased the deficit or debt by $18 trillion. You can't produce a link because no such post exists. The national debt was $10 trillion when he took office in 2009, now its $18 trillion. $18 trillion minus $10 trillion = $8 trillion that he's responsible for. There I did the 3rd grade math for you libs geesh.

You're right that I should have typed "national debt" instead of deficit.......NOW, address the question of WHERE that $8 trillion went....but make sure you include in your response such little items as TARP, bailouts and, most of all, the INTEREST on the Cheney wars.
First, the repeated claim that Obama has.....virtually single-handedly ....boosted our country's deficit by $18 or so trillion
If you hold Bush responsible for every penny of deficit during his term, you must then hold The Obama to the same standard.
If you're honest anyway -- which we all know you are not.

Second, the other repeated claim that Hillary Clinton and the President lied about the Benghazi tragedy.
You assume that this is a meaningful issue to :"R-wingers"
-I- don't care.
This negates your premise.

Third, the right wingers also repeated claim that global warming is nothing but a hoax
A rational, honest person understands there are at least two sides to this - that the planet is actually warming, and that the warming is caused by man.
The former is questionable, the latter is Post hoc ergo propter hoc


debt or deficit ... the debt belongs to EVERY president, the deficit belongs to current presidents ... and Obama has lowered the deficit from 1.4 trillion to .5 trillion ...

yet again..

First, the repeated claim that Obama has.....virtually single-handedly ....boosted our country's deficit by $18 or so trillion......

Nobody has made such a claim

wrong ... I've corrected RW's and their lack of deficit/debt education on almost a daily basis .... soooooooooooooooooooo

Please provide a quote of someone who has blamed Obama for creating $18 trillion in debt.

please hold your breath while I review several hundred threads ...

I am here to help. LOL!

Wow.....So full of shit.
Evil? No. Evil is the desire to reach into the bank accounts of the producers and spend the money on horseshit.
This administration has run up an $18 trillion deficit.
All you have are left wing talking points. None of which are based in fact.
If you hold Bush responsible for every penny of deficit during his term, you must then hold The Obama to the same standard.
If you're honest anyway -- which we all know you are not.

Wrong, there is much to criticize Obama for.....(mostly for not kicking your collective arses harder)....But I DO hold Bush responsible for the WARS with borrowed money, and giving tax cuts to cronies at the same time.
Nobody claimed Obama increased the deficit by $18 trillion or anywhere near that. Are you confusing the deficit with the national debt? Nobody claimed he increased the national debt by $18 trillion either. I think you need to re-write your OP since we can't very well debate utter nonsense you made up in your head.

Obama the liar, the con man, the snake called it "irresponsible and unpatriotic" did he not now the deficit has ballooned to $18 trillion on his watch. Answering yes or no is Obama a lying two faced hypocrite?


Ahahaha you fail at reading comprehension. What do you think "the deficit has ballooned
Nobody claimed Obama increased the deficit by $18 trillion or anywhere near that. Are you confusing the deficit with the national debt? Nobody claimed he increased the national debt by $18 trillion either. I think you need to re-write your OP since we can't very well debate utter nonsense you made up in your head.

Obama the liar, the con man, the snake called it "irresponsible and unpatriotic" did he not now the deficit has ballooned to $18 trillion on his watch. Answering yes or no is Obama a lying two faced hypocrite?


Ah, so you want to debate a typo? I obviously meant the word 'debt' and you are ignoring the phrase "ballooned to" is this by choice? I'm still waiting for the left to make an honest rational argument worth debating.

Yes, I'm sure it was a typo, (eye roll) or you just lie a lot. According to my sig line, you lie a lot. :D
First, the repeated claim that Obama has.....virtually single-handedly ....boosted our country's deficit by $18 or so trillion......

Nobody has made such a claim

wrong ... I've corrected RW's and their lack of deficit/debt education on almost a daily basis .... soooooooooooooooooooo

Please provide a quote of someone who has blamed Obama for creating $18 trillion in debt.

please hold your breath while I review several hundred threads ...

yeah, that's the answer I expected.

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