Three issues that most (not all) R-W'ers refuse to accept

Over the several months that I've accessed this forum, there are three issues that most right wingers refuse to acknowledge....either because of denial, or because of abject stupidity. I am sure that privately, they know better, but on here, these issues get denied as if reality did not exist, trumped by partisanship.

First, the repeated claim that Obama has.....virtually single-handedly ....boosted our country's deficit by $18 or so trillion......There is no mention by these right wingers as to how the costly wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were going to be paid, and the interest that MUST be paid from this borrowed money. Although Obama has managed to hold expenditures down a bit, any mention of additional taxes to pay for these wars or to improve our crumbling infrastructure and these right wingers go ballistic.

Second, the other repeated claim that Hillary Clinton and the President lied about the Benghazi tragedy. Actually, facts are pretty clear to anyone who wishes to exercise even a bit of objectivity. The stupid video WAS a main contributing factor to riots in Indonesia, Egypt, Tunisia, England, France, Somalia, etc......Ergo, the FIRST assumption by the State Department was indeed that the video caused the Benghazi uprising which, later, turned out to be a confirmed terrorist attack. Beside all the speculation and despite the arrest of one Libyan terrorist who declared that the video was indeed the font for the riots, the administration DID conclude that it was a terrorist attack. Hatred of Clinton and Obama seems to blur these simple realities.

Third, the right wingers also repeated claim that global warming is nothing but a hoax......Although virtually ALL reputable scientists state otherwise, these right wingers have chosen to believe such "scholars" as Hannity, Levin, Palin or Limbaugh that claim that GW is simply a socialist and liberal plot against the well-known polluters and big businesses.

Obama's election....and, most of all, RE-election.....has scratched off that very thin veneer of decency, objectivity and sanity that once united us all.....Now, hatred by some seems to trump even stark reality.

Oh look more far left propaganda not based on reality..

This from a far left drone that supports Obama's illegal wars and Obama doing away with due process/
Over the several months that I've accessed this forum, there are three issues that most right wingers refuse to acknowledge....either because of denial, or because of abject stupidity. I am sure that privately, they know better, but on here, these issues get denied as if reality did not exist, trumped by partisanship.

First, the repeated claim that Obama has.....virtually single-handedly ....boosted our country's deficit by $18 or so trillion......There is no mention by these right wingers as to how the costly wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were going to be paid, and the interest that MUST be paid from this borrowed money. Although Obama has managed to hold expenditures down a bit, any mention of additional taxes to pay for these wars or to improve our crumbling infrastructure and these right wingers go ballistic.

Second, the other repeated claim that Hillary Clinton and the President lied about the Benghazi tragedy. Actually, facts are pretty clear to anyone who wishes to exercise even a bit of objectivity. The stupid video WAS a main contributing factor to riots in Indonesia, Egypt, Tunisia, England, France, Somalia, etc......Ergo, the FIRST assumption by the State Department was indeed that the video caused the Benghazi uprising which, later, turned out to be a confirmed terrorist attack. Beside all the speculation and despite the arrest of one Libyan terrorist who declared that the video was indeed the font for the riots, the administration DID conclude that it was a terrorist attack. Hatred of Clinton and Obama seems to blur these simple realities.

Third, the right wingers also repeated claim that global warming is nothing but a hoax......Although virtually ALL reputable scientists state otherwise, these right wingers have chosen to believe such "scholars" as Hannity, Levin, Palin or Limbaugh that claim that GW is simply a socialist and liberal plot against the well-known polluters and big businesses.

Obama's election....and, most of all, RE-election.....has scratched off that very thin veneer of decency, objectivity and sanity that once united us all.....Now, hatred by some seems to trump even stark reality.

Obama's been president since 2009.. it is now 2015... he owns this mess.


There was a time when things happened during a President term in office that he was held accountable....
Then Obama comes along and anything that happens that is bad Obama had nothing to do with it.
When something good happens like the Stock market doing well Obama was solely responsible.
You really should cool your jets there loudmouth. My son and son-in-law both fought in Afghanistan. I don't appreciate your chicken-ass attitude.

take it up with the poster to whom I sarcastically responded....and, by the way, I too, served during the glorious Viet Nam escapade.

So when did you become a coward, before or after?

If you fought in Vietnam, has your doctor screened you for Alzheimer's yet? Maybe you simply forgot that you have testicles.

John Wayne was indeed a racist.

Sure he was! That's why he married three Hispanic women! That racist bastard!
You really should cool your jets there loudmouth. My son and son-in-law both fought in Afghanistan. I don't appreciate your chicken-ass attitude.

take it up with the poster to whom I sarcastically responded....and, by the way, I too, served during the glorious Viet Nam escapade.

So when did you become a coward, before or after?

If you fought in Vietnam, has your doctor screened you for Alzheimer's yet? Maybe you simply forgot that you have testicles.

John Wayne was indeed a racist.

Sure he was! That's why he married three Hispanic women! That racist bastard!

He was monogamously challenged, and a big time racist. Read his 1971 Playboy interview.
Obama's election....and, most of all, RE-election.....has scratched off that very thin veneer of decency, objectivity and sanity that once united us all.....Now, hatred by some seems to trump even stark reality.

The far right moronicy certainly has revealed itself.

Obama, however, has not been a good president.

It's tough to tell if his arrogance gets in the way or if he really is as detached as he appears.

Either way, there is a lot of negative energy at both ends.

The people in the middle who can't stand the low pH of the conversation tend to vacate.

That is why all you see is the whacko's on Fox and MSNBC.

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