Three issues that most (not all) R-W'ers refuse to accept

Over the several months that I've accessed this forum, there are three issues that most right wingers refuse to acknowledge....either because of denial, or because of abject stupidity. I am sure that privately, they know better, but on here, these issues get denied as if reality did not exist, trumped by partisanship.

First, the repeated claim that Obama has.....virtually single-handedly ....boosted our country's deficit by $18 or so trillion......There is no mention by these right wingers as to how the costly wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were going to be paid, and the interest that MUST be paid from this borrowed money. Although Obama has managed to hold expenditures down a bit, any mention of additional taxes to pay for these wars or to improve our crumbling infrastructure and these right wingers go ballistic.

Second, the other repeated claim that Hillary Clinton and the President lied about the Benghazi tragedy. Actually, facts are pretty clear to anyone who wishes to exercise even a bit of objectivity. The stupid video WAS a main contributing factor to riots in Indonesia, Egypt, Tunisia, England, France, Somalia, etc......Ergo, the FIRST assumption by the State Department was indeed that the video caused the Benghazi uprising which, later, turned out to be a confirmed terrorist attack. Beside all the speculation and despite the arrest of one Libyan terrorist who declared that the video was indeed the font for the riots, the administration DID conclude that it was a terrorist attack. Hatred of Clinton and Obama seems to blur these simple realities.

Third, the right wingers also repeated claim that global warming is nothing but a hoax......Although virtually ALL reputable scientists state otherwise, these right wingers have chosen to believe such "scholars" as Hannity, Levin, Palin or Limbaugh that claim that GW is simply a socialist and liberal plot against the well-known polluters and big businesses.

Obama's election....and, most of all, RE-election.....has scratched off that very thin veneer of decency, objectivity and sanity that once united us all.....Now, hatred by some seems to trump even stark reality.

There's a damn site more than 3. For example, despite the overwhelming evidence that supply side economics is an abject failure because it just doesn't work, they keep pushing it as if it was a proven success.
You really should cool your jets there loudmouth. My son and son-in-law both fought in Afghanistan. I don't appreciate your chicken-ass attitude.

take it up with the poster to whom I sarcastically responded....and, by the way, I too, served during the glorious Viet Nam escapade.
One person told us about Saddam's WMDs. His name was Chalabi (Code named "Curveball") and he just died.

May he rot in hell......He and Cheney figured out a way to make huge amounts of money off the deaths of hundred of thousands of bodies.

Really? How much money did they make since both men were very comfortable and now have a nice federal pension?

Is it hard to learn to talk out of your ass? Did you take lessons or is it a talent?
You really should cool your jets there loudmouth. My son and son-in-law both fought in Afghanistan. I don't appreciate your chicken-ass attitude.

take it up with the poster to whom I sarcastically responded....and, by the way, I too, served during the glorious Viet Nam escapade.

So when did you become a coward, before or after?

If you fought in Vietnam, has your doctor screened you for Alzheimer's yet? Maybe you simply forgot that you have testicles.
The far right have either mental feeblenees, a woeful education, or malignant motivation, or a combination of any or all three issues.
From what I've analyzed, the libs and you, whatever the fuck you are, don't give a crap about this country. They only care about their team winning.
Says the woman who is talking to herself in the mirror. You have lost the battle, and now are losing the war. That is not going to change.
1. Please tell us the exact number the two wars cost us minus what we would of paid anyway in military salary etc...

You're partially correct......Because of the Cheney wars, we no longer pay a "salary" to the 4,000+ US military service people who came home in body bags. Aren't you elated?

You really should cool your jets there loudmouth. My son and son-in-law both fought in Afghanistan. I don't appreciate your chicken-ass attitude.
Many who have opposed the never-ending wars are military veterans ourselves. I honor your service. Our commander in chiefs, from Reagan to Obama, have not served us or the American people well.
You really should cool your jets there loudmouth. My son and son-in-law both fought in Afghanistan. I don't appreciate your chicken-ass attitude.

take it up with the poster to whom I sarcastically responded....and, by the way, I too, served during the glorious Viet Nam escapade.

So when did you become a coward, before or after?

If you fought in Vietnam, has your doctor screened you for Alzheimer's yet? Maybe you simply forgot that you have testicles.
Fuck you, you dumb butt. Your jingoism is not patriotism, just misguided stupidity.
emocrats voted to give Bush and Cheney permission to go to war with Iraq, they keep trying to forget that fact and I keep reminding them.

....and I keep repeating something that will should engage all of your few remaining brain cells.......
."If someone tells you a LIE (Cheney et al.) and you (dems. in congress) act on that lie believing it to be true.......WHO is ultimately at fault?"

Well first you have to know what a lie is.

A lie is when somebody knows the truth but says otherwise. In order to prove one is a liar, one must first prove that said liar knew the truth in the first place. Example:

"I did not have sex with that woman............Mz Lewinsky."

See, now there is a lie. Why? Because we have DNA evidence to prove otherwise and said liar admitted it.

"If you want your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your health insurance, you can keep your health insurance."

Once again, a proven liar. Why? Because according to the National Registry, his minions wrote that they expected most people to lose their doctors and insurance coverage. It was even written in the law.

Now that we know what a liar is, what did Bush and Cheney lie about? Where is your proof they knew the truth?
Yep, like the hildabeast emailing her rug rat the night of the attack saying it was an al Qaeda like group terrorist attack and her message to the Egyptian Prime minister the following day verifying the same, saying the video had nothing to do with it. That kind of rightwing blogosphere bs?

Most sane people (which would have to exclude you) would understand the difference between "suspicion"...which you voice to your close family.....and what the current speculation (the video) showed based on what was happening throughout the rest of the world.

So the Egyptian Prime Minister is a close family friend? Your obfuscation and general bullshit ain't fly'n. The bitch, rice and your dear leader all lied to the country and the world. If you ever bother to grow up you MIGHT realize it and be adult enough to admit it.
Why does it worry lefties so much that Obama increased the Country's deficit? It happened didn't it? Even Hillary doesn't quote the obscure you tube video as a cause of Benghazi and there ain't a single democrat other than the whiny true believers who don't laugh at it. I guess some people didn't get the memo. Since it has been pretty well acknowledged that the globe isn't warming the anti-American radicals changed the issue to "climate change" but they still blame America's decadence.
emocrats voted to give Bush and Cheney permission to go to war with Iraq, they keep trying to forget that fact and I keep reminding them.

....and I keep repeating something that will should engage all of your few remaining brain cells.......
."If someone tells you a LIE (Cheney et al.) and you (dems. in congress) act on that lie believing it to be true.......WHO is ultimately at fault?"

Please list Cheney's lies and your supporting documentation, you know to avoid being mocked again.
Over the several months that I've accessed this forum, there are three issues that most right wingers refuse to acknowledge....either because of denial, or because of abject stupidity. I am sure that privately, they know better, but on here, these issues get denied as if reality did not exist, trumped by partisanship.

First, the repeated claim that Obama has.....virtually single-handedly ....boosted our country's deficit by $18 or so trillion......There is no mention by these right wingers as to how the costly wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were going to be paid, and the interest that MUST be paid from this borrowed money. Although Obama has managed to hold expenditures down a bit, any mention of additional taxes to pay for these wars or to improve our crumbling infrastructure and these right wingers go ballistic.

Second, the other repeated claim that Hillary Clinton and the President lied about the Benghazi tragedy. Actually, facts are pretty clear to anyone who wishes to exercise even a bit of objectivity. The stupid video WAS a main contributing factor to riots in Indonesia, Egypt, Tunisia, England, France, Somalia, etc......Ergo, the FIRST assumption by the State Department was indeed that the video caused the Benghazi uprising which, later, turned out to be a confirmed terrorist attack. Beside all the speculation and despite the arrest of one Libyan terrorist who declared that the video was indeed the font for the riots, the administration DID conclude that it was a terrorist attack. Hatred of Clinton and Obama seems to blur these simple realities.

Third, the right wingers also repeated claim that global warming is nothing but a hoax......Although virtually ALL reputable scientists state otherwise, these right wingers have chosen to believe such "scholars" as Hannity, Levin, Palin or Limbaugh that claim that GW is simply a socialist and liberal plot against the well-known polluters and big businesses.

Obama's election....and, most of all, RE-election.....has scratched off that very thin veneer of decency, objectivity and sanity that once united us all.....Now, hatred by some seems to trump even stark reality.

I think I'd need to delete the parenthetical (not all) right wingers on here.......They'll defend their subjectivity and stupidity because............well because that's all they got.
Why does it worry lefties so much that Obama increased the Country's deficit? It happened didn't it? Even Hillary doesn't quote the obscure you tube video as a cause of Benghazi and there ain't a single democrat other than the whiny true believers who don't laugh at it. I guess some people didn't get the memo. Since it has been pretty well acknowledged that the globe isn't warming the anti-American radicals changed the issue to "climate change" but they still blame America's decadence.

Climate change is just a means to an end. Its rare that liberals can further their agenda openly and honestly because a majority of the people will not buy into their stupid idiocy. So they find other twisted methods like climate change, the spotted owl, or holes in the ozone to further the agenda. Liberals want to raid the corporate profits of corporations they hate and despise. It really pisses them off that corporations are making profits on things like oil, gas, and coal. But they can't convince a majority of the people to back them so they fabricate climate change. This lets them attack the corporations directly under the guise of protecting the planet. That they can also pass insane tax increases on the poor and middle aka 'carbon' taxes is a bonus.
You left off number four where the right wingers have a blatant disregard for life and support and participate in the genocide of our future generations by aborting babies on a daily basis. Oh wait......that isn't the right wingers. Never mind.

Moronic....YOUR ilk likes for the babies to be born.....and THEN go on for a lifetime bitching that they're takers of your precious money......or throw them in prisons....or (in other countries) bomb the shit out of those babies, or torture them,......should I go on with your fucked up "ethics"????

Even if your asinine talking points were true.....which they aren't, how does that justify murdering an innocent baby? Is your convenience so important to you that you will murder for it? Damn, I'd hate to be the slow guy in front of you at the check yourself out line at the grocery store. I guess its good that pansy ass liberals like you don't carry those scary evil boom sticks. You such moral cowards, you let others do the killing for you.
Righties also hold obama to a standard they don't hold republicans too.

Like above . " Obama has never said the words "islamic terrorists "" . While this is true , they never mention that GW bush never said it either . Even after 911.

But suddenly its a problem?

Do you honestly need this explained to you? Are you incapable of connecting Obama's refusal to call the terorrists "terrorists" with all his other overtures towards Islamic nations and militant cells, and with all his criticism towards Israel and towards Christians in this nation, all his running away from even addressing these crises and refusal to march with other European leaders against Islamic terrorists of chali hedbo where even Netanyahu and Abbas marched? Do I have to make this so simple for you that a 6 year old could take over and do the explaining for me?
Righties also hold obama to a standard they don't hold republicans too.

Like above . " Obama has never said the words "islamic terrorists "" . While this is true , they never mention that GW bush never said it either . Even after 911.

But suddenly its a problem?

Do you honestly need this explained to you? Are you incapable of connecting Obama's refusal to call the terorrists "terrorists" with all his other overtures towards Islamic nations and militant cells, and with all his criticism towards Israel and towards Christians in this nation, all his running away from even addressing these crises and refusal to march with other European leaders against Islamic terrorists of chali hedbo where even Netanyahu and Abbas marched? Do I have to make this so simple for you that a 6 year old could take over and do the explaining for me?
You, sir, are babbling.
Righties also hold obama to a standard they don't hold republicans too.

Like above . " Obama has never said the words "islamic terrorists "" . While this is true , they never mention that GW bush never said it either . Even after 911.

But suddenly its a problem?

Do you honestly need this explained to you? Are you incapable of connecting Obama's refusal to call the terorrists "terrorists" with all his other overtures towards Islamic nations and militant cells, and with all his criticism towards Israel and towards Christians in this nation, all his running away from even addressing these crises and refusal to march with other European leaders against Islamic terrorists of chali hedbo where even Netanyahu and Abbas marched? Do I have to make this so simple for you that a 6 year old could take over and do the explaining for me?
You, sir, are babbling.
Yes, I suppose I am.
I am also sick of the media covering for this crisis in the oval office.
I am tired of our republicans afraid to do anything about it.
I fear the worst. I don't get it?

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