Three issues that most (not all) R-W'ers refuse to accept

Yes, I suppose I am.
I am also sick of the media covering for this crisis in the oval office.
I am tired of our republicans afraid to do anything about it.
I fear the worst. I don't get it?

Your constipation may last for another 9 years......Good luck.
The whole premise of your thread is wrong, as are you.

Case in point, just today it was announced that the State Department just released a whole bunch of Hillary e-mails that PROVE she committed Felony PERJURY before Congress during her testimony. These e-mails show beyond a shadow of a doubt that Hillary knew the video had nothing to do with Benghazi, as she told the Turkish PM before lying to the country, and that it was all a lie from the start. (I recommend you read the thread on this.)

The rest of your ridiculous accusations are just as easily, and have been, proven false. It isn't hard to tell when a partisan hack is about to go on a rant while making stuff up - the title of the thread tells you, often, everything. for example, You disrespectfully call Conservative 'right wingers', which exposes your extreme bias and hatred for Conservatives right off the bat. And right off the bat you can pretty much ignore most of what someone like that says because they have already proved their bias.

...makes for a good CNBC moderator, though, I hear.
Yes, I suppose I am.
I am also sick of the media covering for this crisis in the oval office.
I am tired of our republicans afraid to do anything about it.
I fear the worst. I don't get it?

Your constipation may last for another 9 years......Good luck.

Maybe I take it more seriously than you do?

I guess as long as you feel on top and the media is your friend, you somehow feel triumphant or satisfied?

Fine. We have far different perspectives on life.
The whole premise of your thread is wrong, as are you.

Case in point, just today it was announced that the State Department just released a whole bunch of Hillary e-mails that PROVE she committed Felony PERJURY before Congress during her testimony. These e-mails show beyond a shadow of a doubt that Hillary knew the video had nothing to do with Benghazi, as she told the Turkish PM before lying to the country, and that it was all a lie from the start. (I recommend you read the thread on this.)

The rest of your ridiculous accusations are just as easily, and have been, proven false. It isn't hard to tell when a partisan hack is about to go on a rant while making stuff up - the title of the thread tells you, often, everything. for example, You disrespectfully call Conservative 'right wingers', which exposes your extreme bias and hatred for Conservatives right off the bat. And right off the bat you can pretty much ignore most of what someone like that says because they have already proved their bias.

...makes for a good CNBC moderator, though, I hear.

Yet, with all your "acumen" that the thread would be one that displease yous........HERE YOU ARE RANTING!!! Funny the way that works among conservative (and YES) right wingers.

Secondly, given your "new proof" that Clinton lied, when should we expect the perp walk from her?? LOL
I guess as long as you feel on top and the media is your friend, you somehow feel triumphant or satisfied?

You mean to state that FOX, WSJ, Levin, Limbaugh, Hannity, etc. are ALL "my friend"??? Unless you finally admit that those charlatans are NOT part of the media, that is. LOL
I guess as long as you feel on top and the media is your friend, you somehow feel triumphant or satisfied?

You mean to state that FOX, WSJ, Levin, Limbaugh, Hannity, etc. are ALL "my friend"??? Unless you finally admit that those charlatans are NOT part of the media, that is. LOL
I am surprised you even take the time to respond to any of my comments. Except the first one I sent you in this thread. There you really had nothing to say except laugh it off.

Anyway, the mainstream media (for all intents and purposes) is where a majority of Americans get their information to make political decisions, et al. Ok? And a "majority" of Americans are those voters who put your man Obama in office twice and who will vote democrat even if Hitler is their candidate because this is where the "free money" comes from.

Not all that many people really listen to talk radio, except conservatives who are fairly intelligent and invested in the issues. Liberal talk radio was a colossal failure -- not because liberals were not capable of comprehending, but because liberal talking points and arguments were so weak, so pathetic, it did not play well for longer than a sound bite. So that leaves all you liberals and all those perpetual democrat voters one major source and one lesser source to becoming informed --- TV and newsprint. The Mainstream media consists of ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, MSNBC AND FOX. One out of seven is conservative in its views. The other six are leftist, clearly! Or are you going to pretend there is room for a debate here? So that is why your side prevails in elections and general thought amongst those who are not really in the know. They are so easily swayed by the propaganda machines they listen to.

And if we move to newsprint for more aspiring individuals, then shall we count how many major city newspapers are left leaning vs. right leaning? No contest, once again, not even close. And I did not even think of bringing up all of our "fair minded" universities.
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And a "majority" of Americans are those voters who put your man Obama in office twice and who will vote democrat even if Hitler is their candidate because this is where the "free money" comes from.

Not all that many people really listen to talk radio, except conservatives who are fairly intelligent and invested in the issues.

First, I, for one, have voted republican many, many times when that party offered sane candidates who were not so full of hatred.

Second, hate-talk-radio is listened by mostly truck drivers....and although I don't mean to disparage those in that profession, if truck drivers represent the "intelligentsia" of the right wing party........Good luck.
And a "majority" of Americans are those voters who put your man Obama in office twice and who will vote democrat even if Hitler is their candidate because this is where the "free money" comes from.

Not all that many people really listen to talk radio, except conservatives who are fairly intelligent and invested in the issues.

First, I, for one, have voted republican many, many times when that party offered sane candidates who were not so full of hatred.

Second, hate-talk-radio is listened by mostly truck drivers....and although I don't mean to disparage those in that profession, if truck drivers represent the "intelligentsia" of the right wing party........Good luck.

First, state and local elections and issues differ greatly than national and international issues. So how people vote at the state or local venues does not indicate ideology to me. Even I voted for a few democrat state reps.

The intelligentsia of the right wing party stands far above the policies and positions of the left wing party. That is indisputable. Where the problem lies (for us) is that the senators and congressmen and even the president who may be republicans are a bunch a phonies or self-serving chumps. (not as big of a phony as barack, but I digress) These GOP political "leaders" won't even introduce meaningful or challenging legislation (to parrot their campaign promises) much less put their necks on the line to get it to pass. They won't go vocal on the public airwaves in any controversial way either. IOW, they are playing us as useful idiots. So I do not have anything much good to say about politicians, period. I think Ted Cruz would be more vocal and brave, not sure of the others. Huckabee too perhaps.

But as far as ideology goes --- if you have a passion for what the democrats stand for on social issues (pro-abortion, pro-gay this and that, take God out of the classroom and anywhere else found on govt property, anti domestic oil, big time climate change, etc.,) or geo-political matters (anti-Israel, fawning Islam, ignoring China and Russia, tearing apart our military, etc.) -- then we have almost nothing in common.
But as far as ideology goes --- if you have a passion for what the democrats stand for on social issues (pro-abortion, pro-gay this and that, take God out of the classroom and anywhere else found on govt property, anti domestic oil, big time climate change, etc.,) or geo-political matters (anti-Israel, fawning Islam, ignoring China and Russia, tearing apart our military, etc.) -- then we have almost nothing in common.

True, we DO NOT have much in common.......So , find another thread to bitch and moan about.
But as far as ideology goes --- if you have a passion for what the democrats stand for on social issues (pro-abortion, pro-gay this and that, take God out of the classroom and anywhere else found on govt property, anti domestic oil, big time climate change, etc.,) or geo-political matters (anti-Israel, fawning Islam, ignoring China and Russia, tearing apart our military, etc.) -- then we have almost nothing in common.

True, we DO NOT have much in common.......So , find another thread to bitch and moan about.
I will.

Just do not pretend you defended your passions in the least.

I am used to this from the left.
Nobody claimed Obama increased the deficit by $18 trillion or anywhere near that. Are you confusing the deficit with the national debt? Nobody claimed he increased the national debt by $18 trillion either. I think you need to re-write your OP since we can't very well debate utter nonsense you made up in your head.

Obama the liar, the con man, the snake called it "irresponsible and unpatriotic" did he not now the deficit has ballooned to $18 trillion on his watch. Answering yes or no is Obama a lying two faced hypocrite?

Reading comprehension is not one of your abilities...
Nobody claimed Obama increased the deficit by $18 trillion or anywhere near that. Are you confusing the deficit with the national debt? Nobody claimed he increased the national debt by $18 trillion either. I think you need to re-write your OP since we can't very well debate utter nonsense you made up in your head.

Obama the liar, the con man, the snake called it "irresponsible and unpatriotic" did he not now the deficit has ballooned to $18 trillion on his watch. Answering yes or no is Obama a lying two faced hypocrite?

Reading comprehension is not one of your abilities...

What part of "deficit has ballooned to $18 trillion on his watch" are you having trouble with? Obviously reading is not one of yours.
You really should cool your jets there loudmouth. My son and son-in-law both fought in Afghanistan. I don't appreciate your chicken-ass attitude.

take it up with the poster to whom I sarcastically responded....and, by the way, I too, served during the glorious Viet Nam escapade.

So when did you become a coward, before or after?

If you fought in Vietnam, has your doctor screened you for Alzheimer's yet? Maybe you simply forgot that you have testicles.

John Wayne was indeed a racist.
So a person can not type the wrong word by mistake? Hmmmm interesting thing to know.

She's pretending to be a moron and not know we meant debt when we typed deficit. It takes talent to pretend to be that dumb.
Carla should be slapped across the tits for being so stupid

I'm not the one that posted this ignorant drivel, you did.

Wow.....So full of shit.
Evil? No. Evil is the desire to reach into the bank accounts of the producers and spend the money on horseshit.
This administration has run up an $18 trillion deficit.
All you have are left wing talking points. None of which are based in fact.
Nobody claimed Obama increased the deficit by $18 trillion or anywhere near that. Are you confusing the deficit with the national debt? Nobody claimed he increased the national debt by $18 trillion either. I think you need to re-write your OP since we can't very well debate utter nonsense you made up in your head.

Obama the liar, the con man, the snake called it "irresponsible and unpatriotic" did he not now the deficit has ballooned to $18 trillion on his watch. Answering yes or no is Obama a lying two faced hypocrite?

Reading comprehension is not one of your abilities...

What part of "deficit has ballooned to $18 trillion on his watch" are you having trouble with? Obviously reading is not one of yours.
The OP stated this:
First, the repeated claim that Obama has.....virtually single-handedly ....boosted our country's deficit by $18 or so trillion......

Nobody has made this claim. The claims posted were that Obama has increased the debt to around $18 trillion, not that he's the one responsible for all of it. Do you know the difference between deficit and debt? Calling anyone stupid, or that they have reading comprehension problems, and not understanding this, makes you look bad.
Nobody claimed Obama increased the deficit by $18 trillion or anywhere near that. Are you confusing the deficit with the national debt? Nobody claimed he increased the national debt by $18 trillion either. I think you need to re-write your OP since we can't very well debate utter nonsense you made up in your head.

Obama the liar, the con man, the snake called it "irresponsible and unpatriotic" did he not now the deficit has ballooned to $18 trillion on his watch. Answering yes or no is Obama a lying two faced hypocrite?

Reading comprehension is not one of your abilities...

What part of "deficit has ballooned to $18 trillion on his watch" are you having trouble with? Obviously reading is not one of yours.
The OP stated this:
First, the repeated claim that Obama has.....virtually single-handedly ....boosted our country's deficit by $18 or so trillion......

Nobody has made this claim. The claims posted were that Obama has increased the debt to around $18 trillion, not that he's the one responsible for all of it. Do you know the difference between deficit and debt? Calling anyone stupid, or that they have reading comprehension problems, and not understanding this, makes you look bad.

Moron, when someone says the deficit ballooned to $18 trillion on his watch, they are directly blaming him. On his watch, means on his watch.

I've already pointed out, numerous times, where others have made this claim. You don't believe your lying eyes?

Wow.....So full of shit.
Evil? No. Evil is the desire to reach into the bank accounts of the producers and spend the money on horseshit.
This administration has run up an $18 trillion deficit.
All you have are left wing talking points. None of which are based in fact.
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Nobody has made this claim. The claims posted were that Obama has increased the debt to around $18 trillion, not that he's the one responsible for all of it. Do you know the difference between deficit and debt? Calling anyone stupid, or that they have reading comprehension problems, and not understanding this, makes you look bad. the O/P I already did a "mea culpa" and corrected it.....Find something else to bitch about.
Nobody claimed Obama increased the deficit by $18 trillion or anywhere near that. Are you confusing the deficit with the national debt? Nobody claimed he increased the national debt by $18 trillion either. I think you need to re-write your OP since we can't very well debate utter nonsense you made up in your head.

Obama the liar, the con man, the snake called it "irresponsible and unpatriotic" did he not now the deficit has ballooned to $18 trillion on his watch. Answering yes or no is Obama a lying two faced hypocrite?

Reading comprehension is not one of your abilities...

What part of "deficit has ballooned to $18 trillion on his watch" are you having trouble with? Obviously reading is not one of yours.
The OP stated this:
First, the repeated claim that Obama has.....virtually single-handedly ....boosted our country's deficit by $18 or so trillion......

Nobody has made this claim. The claims posted were that Obama has increased the debt to around $18 trillion, not that he's the one responsible for all of it. Do you know the difference between deficit and debt? Calling anyone stupid, or that they have reading comprehension problems, and not understanding this, makes you look bad.

Nutters on this forum, have claimed that this administration has run up the national deficit and debt to $18 trillion.
The OP has already been proved false. As I pointed out today, the State Department - not any Conservative source, just released e-mails, for example, that prove Hillary just perjured herself under oath when testifying before Congress. That having been proven - repeatedly and mainly by her own e-mails - one can then dismiss the rest of his partisan dribble.
You left off number four where the right wingers have a blatant disregard for life and support and participate in the genocide of our future generations by aborting babies on a daily basis. Oh wait......that isn't the right wingers. Never mind.

Moronic....YOUR ilk likes for the babies to be born.....and THEN go on for a lifetime bitching that they're takers of your precious money......or throw them in prisons....or (in other countries) bomb the shit out of those babies, or torture them,......should I go on with your fucked up "ethics"????

Even if your asinine talking points were true.....which they aren't, how does that justify murdering an innocent baby? Is your convenience so important to you that you will murder for it? Damn, I'd hate to be the slow guy in front of you at the check yourself out line at the grocery store. I guess its good that pansy ass liberals like you don't carry those scary evil boom sticks. You such moral cowards, you let others do the killing for you.

Can't say I blame you nat4900. If I had such a blatant and depraved disregard for life as you and your baby murdering ilk, I wouldn't respond either.

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