Three issues that most (not all) R-W'ers refuse to accept

Any comments about the 18 trillion have been in regards to the national debt not the deficit which was ten trillion when Obama took office and is likely to be 20 trillion when he leaves while some of that is from Bush by no means is most of it. As for Benghazi the administration pushed the video line for weeks after the attack the most famous being Susan Rices five Sunday talk show appearances which in each one she blamed the attack on the video at the worst the administration lied at the best they mislead for political gain. Last global warming which FYI the left now calls climate change when global warming and cooling did not work out in any event people on the right accept the climate changes and that mans actions do play a role what they question is the doom and gloom SY-FYI movie scenarios the left puts out about it.
Any comments about the 18 trillion have been in regards to the national debt not the deficit which was ten trillion when Obama took office and is likely to be 20 trillion when he leaves while some of that is from Bush by no means is most of it. As for Benghazi the administration pushed the video line for weeks after the attack the most famous being Susan Rices five Sunday talk show appearances which in each one she blamed the attack on the video at the worst the administration lied at the best they mislead for political gain. Last global warming which FYI the left now calls climate change when global warming and cooling did not work out in any event people on the right accept the climate changes and that mans actions do play a role what they question is the doom and gloom SY-FYI movie scenarios the left puts out about it.

Are you sure about that?

Wow.....So full of shit.
Evil? No. Evil is the desire to reach into the bank accounts of the producers and spend the money on horseshit.
This administration has run up an $18 trillion deficit.
All you have are left wing talking points. None of which are based in fact.
That post does not claim Obama made the 18trillion it asked if we are at 18 trillion NOW under Obama. Perhaps you should go back to school and learn how to understand what you read?

Poster caught a mistake or "typo (substitute deficit for debt) ". Congratulations.

It goes back to my challenge, can the left make a rational 'honest' argument worth debating vs being intentionally dishonest in their arguments. It was obvious by the $18 trillion dollar number I was referring to the debt and even though I have admitted my mistake they persist in their dishonest spin.

I should switch sides and be a liberal for a day just so I can show these people how to make an argument. I could easily present solid arguments in support of Obama or even Hillary without resorting to spin and intentional dishonesty, why is that so difficult for them?

It's obvious that you have no clue.

Let's review...

Obama the liar, the con man, the snake called it "irresponsible and unpatriotic" did he not now the deficit has ballooned to $18 trillion on his watch. Answering yes or no is Obama a lying two faced hypocrite?

That's an $18 trillion "deficit" you claim is on his watch, and belongs to nobody else. It's all on his watch!

The only typo I see is you forgot to put a "k" in front of the word "now." Dingbat.

Blah blah "57 states" blah blah, blah blah blah. :laugh:

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Any comments about the 18 trillion have been in regards to the national debt not the deficit which was ten trillion when Obama took office and is likely to be 20 trillion when he leaves while some of that is from Bush by no means is most of it. As for Benghazi the administration pushed the video line for weeks after the attack the most famous being Susan Rices five Sunday talk show appearances which in each one she blamed the attack on the video at the worst the administration lied at the best they mislead for political gain. Last global warming which FYI the left now calls climate change when global warming and cooling did not work out in any event people on the right accept the climate changes and that mans actions do play a role what they question is the doom and gloom SY-FYI movie scenarios the left puts out about it.

Are you sure about that?

Wow.....So full of shit.
Evil? No. Evil is the desire to reach into the bank accounts of the producers and spend the money on horseshit.
This administration has run up an $18 trillion deficit.
All you have are left wing talking points. None of which are based in fact.
I suspect that to be a typo in any event one out of how many posters here?
Any comments about the 18 trillion have been in regards to the national debt not the deficit which was ten trillion when Obama took office and is likely to be 20 trillion when he leaves while some of that is from Bush by no means is most of it. As for Benghazi the administration pushed the video line for weeks after the attack the most famous being Susan Rices five Sunday talk show appearances which in each one she blamed the attack on the video at the worst the administration lied at the best they mislead for political gain. Last global warming which FYI the left now calls climate change when global warming and cooling did not work out in any event people on the right accept the climate changes and that mans actions do play a role what they question is the doom and gloom SY-FYI movie scenarios the left puts out about it.

Are you sure about that?

Wow.....So full of shit.
Evil? No. Evil is the desire to reach into the bank accounts of the producers and spend the money on horseshit.
This administration has run up an $18 trillion deficit.
All you have are left wing talking points. None of which are based in fact.
I suspect that to be a typo in any event one out of how many posters here?

Yes, of course it is. lol

Obviously, you have not read the thread. I posted several examples. And of course they were all typo's. aha ha ha ha ha ha!
Any comments about the 18 trillion have been in regards to the national debt not the deficit which was ten trillion when Obama took office and is likely to be 20 trillion when he leaves while some of that is from Bush by no means is most of it. As for Benghazi the administration pushed the video line for weeks after the attack the most famous being Susan Rices five Sunday talk show appearances which in each one she blamed the attack on the video at the worst the administration lied at the best they mislead for political gain. Last global warming which FYI the left now calls climate change when global warming and cooling did not work out in any event people on the right accept the climate changes and that mans actions do play a role what they question is the doom and gloom SY-FYI movie scenarios the left puts out about it.

Are you sure about that?

Wow.....So full of shit.
Evil? No. Evil is the desire to reach into the bank accounts of the producers and spend the money on horseshit.
This administration has run up an $18 trillion deficit.
All you have are left wing talking points. None of which are based in fact.
I suspect that to be a typo in any event one out of how many posters here?

Yes, of course it is. lol
Do you have any evidence that it's not? Keeping in mind your opinion is not evidence.
Any comments about the 18 trillion have been in regards to the national debt not the deficit which was ten trillion when Obama took office and is likely to be 20 trillion when he leaves while some of that is from Bush by no means is most of it. As for Benghazi the administration pushed the video line for weeks after the attack the most famous being Susan Rices five Sunday talk show appearances which in each one she blamed the attack on the video at the worst the administration lied at the best they mislead for political gain. Last global warming which FYI the left now calls climate change when global warming and cooling did not work out in any event people on the right accept the climate changes and that mans actions do play a role what they question is the doom and gloom SY-FYI movie scenarios the left puts out about it.

Are you sure about that?

Wow.....So full of shit.
Evil? No. Evil is the desire to reach into the bank accounts of the producers and spend the money on horseshit.
This administration has run up an $18 trillion deficit.
All you have are left wing talking points. None of which are based in fact.
I suspect that to be a typo in any event one out of how many posters here?

Yes, of course it is. lol
Do you have any evidence that it's not? Keeping in mind your opinion is not evidence.

Other than the fact that they typed out "deficit" and not "debt", no I guess not. lol

the deficit is 18 Trillion...Period! Christ,,,wasnt it around 42.00 when Clinton was President?
Any comments about the 18 trillion have been in regards to the national debt not the deficit which was ten trillion when Obama took office and is likely to be 20 trillion when he leaves while some of that is from Bush by no means is most of it. As for Benghazi the administration pushed the video line for weeks after the attack the most famous being Susan Rices five Sunday talk show appearances which in each one she blamed the attack on the video at the worst the administration lied at the best they mislead for political gain. Last global warming which FYI the left now calls climate change when global warming and cooling did not work out in any event people on the right accept the climate changes and that mans actions do play a role what they question is the doom and gloom SY-FYI movie scenarios the left puts out about it.

Are you sure about that?

Wow.....So full of shit.
Evil? No. Evil is the desire to reach into the bank accounts of the producers and spend the money on horseshit.
This administration has run up an $18 trillion deficit.
All you have are left wing talking points. None of which are based in fact.
I suspect that to be a typo in any event one out of how many posters here?

Yes, of course it is. lol
Do you have any evidence that it's not? Keeping in mind your opinion is not evidence.

Other than the fact that they typed out "deficit" and not "debt", no I guess not. lol

the deficit is 18 Trillion...Period! Christ,,,wasnt it around 42.00 when Clinton was President?
By all means lets have a link to even one post that claims Obama increased the deficit or debt by $18 trillion. You can't produce a link because no such post exists. The national debt was $10 trillion when he took office in 2009, now its $18 trillion. $18 trillion minus $10 trillion = $8 trillion that he's responsible for. There I did the 3rd grade math for you libs geesh.

You're right that I should have typed "national debt" instead of deficit.......NOW, address the question of WHERE that $8 trillion went....but make sure you include in your response such little items as TARP, bailouts and, most of all, the INTEREST on the Cheney wars.

When was Cheney our dictator?
By all means lets have a link to even one post that claims Obama increased the deficit or debt by $18 trillion. You can't produce a link because no such post exists. The national debt was $10 trillion when he took office in 2009, now its $18 trillion. $18 trillion minus $10 trillion = $8 trillion that he's responsible for. There I did the 3rd grade math for you libs geesh.

You're right that I should have typed "national debt" instead of deficit.......NOW, address the question of WHERE that $8 trillion went....but make sure you include in your response such little items as TARP, bailouts and, most of all, the INTEREST on the Cheney wars.

When was Cheney our dictator?

Democrats voted to give Bush and Cheney permission to go to war with Iraq, they keep trying to forget that fact and I keep reminding them.
1.) Obama sign off on spending near $3.5T and has kept it there. Record levels, carry over from TARP/STIMULUS. Obama played "games" from the election on-wards. Everyone knows it but ~1/2 don't care.

He said "raising debt immoral burden on future generations, I'm going to go line by line over budget, cut health care costs, fix SSI"...........on and on. We got more debt, more corruption, more GOVT and the real kicker to come down the pipe..........MEDICARE MEDICAID and three!

2.) They lied about Bhengazi and Hillary Email from day 1 and nobody cares. They still vote it.

3.) Global Warming is scam to collect $$$$ Even if it was a tiny bit caused by man, USA is clean and giving money to "them" would solve nothing. Go clean up China/India/Korea/Africa etc. first.
emocrats voted to give Bush and Cheney permission to go to war with Iraq, they keep trying to forget that fact and I keep reminding them.

....and I keep repeating something that will should engage all of your few remaining brain cells.......
."If someone tells you a LIE (Cheney et al.) and you (dems. in congress) act on that lie believing it to be true.......WHO is ultimately at fault?"
emocrats voted to give Bush and Cheney permission to go to war with Iraq, they keep trying to forget that fact and I keep reminding them.

....and I keep repeating something that will should engage all of your few remaining brain cells.......
."If someone tells you a LIE (Cheney et al.) and you (dems. in congress) act on that lie believing it to be true.......WHO is ultimately at fault?"

If Chalabi(Code named "Curveball", who just happened to die) tells the CIA (and anyone else listening) a lie about Saddam having tons of WMDs and the Director of the CIA tells Cheney and Bush that it is a slam dunk, and the Dims in Congress get the same intel from the CIA, WHO is ultimately at fault?
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The far right have either mental feeblenees, a woeful education, or malignant motivation, or a combination of any or all three issues.
From what I've analyzed, the libs and you, whatever the fuck you are, don't give a crap about this country. They only care about their team winning.
1. Please tell us the exact number the two wars cost us minus what we would of paid anyway in military salary etc...

You're partially correct......Because of the Cheney wars, we no longer pay a "salary" to the 4,000+ US military service people who came home in body bags. Aren't you elated?

You really should cool your jets there loudmouth. My son and son-in-law both fought in Afghanistan. I don't appreciate your chicken-ass attitude.

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