Three issues that most (not all) R-W'ers refuse to accept

By all means lets have a link to even one post that claims Obama increased the deficit or debt by $18 trillion. You can't produce a link because no such post exists. The national debt was $10 trillion when he took office in 2009, now its $18 trillion. $18 trillion minus $10 trillion = $8 trillion that he's responsible for. There I did the 3rd grade math for you libs geesh.

You're right that I should have typed "national debt" instead of deficit.......NOW, address the question of WHERE that $8 trillion went....but make sure you include in your response such little items as TARP, bailouts and, most of all, the INTEREST on the Cheney wars.

no biggie, the RW's don't know the difference anyway.

Yep, like the hildabeast emailing her rug rat the night of the attack saying it was an al Qaeda like group terrorist attack and her message to the Egyptian Prime minister the following day verifying the same, saying the video had nothing to do with it. That kind of rightwing blogosphere bs?

Most sane people (which would have to exclude you) would understand the difference between "suspicion"...which you voice to your close family.....and what the current speculation (the video) showed based on what was happening throughout the rest of the world.
First, the repeated claim that Obama has.....virtually single-handedly ....boosted our country's deficit by $18 or so trillion......

Nobody has made such a claim

wrong ... I've corrected RW's and their lack of deficit/debt education on almost a daily basis .... soooooooooooooooooooo

Please provide a quote of someone who has blamed Obama for creating $18 trillion in debt.

please hold your breath while I review several hundred threads ...

yeah, that's the answer I expected.

your answer is appearing on this thread faster than I can review threads and you can hold your breath ...

pesky debt/deficit.
Nobody claimed Obama increased the deficit by $18 trillion or anywhere near that. Are you confusing the deficit with the national debt? Nobody claimed he increased the national debt by $18 trillion either. I think you need to re-write your OP since we can't very well debate utter nonsense you made up in your head.

Obama the liar, the con man, the snake called it "irresponsible and unpatriotic" did he not now the deficit has ballooned to $18 trillion on his watch. Answering yes or no is Obama a lying two faced hypocrite?

That post does not claim Obama made the 18trillion it asked if we are at 18 trillion NOW under Obama. Perhaps you should go back to school and learn how to understand what you read?

Poster caught a mistake or "typo (substitute deficit for debt) ". Congratulations.
What I find TRULY Amazing is the ability of the Obama supporters to pretend that after almost 8 years Obama is some how NOT responsible for anything at all.
One thing off the top of my head, under the Obama Administration, OBL was finally tracked down and killed. Now, I know that's a negative in the eyes of the RW............

He was un-able to STOP the US military from killing OBL.
First, the repeated claim that Obama has.....virtually single-handedly ....boosted our country's deficit by $18 or so trillion......

Nobody has made such a claim

wrong ... I've corrected RW's and their lack of deficit/debt education on almost a daily basis .... soooooooooooooooooooo

Please provide a quote of someone who has blamed Obama for creating $18 trillion in debt.

please hold your breath while I review several hundred threads ...

It should be rather easy since you "correct" people daily on the topic. Just search your posts to find the posts you responded to.......unless you aren't being truthful.
Hilary told her daughter, the Egyptians and the Libyans that the attack was by terrorists….then went on to lie to the families…..and the rest of the country.
Over the several months that I've accessed this forum, there are three issues that most right wingers refuse to acknowledge....either because of denial, or because of abject stupidity. I am sure that privately, they know better, but on here, these issues get denied as if reality did not exist, trumped by partisanship.

First, the repeated claim that Obama has.....virtually single-handedly ....boosted our country's deficit by $18 or so trillion......There is no mention by these right wingers as to how the costly wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were going to be paid, and the interest that MUST be paid from this borrowed money. Although Obama has managed to hold expenditures down a bit, any mention of additional taxes to pay for these wars or to improve our crumbling infrastructure and these right wingers go ballistic.

Second, the other repeated claim that Hillary Clinton and the President lied about the Benghazi tragedy. Actually, facts are pretty clear to anyone who wishes to exercise even a bit of objectivity. The stupid video WAS a main contributing factor to riots in Indonesia, Egypt, Tunisia, England, France, Somalia, etc......Ergo, the FIRST assumption by the State Department was indeed that the video caused the Benghazi uprising which, later, turned out to be a confirmed terrorist attack. Beside all the speculation and despite the arrest of one Libyan terrorist who declared that the video was indeed the font for the riots, the administration DID conclude that it was a terrorist attack. Hatred of Clinton and Obama seems to blur these simple realities.

Third, the right wingers also repeated claim that global warming is nothing but a hoax......Although virtually ALL reputable scientists state otherwise, these right wingers have chosen to believe such "scholars" as Hannity, Levin, Palin or Limbaugh that claim that GW is simply a socialist and liberal plot against the well-known polluters and big businesses.

Obama's election....and, most of all, RE-election.....has scratched off that very thin veneer of decency, objectivity and sanity that once united us all.....Now, hatred by some seems to trump even stark reality.

Global warming is not a hoax…'s part in it is a hoax… cooling also happens..and man has nothing to do with that either. The "Consensus" was already shown to be a lie…and the fact that the priest hood of man made global warming keeps having to hide their data speaks volumes as to their belief in science….
Over the several months that I've accessed this forum, there are three issues that most right wingers refuse to acknowledge....either because of denial, or because of abject stupidity. I am sure that privately, they know better, but on here, these issues get denied as if reality did not exist, trumped by partisanship.

First, the repeated claim that Obama has.....virtually single-handedly ....boosted our country's deficit by $18 or so trillion......There is no mention by these right wingers as to how the costly wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were going to be paid, and the interest that MUST be paid from this borrowed money. Although Obama has managed to hold expenditures down a bit, any mention of additional taxes to pay for these wars or to improve our crumbling infrastructure and these right wingers go ballistic.

Second, the other repeated claim that Hillary Clinton and the President lied about the Benghazi tragedy. Actually, facts are pretty clear to anyone who wishes to exercise even a bit of objectivity. The stupid video WAS a main contributing factor to riots in Indonesia, Egypt, Tunisia, England, France, Somalia, etc......Ergo, the FIRST assumption by the State Department was indeed that the video caused the Benghazi uprising which, later, turned out to be a confirmed terrorist attack. Beside all the speculation and despite the arrest of one Libyan terrorist who declared that the video was indeed the font for the riots, the administration DID conclude that it was a terrorist attack. Hatred of Clinton and Obama seems to blur these simple realities.

Third, the right wingers also repeated claim that global warming is nothing but a hoax......Although virtually ALL reputable scientists state otherwise, these right wingers have chosen to believe such "scholars" as Hannity, Levin, Palin or Limbaugh that claim that GW is simply a socialist and liberal plot against the well-known polluters and big businesses.

Obama's election....and, most of all, RE-election.....has scratched off that very thin veneer of decency, objectivity and sanity that once united us all.....Now, hatred by some seems to trump even stark reality.

You left off number four where the right wingers have a blatant disregard for life and support and participate in the genocide of our future generations by aborting babies on a daily basis. Oh wait......that isn't the right wingers. Never mind.
Obama's been president since 2009.. it is now 2015... he owns this mess.


Thank you for crediting him with the recovery. "Mess" is one of those words like "dope" and "phat" that means the opposite of what it seems to say, right?
First, the repeated claim that Obama has.....virtually single-handedly ....boosted our country's deficit by $18 or so trillion......

Nobody has made such a claim

wrong ... I've corrected RW's and their lack of deficit/debt education on almost a daily basis .... soooooooooooooooooooo

Please provide a quote of someone who has blamed Obama for creating $18 trillion in debt.

please hold your breath while I review several hundred threads ...

It should be rather easy since you "correct" people daily on the topic. Just search your posts to find the posts you responded to.......unless you aren't being truthful.

Here's two...

debt or deficit ... the debt belongs to EVERY president, the deficit belongs to current presidents ... and Obama has lowered the deficit from 1.4 trillion to .5 trillion ...

yet again..


like that will ever happen :lmao:

I'd suggest Rusty learning the difference between debt and deficit first ..

oh wait,

that'll never happen either ... :lmao:
First, the repeated claim that Obama has.....virtually single-handedly ....boosted our country's deficit by $18 or so trillion......

Nobody has made such a claim

wrong ... I've corrected RW's and their lack of deficit/debt education on almost a daily basis .... soooooooooooooooooooo

Please provide a quote of someone who has blamed Obama for creating $18 trillion in debt.

please hold your breath while I review several hundred threads ...

It should be rather easy since you "correct" people daily on the topic. Just search your posts to find the posts you responded to.......unless you aren't being truthful.

yes it was, and on this very thread, no searching needed... thanks for noticing btw.
You left off number four where the right wingers have a blatant disregard for life and support and participate in the genocide of our future generations by aborting babies on a daily basis. Oh wait......that isn't the right wingers. Never mind.

Moronic....YOUR ilk likes for the babies to be born.....and THEN go on for a lifetime bitching that they're takers of your precious money......or throw them in prisons....or (in other countries) bomb the shit out of those babies, or torture them,......should I go on with your fucked up "ethics"????
Over the several months that I've accessed this forum, there are three issues that most right wingers refuse to acknowledge....either because of denial, or because of abject stupidity. I am sure that privately, they know better, but on here, these issues get denied as if reality did not exist, trumped by partisanship.

First, the repeated claim that Obama has.....virtually single-handedly ....boosted our country's deficit by $18 or so trillion......There is no mention by these right wingers as to how the costly wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were going to be paid, and the interest that MUST be paid from this borrowed money. Although Obama has managed to hold expenditures down a bit, any mention of additional taxes to pay for these wars or to improve our crumbling infrastructure and these right wingers go ballistic.

Second, the other repeated claim that Hillary Clinton and the President lied about the Benghazi tragedy. Actually, facts are pretty clear to anyone who wishes to exercise even a bit of objectivity. The stupid video WAS a main contributing factor to riots in Indonesia, Egypt, Tunisia, England, France, Somalia, etc......Ergo, the FIRST assumption by the State Department was indeed that the video caused the Benghazi uprising which, later, turned out to be a confirmed terrorist attack. Beside all the speculation and despite the arrest of one Libyan terrorist who declared that the video was indeed the font for the riots, the administration DID conclude that it was a terrorist attack. Hatred of Clinton and Obama seems to blur these simple realities.

Third, the right wingers also repeated claim that global warming is nothing but a hoax......Although virtually ALL reputable scientists state otherwise, these right wingers have chosen to believe such "scholars" as Hannity, Levin, Palin or Limbaugh that claim that GW is simply a socialist and liberal plot against the well-known polluters and big businesses.

Obama's election....and, most of all, RE-election.....has scratched off that very thin veneer of decency, objectivity and sanity that once united us all.....Now, hatred by some seems to trump even stark reality.

Wrong on both accounts

1. Please tell us the exact number the two wars cost us minus what we would of paid anyway in military salary etc...with out us building more missiles, bombs abd the like how much more would are unemployment rate would be? Also what about the 85 million a month the feds were pumping in? To blame just the wars is ignorant.

2. The libya embassy 4 days after the attack sent hillary an email saying don't blame the video

Libya embassy email warned Clinton not to emphasize video | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Why must you just post opinion instead of facts? Or are you just ignorant and read what you want to read?
1. Please tell us the exact number the two wars cost us minus what we would of paid anyway in military salary etc...

You're partially correct......Because of the Cheney wars, we no longer pay a "salary" to the 4,000+ US military service people who came home in body bags. Aren't you elated?
from deficit to debt to abortion to war to another war ...

RW's are like a fly buzzing around a dog turd looking for a place to land.
Over the several months that I've accessed this forum, there are three issues that most right wingers refuse to acknowledge....either because of denial, or because of abject stupidity. I am sure that privately, they know better, but on here, these issues get denied as if reality did not exist, trumped by partisanship.

First, the repeated claim that Obama has.....virtually single-handedly ....boosted our country's deficit by $18 or so trillion......There is no mention by these right wingers as to how the costly wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were going to be paid, and the interest that MUST be paid from this borrowed money. Although Obama has managed to hold expenditures down a bit, any mention of additional taxes to pay for these wars or to improve our crumbling infrastructure and these right wingers go ballistic.

Second, the other repeated claim that Hillary Clinton and the President lied about the Benghazi tragedy. Actually, facts are pretty clear to anyone who wishes to exercise even a bit of objectivity. The stupid video WAS a main contributing factor to riots in Indonesia, Egypt, Tunisia, England, France, Somalia, etc......Ergo, the FIRST assumption by the State Department was indeed that the video caused the Benghazi uprising which, later, turned out to be a confirmed terrorist attack. Beside all the speculation and despite the arrest of one Libyan terrorist who declared that the video was indeed the font for the riots, the administration DID conclude that it was a terrorist attack. Hatred of Clinton and Obama seems to blur these simple realities.

Third, the right wingers also repeated claim that global warming is nothing but a hoax......Although virtually ALL reputable scientists state otherwise, these right wingers have chosen to believe such "scholars" as Hannity, Levin, Palin or Limbaugh that claim that GW is simply a socialist and liberal plot against the well-known polluters and big businesses.

Obama's election....and, most of all, RE-election.....has scratched off that very thin veneer of decency, objectivity and sanity that once united us all.....Now, hatred by some seems to trump even stark reality.

Here is what we right wingers do accept ---

Obama is a liar, a phony, a deceiver, and a scoundrel. He has always associated with liars, scoundrels and subversives. Like the Rev Wright, William Ayers, Frank Marshall Davis., Farakhan, etc.

Obama hates Israel and is a sickening apologist for everything Islam. He will not even say the word Islamic terrorist. He refused to march with every major nation’s leaders in Paris after the Islamic terrorist attack on Charili Hedbo. Even Netanyahu and Abbas were there marching. But not Barack , the creep. He would not even allow his attorney general who was in Paris at the time to take part.

Obama is no Christian. In fact, when the Christians were slaughtered by ISIS time and again at the national prayer breakfast all he could say was tell the Christians in the audience to get off their high horse because we were involved in the Crusades and slavery. This is your man, a traitor.

The guy has the most shady past that he will not allow anyone to see his transcripts, etc. Why? Because it no doubt says he was a foreign student. He waited 2 ½ years to release his birth certificate and let the nation waste time on that. What a bastard of a president. And, no, I do not believe it is authentic, but there is no point in convincing you know-it-all liberals of that, because you are so smug.

The guy has covered up for the IRS scandal, the AP scandal, ACORN scandal, fast and furious scandal, has hired more crooks for cabinet posts or special assignment posts, many who were not approved because they were such villains.

Worst of all --- whenever there is a national crisis, Obama is AWOL. He never addresses the nation and takes action. Instead he goes hobnob with his Hollywood or Vegas celebrities the day after Benghazi, or he will go golf or he will hide under his desk. He has done NOTHING to help the poor urban blacks, to fight gang violence, to improve their employment opportunities, he won’t even talk about it.

I cannot believe anyone is that incompetent and cowardly and malevolent? I believe he is a puppet of some higher ranking international cabal that put the community organizer in a position to win the oval office and now he takes orders from them. And the mainstream media either is all for this charade or they just do not care!

To nat4900:

I am happy that you found my last post worthy of hitting the "funny button."

But if that is as far as you are going to take it then I will make a note to self:
--> "Do not waste my time posting to another worthless left winger who spouts off like a peacock but has no backbone or interest in defending himself when challenged. These types content themselves with winning over children and gullible morons, generating enough numbers to look and feel like a winner."
2. The libya embassy 4 days after the attack sent hillary an email saying don't blame the video

The warning did NOT come from the "Libya embassy" nitwit...but from OUR embassy in Tripoli....and the warning was just speculation from one US staff member, and contradicted by one of the terrorist leaders who, when captured. DID blame the video.
1. Please tell us the exact number the two wars cost us minus what we would of paid anyway in military salary etc...

You're partially correct......Because of the Cheney wars, we no longer pay a "salary" to the 4,000+ US military service people who came home in body bags. Aren't you elated?

Answer my question...

How much extra did we pay for those two wars? That we wouldn't have paid other wise ?

Also since you are stuck on stupid and Probably won't read my link...

So let's recap..hillary told her daughter it was a terrorist attack that night.

Hillary told Egypt it was a terrorist attack the next day

Hillary told the American public it was about a video

Rice for weeks went on Sunday talk shows saying it was about a video

And now this e mail 3 days latter to Hillary.....

libya warned hillary not to use video

Libya embassy email warned Clinton not to emphasize video

Hillary Clinton and other State Department officials were warned against saying that an anti-Muslim video contributed to the the 2012 attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, a new email released on Friday reveals.

The warning came from the U.S. embassy in Tripoli, Libya, on Sept. 14, 2012, three days after the Sept. 11 terrorist attack in which four Americans were killed.

“Our monitoring of the Libyan media and conversations with Libyans suggest that the films [sic] not as explosive of an issue here as it appears to be in other countries in the region,” the email sai

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