*Three Little Rino's*

Sorry bout that,

1. Yea, "Am I a biology Professor?"
2. Her being a women kills her saying.
3. "I don't know what a women is" basically, drops like a hammer on her head, she being a women.
4. Maxwells silver hammer comes down upon her head!

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is there a reason the rest are opposing Jackson?
Why the rest are opposing her?

If she was asked "how many feet in a yard" she would answer "I don't know. I am not a podiatrist"

Truth is...she avoided answering the "define woman" question because she saw it as an ideological red flag.....so if she avoids things that "worry" her, then she is not qualified to make difficult constitutional decisions.

She made it clear that she is guided by her personal popularity...and we do NOT want that on the supreme court.
Trump lost his last election. Desantis is trailing Crist, Matt Gaetz is trailing Jones. They all have approval rates below water. They are not popular. Fervent support isn’t popularity.
I don't know what or where you seen it, but De Santis as of now, is destroying any of his Democratic challengers in their primaries in a head to head. This is reported by every Right leaning site, and 85% of Left leaning ones.
Sorry bout that,

1. My posting what I want has been infringed upon.


Careful, you're going to run out of 'real' Republicans.
I never said either of those things. Are you feeling alright?
I feel fine.

You've accused those who don't support KBJ of being ideologues, despite the thread being about her evasions of basic biology and codding of pedo monsters.

I asked you the direct question of how that is so....You shot back "You've already got the team jacket for everyone to admire. You can relax now."

At every step, you've not addressed the easily understood question I originally posed.....You've been as evasive and defecting as she has been.

Seems obvious that there's something that you don't want to admit here.
All three are 100% pure

Zionist 911 W "Biden Republicans"

who care more about preventing 911 truth from coming out than anything else....
RINOs pretend to be on your side, then they stab you in the back.

RINOs = Zionist 911 W "Biden Republicans"

Against fiscal conservatism, for war to help Israel, and for murdering Americans noticing too much truth.

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