Three Questions

What kind of dumbass logic is that? I've experienced climate change every year of my life, as you have. We're living through it right now.
so everyday weather is your climate. dumbass. When has your weather changed?

you really don't check out all resources before you post do you? too fking funny. BTW, one of your environmental whacko sites at that. Just showing the numbers of tree increase.

so everyday weather is your climate. dumbass. When has your weather changed?

Good God, you're a fucking hopeless dipshit. Everyday weather over the course of decades is climate, you fucking moron.

Read this chart, little tyke, and tell me what you see.

Good God, you're a fucking hopeless dipshit. Everyday weather over the course of decades is climate, you fucking moron.

Read this chart, little tyke, and tell me what you see.

View attachment 779494
there you have it fans, everyday is climate change. One of em finally admitted it. hahahahhaahaha.

Now junior, I believe in facts, where has your climate changed?
The mental case BEAKED BIRDBRAIN will always insist that somehow a NUMBER of "experts" to PARROT "disproves" questioning their fraud.

The simple truth is that they have cushy big $$$ taxpayer funded jobs lying to us, and they do not want to lose those jobs and file for unemployment....

So if their jobs were paid for by Exxon you wouldn't have a problem with their work, then. Is that it?

Okay then, let me show you what scientists on Big Oil's payroll knew about climate change -- 40, 50, or even 60 fucking years ago.

Exxon was aware of climate change, as early as 1977, 11 years before it became a public issue, according to a recent investigation from InsideClimate News. This knowledge did not prevent the company (now ExxonMobil and the world’s largest oil and gas company) from spending decades refusing to publicly acknowledge climate change and even promoting climate misinformation—an approach many have likened to the lies spread by the tobacco industry regarding the health risks of smoking.

At an old gunpowder factory in Delaware – now a museum and archive – I found a transcript of a petroleum conference from 1959 called the “Energy and Man” symposium, held at Columbia University in New York. As I flipped through, I saw a speech from a famous scientist, Edward Teller (who helped invent the hydrogen bomb), warning the industry executives and others assembled of global warming.

“Whenever you burn conventional fuel,” Teller explained, “you create carbon dioxide. … Its presence in the atmosphere causes a greenhouse effect.” If the world kept using fossil fuels, the ice caps would begin to melt, raising sea levels. Eventually, “all the coastal cities would be covered,” he warned

In Wyoming, I found another speech at the university archives in Laramie – this one from 1965, and from an oil executive himself. That year, at the annual meeting of the American Petroleum Institute, the main organization for the U.S. oil industry, the group’s president, Frank Ikard, mentioning a report called “Restoring the Quality of Our Environment” that had been published just a few days before by President Lyndon Johnson’s team of scientific advisers.

“The substance of the report,” Ikard told the industry audience, “is that there is still time to save the world’s peoples from the catastrophic consequences of pollution, but time is running out.” He continued that “One of the most important predictions of the report is that carbon dioxide is being added to the earth’s atmosphere by the burning of coal, oil, and natural gas at such a rate that by the year 2000 the heat balance will be so modified as possibly to cause marked changes in climate.”

By the late 1970s, the American Petroleum Institute had formed a secret committee called the “CO2 and Climate Task Force,” which included representatives of many of the major oil companies, to privately monitor and discuss the latest developments in climate science.

In 1980, the task force invited a scientist from Stanford University, John Laurmann, to brief them on the state of climate science. Today, we have a copy of Laurmann’s presentation, which warned that if fossil fuels continued to be used, global warming would be “barely noticeable” by 2005, but by the 2060s would have “globally catastrophic effects.” That same year, the American Petroleum Institute called on governments to triple coal production worldwide, insisting there would be no negative consequences despite what it knew internally.

Dude, you've been lied to. It's time to take the fucking blinders off.
Okay then, let me show you what scientists on Big Oil's payroll knew about climate change -- 40, 50, or even 60 fucking years ago.
Funny, then you post from people paid by the big oil's pocket. Too fking funny, can't make up a demofks word salad that's for sure.

What part of money didn't you understand?
The energy companies and the investors who support them are making a lot more money!!! than climate scientists.
they sell products. You're typing on one right now.

It's astonishing how fking stupid you all are. Really!!!!
I know one thing: Germany will probably regret shuttering its last remaining nuke plants. They did this with the assumption that renewables would make up the slack but they're already fossil fuel heavy and now this would make them easily the biggest polluter in Europe.

Yeah, the German greens are even dumber than the average green.
Don't worry, they'll just burn more lignite.
It is possible that they shut them down in a recoverable manner and when the panic concerning Fukushima has cooled, might bring them back online, perhaps with added safeguards.

The safeguards to prevent a Fukushima disaster in Germany are so simple, even Abu could do them.
Understood, but you have to have people who vote and people in government who agree that it's an emergency. We're not there yet. We won't be until we start having massive numbers killed in heat wave events and major agriculture failures. We could be close to witnessing this in India and SE Asia, though I suspect that since we're not officially in the El Nino cycle yet, they have been spared. They probably won't be so lucky next year.

Ditto agriculture in Northern Africa and Southern Europe, which could be devastated by heat-related failures. It's not just that heat kills the plant. The heating of the soil prevents the uptake of water and nutrients.

No, they're not. It's a nice thought, but dealing with the impacts of ecological destruction are going to require a major rethink of global economics, or we will likely end up destroying civilization and many other forms of life in the next 10-20 years.

Understood, but you have to have people who vote and people in government who agree that it's an emergency. We're not there yet.

AOC and the other green idiots agree there is an emergency that going to kill us in decades,
but they fear nuclear power even more. They're not very bright.
Understood, but you have to have people who vote and people in government who agree that it's an emergency. We're not there yet.

AOC and the other green idiots agree there is an emergency that going to kill us in decades,
but they fear nuclear power even more. They're not very bright.

And this is part of the problem, I agree. We have people who can agree that manmade climate change is a problem, but don't really know what the solutions are. Their green deal is probably not a credible solution. It's good intentions but not based in reality.
Stronger hurricanes have been confirmed. That is, the predictions of AGW theory were proven to be correct, again.

AGW theory never predicted more hurricanes. A warmer world also makes for more wind shear, which stops hurricanes from forming.
Man made climate change. Do you have a reading problem?
what is it? How come you can't explain what it is? Are you so uninformed you just parrot people?

I've asked ad nausea, and you still haven't answered where it's changed on earth. why?

If we double CO2 what is the temperature gonna be?

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