Three Supreme Court Justices in one term, could it be.....

Will you be one of the extremists harassing these fine justices in their homes?

He would if his crummy lil Vespa would tote him that far.

Speaking of law... isn't the crap they're pulling with bullying and threatening justices illegal?
Time to end the filibuster, and add seats to the supreme court.

Adding more seats, suggestions of dismantling them- just because they haven't ruled in the way you want them todoesn't that seem a lil drastic? A little un-American?
Adding more seats, suggestions of dismantling them- just because they haven't ruled in the way you want them todoesn't that seem a lil drastic? A little un-American?
A partisan court like we have now is unAmerican.
All of them called RvW settled law. Now it turns out they don't think so. That's a lie in my book.

Just because something was "settled law" doesn't exempt it from being reviewed and overturned. Remember when the libs came up with Plessy vs Ferguson and the Dred Scott Decision?
President Trump kept his promise to nominate Conservatives to the SCOTUS. This is the result. Dems may have cheated the incompetent Biden into office, but Trump's Presidency will last generations now.
The Dems will try to stack the Supreme Court. They will do away with the filibuster in order to reach that goal.

At least one of them was a deliberate theft. The other two lied to America's face in their confirmation hearing. "Fate" implies someone other than scheming lying sacks of shit had something do do with it.
Chuckling in collapsitarian
A partisan court like we have now is unAmerican.

There are libs and conservatives in that court as there always has been. Just because they make a decision you don't want- that doesn't make them entirely partisan.

They're human beings, not bots. If they were, there'd be no justices claiming one party affiliation at all. They'd just whir and click and spit out the decision.

I think for the most part, both left and right sides of the court do the best they can.
Just because something was "settled law" doesn't exempt it from being reviewed and overturned. Remember when the libs came up with Plessy vs Ferguson and the Dred Scott Decision?
Ancient history. Right now the republicans are trying to put the country in reverse and make it 1955 again.
Ancient history. Right now the republicans are trying to put the country in reverse and make it 1955 again.

Actually, its the libs that want 1955 again. They are the ones who profess their love for General Eisenhower and the pinnacle of Big Labor power in the mid-1950's. Not "Republicans".
There are libs and conservatives in that court as there always has been. Just because they make a decision you don't want- that doesn't make them entirely partisan.

They're human beings, not bots. If they were, there'd be no justices claiming one party affiliation at all. They'd just whir and click and spit out the decision.

I think for the most part, both left and right sides of the court do the best they can.
There isn't supposed to be a left or right side of the court. It's supposed to be above politcs. That is not the case. Trump said he would only nominate justices who would eliminate Roe. Thomas and his wife have been partisan for a long time. The new appointees have ended any sign of the court's nutrality.
All I know is that Trump is capable of miracles!!

He was able to grab millions of liberal women's pussy's all at one time while playing a round of golf.

Top this!!!

Actually, its the libs that want 1955 again. They are the ones who profess their love for General Eisenhower and the pinnacle of Big Labor power in the mid-1950's. Not "Republicans".
Talk about right now or the future because with this court nothing in the past matters.
There isn't supposed to be a left or right side of the court. It's supposed to be above politcs. That is not the case. Trump said he would only nominate justices who would eliminate Roe. Thomas and his wife have been partisan for a long time. The new appointees have ended any sign of the court's nutrality.

I know it's supposed to be non-partisan. It would be if it wasn't made up of humans.

Do you believe those justices on the left have no bias in their thinking or decisions?
It's been clear for a while now God has decided to destroy the Dem party.
Your god must be pretty weak. He wasn't able to do anything about row v wade for 50 years until he hooked up with unethical right wingers.
There isn't supposed to be a left or right side of the court. It's supposed to be above politcs. That is not the case. Trump said he would only nominate justices who would eliminate Roe. Thomas and his wife have been partisan for a long time. The new appointees have ended any sign of the court's nutrality.

Fair enough observation.

But when you have political hacks like Kangan and Sotomayor and Jackson voting automatically for the liberal side, that's a real problem.
I know it's supposed to be non-partisan. It would be if it wasn't made up of humans.

Do you believe those justices on the left have no bias in their thinking or decisions?
Not wanting to take away a right is hardly is a bias. They can go through all sorts of legal arguments but the end result is the same. In some states women have lost a freedom by their actions.
I know it's supposed to be non-partisan. It would be if it wasn't made up of humans.

Do you believe those justices on the left have no bias in their thinking or decisions?
The constitution calls for an independent court. Not a partisan cheering squad for a party. You don't get that?

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