Three Texas Democrats test positive for COVID-19 in Washington, D.C.

Progs be like.......

6 Democrat Texas 'Flee-baggers' have reportedly contracted COVID-19, infected 1 Pelosi aide, and infected 1 WH aide. Now Press Secretary Psaki has confirmed there a lt more infected persons in the WH....

'White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Tuesday confirmed that there have been breakthrough COVID-19 cases among White House staffers that had not previously been disclosed.

Psaki, during Tuesday’s White House briefing, confirmed reports that a vaccinated White House official and a vaccinated staffer for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tested positive for coronavirus after attending the same event.'

Bwuhahahahahahahaha.......... The WH and DC Democrats welcomed the Tx Democrats 'on the lamb' as heroes....after becoming 'super-spreaders' I wonder whatDC Democrats think of them now?

I would have suspected the texas democrats to have been vaccinated also like all good little storm troopers that democrats are must do as they have been directed by the supreme commander lol
My favorite part.....

Kamala Harris... a few months back - "if you have been exposed to someone who has tested positive, you should quarantine yourself to stop the spread..".
Kamala Harris... now... herself exposed to multiple people WITH Covid.... "nah... no reason to quarantine or change my schedule"
So she spreads more than just her legs lol
a super swallower I mean super spreader.
How can this be? Come on VAC heads explain how vaccinated people caught covid 19?
rightwinger especially you need to answer this question since you believe only the unvaccinated are catching covid 19

Pelosi and Slammin Krammin Harris personally invited these fools....lololol

What a pile of horse shit in the face. Their concerned about Covid...LOLOL
'Americans MUST wear masks, especially on planes, and socisl distance'....say the 'fleebaggers' who packed a plane, didn't wear their masks, & ended up contaminating the Marxist Communist praises/ defenders in DC...

Gotta love it.
5 Democrats who flew without masks on a charter flight to D.C. have now tested positive for COVID.

This was planned by Pelosi and Slammin Krammin Harris. You think these 50 tardos make this happen??

What a backfire.I mean a 409 backfire......BAWWWHAHAHA
5 Democrats who flew without masks on a charter flight to D.C. have now tested positive for COVID.

Oh no! You know what? Not a one of them will die from it because the virus is just NOT THAT DEADLY.
rd to tell retards that
If I was Biden I would watch my back the super spreader is coming after him lol
This is probably the 50th thing she has spread in her life, besides her legs which add up to 1000s

Most unvaxers are under 35. i been telling these retards to give me their evidence...lolol

If you were 28 and had a brain and saw all this shit up to now, would you take it? I would but this hysteria and misinfo is blind siding this big time.

Then you have Fauci covering his ass poorly about creating the MF from our funding and research. We're partly responsible for this shit as China will point out eventually.......................My God Laura Ingram was 100% spot on

Guess he got destroyed today by another senate doctor
6 Democrat Texas 'Flee-baggers' have reportedly contracted COVID-19, infected 1 Pelosi aide, and infected 1 WH aide. Now Press Secretary Psaki has confirmed there a lt more infected persons in the WH....

'White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Tuesday confirmed that there have been breakthrough COVID-19 cases among White House staffers that had not previously been disclosed.

Psaki, during Tuesday’s White House briefing, confirmed reports that a vaccinated White House official and a vaccinated staffer for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tested positive for coronavirus after attending the same event.'

Bwuhahahahahahahaha.......... The WH and DC Democrats welcomed the Tx Democrats 'on the lamb' as heroes....after becoming 'super-spreaders' I wonder whatDC Democrats think of them now?

How is it that a fully vaccinated White House is catching the Covid?
Don't all these morons realize that they should quarantine? Funny how the political leaders tell us to do one thing and then they don't do it themselves. Pretty hypocritical considering how bad this virus has been.

I have really seen how this pandemic is being used to control people and separate the elite from the rest of us.

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