Thugs Arrested After Cancelled Trump Rally

Democrat punks taken into custody. Take a look at these guys:

4 charged in clashes after canceled Trump rally at UIC

What exactly is it you want us to look at. Is there something specific we should be seeing? Or are you just in love with posting selfies on the internet?
Take a second to ponder the faces of those of your ilk.

1 - What about their faces? Do you want me to remember them later for some reason?

2 - To what "ilk" do you refer? The ilk of men? The ilk of Hispanics? The ilk of people who think that you're making an ass out of yourself?
Democrat punks taken into custody. Take a look at these guys:

4 charged in clashes after canceled Trump rally at UIC

What exactly is it you want us to look at. Is there something specific we should be seeing? Or are you just in love with posting selfies on the internet?
Take a second to ponder the faces of those of your ilk.

1 - What about their faces? Do you want me to remember them later for some reason?

2 - To what "ilk" do you refer? The ilk of men? The ilk of Hispanics? The ilk of people who think that you're making an ass out of yourself?
Punks of course. Don't be coy.
Relax, Manonthestreet. Old rocks frequently announces that conservatives said things they never said, and even practices mindreading and prescience to tell us what they "will" do.

His options are apparently limited when the truth doesn't support what he wants people to believe.
What is the truth is that the thread premise is a lie.

It's also true that most on the USMB right have a propensity to lie.
Four arrests in what yesterday the RW pantloads were calling the end of the world, the riot of the century?

Who called it the end of the world? Everyone knew it was a bunch of punks.
It's being called a lie – and correctly so; the violence was neither instigated nor condoned by 'democrats.'

You are in fact a liar.
Ah yes. Blacks and Hispanics. Going to go after all of them. And then cry like a baby when the Dem candidate gets over 80% of their votes and wins big in November. Just cannot understand why they would not vote for a candidate and party that despises them. LOL
Because the negro race generally have IQs in the low eighties. They are the country's 'Special Needs' class where the DEMs go to 'abuse' them and take advantage of them while promising them candy bars whenever they get horny, AKA looking for votes and the poor Special Needs race doesn't even know what's happening to them.
I consider what the DEMs do to negroes actual abuse.
This was set up by die hard Left Wing Whack Jobs. They bused in people who had no idea what they were doing there. Typical Left Wing tactics: create the conditions for violence for the drones while the leaders stay clear of the fray.

These actions are the same that were used by the Socialist Garbage in the 1960s.
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The Democrat Party is instigating and inciting violence. But that isn't anything new. It's gonna ramp up the Race-Baiting incitement significanty as the Election draws nearer. It will have to be held accountable for any future violence. And this incident needs to be investigated. These two thugs were clearly placed in that crowd. Someone or some entity paid them to be there.
Ah yes. Blacks and Hispanics. Going to go after all of them. And then cry like a baby when the Dem candidate gets over 80% of their votes and wins big in November. Just cannot understand why they would not vote for a candidate and party that despises them. LOL

Are you saying that blacks and hispanics should be held to a lower standard?
The Democrat Party is instigating and inciting violence. But that isn't anything new. It's gonna ramp up the Race-Baiting incitement significanty as the Election draws nearer. It will have to be held accountable for any future violence. And this incident needs to be investigated. These two thugs were clearly placed in that crowd. Someone or some entity paid them to be there.
They were promised fifty bucks each. The 'money trail' goes directly back to George Soros through Media Matters which is funded by Soros.
Can you imagine if the Koch brothers were paying for anti-Hillary protesters to shut down Hillary's rallies?
Were the thugs from Chicago? Or bussed in from other cities?

Mind you, they didn't necessarily have to be bussed in. Chicago is where the Democrats usual bus their people FROM when they need a rent-a-mob to stage a "protest" in other places.

probably so at least for now the craps have already destroyed Detroit. Chicago will follow suit

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