Tightening The Noose On Liberty

The pledge, written for flag day, by a Christian Socialist...The Pledge of Allegiance

Are you posting in opposition to "justice for all"????

What the heck is wrong with you?
You don't believe in justice for all, so why are you asking if I do? And I do BTW, liberty and justice for all. That includes Muslims and Faggots.

"I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

If only he could see us now, he'd throw this in the garbage.

"You don't believe in justice for all,..."

I would demand you provide any post of my to validate that, but I've shown you lying so many times, in this thread alone...it would be like gilding the lily.
If you believe in justice for all that's very good, and liberal, and it includes criminals, gays, and Muslims. And like most here I don't worry about what you say, it's just cutting and pasting and you call everyone by names you don't understand and can't support.


First:'You don't believe in justice for all,..."

Now: 'If you believe in justice for all that's very good, and liberal, and it includes criminals, gays, and Muslims.'

For clarity....are you certifiably nuts?
For clarity answer the question, do you believe in justice for all, or not?
I'm sorry if facts get in the way of your political canons, but you put it out there and Biden got zero credit no matter what anyone says.

In order for facts to get in my way, you would have to offer one - at least once. Thus far, you have not.

{According to the summary by President Clinton, the bill was intended to establish federal criminal jurisdiction over acts of international terrorism.[5] Civil liberty advocacy groups opposed the bill on the grounds that it would violate fundamental civil liberties, including the right to confront one's accuser.[3] Another source of opposition was the Government's ability to use evidence from secret sources in deportation proceedings for suspected terrorists.[3] During the debate over the Patriot Act of 2001 then Senator Joe Biden compared this bill to its 2001 counterpart stating "I drafted a terrorism bill after the Oklahoma City bombing. And the bill John Ashcroft sent up was my bill."[7]}


Facts are my forte' and something you have no association with.

A bill that
I'm sorry if facts get in the way of your political canons, but you put it out there and Biden got zero credit no matter what anyone says.

In order for facts to get in my way, you would have to offer one - at least once. Thus far, you have not.

{According to the summary by President Clinton, the bill was intended to establish federal criminal jurisdiction over acts of international terrorism.[5] Civil liberty advocacy groups opposed the bill on the grounds that it would violate fundamental civil liberties, including the right to confront one's accuser.[3] Another source of opposition was the Government's ability to use evidence from secret sources in deportation proceedings for suspected terrorists.[3] During the debate over the Patriot Act of 2001 then Senator Joe Biden compared this bill to its 2001 counterpart stating "I drafted a terrorism bill after the Oklahoma City bombing. And the bill John Ashcroft sent up was my bill."[7]}


Facts are my forte' and something you have no association with.

Again, Biden got zero credit. I understand what you're trying to say, but his name should be on the bill or some kind of credit given if the work was his. This is a good illustration of just how dishonest Republicans are, take a man's work and don't even throw him a bone.


Let's remember that Biden was behind the Democrat/Liberal attempt to deprive this nation of intelligence needed to protect our citizens, and which led to the 9/11 attacks.

This Joe Biden:

. "[C]hairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Joseph Biden,…[t]he Delaware Democrat was one of seventeen Senators whovoted in 1974 to ban all covert operations, and proudly noted during his 1988 campaign for president that he had threatened to “go public” with covert action plans by the Reagan administration, causing them to cancel the operations.

The sad reality is that a CIA operative with any hope of infiltrating a terrorist cell would need to demonstrate his bona fides in any number of reprehensible ways. These are unpleasant thoughts to contemplate, and they certainly do not fit our conception of the way the world ought to work. But America cannot have it both ways -- it cannot expect to deter an Osama bin Laden and keep its hands clean at the same time. Presidents need options short of war to handle this type of threat.

[Liberal Democrat] Congressional meddling is primarily responsible for this new CIA ethos, transforming it from an agency willing to take risks, and act at times in a Machiavellian manner, into just another sclerotic Washington bureaucracy. This cautious, legalistic attitude has crippled the agency’s effectiveness and will not change unless the oversight committees of Congress acknowledge the uniquely executive character of intelligence and covert operations, and start to dismantle the cumbersome oversight apparatus erected during the last twenty five years."
History News Network Congressional Oversight and the Crippling of the CIA

A major reason why we were unable to detect the 9/11 attack!

Anti-America actions is de rigueur for Democrats/LIberals.

Let's not forget that George Bush didn't even appoint a 9/11 Commission for more than a year after it happened. Endowned the investigation with just $3 million dollars and this was after the Challenger investigation cost $50 million and Whitewater cost $70 million. The Commission was only given 18 months to perform its job and was only allowed a 60 day extension. Finally Bush and Cheney met behind closed doors with no oath or transcript and notes were never to be published.

Let's not forget the spy they actually found in Cheney's office Leandro Aragocillo, who got ten years for selling classified material to the Philippines and France.

So despite your public slurs real things happened on Bush' watch and more answers are needed to find the real 9/11 truth.

Bulletin: George Bush isn't the President.

Funny that you can't defend the ineptitude in the White House, so..."Buuussssssshhhhhh!!!!"

LOL, you cannot even remember it was Bush errors of judgment that hurt the DOJ and you responded with a rant about Biden. If you can't keep up bow out.
Gee....I put this in post #92....

"It must be said that Obama is not the first Liberal/Progressive/Democrat to champion the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizen."

Must be stipulated....no one disagreed.
Just patently obvious, I guess.
Just more of your fascism, criminals having no rights. In your world it's rights for you but not the other guy...

Hmmmm......you seem to be hedging your bet....my slapping you around has had an effect, Uncle Leftie.

So....you aren't really denying "It must be said that Obama is not the first Liberal/Progressive/Democrat to champion the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizen."

I'll put you in the 'could be' column.
Good enough.

Good thing none of the Liberals tried to deny that Liberals/Progressives/Democrats are champions of the criminals....


"NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects
The $18 million city plan, detailed to the AP ahead of the announcement today, allows judges beginning next year to replace bail for low-risk defendants with supervision options including daily check-ins, text-message reminders, and required drug or behavioral therapy. Bail has long been criticized by inmate advocates for unfairly targeting poor people. And reforms were recommended by a mayoral task force...."
NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects

The result of NYC electing a Communist/Liberal/Democrat mayor.
Gee....I put this in post #92....

"It must be said that Obama is not the first Liberal/Progressive/Democrat to champion the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizen."

Must be stipulated....no one disagreed.
Just patently obvious, I guess.
Just more of your fascism, criminals having no rights. In your world it's rights for you but not the other guy...

Hmmmm......you seem to be hedging your bet....my slapping you around has had an effect, Uncle Leftie.

So....you aren't really denying "It must be said that Obama is not the first Liberal/Progressive/Democrat to champion the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizen."

I'll put you in the 'could be' column.
Good enough.

Good thing none of the Liberals tried to deny that Liberals/Progressives/Democrats are champions of the criminals....


"NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects
The $18 million city plan, detailed to the AP ahead of the announcement today, allows judges beginning next year to replace bail for low-risk defendants with supervision options including daily check-ins, text-message reminders, and required drug or behavioral therapy. Bail has long been criticized by inmate advocates for unfairly targeting poor people. And reforms were recommended by a mayoral task force...."
NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects

The result of NYC electing a Communist/Liberal/Democrat mayor.
More justice for the poor? No wonder you hate it...
Gee....I put this in post #92....

"It must be said that Obama is not the first Liberal/Progressive/Democrat to champion the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizen."

Must be stipulated....no one disagreed.
Just patently obvious, I guess.
Just more of your fascism, criminals having no rights. In your world it's rights for you but not the other guy...

Hmmmm......you seem to be hedging your bet....my slapping you around has had an effect, Uncle Leftie.

So....you aren't really denying "It must be said that Obama is not the first Liberal/Progressive/Democrat to champion the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizen."

I'll put you in the 'could be' column.
Good enough.

Good thing none of the Liberals tried to deny that Liberals/Progressives/Democrats are champions of the criminals....


"NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects
The $18 million city plan, detailed to the AP ahead of the announcement today, allows judges beginning next year to replace bail for low-risk defendants with supervision options including daily check-ins, text-message reminders, and required drug or behavioral therapy. Bail has long been criticized by inmate advocates for unfairly targeting poor people. And reforms were recommended by a mayoral task force...."
NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects

The result of NYC electing a Communist/Liberal/Democrat mayor.

DUH, these people aren't judged yet and there is a little yet somewhat well know fact in America that you are innocent until proven guilty. Trying to change that small fact is pretty fascist of you PC.
Gee....I put this in post #92....

"It must be said that Obama is not the first Liberal/Progressive/Democrat to champion the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizen."

Must be stipulated....no one disagreed.
Just patently obvious, I guess.
Just more of your fascism, criminals having no rights. In your world it's rights for you but not the other guy...

Hmmmm......you seem to be hedging your bet....my slapping you around has had an effect, Uncle Leftie.

So....you aren't really denying "It must be said that Obama is not the first Liberal/Progressive/Democrat to champion the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizen."

I'll put you in the 'could be' column.
Good enough.

Good thing none of the Liberals tried to deny that Liberals/Progressives/Democrats are champions of the criminals....


"NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects
The $18 million city plan, detailed to the AP ahead of the announcement today, allows judges beginning next year to replace bail for low-risk defendants with supervision options including daily check-ins, text-message reminders, and required drug or behavioral therapy. Bail has long been criticized by inmate advocates for unfairly targeting poor people. And reforms were recommended by a mayoral task force...."
NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects

The result of NYC electing a Communist/Liberal/Democrat mayor.

The result of NYC electing a Communist/Liberal/Democrat mayor.

No. The result of serious systemic flaws that lead to the failure of the system for some involved in it.

Three Years on Rikers Without Trial - The New Yorker
Gee....I put this in post #92....

"It must be said that Obama is not the first Liberal/Progressive/Democrat to champion the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizen."

Must be stipulated....no one disagreed.
Just patently obvious, I guess.
Just more of your fascism, criminals having no rights. In your world it's rights for you but not the other guy...

Hmmmm......you seem to be hedging your bet....my slapping you around has had an effect, Uncle Leftie.

So....you aren't really denying "It must be said that Obama is not the first Liberal/Progressive/Democrat to champion the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizen."

I'll put you in the 'could be' column.
Good enough.

Good thing none of the Liberals tried to deny that Liberals/Progressives/Democrats are champions of the criminals....


"NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects
The $18 million city plan, detailed to the AP ahead of the announcement today, allows judges beginning next year to replace bail for low-risk defendants with supervision options including daily check-ins, text-message reminders, and required drug or behavioral therapy. Bail has long been criticized by inmate advocates for unfairly targeting poor people. And reforms were recommended by a mayoral task force...."
NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects

The result of NYC electing a Communist/Liberal/Democrat mayor.

The result of NYC electing a Communist/Liberal/Democrat mayor.

No. The result of serious systemic flaws that lead to the failure of the system for some involved in it.

Three Years on Rikers Without Trial - The New Yorker

"...flaws that lead to the failure of the system for some involved in it."

The criminals.

Just as I stated.

Would I be correct in guessing that you were an Obama voter?
Gee....I put this in post #92....

"It must be said that Obama is not the first Liberal/Progressive/Democrat to champion the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizen."

Must be stipulated....no one disagreed.
Just patently obvious, I guess.
Just more of your fascism, criminals having no rights. In your world it's rights for you but not the other guy...

Hmmmm......you seem to be hedging your bet....my slapping you around has had an effect, Uncle Leftie.

So....you aren't really denying "It must be said that Obama is not the first Liberal/Progressive/Democrat to champion the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizen."

I'll put you in the 'could be' column.
Good enough.

Good thing none of the Liberals tried to deny that Liberals/Progressives/Democrats are champions of the criminals....


"NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects
The $18 million city plan, detailed to the AP ahead of the announcement today, allows judges beginning next year to replace bail for low-risk defendants with supervision options including daily check-ins, text-message reminders, and required drug or behavioral therapy. Bail has long been criticized by inmate advocates for unfairly targeting poor people. And reforms were recommended by a mayoral task force...."
NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects

The result of NYC electing a Communist/Liberal/Democrat mayor.

DUH, these people aren't judged yet and there is a little yet somewhat well know fact in America that you are innocent until proven guilty. Trying to change that small fact is pretty fascist of you PC.

Championing the criminal???

Gee....how unusual for a Liberal/Progressive/Democrat.

Carry on.
Gee....I put this in post #92....

"It must be said that Obama is not the first Liberal/Progressive/Democrat to champion the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizen."

Must be stipulated....no one disagreed.
Just patently obvious, I guess.
Just more of your fascism, criminals having no rights. In your world it's rights for you but not the other guy...

Hmmmm......you seem to be hedging your bet....my slapping you around has had an effect, Uncle Leftie.

So....you aren't really denying "It must be said that Obama is not the first Liberal/Progressive/Democrat to champion the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizen."

I'll put you in the 'could be' column.
Good enough.

Good thing none of the Liberals tried to deny that Liberals/Progressives/Democrats are champions of the criminals....


"NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects
The $18 million city plan, detailed to the AP ahead of the announcement today, allows judges beginning next year to replace bail for low-risk defendants with supervision options including daily check-ins, text-message reminders, and required drug or behavioral therapy. Bail has long been criticized by inmate advocates for unfairly targeting poor people. And reforms were recommended by a mayoral task force...."
NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects

The result of NYC electing a Communist/Liberal/Democrat mayor.
More justice for the poor? No wonder you hate it...

No justice for the victim?
No wonder you oppose it.
Gee....I put this in post #92....

"It must be said that Obama is not the first Liberal/Progressive/Democrat to champion the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizen."

Must be stipulated....no one disagreed.
Just patently obvious, I guess.
Just more of your fascism, criminals having no rights. In your world it's rights for you but not the other guy...

Hmmmm......you seem to be hedging your bet....my slapping you around has had an effect, Uncle Leftie.

So....you aren't really denying "It must be said that Obama is not the first Liberal/Progressive/Democrat to champion the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizen."

I'll put you in the 'could be' column.
Good enough.

Good thing none of the Liberals tried to deny that Liberals/Progressives/Democrats are champions of the criminals....


"NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects
The $18 million city plan, detailed to the AP ahead of the announcement today, allows judges beginning next year to replace bail for low-risk defendants with supervision options including daily check-ins, text-message reminders, and required drug or behavioral therapy. Bail has long been criticized by inmate advocates for unfairly targeting poor people. And reforms were recommended by a mayoral task force...."
NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects

The result of NYC electing a Communist/Liberal/Democrat mayor.
More justice for the poor? No wonder you hate it...

No justice for the victim?
No wonder you oppose it.
Locking the innocent until proven guilty up isn't justice for the victim, it's injustice for the still considered innocent. In your fascist world that is a bad thing.
Democrats/Liberals/Progressives oppose the Constitution, but champion felons!!!

Who knew?

" [Democrat/Liberal/Progressive] Supreme Court Sonia Sotomayor wants to give jailbirds the right to vote. It's her opinion that the federal Voting Rights Act can be used to force states to allow voting by currently imprisoned felons.

Ms. Sotomayor is thus in the position of asserting that Congress can prohibit New York from doing something the Constitution itself specifically endorses. It's as if she thinks black and Hispanic felons are convicted in order to deny them the vote, rather than that they are denied the vote as a result of being duly convicted. Her position ignores the fact that it is the convicts' own actions, their crimes - not any state-based racial discrimination - that make those felons ineligible to vote.

As almost every state has done since the United States was founded, New York forbids currently incarcerated or paroled prisoners from voting. Some states go even farther by prohibiting some felons from voting even after they have served their sentences. New York's law is not so stringent. It only applies to felons still under criminal sentences. It equally applies to all felons, black or white.

There is growing evidence that Judge Sotomayor believes some races are more equal than others."
Democrats want to let convicted felons and felons in prison vote! Do you think this should be allowed or not?
EDITORIAL: The franchise for felons - Washington Times
Gee....I put this in post #92....

"It must be said that Obama is not the first Liberal/Progressive/Democrat to champion the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizen."

Must be stipulated....no one disagreed.
Just patently obvious, I guess.
Just more of your fascism, criminals having no rights. In your world it's rights for you but not the other guy...

Hmmmm......you seem to be hedging your bet....my slapping you around has had an effect, Uncle Leftie.

So....you aren't really denying "It must be said that Obama is not the first Liberal/Progressive/Democrat to champion the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizen."

I'll put you in the 'could be' column.
Good enough.

Good thing none of the Liberals tried to deny that Liberals/Progressives/Democrats are champions of the criminals....


"NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects
The $18 million city plan, detailed to the AP ahead of the announcement today, allows judges beginning next year to replace bail for low-risk defendants with supervision options including daily check-ins, text-message reminders, and required drug or behavioral therapy. Bail has long been criticized by inmate advocates for unfairly targeting poor people. And reforms were recommended by a mayoral task force...."
NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects

The result of NYC electing a Communist/Liberal/Democrat mayor.

DUH, these people aren't judged yet and there is a little yet somewhat well know fact in America that you are innocent until proven guilty. Trying to change that small fact is pretty fascist of you PC.

Championing the criminal???

Gee....how unusual for a Liberal/Progressive/Democrat.

Carry on.

Dum Dum, if they aren't convicted yet they aren't yet a criminal.
Just more of your fascism, criminals having no rights. In your world it's rights for you but not the other guy...

Hmmmm......you seem to be hedging your bet....my slapping you around has had an effect, Uncle Leftie.

So....you aren't really denying "It must be said that Obama is not the first Liberal/Progressive/Democrat to champion the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizen."

I'll put you in the 'could be' column.
Good enough.

Good thing none of the Liberals tried to deny that Liberals/Progressives/Democrats are champions of the criminals....


"NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects
The $18 million city plan, detailed to the AP ahead of the announcement today, allows judges beginning next year to replace bail for low-risk defendants with supervision options including daily check-ins, text-message reminders, and required drug or behavioral therapy. Bail has long been criticized by inmate advocates for unfairly targeting poor people. And reforms were recommended by a mayoral task force...."
NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects

The result of NYC electing a Communist/Liberal/Democrat mayor.
More justice for the poor? No wonder you hate it...

No justice for the victim?
No wonder you oppose it.
Locking the innocent until proven guilty up isn't justice for the victim, it's injustice for the still considered innocent. In your fascist world that is a bad thing.

Victim calls police.
Police discretion....decide to arrest.

Liberals nod to culprit...and say 'be sure to come back for a trial.'

Bail is based on two factors:
a. seriousness of the crime
b. judges prediction that the arrestee will return for trial.

Liberal are both allies of the criminal, and certifiably insane.
True story.
Just more of your fascism, criminals having no rights. In your world it's rights for you but not the other guy...

Hmmmm......you seem to be hedging your bet....my slapping you around has had an effect, Uncle Leftie.

So....you aren't really denying "It must be said that Obama is not the first Liberal/Progressive/Democrat to champion the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizen."

I'll put you in the 'could be' column.
Good enough.

Good thing none of the Liberals tried to deny that Liberals/Progressives/Democrats are champions of the criminals....


"NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects
The $18 million city plan, detailed to the AP ahead of the announcement today, allows judges beginning next year to replace bail for low-risk defendants with supervision options including daily check-ins, text-message reminders, and required drug or behavioral therapy. Bail has long been criticized by inmate advocates for unfairly targeting poor people. And reforms were recommended by a mayoral task force...."
NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects

The result of NYC electing a Communist/Liberal/Democrat mayor.
More justice for the poor? No wonder you hate it...

No justice for the victim?
No wonder you oppose it.
Locking the innocent until proven guilty up isn't justice for the victim, it's injustice for the still considered innocent. In your fascist world that is a bad thing.

If you intend the term 'fascist' as a pejorative.....why do you subscribe to the same views as fascists?

"....an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’"

Why, Uncle Leftie?
Just more of your fascism, criminals having no rights. In your world it's rights for you but not the other guy...

Hmmmm......you seem to be hedging your bet....my slapping you around has had an effect, Uncle Leftie.

So....you aren't really denying "It must be said that Obama is not the first Liberal/Progressive/Democrat to champion the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizen."

I'll put you in the 'could be' column.
Good enough.

Good thing none of the Liberals tried to deny that Liberals/Progressives/Democrats are champions of the criminals....


"NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects
The $18 million city plan, detailed to the AP ahead of the announcement today, allows judges beginning next year to replace bail for low-risk defendants with supervision options including daily check-ins, text-message reminders, and required drug or behavioral therapy. Bail has long been criticized by inmate advocates for unfairly targeting poor people. And reforms were recommended by a mayoral task force...."
NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects

The result of NYC electing a Communist/Liberal/Democrat mayor.

DUH, these people aren't judged yet and there is a little yet somewhat well know fact in America that you are innocent until proven guilty. Trying to change that small fact is pretty fascist of you PC.

Championing the criminal???

Gee....how unusual for a Liberal/Progressive/Democrat.

Carry on.

Dum Dum, if they aren't convicted yet they aren't yet a criminal.

Is the victim a victim?

So...why is their view less value than that of the culprit?

Oh....right...because that's what you Liberals/Progressives/Democrats deem justice.
Ya, it's President Obama's fault. Bush's Patriot Act screamed freedom. Didn't actually give it, but it screamed it.
I know right? :p the last Repub President presiding over the largest increase in the security industrial complex AKA- the anti-liberty complex is ironic

/end thread
Hmmmm......you seem to be hedging your bet....my slapping you around has had an effect, Uncle Leftie.

So....you aren't really denying "It must be said that Obama is not the first Liberal/Progressive/Democrat to champion the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizen."

I'll put you in the 'could be' column.
Good enough.

Good thing none of the Liberals tried to deny that Liberals/Progressives/Democrats are champions of the criminals....


"NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects
The $18 million city plan, detailed to the AP ahead of the announcement today, allows judges beginning next year to replace bail for low-risk defendants with supervision options including daily check-ins, text-message reminders, and required drug or behavioral therapy. Bail has long been criticized by inmate advocates for unfairly targeting poor people. And reforms were recommended by a mayoral task force...."
NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects

The result of NYC electing a Communist/Liberal/Democrat mayor.
More justice for the poor? No wonder you hate it...

No justice for the victim?
No wonder you oppose it.
Locking the innocent until proven guilty up isn't justice for the victim, it's injustice for the still considered innocent. In your fascist world that is a bad thing.

Victim calls police.
Police discretion....decide to arrest.

Liberals nod to culprit...and say 'be sure to come back for a trial.'

Bail is based on two factors:
a. seriousness of the crime
b. judges prediction that the arrestee will return for trial.

Liberal are both allies of the criminal, and certifiably insane.
True story.

Liberals stand up for justice. Conservatives stand up for imprisonment.
Gee....I put this in post #92....

"It must be said that Obama is not the first Liberal/Progressive/Democrat to champion the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizen."

Must be stipulated....no one disagreed.
Just patently obvious, I guess.
Just more of your fascism, criminals having no rights. In your world it's rights for you but not the other guy...

Hmmmm......you seem to be hedging your bet....my slapping you around has had an effect, Uncle Leftie.

So....you aren't really denying "It must be said that Obama is not the first Liberal/Progressive/Democrat to champion the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizen."

I'll put you in the 'could be' column.
Good enough.

Good thing none of the Liberals tried to deny that Liberals/Progressives/Democrats are champions of the criminals....


"NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects
The $18 million city plan, detailed to the AP ahead of the announcement today, allows judges beginning next year to replace bail for low-risk defendants with supervision options including daily check-ins, text-message reminders, and required drug or behavioral therapy. Bail has long been criticized by inmate advocates for unfairly targeting poor people. And reforms were recommended by a mayoral task force...."
NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects

The result of NYC electing a Communist/Liberal/Democrat mayor.

The result of NYC electing a Communist/Liberal/Democrat mayor.

No. The result of serious systemic flaws that lead to the failure of the system for some involved in it.

Three Years on Rikers Without Trial - The New Yorker

"...flaws that lead to the failure of the system for some involved in it."

The criminals.

Just as I stated.

Would I be correct in guessing that you were an Obama voter?

You would be correct in responding to the point I made rather than attempting to deflect from the issue you brought to the forum.
Gee....I put this in post #92....

"It must be said that Obama is not the first Liberal/Progressive/Democrat to champion the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizen."

Must be stipulated....no one disagreed.
Just patently obvious, I guess.
Just more of your fascism, criminals having no rights. In your world it's rights for you but not the other guy...

Hmmmm......you seem to be hedging your bet....my slapping you around has had an effect, Uncle Leftie.

So....you aren't really denying "It must be said that Obama is not the first Liberal/Progressive/Democrat to champion the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizen."

I'll put you in the 'could be' column.
Good enough.

Good thing none of the Liberals tried to deny that Liberals/Progressives/Democrats are champions of the criminals....


"NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects
The $18 million city plan, detailed to the AP ahead of the announcement today, allows judges beginning next year to replace bail for low-risk defendants with supervision options including daily check-ins, text-message reminders, and required drug or behavioral therapy. Bail has long been criticized by inmate advocates for unfairly targeting poor people. And reforms were recommended by a mayoral task force...."
NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects

The result of NYC electing a Communist/Liberal/Democrat mayor.
More justice for the poor? No wonder you hate it...

No justice for the victim?
No wonder you oppose it.

Justice comes after a conviction. Not before.
Gee....I put this in post #92....

"It must be said that Obama is not the first Liberal/Progressive/Democrat to champion the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizen."

Must be stipulated....no one disagreed.
Just patently obvious, I guess.
Just more of your fascism, criminals having no rights. In your world it's rights for you but not the other guy...

Hmmmm......you seem to be hedging your bet....my slapping you around has had an effect, Uncle Leftie.

So....you aren't really denying "It must be said that Obama is not the first Liberal/Progressive/Democrat to champion the criminal rather than the law-abiding citizen."

I'll put you in the 'could be' column.
Good enough.

Good thing none of the Liberals tried to deny that Liberals/Progressives/Democrats are champions of the criminals....


"NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects
The $18 million city plan, detailed to the AP ahead of the announcement today, allows judges beginning next year to replace bail for low-risk defendants with supervision options including daily check-ins, text-message reminders, and required drug or behavioral therapy. Bail has long been criticized by inmate advocates for unfairly targeting poor people. And reforms were recommended by a mayoral task force...."
NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects

The result of NYC electing a Communist/Liberal/Democrat mayor.

DUH, these people aren't judged yet and there is a little yet somewhat well know fact in America that you are innocent until proven guilty. Trying to change that small fact is pretty fascist of you PC.

Championing the criminal???

Gee....how unusual for a Liberal/Progressive/Democrat.

Carry on.

Championing the criminal???

Championing liberty and justice for all.

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