Tillerson tells the truth about POS trump and trump call Tillerson dumb...

Hitting back when attacked, refusing to be a punching bag....that's got nothing to do with lying, bullying, adultery, etc. I get that in many people's mind Trump was a better choice than Clinton. But that's in the past. Clinton is not the president. Trump is. Success does not require that one acts the way he does.
Dear Mr. LaDexter.....Thank you for your well thought out reply to my post. However, contrary to your post, those are not my values, nor am I a Democrat. I don't look at things from a Republican/Democrat point of view. I'm more of a "is it right or wrong" kind of guy.
Hitting back when attacked, refusing to be a punching bag....that's got nothing to do with lying, bullying, adultery, etc. I get that in many people's mind Trump was a better choice than Clinton. But that's in the past. Clinton is not the president. Trump is. Success does not require that one acts the way he does.

trump is a Putin appointed Mafia Boss...but Mueller has the goods on him...
Get on board in the administration or get on down the road.

Get on down the road butt hurt or not.

Tillerson, butt hurt.[/
Get on board in the administration or get on down the road.

Get on down the road butt hurt or not.

Tillerson, butt hurt.

Tillerson knows an immoral criminal when he sees one....
Trump calls Rex Tillerson 'dumb as a rock' - CNN Video

We have, ladies and gentlemen, the most corrupt, incompetent, ignorant human being in the White House the US has ever seen! I cannot imagine Reagan, Bush, or Carter ever calling one of their former cabinet members "dumb as a rock."

Tillerson spoke the truth about the orange POS... and trump has such thin orange skin that he decided to, once again, send the dignity of the Presidency into the sewer....

He's an Alpha Male, that's it. He's going to be a jerk on steroids if you cross him. He will seek out the most beautiful and desirable women and that will get him into trouble. But if you are "under his leadership" so to speak, he will do what Alpha Males do.

Half the nation is still butthurt that they don't have the usual Beta Republican they can push around.

Too bad, so sad. America chose differently this time.

Actually....Putin chose trump...

That's stupidity which has zero evidence to support it.
Tillerson also did business with Russia as head of Exxon, against US sanctions...

I wouldn't be surprised if that was the reason he got the job in the first place.
Trump calls Rex Tillerson 'dumb as a rock' - CNN Video

We have, ladies and gentlemen, the most corrupt, incompetent, ignorant human being in the White House the US has ever seen! I cannot imagine Reagan, Bush, or Carter ever calling one of their former cabinet members "dumb as a rock."

Tillerson spoke the truth about the orange POS... and trump has such thin orange skin that he decided to, once again, send the dignity of the Presidency into the sewer....

He's an Alpha Male, that's it. He's going to be a jerk on steroids if you cross him. He will seek out the most beautiful and desirable women and that will get him into trouble. But if you are "under his leadership" so to speak, he will do what Alpha Males do.

Half the nation is still butthurt that they don't have the usual Beta Republican they can push around.

Too bad, so sad. America chose differently this time.

Actually....Putin chose trump...

That's stupidity which has zero evidence to support it.

So....the conclusions of the Mueller people that Russian efforts were made to elect trump mean nothing to you? The celebrations in the Kremlin after the orange POS won doesn't give you a hint?

Putin groomed and then helped elect the b_a_s_t_a_ r_d...
Tillerson also did business with Russia as head of Exxon, against US sanctions...

I wouldn't be surprised if that was the reason he got the job in the first place.

Yeah...trump thought he would have another connection with his master...Putin.

But Vlad must be backing off now that the Mueller investigation is bringing the snakes to the surface. In Russia....corruption us rampant....whatever Putin says is the law.
Trump gives his typical response when someone rats on him

Oh yea? Well you are stupid

Sounding like a 7th grader is how Trump effectively communicates with his supporters; who essentially have a 7th grade level of intelligence.

I'll have you know I made it through the ninth grade before I got drafted.
Back then 9th grade was just as good if not better than today's 12th grade is. Common core has ruined education, and liberalism is finishing it off.
LOL!. 9th graders better than 12th graders? Hyperbole at its best.
Might be better than college grads today... Ever watch the questioner shows where they ask basic knowledge and history of the country, and they haven't a clue about the answers ??? Hilarious stuff, but sad all at the same time. Ever see store clerks struggling to make change when throw in that nickle, penny or etc if the bill is an odd amount over a total ???? Good grief it's like it stuns them, and put's them into shock trying to figure out simple math these days.
Trump calls Rex Tillerson 'dumb as a rock' - CNN Video

We have, ladies and gentlemen, the most corrupt, incompetent, ignorant human being in the White House the US has ever seen! I cannot imagine Reagan, Bush, or Carter ever calling one of their former cabinet members "dumb as a rock."

Tillerson spoke the truth about the orange POS... and trump has such thin orange skin that he decided to, once again, send the dignity of the Presidency into the sewer....

He's an Alpha Male, that's it. He's going to be a jerk on steroids if you cross him. He will seek out the most beautiful and desirable women and that will get him into trouble. But if you are "under his leadership" so to speak, he will do what Alpha Males do.

Half the nation is still butthurt that they don't have the usual Beta Republican they can push around.

Too bad, so sad. America chose differently this time.

Actually....Putin chose trump...

That's stupidity which has zero evidence to support it.

So....the conclusions of the Mueller people that Russian efforts were made to elect trump mean nothing to you? The celebrations in the Kremlin after the orange POS won doesn't give you a hint?

Putin groomed and then helped elect the b_a_s_t_a_ r_d...
Putin done nothing of the sort, because to suggest such a thing would mean that the American people had absolutely no say in the election, and therefore Trump and Putin done it all on their own. See how dumb and disrespectful towards the American electorate you people are ??? Sad is all it is really, but you don't care about nothing but whining on and on forever and ever about legitimately losing that election to the voters who wanted Trump based on his message and promises.

If the Demon-crats would have had a message that resonated with the voters, Trump wouldn't have had a chance. See how that works ?? Any world leader supporting a candidate in the U.S. as based upon the message given to the American people is or should be ok as long as the message is a noble one, and one worth looking up too.
Trump gives his typical response when someone rats on him

Oh yea? Well you are stupid

Sounding like a 7th grader is how Trump effectively communicates with his supporters; who essentially have a 7th grade level of intelligence.

I'll have you know I made it through the ninth grade before I got drafted.
Back then 9th grade was just as good if not better than today's 12th grade is. Common core has ruined education, and liberalism is finishing it off.
LOL!. 9th graders better than 12th graders? Hyperbole at its best.
Might be better than college grads today... Ever watch the questioner shows where they ask basic knowledge and history of the country, and they haven't a clue about the answers ??? Hilarious stuff, but sad all at the same time. Ever see store clerks struggling to make change when throw in that nickle, penny or etc if the bill is an odd amount over a total ???? Good grief it's like it stuns them, and put's them into shock trying to figure out simple math these days.

True. Nobody before 1970 ever made a mistake and everyone was a genius…

Either that or there were no people walking around with cameras asking 50 people questions to get 5 they can post and feel superior about.
Trump calls Rex Tillerson 'dumb as a rock' - CNN Video

We have, ladies and gentlemen, the most corrupt, incompetent, ignorant human being in the White House the US has ever seen! I cannot imagine Reagan, Bush, or Carter ever calling one of their former cabinet members "dumb as a rock."

Tillerson spoke the truth about the orange POS... and trump has such thin orange skin that he decided to, once again, send the dignity of the Presidency into the sewer....

He's an Alpha Male, that's it. He's going to be a jerk on steroids if you cross him. He will seek out the most beautiful and desirable women and that will get him into trouble. But if you are "under his leadership" so to speak, he will do what Alpha Males do.

Half the nation is still butthurt that they don't have the usual Beta Republican they can push around.

Too bad, so sad. America chose differently this time.

Actually....Putin chose trump...

That's stupidity which has zero evidence to support it.

So....the conclusions of the Mueller people that Russian efforts were made to elect trump mean nothing to you? The celebrations in the Kremlin after the orange POS won doesn't give you a hint?

Putin groomed and then helped elect the b_a_s_t_a_ r_d...
Putin done nothing of the sort, because to suggest such a thing would mean that the American people had absolutely no say in the election, and therefore Trump and Putin done it all on their own. See how dumb and disrespectful towards the American electorate you people are ??? Sad is all it is really, but you don't care about nothing but whining on and on forever and ever about legitimately losing that election to the voters who wanted Trump based on his message and promises.

If the Demon-crats would have had a message that resonated with the voters, Trump wouldn't have had a chance. See how that works ?? Any world leader supporting a candidate in the U.S. as based upon the message given to the American people is or should be ok as long as the message is a noble one, and one worth looking up too.

We are just seeing the early bread crumbs if what Mueller has on Individual 1. It is going to get far worse. It will get so embarrassing for the Republican Party that they will need to chose....either stick with Individual 1 or survive as a political party.

Which do you think they will chose?
He's an Alpha Male, that's it. He's going to be a jerk on steroids if you cross him. He will seek out the most beautiful and desirable women and that will get him into trouble. But if you are "under his leadership" so to speak, he will do what Alpha Males do.

Half the nation is still butthurt that they don't have the usual Beta Republican they can push around.

Too bad, so sad. America chose differently this time.

Actually....Putin chose trump...

That's stupidity which has zero evidence to support it.

So....the conclusions of the Mueller people that Russian efforts were made to elect trump mean nothing to you? The celebrations in the Kremlin after the orange POS won doesn't give you a hint?

Putin groomed and then helped elect the b_a_s_t_a_ r_d...
Putin done nothing of the sort, because to suggest such a thing would mean that the American people had absolutely no say in the election, and therefore Trump and Putin done it all on their own. See how dumb and disrespectful towards the American electorate you people are ??? Sad is all it is really, but you don't care about nothing but whining on and on forever and ever about legitimately losing that election to the voters who wanted Trump based on his message and promises.

If the Demon-crats would have had a message that resonated with the voters, Trump wouldn't have had a chance. See how that works ?? Any world leader supporting a candidate in the U.S. as based upon the message given to the American people is or should be ok as long as the message is a noble one, and one worth looking up too.

We are just seeing the early bread crumbs if what Mueller has on Individual 1. It is going to get far worse. It will get so embarrassing for the Republican Party that they will need to chose....either stick with Individual 1 or survive as a political party.

Which do you think they will chose?
The party (if has any sense left), will choose to finally prosecute the Demon-crats for their corruption instead of fearing them as they have for the last 50 years now.

What's fit for the goose is fit for the gander right ??

If Trump falls over the bullcrap being brought against him by butt hurt liberals, otherwise over an election where the job of president is being ignored by these butt hurt crats, and where gutter politics and corruption is ruling the day, then the gloves should be taken off, and the republicans should show just how mean and righteous they can get as a result of it all.

It's time to fight, and to save the republicans from the idiocy of the Demon-crat's. Stealing elections as the crats are engaged in won't end well for the crats.
Trump calls Rex Tillerson 'dumb as a rock' - CNN Video

We have, ladies and gentlemen, the most corrupt, incompetent, ignorant human being in the White House the US has ever seen! I cannot imagine Reagan, Bush, or Carter ever calling one of their former cabinet members "dumb as a rock."

Tillerson spoke the truth about the orange POS... and trump has such thin orange skin that he decided to, once again, send the dignity of the Presidency into the sewer....
This is just embarrassing. I always had trouble remembering if embarrassing has two 'r's but after two years of this jamoke being our President, I've actually managed to learn it. I have to use the word so often.
Try getting yours out of tRump's ass!
That's PRESIDENT Trump jackass....have some respect you POS....where does your loyalty lye?....with treasonous assholes like Comey the Clown?.....oh yeah the libs love them some fascist tyranny to live under...idiots....LOL

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