Tillerson tells the truth about POS trump and trump call Tillerson dumb...

Get on board in the administration or get on down the road.

Get on down the road butt hurt or not.

Tillerson, butt hurt.[/
Get on board in the administration or get on down the road.

Get on down the road butt hurt or not.

Tillerson, butt hurt.

Tillerson knows an immoral criminal when he sees one....
Tillerson is trying to make nice with socialists as he looks for his next job. He knows what they want to hear.
Trump calls Rex Tillerson 'dumb as a rock' - CNN Video

We have, ladies and gentlemen, the most corrupt, incompetent, ignorant human being in the White House the US has ever seen! I cannot imagine Reagan, Bush, or Carter ever calling one of their former cabinet members "dumb as a rock."

Tillerson spoke the truth about the orange POS... and trump has such thin orange skin that he decided to, once again, send the dignity of the Presidency into the sewer....

Oh, yeah, then there is that. I couldn't cover everything.

All this happened today.

The Dow fell another 559 points over fears of trade with China caused by Trump's 25% tariff on virtually all Chinese goods.

There were two sentencing memos for Michael Cohen, one from the southern district of New York (SDNY), the other from the special prosecutor. The SDNY threw the book at Cohen for his New York crimes. Mueller was lenient because Cohen provided valuable information concerning a possible conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.

In another court filing today Special counsel Robert Mueller said that former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort lied about five major issues after agreeing to cooperate with prosecutors, including his "contact with administration officials." The failure of Manafort's cooperation could lead to more criminal charges, prosecutors have said. It also sets into motion a schedule that will lead up to his sentencing.

George Papadopoulos, the first person sent to prison in the Russia investigation, has been released.

In a week in which Americans were made aware of the stark contrast between George H.W. Bush's administration and the Trump administration, Trump decided to nominate former Attorney General William Barr. Barr was H.W.'s attorney general. In a perhaps transparent move, maybe Trump is hoping some of the mojo will rub off.

The role of United Nations ambassador will once again be a non-Cabinet position following Nikki Haley's exit, a senior administration official and a source with direct knowledge tell NBC News. Haley's replacement is a former television personality, the rather attractive Fox News commentator, Heather Nauert.

Former FBI Director James Comey, under aggressive questioning from Republicans, declined to answer questions about a range of matters because of special counsel Robert Mueller's ongoing investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections, according to members from both parties. A transcript of the interview with members of the House Judiciary Committee will be released as soon as possible, perhaps in the next 24 hours.

Trump signed a two-week spending measure Friday that will avert a partial government shutdown over his wall, setting up a high-stakes meeting with congressional Democratic leaders who are opposed to his $5 billion border wall funding demand.

John Kelly is expected to resign as White House chief of staff in the coming days. The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that Trump is directing calls away from Kelly and toward Nick Ayers—Vice President Mike Pence's chief of staff—who has long been rumored as Kelly's eventual replacement.

Job growth slowed in November amid fears that economic growth is losing steam. Nonfarm payrolls increased by 155,000 for the month while the unemployment rate again held at 3.7 percent, its lowest since 1969, the Labor Department reported. The monthly earnings gain of 0.2 percent fell short of estimates for a 0.3 percent increase.

Welcome to the chaos of the Trump administration. Trump supporters could not be more pleased.

"John Kelly is expected to resign as White House chief of staff in the coming days. The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that Trump is directing calls away from Kelly and toward Nick Ayers—Vice President Mike Pence's chief of staff—who has long been rumored as Kelly's eventual replacement."

That was written on Friday. On Saturday, Trump announced that Kelly was history.

That got me thinking. Why in the world would.Nick Ayers, an ambitious rising political star in the GOP, hook his star to a loser, a President who has committed two felonies according to N.Y. prosecutors, a President charged with collaboration with a hostile foreign government and obstruction of justice, and a President living on the edge awaiting the Mueller report that could cause his impeachment?

Well, I was right. Ayers turned Trump down. He not only is refusing Trump's offer, he plans on leaving the White House entirely. Ayers tweeted a thanks but no thanks message filled with the usual B.S.

Nick Ayers @nick_ayers

Thank you @realDonaldTrump, @VP, and my great colleagues for the honor to serve our Nation at The White House. I will be departing at the end of the year but will work with the #MAGA team to advance the cause.

1:28 PM - Dec 9, 2018

The job of chief staff is often thankless and exhausting even in a conventional administration. He or she will inherit a White House that is deeply threatened by a criminal investigation and allegations of abuse of power than at any time since the Nixon administration. And every week, the situation gets darker with the President under threat from formidable prosecutors on two fronts -- from Mueller who works under the supervision of the Justice Department and from the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York.

The new chief of staff will work for a President who has been accused, effectively by his own Justice Department, of directing and cooperating in the commission of a crime -- in payoffs to women who accused him of affairs, in contravention of campaign finance laws.

Who would want the job? That appears to be in serious question. It seems people are not exactly lining up for the chance to try to organize Trump's impulsive and unpredictable operation in the face of the myriad alleged "high crimes and misdemeanors." U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C. along with New York Yankees President Randy Levine have already kindly demurred.

Some of Trump's White House chief of staff contenders are signaling they're not interested, including White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is among the candidates who could serve as White House chief of staff, with one source calling him a "strong option" for the job. That could get a bit dicey. As a federal prosecutor, Christie sent Jared Kushner's father to jail.

There is never a dull moment in the Trump White House.
Trump calls Rex Tillerson 'dumb as a rock' - CNN Video

We have, ladies and gentlemen, the most corrupt, incompetent, ignorant human being in the White House the US has ever seen! I cannot imagine Reagan, Bush, or Carter ever calling one of their former cabinet members "dumb as a rock."

Tillerson spoke the truth about the orange POS... and trump has such thin orange skin that he decided to, once again, send the dignity of the Presidency into the sewer....

Oh, yeah, then there is that. I couldn't cover everything.

All this happened today.

The Dow fell another 559 points over fears of trade with China caused by Trump's 25% tariff on virtually all Chinese goods.

There were two sentencing memos for Michael Cohen, one from the southern district of New York (SDNY), the other from the special prosecutor. The SDNY threw the book at Cohen for his New York crimes. Mueller was lenient because Cohen provided valuable information concerning a possible conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.

In another court filing today Special counsel Robert Mueller said that former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort lied about five major issues after agreeing to cooperate with prosecutors, including his "contact with administration officials." The failure of Manafort's cooperation could lead to more criminal charges, prosecutors have said. It also sets into motion a schedule that will lead up to his sentencing.

George Papadopoulos, the first person sent to prison in the Russia investigation, has been released.

In a week in which Americans were made aware of the stark contrast between George H.W. Bush's administration and the Trump administration, Trump decided to nominate former Attorney General William Barr. Barr was H.W.'s attorney general. In a perhaps transparent move, maybe Trump is hoping some of the mojo will rub off.

The role of United Nations ambassador will once again be a non-Cabinet position following Nikki Haley's exit, a senior administration official and a source with direct knowledge tell NBC News. Haley's replacement is a former television personality, the rather attractive Fox News commentator, Heather Nauert.

Former FBI Director James Comey, under aggressive questioning from Republicans, declined to answer questions about a range of matters because of special counsel Robert Mueller's ongoing investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections, according to members from both parties. A transcript of the interview with members of the House Judiciary Committee will be released as soon as possible, perhaps in the next 24 hours.

Trump signed a two-week spending measure Friday that will avert a partial government shutdown over his wall, setting up a high-stakes meeting with congressional Democratic leaders who are opposed to his $5 billion border wall funding demand.

John Kelly is expected to resign as White House chief of staff in the coming days. The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that Trump is directing calls away from Kelly and toward Nick Ayers—Vice President Mike Pence's chief of staff—who has long been rumored as Kelly's eventual replacement.

Job growth slowed in November amid fears that economic growth is losing steam. Nonfarm payrolls increased by 155,000 for the month while the unemployment rate again held at 3.7 percent, its lowest since 1969, the Labor Department reported. The monthly earnings gain of 0.2 percent fell short of estimates for a 0.3 percent increase.

Welcome to the chaos of the Trump administration. Trump supporters could not be more pleased.

"John Kelly is expected to resign as White House chief of staff in the coming days. The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that Trump is directing calls away from Kelly and toward Nick Ayers—Vice President Mike Pence's chief of staff—who has long been rumored as Kelly's eventual replacement."

That was written on Friday. On Saturday, Trump announced that Kelly was history.

That got me thinking. Why in the world would.Nick Ayers, an ambitious rising political star in the GOP, hook his star to a loser, a President who has committed two felonies according to N.Y. prosecutors, a President charged with collaboration with a hostile foreign government and obstruction of justice, and a President living on the edge awaiting the Mueller report that could cause his impeachment?

Well, I was right. Ayers turned Trump down. He not only is refusing Trump's offer, he plans on leaving the White House entirely. Ayers tweeted a thanks but no thanks message filled with the usual B.S.

Nick Ayers @nick_ayers

Thank you @realDonaldTrump, @VP, and my great colleagues for the honor to serve our Nation at The White House. I will be departing at the end of the year but will work with the #MAGA team to advance the cause.

1:28 PM - Dec 9, 2018

The job of chief staff is often thankless and exhausting even in a conventional administration. He or she will inherit a White House that is deeply threatened by a criminal investigation and allegations of abuse of power than at any time since the Nixon administration. And every week, the situation gets darker with the President under threat from formidable prosecutors on two fronts -- from Mueller who works under the supervision of the Justice Department and from the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York.

The new chief of staff will work for a President who has been accused, effectively by his own Justice Department, of directing and cooperating in the commission of a crime -- in payoffs to women who accused him of affairs, in contravention of campaign finance laws.

Who would want the job? That appears to be in serious question. It seems people are not exactly lining up for the chance to try to organize Trump's impulsive and unpredictable operation in the face of the myriad alleged "high crimes and misdemeanors." U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C. along with New York Yankees President Randy Levine have already kindly demurred.

Some of Trump's White House chief of staff contenders are signaling they're not interested, including White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is among the candidates who could serve as White House chief of staff, with one source calling him a "strong option" for the job. That could get a bit dicey. As a federal prosecutor, Christie sent Jared Kushner's father to jail.

There is never a dull moment in the Trump White House.
I guess CNN and MSNBC are still lying to you about this matter....

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