Time For a Constitutional Convention?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Forget about impeachment: If Obama issues an executive order in violation of existing immigration law, the public outcry may be sufficient to cause 2/3 of the States to call for a Constitutional Convention to limit his authority and propose other Amendments to reform the workings of the Federal Government. The next two years may be the only opportunity to reverse the destructive path our nation is following.

If a Constitutional Convention was to be called, what Amendments would you support?
Obama is already violating the Constitution with many of his actions and Executive Orders.

What makes you think that modifying the Constitution would change anything?
book mark. many threads before on this..........going to see how vile it gets first.

Forget about impeachment: If Obama issues an executive order in violation of existing immigration law, the public outcry may be sufficient to cause 2/3 of the States to call for a Constitutional Convention to limit his authority and propose other Amendments to reform the workings of the Federal Government. The next two years may be the only opportunity to reverse the destructive path our nation is following.

If a Constitutional Convention was to be called, what Amendments would you support?

Limiting the time representatives and senators can serve.

True and real Campaign Finance reform.

Making the presidency one six year term.
If dual-winged fairies take unicorn horns up the ass, that would really be something, too! Anymore fantasy you'd like to waste time spinning?
Forget about impeachment: If Obama issues an executive order in violation of existing immigration law, the public outcry may be sufficient to cause 2/3 of the States to call for a Constitutional Convention to limit his authority and propose other Amendments to reform the workings of the Federal Government. The next two years may be the only opportunity to reverse the destructive path our nation is following.

If a Constitutional Convention was to be called, what Amendments would you support?

I seriously doubt it. The polls are showing strong public support for immigration reform and a majority of folks supporting an Obama EO on the topic if Congress won't act.

Its unlikely you're going to get the support you think you're going to get on this issue. You may want to talk to someone who isn't a conservative to lessen the echo chamber effect. If you only talk to people that think just like you, you may fool yourself into believing that there only ARE people that think just like you.

Which the polls demonstrate clearly isn't the case.
I want Freedom of the Press removed from the 1st amendment. The Press is not fulfilling its obligation to the People and is no longer deserving protection by our Constitution. The are lapdogs of the Democrat Party and liberals.
I seriously doubt it. The polls are showing strong public support for immigration reform and a majority of folks supporting an Obama EO on the topic if Congress won't act.

Question is....why kind of reform? I strongly support reform, which would close the anchor baby loophole, criminalize illegal entry and presence as felonies, and deliver severe punishments to anyone knowingly hiring illegal labor. I support Obama using Executive Order to send the US Army to the border at 5 foot intervals to secure the southern border if Congress won't act.
I seriously doubt it. The polls are showing strong public support for immigration reform and a majority of folks supporting an Obama EO on the topic if Congress won't act.

Question is....why kind of reform? I strongly support reform, which would close the anchor baby loophole, criminalize illegal entry and presence as felonies, and deliver severe punishments to anyone knowingly hiring illegal labor. I support Obama using Executive Order to send the US Army to the border at 5 foot intervals to secure the southern border if Congress won't act.

And by 'anchor babies', you mean natural born US citizens?
I seriously doubt it. The polls are showing strong public support for immigration reform and a majority of folks supporting an Obama EO on the topic if Congress won't act.

Question is....why kind of reform? I strongly support reform, which would close the anchor baby loophole, criminalize illegal entry and presence as felonies, and deliver severe punishments to anyone knowingly hiring illegal labor. I support Obama using Executive Order to send the US Army to the border at 5 foot intervals to secure the southern border if Congress won't act.

And by 'anchor babies', you mean natural born US citizens?

I mean the children of illegally present aliens who should not be entitled to citizenship, and for whom citizenship is merely a technical circumstance by which they and their parents continue to extort the American people.
Well, it won't happen. Even though America showed a little promise 2 1/2 weeks ago, it doesn't mean they are awake to a point where they will start demanding a constitutional convention. Too much cognitive dissonance.
I seriously doubt it. The polls are showing strong public support for immigration reform and a majority of folks supporting an Obama EO on the topic if Congress won't act.

Question is....why kind of reform? I strongly support reform, which would close the anchor baby loophole, criminalize illegal entry and presence as felonies, and deliver severe punishments to anyone knowingly hiring illegal labor. I support Obama using Executive Order to send the US Army to the border at 5 foot intervals to secure the southern border if Congress won't act.

And by 'anchor babies', you mean natural born US citizens?
Only 2 modern countries are dumb enough to keep that immigration policy in service. The United States and Canada.................all other modern developed countries have rejected this law.............If the parents are foreigners and have a child it is stupid to make the child a citizen when the parents aren't even from here.

It needs to go away.
I seriously doubt it. The polls are showing strong public support for immigration reform and a majority of folks supporting an Obama EO on the topic if Congress won't act.

Question is....why kind of reform? I strongly support reform, which would close the anchor baby loophole, criminalize illegal entry and presence as felonies, and deliver severe punishments to anyone knowingly hiring illegal labor. I support Obama using Executive Order to send the US Army to the border at 5 foot intervals to secure the southern border if Congress won't act.

And by 'anchor babies', you mean natural born US citizens?

I mean the children of illegally present aliens who should not be entitled to citizenship, and for whom citizenship is merely a technical circumstance by which they and their parents continue to extort the American people.

And by 'technical circumstance', you mean the first method listed in the USC for someone to attain US citizenship at birth.....being born in the US? You mean the method described in Wong Kim Ark, the landmark USSC case in 1898? You mean the process described by the 14th amendment itself?

That 'technical circumstance'?
Forget about impeachment: If Obama issues an executive order in violation of existing immigration law, the public outcry may be sufficient to cause 2/3 of the States to call for a Constitutional Convention to limit his authority and propose other Amendments to reform the workings of the Federal Government. The next two years may be the only opportunity to reverse the destructive path our nation is following.

If a Constitutional Convention was to be called, what Amendments would you support?

I seriously doubt it. The polls are showing strong public support for immigration reform and a majority of folks supporting an Obama EO on the topic if Congress won't act.

Its unlikely you're going to get the support you think you're going to get on this issue. You may want to talk to someone who isn't a conservative to lessen the echo chamber effect. If you only talk to people that think just like you, you may fool yourself into believing that there only ARE people that think just like you.

Which the polls demonstrate clearly isn't the case.

Far left 9/11 truther troll
And by 'technical circumstance', you mean the first method listed in the USC for someone to attain US citizenship at birth.....being born in the US? You mean the method described in Wong Kim Ark, the landmark USSC case in 1898? You mean the process described by the 14th amendment itself?

That 'technical circumstance'?

Actually, I was referring more to the fact that the vast majority of the time, these individuals feel and perceive no loyalty to the United States. They seem themselves as Mexicans, or whatever, who happen to possess the right to be here. They don't speak English, expect you to learn their language, and they'll justify it on the argument that "this" is supposedly their land, and the US stole it. In their minds, US citizenship is a technical detail, to be used and exploited.

But while we are on the subject it is perhaps worth noting that the anchor baby loophole is an application that was never intended by statute or by the Framers, and is built upon foundations that are antiquated for modern day circumstances.

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