Time for a global ban on all military aircraft


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Time for a global ban on all military aircraft...You see when you can drop bombs on the enemy, you make them angry @ shit. This causes them to want to fight you harder. Fuck, I thought just bombing his country would do that...lol

George what's his name within the other thread wants to ban one form of military flying machine. Well, what's the difference? He doesn't seem to like the fact that the enemy doesn't have a chance to KILL one of our pilots.

Outside of that it is the same fucking deal. So I propose banning all aircraft throughout the military.

People like him would of banned everything that gave us a advantage over our enemies.
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Ban on all Military Aircraft NOT controlled by the UN? Good idea!

Anything to eliminate National Sovereignty.
Time for a global ban on all military aircraft...You see when you can drop bombs on the enemy, you make them angry @ shit. This causes them to want to fight you harder. Fuck, I thought just bombing his country would do that...lol

George what's his name within the other thread wants to ban one form of military flying machine. Well, what's the difference? He doesn't seem to like the fact that the enemy doesn't have a chance to KILL one of our pilots.

Outside of that it is the same fucking deal. So I propose banning all aircraft throughout the military.

People like him would of banned everything that gave us a advantage over our enemies.

Well, at the end of the day the military aircraft is controlled on the spot by a human being that is going to have to live with deaths that she or he has caused as apposed to some dumb ass in an air conditioned hanger in the U.S who has no chance of being hurt.

War should be a as personal as possible, and not some retarded video game waged by desensitized 20 year old kids who grew up on violent moves and a Nintendo.
Well, at the end of the day the military aircraft is controlled on the spot by a human being that is going to have to live with deaths
The drone pilot has a much longer opportunity to view the people who's deaths they are going to cause, in a resolution so much better they can observe facial expressions.

War should be a as personal as possible, and not some retarded video game waged by desensitized 20 year old kids who grew up on violent moves and a Nintendo.
Drone pilots are fully qualified pilots, many of them transferred from flying other combat aircraft.

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