Time for Republicans to wake up


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
First of all I voted for Trump twice.....I think he was a good choice the first time....defeating hillary a major accomplishment and America is in debt to him for that if for nothing else...but there are mamy things other than that which Trump accomplished..

Unfortunately.....the forces of evil sabotaged Trump in many,many ways..... Trump at first did not understand just how widespread and organized his enemies were.

Not even to mention the biased media.....thus Trump being over confident and naive to a great extent regarding what he was up against.....too often fell into their trap largely because he was too honest and believed too much in his power as President.....no President has ever been undermined by his friends and foes like Trump.....the Republican Party as in the East Coast Elite Republicans were tresonous and a major reason the hate campaign against Trump was so successful...demonized like no other President.

Also to be truthful we must recognize that Trump made some terrible choices for top spots beginning with the Sessions nomination .....just absolutely unfortunate but it happened and he must be held accountable for that.

Then comes the crucial mid terms and it is still not clear if Republicans will gain control of Congress.....shameful.

Trump must accept personal responsibility for this....his brand has become toxic.

The Republicans one bright light is Ron DeSantis and Trump is now attacking him....unforgiveable.

First of all I voted for Trump twice.....I think he was a good choice the first time....defeating hillary a major accomplishment and America is in debt to him for that if for nothing else...but there are mamy things other than that which Trump accomplished..

Unfortunately.....the forces of evil sabotaged Trump in many,many ways..... Trump at first did not understand just how widespread and organized his enemies were.

Not even to mention the biased media.....thus Trump being over confident and naive to a great extent regarding what he was up against.....too often fell into their trap largely because he was too honest and believed too much in his power as President.....no President has ever been undermined by his friends and foes like Trump.....the Republican Party as in the East Coast Elite Republicans were tresonous and a major reason the hate campaign against Trump was so successful...demonized like no other President.

Also to be truthful we must recognize that Trump made some terrible choices for top spots beginning with the Sessions nomination .....just absolutely unfortunate but it happened and he must be held accountable for that.

Then comes the crucial mid terms and it is still not clear if Republicans will gain control of Congress.....shameful.

Trump must accept personal responsibility for this....his brand has become toxic.

The Republicans one bright light is Ron DeSantis and Trump is now attacking him....unforgiveable.

I don't get 2 things here

How are the mid terms Trump's fault?.

How is his brand "toxic"?

OK, a 3rd thing

How is Trump attacking DeSantis? and in an unforgiveable way? I' ve heard accusations but seen no actual evidence.. like a video of him saying DeSantis is an idiot or whatever..

So once you answer those 3 questions..
First of all I voted for Trump twice.....I think he was a good choice the first time....defeating hillary a major accomplishment and America is in debt to him for that if for nothing else...but there are mamy things other than that which Trump accomplished..

Unfortunately.....the forces of evil sabotaged Trump in many,many ways..... Trump at first did not understand just how widespread and organized his enemies were.

Not even to mention the biased media.....thus Trump being over confident and naive to a great extent regarding what he was up against.....too often fell into their trap largely because he was too honest and believed too much in his power as President.....no President has ever been undermined by his friends and foes like Trump.....the Republican Party as in the East Coast Elite Republicans were tresonous and a major reason the hate campaign against Trump was so successful...demonized like no other President.

Also to be truthful we must recognize that Trump made some terrible choices for top spots beginning with the Sessions nomination .....just absolutely unfortunate but it happened and he must be held accountable for that.

Then comes the crucial mid terms and it is still not clear if Republicans will gain control of Congress.....shameful.

Trump must accept personal responsibility for this....his brand has become toxic.

The Republicans one bright light is Ron DeSantis and Trump is now attacking him....unforgiveable.

Not really. We have control of Congress now and can help keep inflation in check, which will help real Americans. Trump and DeSantis can spar for two years if they want, even run against each other to see who gets the bid. I think it will be good entertainment for unseating Poopeypants.
Trumpyberra has always been toxic. His Toxicity like malignant tumor, has spread to much of the once Grand Old Party.
That what the libs have been doing for the past two years. Apparently, the populace likes it. Rs need to forge on in this same lane with investigations, impeachment proceedings.
"Vengeance is Mine", saith the Lord. Listen to Him.
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First of all I voted for Trump twice.....I think he was a good choice the first time....defeating hillary a major accomplishment and America is in debt to him for that if for nothing else...but there are mamy things other than that which Trump accomplished..

Unfortunately.....the forces of evil sabotaged Trump in many,many ways..... Trump at first did not understand just how widespread and organized his enemies were.

Not even to mention the biased media.....thus Trump being over confident and naive to a great extent regarding what he was up against.....too often fell into their trap largely because he was too honest and believed too much in his power as President.....no President has ever been undermined by his friends and foes like Trump.....the Republican Party as in the East Coast Elite Republicans were tresonous and a major reason the hate campaign against Trump was so successful...demonized like no other President.

Also to be truthful we must recognize that Trump made some terrible choices for top spots beginning with the Sessions nomination .....just absolutely unfortunate but it happened and he must be held accountable for that.

Then comes the crucial mid terms and it is still not clear if Republicans will gain control of Congress.....shameful.

Trump must accept personal responsibility for this....his brand has become toxic.

The Republicans one bright light is Ron DeSantis and Trump is now attacking him....unforgiveable.

Any undermining and demonization of trump was done by trump himself. The fool thought he was king instead of president, and when told of his mistake, he refused to even find out what a president was supposed to do.
Only way to win in 2024.
The Party must remove the shackles of Trump and MOVE ON.
When the opposing party donates $40,000,000 to support the lame Trump backed candidates - and then beat all of them!!!
If this isn't a sign to DUMP TRUMP... then you are simply blind as a freaking bat.
Any undermining and demonization of trump was done by trump himself. The fool thought he was king instead of president, and when told of his mistake, he refused to even find out what a president was supposed to do.

Bullshit. The left leaning media (90%) has done nothing but lambaste him for 7 years.

Then they couple it with reporting on what he said, or what he did, or may have did, without any actual proof of half of it, or any way for him to respond beyond his own media sites. They whine about him, and then provide their versions of his responses.

If only he could get out on twitter or facebook to counter the MSM tropes, but banning him was to prevent just that.
Geez.. that dude's ego is in worse shape than I thought.. (or "healthy," [??] depending on one's view)

yeh, I am beginning to wonder if maybe we should focus on DeSantis for 24.. never thought I'd say that..

It's not like I am totally rejecting Trump over mere words.. silly words (not lying words). But I dunno...............
Only way to win in 2024.
The Party must remove the shackles of Trump and MOVE ON.
When the opposing party donates $40,000,000 to support the lame Trump backed candidates - and then beat all of them!!!
If this isn't a sign to DUMP TRUMP... then you are simply blind as a freaking bat.
What are you talking about?

Trump backed candidates won.. I haven't heard the exact number yet but they won all over

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