Time For The Dispensing of Equal Justice

outside of a BJ what else you have on Clintons ? All repub BS How many 100's of millions did repub idiots spend chasing them?? Now they cry when the shit flies back in their faces ? Weaklings
Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party / DNC 'COLLUDED' to interfere in / control the outcome of the DNC Primaries. While the Democrats rigged their primaries and engaged in election fraud during the primaries, Donna Brazile, the DNC, and the All-In media conspired and colluded with Hillary by giving her debate questions in advance.

Donna Brazile finally admits she shared debate questions with Clinton campaign

So Democrat / Hillary 'collusion' had already been proven long before Hillary and the Democrats falsely accused Trump of any such dealings.

They are free to do that . The dnc is a private org . GOP did the same when The had the "little kids debate " vs the main GOP debates .

As for the witch hunt ? DAMN STRAIGHT ! Karmas a bitch! Righties did the same to obama and Hillary . What goes around comes around .
And heading to DNC members including Hitlery! Hahahaha
Then you have Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and her own personal Spy Ring.

DWS hired several TERRORIST-CONNECTED, murdering, blackmailing, criminal record-possessing Pakistani IT spies who had no security clearances, gave them access to classified House files on US Intel, US Homeland Security, and Foreign affairs. AFTER they were caught engaging in espionage, banned from the House, and an espionage investigation had been opened on them, DWS IGNORED THE BAN, ESPIONAGE INVESTIGATION, AND RE-HIRED THEM.

Oh, but that's not all - -she once again gave the spies access to the classified files.

-- Oh, BTW...these were the same DNC e-mails the Russian Spy Agency - who the brother of Hillary's campaign manager worked for - that supposedly hacked and released the DNC e-mails.

(Now what are the odds of A DNC Chairwoman would hire Pakistani spies - re-hire them after they have been caught, give them access to DNC e-mails along with usernames and passwords, get fired for doing so, and immediately be hired by the woman whose campaign manager's brother is working for the Russian spy agency that eventually gets the emails from the accounts DWS allowed to be hacked...all by coincidence? I would say the odds would have to be astronomical!)

After being caught AGAIN, the Pakistani spies spread to the 4 winds - at least 2 are back in Pakistan under the protection of the Pakistani govt. DWS gets fired...and immediately gets hired by the woman who is engaged in her own 'espionage' and whose campaign is connected numerous ways to the Russians.

In the meantime, DWS threatens the investigators who have confiscated the computer the Pakistani spies used, 'return the laptop or suffer consequences'...and she has been allowed to 'negotiate' her cooperation in a federal foreign espionage case being run by the 'Keystone Cops' - the Capitol Police, instead of having the FBI running this whole case as they should be doing.

So by choice Hillary injects herself into the DWS-Pakistani Spy Ring Scandal.

So if people REALLY want to get serious about collusion and crime, the Democrats ought to be up to their ass in alligators - investigations, indictments, and convictions galore.
They think the american people are stupid! But we gotcha now exposed for all to see!
Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party / DNC 'COLLUDED' to interfere in / control the outcome of the DNC Primaries. While the Democrats rigged their primaries and engaged in election fraud during the primaries, Donna Brazile, the DNC, and the All-In media conspired and colluded with Hillary by giving her debate questions in advance.

Donna Brazile finally admits she shared debate questions with Clinton campaign

So Democrat / Hillary 'collusion' had already been proven long before Hillary and the Democrats falsely accused Trump of any such dealings.

They are free to do that . The dnc is a private org . GOP did the same when The had the "little kids debate " vs the main GOP debates .

As for the witch hunt ? DAMN STRAIGHT ! Karmas a bitch! Righties did the same to obama and Hillary . What goes around comes around .

the Trump/Russia allegations have produced zero evidence of anything illegal, improper, or unethical. The Hillary/DNC/media collusion and corruption has been proven and should be prosecuted to the fullest.

the problem is that most of the repubs are scared shitless of the media and would not do anything that might jeopardize their reelections and stop the gravy train.

The DC swamp needs to be drained of all corruption in both parties. That should be one of Trump's top priorities.

Zero ? First is was all made up lies . Then gee, some stuff did actually happen !

There's a lot of smoke . Flynn, sessions , trumps team. Why are they hiding the truth .

As for the dnc? What crimes ? They can pick n choose who they want .

yes, zero. there was no collusion with Russia to influence the votes in 2016. If you still believe that Russia changed votes in this country, where and how many?

The DNC------------violated their own rules and disenfranchised their voters in the primaries. Gave debate questions to HRC before the debates, i.e. cheated and lied.

Hillary--------her guilt was proven by Comey. Lynch and Bubba made a deal on a runway to let her off----------any idea how much Lynch now has in a swiss bank account because of that deal?

the media--------------continuously lied, and continues to lie, about Trump, his campaign, his administration, his family, and the successes that he has had in the first 6 months. Assisted in cheating by giving debate questions to the hildebeast.

Russians hacked the dnc and leaked out the info which was used by TRUMP to constantly attack the Hillary campaign.

That happened . And we are still digging into what people knew . A lot of the trump folks seem to be hanging around a lot of Russian spy's .

first response, so what.

Second response, what information did Trump reveal about Hillary that we didn't already know? The person who took the hit was DWS and that information wasn't released by Trump. And really all that did was get DWS demoted and reelected by those in Florida too dumb to see how corrupt she really is.

Third, the dirt is on the democrat side, that is why they are outside looking in. This is just them doing what they do and obstructing our government.
There was but one country interfering in our election and that was the United State's
outside of a BJ what else you have on Clintons ? All repub BS How many 100's of millions did repub idiots spend chasing them?? Now they cry when the shit flies back in their faces ? Weaklings

Now I see why the DNC had to help Hillary win her Party's nomination....because there are so few morons as dumb as you who would still defend and vote for her over Sanders.

Still pushing that 'Clinton was Impeached over a BJ' lie, huh. Clinton was Impeached for his extremely un-Presidential, Constitution-violating, (attempting to strip an American of her right to a fair trial) Contempt-of-Court Award-Winning performance that resulted in his being stripped of his license to practice law in Arkansas due to his criminal lack of integrity and his having to pay a butt-load of money to make the woman he sexually harassed go away. Hillary, meanwhile spent the better part of her early career facilitating his deviant criminal sexual crimes (sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, pedophilia, etc....) Then there is the laundry list of crimes Hillary perpetrated with her server scandal...

Hillary Clinton was the worst Presidential candidate in US history who could not beat Sanders by herself and should not have been in the race on election day due to the multiple FBI investigations into her crimes.

Only snowflakes....

It is the position, that matters.
No snowflake...the CONSTITUTION matters. The LAW matters. Only snowflakes care about partisanship / political party / who is in the seat.
dear, it is a Constitutional office.
The office falls UNDER the constitution and Rule of law. The Rule of law applies to EVERYONE, not just whichever REPUBLICAN is sitting in an office the DNC wanted but lost.

Hillary's crimes are STILL being exposed. You can't wish it away.
The presidency happens to be being investigated; your guy, volunteered for that position. It is a political position.
No, the election is being investigated! And exposed now is where the actual crime occurred, and it's all democrats! Now the question to libturds on here is quite simple, do you care about justice or just care trump be gone?
No, the election is being investigated! And exposed now is where the actual crime occurred, and it's all democrats! Now the question to libturds on here is quite simple, do you care about justice or just care trump be gone?
It was proven Hillary could not beat Sanders with out widespread rigging, cheating, and tipping of the scales for Hillary.

Wikileaks exposed how Democrats / DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was tipping the scales, DNC Donna Brazile was giving Hillary Debate Questions in advance.

10 ways the Democratic primary has been rigged from the start

"Vote Rigging

After Sanders’ sweeping win in New Hampshire, the DNC went into hyper drive to break his momentum, starting in the next voting state Nevada.

Concerned Sanders would win Nevada, Sen. Harry Reid, the former Senate Majority Leader and most powerful elected official in Nevada, as it later emerged, arranged a plan with owners of Las Vegas casinos, where many caucuses were being held, and other employers, to ensure Clinton would win. The Nevada caucuses were then rigged with massive voting irregularities such as casino owners orchestrating which workers would be allowed to vote and, in clear intimidation, openly monitoring how they voted.

Vote tampering also occurred in other states, most recently in Arizona where on election day, polling locations were sharply cut forcing many voters to stand in line for up to five hours in the heat, with some leaving before casting a vote."

Wikileaks Proves Primary Was Rigged: DNC Undermined Democracy

"In its recent leak of 20,000 DNC emails from January 2015 to May 2016, DNC staff discuss how to deal with Bernie Sanders’ popularity as a challenge to Clinton’s candidacy. Instead of treating Sanders as a viable candidate for the Democratic ticket, the DNC worked against him and his campaign to ensure Clinton received the nomination.

email from DNC Deputy Communications Director Eric Walker to several DNC staffers cites two news articles showing Sanders leading in Rhode Island and the limited number of polling locations in the state: “If she outperforms this polling, the Bernie camp will go nuts and allege misconduct. They’ll probably complain regardless, actually.”

Instead of treating Sanders with impartiality, the DNC exhibits resentful disdain toward him and the thousands of disenfranchised voters he could have brought into the party.

“Wondering if there’s a good Bernie narrative for a story, which is that Bernie never ever had his act together, that his campaign was a mess,” wrote DNC Deputy Communications Director
Mark Paustenbach to DNC Communications Director Luis Miranda, in response to backlash over DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz shutting off the Sanders campaign’s access to voter database files."

These leaks also sent snowflakes into a tizzy. It wasn't the 'Russian leaks' that hurt the Democrats - it was Assange exposing what the Democrats were up to.
Want to talk 'Russian Collusion'?

Bill Clinton was working for Putin Ex-KGB Pals by giving extremely lucrative speeches for them.
- Former American Presidents work for former US enemies all the time giving speeches to encourage and rally the comrades. Nothing to see here...Just Bill being Bill.

Hillary was connected at many levels with them, to include sitting on a panel on which she had a lot of influence (to sell) on whether the deal for the Russians to purchase 20% of America's Uranium. While she did not have the final say, she did - again, have a lot of influence - if she raised any serious concerns about the deal it would not have gone through. For that silence / influence she was compensated with a huge donation to the Clinton Foundation from one of the Russians involved in the deal.
- Snowflakes would have people believe that there is nothing to this, that the donation from a Russian 'player' in the deal was coincidental. Yeah...uh-huh. :p

Her campaign manager received thousands of Russian stock which he never reported, and 1/3rd of his own company's Board of Directors was comprised of Prominent Russian businessmen who were intimately connected to the Kremlin and to Putin himself.
...Nothing to see here - move along.

Her campaign manager's brother was working for the notorious 'KGB Bank' AND for the Russian Spy Agency that supposedly hacked the DNC's e-mails.
...Another 'coincidence'.
dudes; Your guy is in office, our girl isn't.

Thank God.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party / DNC 'COLLUDED' to interfere in / control the outcome of the DNC Primaries. While the Democrats rigged their primaries and engaged in election fraud during the primaries, Donna Brazile, the DNC, and the All-In media conspired and colluded with Hillary by giving her debate questions in advance.

Donna Brazile finally admits she shared debate questions with Clinton campaign

So Democrat / Hillary 'collusion' had already been proven long before Hillary and the Democrats falsely accused Trump of any such dealings.

The DNC did not collude to rig the primary elections. That is impossible. For example, in SC, Clinton beat by 73.5-26. If the DNC had that much power how did Obama beat Clinton in 2008? Most of the DNC was backing Clinton in 2008.

She was just a really horrible candidate who was beaten twice despite having the party power structure in her pocket.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No, the election is being investigated! And exposed now is where the actual crime occurred, and it's all democrats! Now the question to libturds on here is quite simple, do you care about justice or just care trump be gone?
It was proven Hillary could not beat Sanders with out widespread rigging, cheating, and tipping of the scales for Hillary.

Wikileaks exposed how Democrats / DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was tipping the scales, DNC Donna Brazile was giving Hillary Debate Questions in advance.

10 ways the Democratic primary has been rigged from the start

"Vote Rigging

After Sanders’ sweeping win in New Hampshire, the DNC went into hyper drive to break his momentum, starting in the next voting state Nevada.

Concerned Sanders would win Nevada, Sen. Harry Reid, the former Senate Majority Leader and most powerful elected official in Nevada, as it later emerged, arranged a plan with owners of Las Vegas casinos, where many caucuses were being held, and other employers, to ensure Clinton would win. The Nevada caucuses were then rigged with massive voting irregularities such as casino owners orchestrating which workers would be allowed to vote and, in clear intimidation, openly monitoring how they voted.

Vote tampering also occurred in other states, most recently in Arizona where on election day, polling locations were sharply cut forcing many voters to stand in line for up to five hours in the heat, with some leaving before casting a vote."

Wikileaks Proves Primary Was Rigged: DNC Undermined Democracy

"In its recent leak of 20,000 DNC emails from January 2015 to May 2016, DNC staff discuss how to deal with Bernie Sanders’ popularity as a challenge to Clinton’s candidacy. Instead of treating Sanders as a viable candidate for the Democratic ticket, the DNC worked against him and his campaign to ensure Clinton received the nomination.

email from DNC Deputy Communications Director Eric Walker to several DNC staffers cites two news articles showing Sanders leading in Rhode Island and the limited number of polling locations in the state: “If she outperforms this polling, the Bernie camp will go nuts and allege misconduct. They’ll probably complain regardless, actually.”

Instead of treating Sanders with impartiality, the DNC exhibits resentful disdain toward him and the thousands of disenfranchised voters he could have brought into the party.

“Wondering if there’s a good Bernie narrative for a story, which is that Bernie never ever had his act together, that his campaign was a mess,” wrote DNC Deputy Communications Director
Mark Paustenbach to DNC Communications Director Luis Miranda, in response to backlash over DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz shutting off the Sanders campaign’s access to voter database files."

These leaks also sent snowflakes into a tizzy. It wasn't the 'Russian leaks' that hurt the Democrats - it was Assange exposing what the Democrats were up to.
Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.
Everything Republican, good, good, good.

Your side is ALWAYS wrong.
My side is ALWAYS right.

SSDD from the blindfold-wearing partisan hack, who lives in the alternate reality gop bubble,


Carry on Twinkle Toes.
speaking of equal justice Scaramucci is having FBI investigate chief of staff Priebus for leaking Unbelievable You can't make this repub shit up

justice should be blind. No one is exempt from our laws----------except of course the Clinton crime family.
hey red Why do you bullshit about Clintons when the ah in our WH is a gd moron with TEAMS of lawyers to cover for his crookedness these past 40 years or so?

hey, you don't like Trump, that's just fine. But it does not change the FACTS that Hillary was proven guilty of numerous crimes, just because the corrupt Comey and Lynch let her off does not remove her guilt.

What has Trump done that is illegal? Give us facts or STFU about it.
The minority, rejected Democrats have hijacked the country through obstructionism and their Trump Witch Hunt, pursuing crimes for which they can not produce a crime committed to investigate / any evidence of a crime.

It is time for the American people to take back the country, time for Trump to take back the country and demonstrate HE and HIS administration - his AG - are in charge.

Trump's AG and FBI should 1st be ordered to re-open the investigation of Hillary Clinton, as just days ago more than 400 new official e-mails have been found and reported. That is over 400 NEW e-mails that were ILLEGALLY NOT submitted to the State Department as required by the FOIA and The Federal Records Act.

Snowflakes continue to FALSELY claim Hillary is old news, but she is NOT. Her crimes are still being exposed, as every single new official document found she never turned in is 1 criminal count. This new batch of documents found, therefore, constitutes over 400 Criminal counts of violations and over 400 Criminal counts of violations of the Federal Records Act - that 400+ new documents found = over 800 new criminal counts.

If only the GOP had any power....if only they'd investigated H. Clinton at all in the past....if only....if only...
The minority, rejected Democrats have hijacked the country through obstructionism and their Trump Witch Hunt, pursuing crimes for which they can not produce a crime committed to investigate / any evidence of a crime.

It is time for the American people to take back the country, time for Trump to take back the country and demonstrate HE and HIS administration - his AG - are in charge.

Trump's AG and FBI should 1st be ordered to re-open the investigation of Hillary Clinton, as just days ago more than 400 new official e-mails have been found and reported. That is over 400 NEW e-mails that were ILLEGALLY NOT submitted to the State Department as required by the FOIA and The Federal Records Act.

Snowflakes continue to FALSELY claim Hillary is old news, but she is NOT. Her crimes are still being exposed, as every single new official document found she never turned in is 1 criminal count. This new batch of documents found, therefore, constitutes over 400 Criminal counts of violations and over 400 Criminal counts of violations of the Federal Records Act - that 400+ new documents found = over 800 new criminal counts.

If only the GOP had any power....if only they'd investigated H. Clinton at all in the past....if only....if only...
Are you still trying to argue that giving people with no security clearances access to highly classified information is NOT a crime...that storing a highly classified server in the closet of someone's bathroom is not a crime....that violating both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act are not crimes?

Silly, snowflake.
No, the election is being investigated! And exposed now is where the actual crime occurred, and it's all democrats! Now the question to libturds on here is quite simple, do you care about justice or just care trump be gone?
It was proven Hillary could not beat Sanders with out widespread rigging, cheating, and tipping of the scales for Hillary.

Wikileaks exposed how Democrats / DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was tipping the scales, DNC Donna Brazile was giving Hillary Debate Questions in advance.

10 ways the Democratic primary has been rigged from the start

"Vote Rigging

After Sanders’ sweeping win in New Hampshire, the DNC went into hyper drive to break his momentum, starting in the next voting state Nevada.

Concerned Sanders would win Nevada, Sen. Harry Reid, the former Senate Majority Leader and most powerful elected official in Nevada, as it later emerged, arranged a plan with owners of Las Vegas casinos, where many caucuses were being held, and other employers, to ensure Clinton would win. The Nevada caucuses were then rigged with massive voting irregularities such as casino owners orchestrating which workers would be allowed to vote and, in clear intimidation, openly monitoring how they voted.

Vote tampering also occurred in other states, most recently in Arizona where on election day, polling locations were sharply cut forcing many voters to stand in line for up to five hours in the heat, with some leaving before casting a vote."

Wikileaks Proves Primary Was Rigged: DNC Undermined Democracy

"In its recent leak of 20,000 DNC emails from January 2015 to May 2016, DNC staff discuss how to deal with Bernie Sanders’ popularity as a challenge to Clinton’s candidacy. Instead of treating Sanders as a viable candidate for the Democratic ticket, the DNC worked against him and his campaign to ensure Clinton received the nomination.

email from DNC Deputy Communications Director Eric Walker to several DNC staffers cites two news articles showing Sanders leading in Rhode Island and the limited number of polling locations in the state: “If she outperforms this polling, the Bernie camp will go nuts and allege misconduct. They’ll probably complain regardless, actually.”

Instead of treating Sanders with impartiality, the DNC exhibits resentful disdain toward him and the thousands of disenfranchised voters he could have brought into the party.

“Wondering if there’s a good Bernie narrative for a story, which is that Bernie never ever had his act together, that his campaign was a mess,” wrote DNC Deputy Communications Director
Mark Paustenbach to DNC Communications Director Luis Miranda, in response to backlash over DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz shutting off the Sanders campaign’s access to voter database files."

These leaks also sent snowflakes into a tizzy. It wasn't the 'Russian leaks' that hurt the Democrats - it was Assange exposing what the Democrats were up to.
Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.
Everything Republican, good, good, good.

Your side is ALWAYS wrong.
My side is ALWAYS right.

SSDD from the blindfold-wearing partisan hack, who lives in the alternate reality gop bubble,


Carry on Twinkle Toes.
speaking of equal justice Scaramucci is having FBI investigate chief of staff Priebus for leaking Unbelievable You can't make this repub shit up

justice should be blind. No one is exempt from our laws----------except of course the Clinton crime family.
hey red Why do you bullshit about Clintons when the ah in our WH is a gd moron with TEAMS of lawyers to cover for his crookedness these past 40 years or so?

hey, you don't like Trump, that's just fine. But it does not change the FACTS that Hillary was proven guilty of numerous crimes, just because the corrupt Comey and Lynch let her off does not remove her guilt.

What has Trump done that is illegal? Give us facts or STFU about it.
For starters

Yesterday, Donald Trump possibly committed a felony by inciting Vladimir Putin and the Russian government to hack an American citizen and release personal emails. It’s just the latest questionably illegal action by the Republican nominee for President, who has been sued over 3,500 times in his career, including 70 times since he kicked off his campaign. In fact, two groups have threatened to sue him this week for refusing to pay for services rendered. More chilling than even his potentially treasonous comments was his suggestion yesterday that, if he had the power, he would hack into the private communications of political opponents (and the Presidency would give him that power).

That’s terrifying.

It’s also just the latest illegal or potentially illegal act in the life and career of Donald Trump. Here’s a taste of Donald Trump’s other illegal activities:

— Donald Trump has a long history of not honoring contracts with construction companies

— Donald Trump has knowingly and intentionally defrauded Trump University students, fleecing them out of thousands of dollars

— He may have illegally coordinated with his SuperPac

— He illegally used corporate resources to pay an employee to write a political speech

— He violated federal law by claiming proceeds from various Trump products would go to charity,although there is no evidence that Trump ever donated the money to charity

— He violated IRS rules by using $12,000 from his charity organization to purchase a Tim Tebow helmet

— He violated election laws by emailing foreign officials to solicit political contributions

— He violated federal laws by offering Ben Carson a job in exchange for his endorsement

— His employees violated a U.S. trade embargo by pursuing commercial activities in Cuba when it was illegal to do so

— He’s run afoul of election laws by using campaign contributions to pay $6 million to his own businesses

— He violated Wisconsin election laws by talking with voters as they stood in line to vote

— He violated New York state education laws for operating a for-profit investment school without the required license

— His foreign policy proposals would violate NATO

— He’s violated copyright law for using copyrighted images without permission

— Many of the proposals he has vowed to pursue as President violate the First, Fourth, Fifth, and Eighth Amendments of the Constitution

— Trump broke New York state law by lobbying to prevent an Indian casino from opening in the Catskills

— His vow to use torture on suspected terrorists would violate the Geneva conventions. He would be committing war crimes.

— He broke anti-discrimination laws to keep a mob boss gambling at one of his casinos

— He violated immigration laws by misrepresenting his company on work-visa applications

Hillary Clinton has been investigated and scrutinized for decades. She’s endured years of partisan Congressional hearings, FBI investigations, and independent counsel probes. Donald Trump can’t even handle the scrutiny of having one year of tax returns examined, in spite of his own hypocrisy about the release of personal records:

speaking of equal justice Scaramucci is having FBI investigate chief of staff Priebus for leaking Unbelievable You can't make this repub shit up

justice should be blind. No one is exempt from our laws----------except of course the Clinton crime family.
hey red Why do you bullshit about Clintons when the ah in our WH is a gd moron with TEAMS of lawyers to cover for his crookedness these past 40 years or so?

hey, you don't like Trump, that's just fine. But it does not change the FACTS that Hillary was proven guilty of numerous crimes, just because the corrupt Comey and Lynch let her off does not remove her guilt.

What has Trump done that is illegal? Give us facts or STFU about it.
For starters

Yesterday, Donald Trump possibly committed a felony by inciting Vladimir Putin and the Russian government to hack an American citizen and release personal emails. It’s just the latest questionably illegal action by the Republican nominee for President, who has been sued over 3,500 times in his career, including 70 times since he kicked off his campaign. In fact, two groups have threatened to sue him this week for refusing to pay for services rendered. More chilling than even his potentially treasonous comments was his suggestion yesterday that, if he had the power, he would hack into the private communications of political opponents (and the Presidency would give him that power).

That’s terrifying.

It’s also just the latest illegal or potentially illegal act in the life and career of Donald Trump. Here’s a taste of Donald Trump’s other illegal activities:

— Donald Trump has a long history of not honoring contracts with construction companies

— Donald Trump has knowingly and intentionally defrauded Trump University students, fleecing them out of thousands of dollars

— He may have illegally coordinated with his SuperPac

— He illegally used corporate resources to pay an employee to write a political speech

— He violated federal law by claiming proceeds from various Trump products would go to charity,although there is no evidence that Trump ever donated the money to charity

— He violated IRS rules by using $12,000 from his charity organization to purchase a Tim Tebow helmet

— He violated election laws by emailing foreign officials to solicit political contributions

— He violated federal laws by offering Ben Carson a job in exchange for his endorsement

— His employees violated a U.S. trade embargo by pursuing commercial activities in Cuba when it was illegal to do so

— He’s run afoul of election laws by using campaign contributions to pay $6 million to his own businesses

— He violated Wisconsin election laws by talking with voters as they stood in line to vote

— He violated New York state education laws for operating a for-profit investment school without the required license

— His foreign policy proposals would violate NATO

— He’s violated copyright law for using copyrighted images without permission

— Many of the proposals he has vowed to pursue as President violate the First, Fourth, Fifth, and Eighth Amendments of the Constitution

— Trump broke New York state law by lobbying to prevent an Indian casino from opening in the Catskills

— His vow to use torture on suspected terrorists would violate the Geneva conventions. He would be committing war crimes.

— He broke anti-discrimination laws to keep a mob boss gambling at one of his casinos

— He violated immigration laws by misrepresenting his company on work-visa applications

Hillary Clinton has been investigated and scrutinized for decades. She’s endured years of partisan Congressional hearings, FBI investigations, and independent counsel probes. Donald Trump can’t even handle the scrutiny of having one year of tax returns examined, in spite of his own hypocrisy about the release of personal records:

I love how you claim that there is absolutely no 'proof' of Trump colluding with Russia. And then you bring up Seth Rich's murder- without any proof it is linked to anything.

Seth Rich was a Hillary/DNC Insuder who leaked for Wikileaks. He was murdered.

Yep- absolutely no 'proof' that Seth Rich's death is linked to anything. And yes he was murdered.

Did Trump have Seth Rich murdered?

Trump hasn't denied it........
'equal justice' to easyt65 means kowtowing to every Trump tweet and imprisoning anyone who criticizes his dear leader- unless it is Putin.

easyt65 is fine with Putin regardless of what Putin does.

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