Time is running out for Trump


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Poll numbers are like slow drying concrete, 6 months from a general election they mean nothing, but as the election gets closer, poll numbers start to mean something. Obama led Romney in August of 2012 by only 2 percentage points, remember what happened? Hillary Clinton has led Donald Trump by 8-10 points for the last 4 weeks. The concrete is setting up. Donald Trump needs something very special to happen very soon. Time is running out for "The Donald"

Clinton leads Trump by eight points: Reuters/Ipsos poll
If wishes were horses then beggars would ride,

If turnips were swords I’d have one by my side.

If ‘ifs’ and ‘ands’ were pots and pans

There would be no need for tinker’s hands!
I'm confused. I have not answered a phone since 1999, never been polled. Dont know anyone who ever has.

We now in 2016 and Trump has standing room only in AZ FLA NC WISC NV and beast can't draw flies? Yet Trump is 10% behind in PA? WTH?
I admit it, will be angry depressed revengeful and unhappy if Trump loses to hrc. I will blame Johnson etc. I will not work anymore. I will go to 4yr coma, try to avoid paying any Fed tax. I will try to move to any area I can find w/o DemWitted loons. And I will leave this board.
Forgot to add main reason I would be upset, yuck yuck har har Lol.
Govt is badly broken, change fix repair is desperately required. Trump is the only one who can change it. Beast is more of bad. We doomed with a beast, yes doomed. BO type set it up, she is BO 2.0
I will one of four candidate even two is out from buisness because Trumph is republican chose. If Trumph drop out we can get Rubio or Cruz some I want to.
I will one of four candidate even two is out from buisness because Trumph is republican chose. If Trumph drop out we can get Rubio or Cruz some I want to.

Your written English words are improved spelling. Now please put words in order to make sense.

Very late for any "dropouts".....no way Trump quits. Clinton maybe? For a crime, email exposed or the big one, too sick to continue.

I know I know my written words also bad, I am on small touchtype.
Trump might use having to debate Hillary one-on-one as his excuse to walk away. If he quits he can spin it any way he likes. If he doesn't quit, history will deservedly label him a pathetic loser.
272 Clinton/Kaine
Toss Ups
Trump/Pence 154
90 78 104 112 65 26 63
270 Electoral Votes Needed To Win (Create Your Own Map)
Recent Elections: 2012 | 2008 | 2004 | 2000 | 1996 | 1992 | 1988 | 1984 | 1980 | 1976 | 1972
Likely Clinton (78)
New Jersey (14)
Washington (12)
Delaware (3)
Illinois (20)
New York (29)
Solid Clinton
Leans Clinton (104)
Virginia (13)
New Hampshire (4)
Pennsylvania (20)
Michigan (16)
Wisconsin (10)
Colorado (9)
Minnesota (10)
Oregon (7)
New Mexico (5)
Connecticut (7)
Maine (3)
Toss Up (202)
Ohio (18)
Florida (29)
North Carolina (15)
Iowa (6)
Nevada (6)
Arizona (11)
Georgia (16)
Missouri (10)
Maine CD2 (1)
Leans Trump (65)
Indiana (11)
South Carolina (9)
Utah (6)
Texas (38)
Nebraska CD2 (1)
Likely Trump (26)
Mississippi (6)
Montana (3)
Louisiana (8)
South Dakota (3)
Kansas (6)
Solid Trump


RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Battle for White House

Poll numbers are like slow drying concrete, 6 months from a general election they mean nothing, but as the election gets closer, poll numbers start to mean something. Obama led Romney in August of 2012 by only 2 percentage points, remember what happened? Hillary Clinton has led Donald Trump by 8-10 points for the last 4 weeks. The concrete is setting up. Donald Trump needs something very special to happen very soon. Time is running out for "The Donald"

Clinton leads Trump by eight points: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Voters are starting to pay attention to the election, making up their minds, deciding whom to vote for.

And over the next weeks it will become increasingly difficult for Trump to move the numbers in his direction.
Poll numbers are like slow drying concrete, 6 months from a general election they mean nothing, but as the election gets closer, poll numbers start to mean something. Obama led Romney in August of 2012 by only 2 percentage points, remember what happened? Hillary Clinton has led Donald Trump by 8-10 points for the last 4 weeks. The concrete is setting up. Donald Trump needs something very special to happen very soon. Time is running out for "The Donald"

Clinton leads Trump by eight points: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Time IS running out....for America.
Oh my, hyperbole much? Poor 'Conservatives' just going to have to move to Somalia after President Clinton takes office. You boys are going to be missed. Where else are we going to get such clowns.
Oh my, hyperbole much? Poor 'Conservatives' just going to have to move to Somalia after President Clinton takes office. You boys are going to be missed. Where else are we going to get such clowns.

Ironically, your stereotypical "Conservatives" will do quite well under a Clinton oligarchy.

P.S. The incessant name-calling really diminishes any credibility you might otherwise have.
Oh my, hyperbole much? Poor 'Conservatives' just going to have to move to Somalia after President Clinton takes office. You boys are going to be missed. Where else are we going to get such clowns.

Ironically, your stereotypical "Conservatives" will do quite well under a Clinton oligarchy.
Americans do quite well during Democratic administrations.

Like the past seven years? :disbelief:
Americans do quite well during Democratic administrations.

Like the past seven years? :disbelief:
Damn straight. The economy was a mess seven years ago and very few of us were sitting pretty.

More specifically, in our household our investment portfolio more than doubled in these past seven short years. That's over 11% annualized and goes a long way towards making up for zero net growth at the end of eight years of Republican economic malfeasance, eight years that not only will we never get back, but that severely damaged our economy.

It's no coincidence that the three longest economic expansions in our nation's history occurred during Democratic leadership - the '60s under Kennedy/Johnson, the '90s under Bill Clinton, and the current seven year run under President Obama. It stands to reason if you think about it. All Democrats have to do is reverse the previous Republican administration's policies and we can't help but grow and prosper.

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