Time to be Rude?

Whole lotta hate in being a Republican...

It’s more that those of us full of Hate tend to be more Conservative than the other way around.

Being a Rightee doesn't mean you are a conservative.
Being a Leftee doesn't mean you are a Liberal.

The Rightee generally leans towards a Fascist while the Leftee generally leans toward a Communist. The Fascist and the Communists are two of the most blood thirsty groups of people that EVER setup up a Government. And the most inept.
See, you are so frightening with your keyboard and the white stain you have on your chin from kneeling before tRump.
Don't play stupid little boy games you fool

No games being played. I’ll face any opponent and accept the consequences, live or die.

BTW - I’m not a big Trump supporter. He’s not Conservative enough for my tastes. He WAS a better option than Hillary Clinton.

Trump is not a conservative. He's a John Birch Society just like over 30 Senators and Congressmen in the US Congress. Right now, these folks control the Republican Party. Don't you think it's about time to kick their butts back out and get the conservatives back into control? What ever happened to the Fiscal Conservative?
So no - I don't think it's time to be rude.
You might want to pass that on to the guy who accused Lyin Ted Cruz's dad of killing Kennedy. Or the guy who labels all of his opponents with adjectives like Crazy and Crooked and Low Energy and so forth.

You really have no sense of your own hypocrisy, do you.

This has to be satire. No one can be this fucking blind to their own side's bigotry, mendacity, rudeness, lies, and hypocrisy.
Much of the Left's power comes from taking advantage of the Right's tolerance. Where a Conservative will mind their own business and avoid a confrontation out of good manners, progressive politics demands that their adherents scream in people's faces.

I'm not saying it's time to scream back, but I am saying that perhaps we need to re-evaluate our principles, and take steps to avoid being walked over - or literally assaulted. I see in Nick Sandmann an excellent example. This young man simply stood his ground, and when the time was right he told his story - and had a powerful positive impact. I think it's time we did the same.

I'm old enough to remember the "Silent Majority", and I'm experiencing the same phenomenon today. I live in a red midwestern state, but I still don't see much overt support for the conservatism I know is present. We "deplorables" tend to keep to ourselves, and are honestly surprised when we find a like mind. We shouldn't be, but that's the nature of true tolerance - don't ask.

So no - I don't think it's time to be rude. But I do think it's time to stop being silent, and to tell our story when the occasion demands. Don't be bullied - fly your Flag, wear your hat, and when the opportunity arises speak your piece, peacefully. When the opposition screams, just let them scream. They'll eventually be shown for the fools they are, and we'll be putting one more nail in the coffin of Communism.
That's why so many younger folks aren't conservatives but more farther right to the Alt Right etc because Conservatives are pushovers, the leaders at least are.
I'm far right based on fiscal issues, not religion. If I adhere to anti-abortion side, it is based on biology of where life begins, not citizenship, exactly. Furthermore, I can't afford a hat right now, but I'd very much like to see America be great again. It's kind of hard with Democrats making themselves a rug mat to be pleasing to George Soros' concept of socialism uber alles. Unfortunately, I believe that socialism here would wind up like it does anywhere it creeps into man's notice--with killing off everyone who doesn't agree as in the case of the Bolsheviks of Russian Soviet Socialists Party under Stalin and Mao's bloodletting in numerous Chinese regions while they thought nobody was looking in times of war..
Trump is not a conservative. He's a John Birch Society just like over 30 Senators and Congressmen in the US Congress. Right now, these folks control the Republican Party. Don't you think it's about time to kick their butts back out and get the conservatives back into control? What ever happened to the Fiscal Conservative?

He’s not a Conservative but neither are the Birchers. I’m far to the Right of both groups. Social Conservatism is a far more important fight that would lead to Fiscal Conservatism.
Trump is not a conservative. He's a John Birch Society just like over 30 Senators and Congressmen in the US Congress. Right now, these folks control the Republican Party. Don't you think it's about time to kick their butts back out and get the conservatives back into control? What ever happened to the Fiscal Conservative?

He’s not a Conservative but neither are the Birchers. I’m far to the Right of both groups. Social Conservatism is a far more important fight that would lead to Fiscal Conservatism.

Here are a couple of definitions

Social conservatism is the belief that society is built upon a fragile network of relationships which need to be upheld through duty, traditional values and established institutions. This can include moral issues.

Social liberalism (also known as modern liberalism in the United States) is a political ideology and a variety of liberalism that endorses a regulated free market economy and the expansion of civil and political rights.

What's funny, both actually endorse the other. And neither one contradicts the other. In fact, some of what some think of one is actually taken from the other. The reason? The United States of America is actually made up of both of them because it needs both to make a Federal Republic work for centuries.

From what I see, there are some very loud people that bastardize both of these and come up with their own twisted way of interpretation. Interpretation is wrong. They just make shit up.
Trump is not a conservative. He's a John Birch Society just like over 30 Senators and Congressmen in the US Congress. Right now, these folks control the Republican Party. Don't you think it's about time to kick their butts back out and get the conservatives back into control? What ever happened to the Fiscal Conservative?

He’s not a Conservative but neither are the Birchers. I’m far to the Right of both groups. Social Conservatism is a far more important fight that would lead to Fiscal Conservatism.
Trump not a conservative? So he's borrowing money to not collect his Presidential salary? :right:
rude? lol....... trump's basket dwellers have been oozing hate before he was installed as putin's bitch.

Oh, dear, what did we find lacking in Mueller's report that Trump never colluded with Russia? :D

did you not know mueller's report hasn't been released yet? you best catch yourself up. trump's whole orbit is chock full of roooskie affiliates. hmmmm..... coinky dinky?

You are such and intimidating person while you type and kneel before tRump.
Give it up. Girlyboy

See, you are so frightening with your keyboard and the white stain you have on your chin from kneeling before tRump.
Don't play stupid little boy games you fool

No games being played. I’ll face any opponent and accept the consequences, live or die.

BTW - I’m not a big Trump supporter. He’s not Conservative enough for my tastes. He WAS a better option than Hillary Clinton.
rude? lol....... trump's basket dwellers have been oozing hate before he was installed as putin's bitch.

Oh, dear, what did we find lacking in Mueller's report that Trump never colluded with Russia? :D

did you not know mueller's report hasn't been released yet? you best catch yourself up. trump's whole orbit is chock full of roooskie affiliates. hmmmm..... coinky dinky?


Are you aware that Mueller told the Senate Intelligence Committee recently that he found no evidence of any Trump collusion with Russia at that time (after 2 years of searching for this alleged collussion?) They're never going to find something that never, never happened, dear one. :)
What's funny, both actually endorse the other. And neither one contradicts the other. In fact, some of what some think of one is actually taken from the other. The reason? The United States of America is actually made up of both of them because it needs both to make a Federal Republic work for centuries.

From what I see, there are some very loud people that bastardize both of these and come up with their own twisted way of interpretation. Interpretation is wrong. They just make shit up.

I don’t believe either definition truly explains what they mean in this day and age, though the Social Conservative one was relatively close. Those twisted, extremist versions are where the true definitions are today. Which is a good thing in my mind.
rude? lol....... trump's basket dwellers have been oozing hate before he was installed as putin's bitch.

Oh, dear, what did we find lacking in Mueller's report that Trump never colluded with Russia? :D

did you not know mueller's report hasn't been released yet? you best catch yourself up. trump's whole orbit is chock full of roooskie affiliates. hmmmm..... coinky dinky?


Are you aware that Mueller told the Senate Intelligence Committee recently that he found no evidence of any Trump collusion with Russia at that time (after 2 years of searching for this alleged collussion?) They're never going to find something that never, never happened, dear one. :)

please try & produce that link, sweetheart. & make it come from a credible source too, m'k? chop chop....
rude? lol....... trump's basket dwellers have been oozing hate before he was installed as putin's bitch.

Oh, dear, what did we find lacking in Mueller's report that Trump never colluded with Russia? :D

did you not know mueller's report hasn't been released yet? you best catch yourself up. trump's whole orbit is chock full of roooskie affiliates. hmmmm..... coinky dinky?


Are you aware that Mueller told the Senate Intelligence Committee recently that he found no evidence of any Trump collusion with Russia at that time (after 2 years of searching for this alleged collussion?) They're never going to find something that never, never happened, dear one. :)

please try & produce that link, sweetheart. & make it come from a credible source too, m'k? chop chop....

Sorry sugar, but of the articles I read months ago, all of them had been erased from the web. A lot of stuff that today's reporters and their press partners yielded before and during the last day of voting get erased one by one, without a single ca-ching!!!! to be heard since cash and numbered accounts leave few trails. I'm used to it after umpteen Congressional and national elections. lol I call those kinds of withdrawals "Kilroy was here." :D

And there's always a leftie out there to point a finger with an "AHA!!!! It's all YOUR fault, stupid righty!"
rude? lol....... trump's basket dwellers have been oozing hate before he was installed as putin's bitch.

Oh, dear, what did we find lacking in Mueller's report that Trump never colluded with Russia? :D

did you not know mueller's report hasn't been released yet? you best catch yourself up. trump's whole orbit is chock full of roooskie affiliates. hmmmm..... coinky dinky?


Are you aware that Mueller told the Senate Intelligence Committee recently that he found no evidence of any Trump collusion with Russia at that time (after 2 years of searching for this alleged collussion?) They're never going to find something that never, never happened, dear one. :)

please try & produce that link, sweetheart. & make it come from a credible source too, m'k? chop chop....

Sorry sugar, but of the articles I read months ago, all of them had been erased from the web. A lot of stuff that today's reporters and their press partners yielded before and during the last day of voting get erased one by one, without a single ca-ching!!!! to be heard since cash and numbered accounts leave few trails. I'm used to it after umpteen Congressional and national elections. lol I call those kinds of withdrawals "Kilroy was here." :D

And there's always a leftie out there to point a finger with an "AHA!!!! It's all YOUR fault, stupid righty!" :04::10::2up::71:
rude? lol....... trump's basket dwellers have been oozing hate before he was installed as putin's bitch.

Oh, dear, what did we find lacking in Mueller's report that Trump never colluded with Russia? :D

did you not know mueller's report hasn't been released yet? you best catch yourself up. trump's whole orbit is chock full of roooskie affiliates. hmmmm..... coinky dinky?


Are you aware that Mueller told the Senate Intelligence Committee recently that he found no evidence of any Trump collusion with Russia at that time (after 2 years of searching for this alleged collussion?) They're never going to find something that never, never happened, dear one. :)

please try & produce that link, sweetheart. & make it come from a credible source too, m'k? chop chop....

Sorry sugar, but of the articles I read months ago, all of them had been erased from the web. A lot of stuff that today's reporters and their press partners yielded before and during the last day of voting get erased one by one, without a single ca-ching!!!! to be heard since cash and numbered accounts leave few trails. I'm used to it after umpteen Congressional and national elections. lol I call those kinds of withdrawals "Kilroy was here." :D

And there's always a leftie out there to point a finger with an "AHA!!!! It's all YOUR fault, stupid righty!"

wow... you are a nut.

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