Time to be Rude?

It's funny, the violence always occurs with the left. Take Charlotesville, most of those people were left including the leader, he voted FOR Obama, but they wanted to stand up for statues and the far far left come over and shit starts.
At Republican rallies....the left shows up and spits on people and attacks them physically sometimes
At Democrat rallies, the left gets on stage and steals microphones......but notice, no right winger are in attendance, because we simply don't care about lefties...
At restaurants, the left shows up and tries to chase the right out....do you ever see the reverse? I think once in Miami and the left was pissed (one time versus many, fuck the left)
There are democrat rallies? :dunno: Never heard of such a thing.
Are you aware that Mueller told the Senate Intelligence Committee recently that he found no evidence of any Trump collusion with Russia at that time (after 2 years of searching for this alleged collussion?) They're never going to find something that never, never happened, dear one. :)

Mueller never said any thing of the kind. In fact, he said the opposite. “Collision” is not illegal. “Conspiracy” is the crime

Moore said that he found evidence of conspiracy, but not enough evidence to obtain a conviction beyond a reasonable doubt.

Mueller told the American people that he could have exonerated Donald Trump of all if he had found no evidence that the President committed any crimes by the President, but was unable to do so, based on the evidence.

Instead of listening to the FOX News lies about Mueller and the entire Investigation, I strongly suggest you read what Mueller wrote or listen to what he said.

If you don’t read Director Mueller’s Report, at least read his letter to Bill Barr refuting his claim that his report “exonerated Trump”.

Mueller said that the Trump Campaign was all too eager to accept help from the Russians, but there was no agreement or formal “conspiracy” between them, mostly because the Russians feared the chaos and incompetence of the Trump Campaign would lead to exposure.
It's funny, the violence always occurs with the left. Take Charlotesville, most of those people were left including the leader, he voted FOR Obama, but they wanted to stand up for statues and the far far left come over and shit starts.
At Republican rallies....the left shows up and spits on people and attacks them physically sometimes
At Democrat rallies, the left gets on stage and steals microphones......but notice, no right winger are in attendance, because we simply don't care about lefties...
At restaurants, the left shows up and tries to chase the right out....do you ever see the reverse? I think once in Miami and the left was pissed (one time versus many, fuck the left)

One only need look at the body count by right wing extremists in the crime statistics versus the number of people killed by left wing extremists, and the annual “Threats To National Security” reports to see the lies on your post.

If I were an American, I’d go up to those sleazeball Republican enablers of Donald Trump’s child kidnappings, while they were eating at a fancy restaurant and make them feel uncomfortable too.

That was the most shameful thing. Your nation has done since slavery.
Mueller never said any thing of the kind. In fact, he said the opposite. “Collision” is not illegal. “Conspiracy” is the crime

Moore said that he found evidence of conspiracy, but not enough evidence to obtain a conviction beyond a reasonable doubt.

Mueller told the American people that he could have exonerated Donald Trump of all if he had found no evidence that the President committed any crimes by the President, but was unable to do so, based on the evidence.

Instead of listening to the FOX News lies about Mueller and the entire Investigation, I strongly suggest you read what Mueller wrote or listen to what he said.

If you don’t read Director Mueller’s Report, at least read his letter to Bill Barr refuting his claim that his report “exonerated Trump”.

Mueller said that the Trump Campaign was all too eager to accept help from the Russians, but there was no agreement or formal “conspiracy” between them, mostly because the Russians feared the chaos and incompetence of the Trump Campaign would lead to exposure.
You said, "Mueller never said any thing of the kind. In fact, he said the opposite. “Collision” is not illegal. “Conspiracy” is the crime"

Madam, I merely repeated what was said by Mueller ver batim.. Go sell your blathering someplace else.
You said, "Mueller never said any thing of the kind. In fact, he said the opposite. “Collision” is not illegal. “Conspiracy” is the crime"

Madam, I merely repeated what was said by Mueller ver batim.. Go sell your blathering someplace else.

I gave you a link to Mueller’s letter. You gave us nothing, but your take on what Mueller said.

I’ll go with Mueller’s own words rather thean the FOX News lies.
Namecalling before the information is all in?

i just follow yer chosen one's lead.

I reiterate to people who commit to name-calling the facts about the Mueller Report: It takes longer to find the truth sometimes.

you mean the mueller report that was so narrow in scope that the facts couldn't all be collected because of donny's pitbull AG squashing the avenues that could have nailed donny?

or the actual FACTS that russia did indeed interfere with the election
( but how deep, who knows because of bill barr's squashing )

5 volumes of a (R) senate controlled intel comittee's finding shirley did start to peel away at it...

Trump campaign’s Russia contacts ‘grave’ threat, Senate says

Published 9:14 PM EDT, August 18, 2020
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump campaign’s interactions with Russian intelligence services during the 2016 presidential election posed a “grave” counterintelligence threat, a Senate panel concluded Tuesday as it detailed how associates of Donald Trump had regular contact with Russians and expected to benefit from the Kremlin’s help.

The nearly 1,000-page report, the fifth and final one from the Republican-led Senate intelligence committee on the Russia investigation, details how Russia launched an aggressive effort to interfere in the election on Trump’s behalf. It says the Trump campaign chairman had regular contact with a Russian intelligence officer and that other Trump associates were eager to exploit the Kremlin’s aid, particularly by maximizing the impact of the disclosure of Democratic emails hacked by Russian intelligence officers.

The report is the culmination of a bipartisan probe that produced what the committee called “the most comprehensive description to date of Russia’s activities and the threat they posed.” The investigation spanned more than three years as the panel’s leaders said they wanted to thoroughly document the unprecedented attack on U.S. elections.
Trump campaign's Russia contacts 'grave' threat, Senate says
Mueller never said any thing of the kind. In fact, he said the opposite. “Collision” is not illegal. “Conspiracy” is the crime

Moore said that he found evidence of conspiracy, but not enough evidence to obtain a conviction beyond a reasonable doubt.

Mueller told the American people that he could have exonerated Donald Trump of all if he had found no evidence that the President committed any crimes by the President, but was unable to do so, based on the evidence.

Instead of listening to the FOX News lies about Mueller and the entire Investigation, I strongly suggest you read what Mueller wrote or listen to what he said.

If you don’t read Director Mueller’s Report, at least read his letter to Bill Barr refuting his claim that his report “exonerated Trump”.

Mueller said that the Trump Campaign was all too eager to accept help from the Russians, but there was no agreement or formal “conspiracy” between them, mostly because the Russians feared the chaos and incompetence of the Trump Campaign would lead to exposure.
You were grossly misinformed about what Mueller said. The leftist media lies to their fellow communist wannabes who hide under theumbrella of the new Democrat party that has been damaged Constitutionally by card-carrying communists in the Deep State. Several weeks ago I recommended that people in sympathy with the lying cheating commies who are pushing the Alinsky method to read David Horowitz's books warning against the maniacal Hillary Clinton who is the second most self-serving politician in this hemisphere, second only to President Biden. Mr. Horowitz was her political sympathizer in college until he realize how dangerous her shenanigans were to the Constitution. Then he wrote several books about her real intentions to kill off Constitutional concerns to replace conscience with disdain for the most ethical set of human rights promotion ever written to prosper human beings on this planet. If you think making America great again is a conspiracy, lay off the prunes.
You were grossly misinformed about what Mueller said. The leftist media lies to their fellow communist wannabes who hide under theumbrella of the new Democrat party that has been damaged Constitutionally by card-carrying communists in the Deep State. Several weeks ago I recommended that people in sympathy with the lying cheating commies who are pushing the Alinsky method to read David Horowitz's books warning against the maniacal Hillary Clinton who is the second most self-serving politician in this hemisphere, second only to President Biden. Mr. Horowitz was her political sympathizer in college until he realize how dangerous her shenanigans were to the Constitution. Then he wrote several books about her real intentions to kill off Constitutional concerns to replace conscience with disdain for the most ethical set of human rights promotion ever written to prosper human beings on this planet. If you think making America great again is a conspiracy, lay off the prunes.

whatever will you do when donny is found guilty of espionage & for his role in the J6 insurrection?
Much of the Left's power comes from taking advantage of the Right's tolerance. Where a Conservative will mind their own business and avoid a confrontation out of good manners, progressive politics demands that their adherents scream in people's faces.

I'm not saying it's time to scream back, but I am saying that perhaps we need to re-evaluate our principles, and take steps to avoid being walked over - or literally assaulted. I see in Nick Sandmann an excellent example. This young man simply stood his ground, and when the time was right he told his story - and had a powerful positive impact. I think it's time we did the same.

I'm old enough to remember the "Silent Majority", and I'm experiencing the same phenomenon today. I live in a red midwestern state, but I still don't see much overt support for the conservatism I know is present. We "deplorables" tend to keep to ourselves, and are honestly surprised when we find a like mind. We shouldn't be, but that's the nature of true tolerance - don't ask.

So no - I don't think it's time to be rude. But I do think it's time to stop being silent, and to tell our story when the occasion demands. Don't be bullied - fly your Flag, wear your hat, and when the opportunity arises speak your piece, peacefully. When the opposition screams, just let them scream. They'll eventually be shown for the fools they are, and we'll be putting one more nail in the coffin of Communism.
Here's the problem Brother.

Most of us aren't on the front lines.

There are only a handful of liberals where I live, and I have nothing but respect for them. If you're a liberal here...you have deep heartfelt belief...cause it ain't easy.

Am I going to go to St Louis and tell them how to live?

Or Springfield?

From my perspective, that ain't my job.

You want to concentrate on something?

Continue to destroy the MSM.

Until they are completely exposed to all as the liars they are...they will continue to paint conservatives as the aggressors and liberals as victims in the media.

They are crumbling as we discuss this.

Keep up maximum pressure and push back against bias and false narratives with factual rebuttal.

We are winning. Don't give them fuel for their narrative. Blacks in the sixties didn't win the civil rights battles by fighting the police...they won by taking their licks and responding peacefully and within the law.

Learn from history. We are no longer a warrior culture...we are a victim culture. Adjust your tactics accordingly.

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