Time to declare War on Islam

Not declaration of war, but prohibition of Islam in western countries!
All mosques shall be closed, all Muslims shall became a choice:

Conversation to Christianity or Ticket to the country of origin.

First Amendment?

Then the terrorists win if you give up your freedom to fight them.

The terrorist win when they get to murder people. Their First Amendment rights do not trump the right for people to live. Not sure how "we" would be giving up any First Amendment rights by banning Islamic terrorist teachings and recruiting.

In Germany they banned anything to do with Nazis. You can't even wear or draw a swastika. It certainly is a restriction on free speech, but it works for them.

So, you think freedom of religion should just be banned, and is comparable to the Germans banning Nazis stuff? Er...

If you ban one religion, then you've opened the doors for people to be forced to be religious and all of that. I don't want to live like that. And the terrorists have won. They're not doing what they're doing just to kill, though some of those carrying out the actions might be, but then they can't really lose, can they, just go to the US, killing is cultural there.

You're ready to offer freedom of religion to those who act to kill you in name of said religion?

I understand what freedom of religion means.

Those who have done nothing don't have a problem, regardless of their religion. Those who do something wrong, break the law, can have their rights infringed on AFTER DUE PROCESS.

You start taking away rights and the whole system falls. Your right to guns fall with it. Your others go with it too, then what do you have?

People who don't understand rights and think they can pick and choose which they like, simply don't get it

Exactly. However, be careful - you'll be accused of supporting terrorists for saying that.
A good case can be made for removing Islam's religious status/definition. I suggest we look into doing just that.
First Amendment?

Then the terrorists win if you give up your freedom to fight them.

The terrorist win when they get to murder people. Their First Amendment rights do not trump the right for people to live. Not sure how "we" would be giving up any First Amendment rights by banning Islamic terrorist teachings and recruiting.

In Germany they banned anything to do with Nazis. You can't even wear or draw a swastika. It certainly is a restriction on free speech, but it works for them.

So, you think freedom of religion should just be banned, and is comparable to the Germans banning Nazis stuff? Er...

If you ban one religion, then you've opened the doors for people to be forced to be religious and all of that. I don't want to live like that. And the terrorists have won. They're not doing what they're doing just to kill, though some of those carrying out the actions might be, but then they can't really lose, can they, just go to the US, killing is cultural there.

You're ready to offer freedom of religion to those who act to kill you in name of said religion?

I understand what freedom of religion means.

Those who have done nothing don't have a problem, regardless of their religion. Those who do something wrong, break the law, can have their rights infringed on AFTER DUE PROCESS.

You start taking away rights and the whole system falls. Your right to guns fall with it. Your others go with it too, then what do you have?

People who don't understand rights and think they can pick and choose which they like, simply don't get it

Exactly. However, be careful - you'll be accused of supporting terrorists for saying that.

To be honest, replying to anything on terrorism is a sure fire way of just bumping into people who don't think a lot. I'd say 95% of posts that have replied to me, are short, often don't say much. I blocked one person for just insulting in every post, another I chose to just not reply to.... it's quite depressing.
After all, they committed the first tens of thousands of attacks...

Not declaration of war, but prohibition of Islam in western countries!
All mosques shall be closed, all Muslims shall became a choice:

Conversation to Christianity or Ticket to the country of origin.

So you are all for repealing the 1st Amendment?
Amending it. The reason there's an amendment process is to allow us to change it when needed. The 1st Amendment was designed for religions of good will, even atheists and agnostics, not religions that has as its central tenant the violent subjugation of all other religions. Islam can be banned in America and it can be completely constitutional.
A good case can be made for removing Islam's religious status/definition. I suggest we look into doing just that.
Islam is NOT a religion by any definition.
It's no different than Bob Jones's insanity or Charles Manson or David Corish.
ALL based on a cult figure who demands their followers to commit the most sick insane acts in 'his name'.
Time soon to scrub the earth of these vermin forever.
The joyous thing is that day will happen in my lifetime........and I've GOT CABLE to watch it!
A good case can be made for removing Islam's religious status/definition. I suggest we look into doing just that.
Islam is NOT a religion by any definition.
It's no different than Bob Jones's insanity or Charles Manson or David Corish.
ALL based on a cult figure who demands their followers to commit the most sick insane acts in 'his name'.
Time soon to scrub the earth of these vermin forever.
The joyous thing is that day will happen in my lifetime........and I've GOT CABLE to watch it!

Islam is a religion, has been a world religion for over a thousand years. It's not going to suddenly become a non-religion because a bunch of jumped-up johnny-come-latelies decide thatit's not because they they hate Muslims.
After all, they committed the first tens of thousands of attacks...

Not declaration of war, but prohibition of Islam in western countries!
All mosques shall be closed, all Muslims shall became a choice:

Conversation to Christianity or Ticket to the country of origin.

So you are all for repealing the 1st Amendment?
Amending it. The reason there's an amendment process is to allow us to change it when needed. The 1st Amendment was designed for religions of good will, even atheists and agnostics, not religions that has as its central tenant the violent subjugation of all other religions. Islam can be banned in America and it can be completely constitutional.

Bad idea. Amend the definition of Islam.
After all, they committed the first tens of thousands of attacks...

So tell us more about this war you want.

Do you plan on executing all Americans who happen to be Muslims?

Or will you start by burning down every Mosque in America- and every Koran?

Will you be burning the Koran that Thomas Jefferson owned?
After all, they committed the first tens of thousands of attacks...

Not declaration of war, but prohibition of Islam in western countries!
All mosques shall be closed, all Muslims shall became a choice:

Conversation to Christianity or Ticket to the country of origin.

So you are all for repealing the 1st Amendment?
Amending it. The reason there's an amendment process is to allow us to change it when needed. The 1st Amendment was designed for religions of good will, even atheists and agnostics, not religions that has as its central tenant the violent subjugation of all other religions. Islam can be banned in America and it can be completely constitutional.

That's not the central tenant of Islam, but keep trying chip away at religious freedom. Eventually, they may even come for yours.
After all, they committed the first tens of thousands of attacks...

Not declaration of war, but prohibition of Islam in western countries!
All mosques shall be closed, all Muslims shall became a choice:

Conversation to Christianity or Ticket to the country of origin.

First Amendment?

Then the terrorists win if you give up your freedom to fight them.

The terrorist win when they get to murder people. Their First Amendment rights do not trump the right for people to live. Not sure how "we" would be giving up any First Amendment rights by banning Islamic terrorist teachings and recruiting.

In Germany they banned anything to do with Nazis. You can't even wear or draw a swastika. It certainly is a restriction on free speech, but it works for them.

So, you think freedom of religion should just be banned, and is comparable to the Germans banning Nazis stuff? Er...

If you ban one religion, then you've opened the doors for people to be forced to be religious and all of that. I don't want to live like that. And the terrorists have won. They're not doing what they're doing just to kill, though some of those carrying out the actions might be, but then they can't really lose, can they, just go to the US, killing is cultural there.

Islam is Nazism.

Saying that's how the "terrorists win" is bullshit. They will "win" if we continue to do nothing and let them slaughter us. They will win if we keep letting millions of them into Western countries and they keep breeding like rabbits until they outnumber everyone else.
They lose when we send them packing and keep them in their own shithole lands were they can freely kill each other off.
what would a 'war on islam' entail?

Banning the practice of Islam on free soil, banning sharia and bulldozing every Islamic military post/aka mosque, into the earth. Won't happen because we don't have the backbone to protect our citizens. What a shame.
Terrorists don't have 1st Amendment rights. Those are reserved for American citizens.
Terrorists don't have 1st Amendment rights. Those are reserved for American citizens.
first amendment rights aren't reserved for american citizens, but that's neither here nor there

are you okay with abandoning the constitution to wage your 'war on islam?'
After all, they committed the first tens of thousands of attacks...

Not declaration of war, but prohibition of Islam in western countries!
All mosques shall be closed, all Muslims shall became a choice:

Conversation to Christianity or Ticket to the country of origin.

So you are all for repealing the 1st Amendment?
Amending it. The reason there's an amendment process is to allow us to change it when needed. The 1st Amendment was designed for religions of good will, even atheists and agnostics, not religions that has as its central tenant the violent subjugation of all other religions. Islam can be banned in America and it can be completely constitutional.

Bad idea. Amend the definition of Islam.

You want the state to amend the definitions of religions? Are you nuts?

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