Time to face the facts

IM2 is just looking to flamebait and report somebody.

FYI Polish dude. The gifted program here had black kids from the worst ghettos in it, and it was run by a very qualified black person.

Pretty sure IQ of 137 was required.

There's certainly some high IQ Blacks, but the curve is at a strong disproportionate disadvantage.

Furthermore, what's different from those high IQ Blacks, from other Blacks?

Could it possibly culture, or environment, if they come from the same Black ghetto as Blacks who fail?

Of course some Blacks do have favorable genes for intelligence too. No denying that.
But, the evidence supports they have less of them, therefor genius is less likely to be expressed.
IM2 is just looking to flamebait and report somebody.

FYI Polish dude. The gifted program here had black kids from the worst ghettos in it, and it was run by a very qualified black person.

Pretty sure IQ of 137 was required.

There's certainly some high IQ Blacks, but the curve is at a strong disproportionate disadvantage.

Furthermore, what's different from those high IQ Blacks, from other Blacks?

Could it possibly culture, or environment, if they come from the same Black ghetto as Blacks who fail?

Of course some Blacks do have favorable genes for intelligence too. No denying that.
But, the evidence supports they have less of them, therefor genius is less likely to be expressed.

Sometimes the odds are against them because of their situation.
The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.
  • Eliminating disparities in homeownership rates and returns would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. While 73 percent of white households owned their own homes in 2011, only 47 percent of Latinos and 45 percent of Blacks were homeowners. In addition, Black and Latino homeowners saw less return in wealth on their investment in homeownership: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households as a result of homeownership, median white households accrue $1.34; meanwhile for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households as a result of homeownership, median white households accrue $1.54.
    • If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in homeownership rates, so that Blacks and Latinos were as likely as white households to own their homes, median Black wealth would grow $32,113 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 31 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $29,213 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 28 percent.
    • If public policy successfully equalized the return on homeownership, so that Blacks and Latinos saw the same financial gains as whites as a result of being homeowners, median Black wealth would grow $17,113 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 16 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $41,652 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 41 percent.
  • Eliminating disparities in college graduation and the return on a college degree would have a modest direct impact on the racial wealth gap. In 2011, 34 percent of whites had completed four-year college degrees compared to just 20 percent of Blacks and 13 percent of Latinos. In addition, Black and Latino college graduates saw a lower return on their degrees than white graduates: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households associated with a college degree, median white households accrue $11.49. Meanwhile for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households associated with a college degree, median white households accrue $13.33.
    • If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in college graduation rates, median Black wealth would grow $1,313 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 1 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $3,528 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 3 percent.
    • If public policy successfully equalized the return to college graduation, median Black wealth would grow $10,786 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 10 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $5,878 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 6 percent.
  • Eliminating disparities in income—and even more so, the wealth return on income—would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. Yet in 2011, the median white household had an income of $50,400 a year compared to just $32,028 for Blacks and $36,840 for Latinos. Black and Latino households also see less of a return than white households on the income they earn: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households associated with a higher income, median white households accrue $4.06. Meanwhile, for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households associated with higher income, median white households accrue $5.37.
    • If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in income, median Black wealth would grow $11,488 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 11 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $8,765 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 9 percent.
    • If public policy successfully equalized the return to income, so that each additional dollar of income going to Black and Latino households was converted to wealth at the same rate as white households, median Black wealth would grow $44,963 and median Latino wealth would grow $51,552. This would shrink the wealth gap with white households by 43 and 50 percent respectively.

The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters | Demos

Public policy has consistently been a problem for these communities. Most who have made public policy are whites and as we see from the amount of trolling being done by whites here it is apparent why public policy has been a problem. For those who want to argue abut wealth redistribution these public polices crated wealth redistribution in favor of whites. Whites have benefitted from the consistent shift of wealth to them and I do mean this has been the case for all 241 yeas of official national existence and even longer if you count the colonial years given programs such as headrights.
IM2 is just looking to flamebait and report somebody.

FYI Polish dude. The gifted program here had black kids from the worst ghettos in it, and it was run by a very qualified black person.

Pretty sure IQ of 137 was required.

There's certainly some high IQ Blacks, but the curve is at a strong disproportionate disadvantage.

Furthermore, what's different from those high IQ Blacks, from other Blacks?

Could it possibly culture, or environment, if they come from the same Black ghetto as Blacks who fail?

Of course some Blacks do have favorable genes for intelligence too. No denying that.
But, the evidence supports they have less of them, therefor genius is less likely to be expressed.

Sometimes the odds are against them because of their situation.

But, if some Blacks in the ghetto become star pupils, while most do not?
Could it have something with the variety of genes for educational attainment they hold?

Oh, and might I point out that Christopher Michael Langan with one of the highest recorded IQ's to date, grew up arguably like many Blacks, being poor, and having no father present.

Christopher Langan - Wikipedia

Langan was born in San Francisco, California, in 1952. He spent most of his early life in Montana, with his mother and three brothers. His mother was the daughter of a wealthy shipping executive but was cut off from her family's fortune. Christopher did not grow up with his biological father, as the man died or disappeared before Christopher was born. Because Christopher's father was absent, the family struggled to escape poverty.[
IM2 is just looking to flamebait and report somebody.

FYI Polish dude. The gifted program here had black kids from the worst ghettos in it, and it was run by a very qualified black person.

Pretty sure IQ of 137 was required.

There's certainly some high IQ Blacks, but the curve is at a strong disproportionate disadvantage.

Furthermore, what's different from those high IQ Blacks, from other Blacks?

Could it possibly culture, or environment, if they come from the same Black ghetto as Blacks who fail?

Of course some Blacks do have favorable genes for intelligence too. No denying that.
But, the evidence supports they have less of them, therefor genius is less likely to be expressed.

Sometimes the odds are against them because of their situation.

But, if some Blacks in the ghetto become star pupils, while most do not?
Could it have something with the variety of genes for educational attainment they hold?

Oh, and might I point out that Christopher Michael Langan with one of the highest recorded IQ's to date, grew up arguably like many Blacks, being poor, and having no father present.

Christopher Langan - Wikipedia

Langan was born in San Francisco, California, in 1952. He spent most of his early life in Montana, with his mother and three brothers. His mother was the daughter of a wealthy shipping executive but was cut off from her family's fortune. Christopher did not grow up with his biological father, as the man died or disappeared before Christopher was born. Because Christopher's father was absent, the family struggled to escape poverty.[

I know all about Langan. I like that guy! He reminds me of what used to be my best friend.
It's time to put down what we have chosen to believe and look at the facts. Blacks are on board of all those trains. Entrepreneurial programs and job training have been there for at lest 50 years. Blacks are inventors and innovators today. Let's end the lectures to blacks and look at the facts. Lets not have people talking about wealth distribution for blacks when there is a very strong history of consistent wealth redistribution to whites.

So for this to work, you have to drop these central belief that whites seem to have about blacks,

Blacks are behind and are not trying to help themselves. Blacks do not have the skills necessary to start a business,. Blacks are waiting instead of innovating.

Last, this is an issue of race.

This study was put out by DEMOS in July of 2016.That's one year ago. Therefore the modern work force and all modern problems relative to todays job market have been considered.

Sorry man.. Don't care about income facts from DEMOS.. NO segment of the population is prepared for 21st century SELF-RELIANCE innovation and entrepreneuralism without an intense desire to learn continue education. And I don't care WHAT polls or studies are cited if they DO NOT take into consideration the HS achievement rates, the incarceration rates, and other issues.

You can pound that all you want. But Jesse Jackson disagrees with you. As well as some of the prominent and solutions oriented Black educators. I had a confrontation with Rev Jackson out in Silicon Valley. He came twice to "shake down the valley" for money. I wrote an op ed to the San Jose Merc, that was WIDELY re-published in other places OFFERING to take 6 months off from work if Jackson would send a trainload of qualified black engineers and technicians and marketing people out to Silicon Valley for work. I would dedicate that time to making sure that ALL of them got placement. My boss saw this and offered me paid leave if Jackson accepted. :biggrin: Told me he was certain it would only take 2 months to place them all..

Jackson had a 18th Century view of what "a job" was. Thought Silicon Valley was just another manufacturing town.

You want less of an income gap??? Forget income statistics. Get kids of ALL colors to go into STEM fields. The HARD stuff. I'm still connected to academia. I can tell you that a full half or more of STEM student are foreigners. This is NOT a "black" issue. It's an American survival issue...
The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.
  • Eliminating disparities in homeownership rates and returns would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. While 73 percent of white households owned their own homes in 2011, only 47 percent of Latinos and 45 percent of Blacks were homeowners. In addition, Black and Latino homeowners saw less return in wealth on their investment in homeownership: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households as a result of homeownership, median white households accrue $1.34; meanwhile for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households as a result of homeownership, median white households accrue $1.54.
    • If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in homeownership rates, so that Blacks and Latinos were as likely as white households to own their homes, median Black wealth would grow $32,113 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 31 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $29,213 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 28 percent.
    • If public policy successfully equalized the return on homeownership, so that Blacks and Latinos saw the same financial gains as whites as a result of being homeowners, median Black wealth would grow $17,113 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 16 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $41,652 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 41 percent.
  • Eliminating disparities in college graduation and the return on a college degree would have a modest direct impact on the racial wealth gap. In 2011, 34 percent of whites had completed four-year college degrees compared to just 20 percent of Blacks and 13 percent of Latinos. In addition, Black and Latino college graduates saw a lower return on their degrees than white graduates: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households associated with a college degree, median white households accrue $11.49. Meanwhile for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households associated with a college degree, median white households accrue $13.33.
    • If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in college graduation rates, median Black wealth would grow $1,313 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 1 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $3,528 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 3 percent.
    • If public policy successfully equalized the return to college graduation, median Black wealth would grow $10,786 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 10 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $5,878 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 6 percent.
  • Eliminating disparities in income—and even more so, the wealth return on income—would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. Yet in 2011, the median white household had an income of $50,400 a year compared to just $32,028 for Blacks and $36,840 for Latinos. Black and Latino households also see less of a return than white households on the income they earn: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households associated with a higher income, median white households accrue $4.06. Meanwhile, for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households associated with higher income, median white households accrue $5.37.
    • If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in income, median Black wealth would grow $11,488 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 11 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $8,765 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 9 percent.
    • If public policy successfully equalized the return to income, so that each additional dollar of income going to Black and Latino households was converted to wealth at the same rate as white households, median Black wealth would grow $44,963 and median Latino wealth would grow $51,552. This would shrink the wealth gap with white households by 43 and 50 percent respectively.
The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters | Demos

Public policy has consistently been a problem for these communities. Most who have made public policy are whites and as we see from the amount of trolling being done by whites here it is apparent why public policy has been a problem. For those who want to argue abut wealth redistribution these public polices crated wealth redistribution in favor of whites. Whites have benefitted from the consistent shift of wealth to them and I do mean this has been the case for all 241 yeas of official national existence and even longer if you count the colonial years given programs such as headrights.

Home OWNERSHIP is predicated on having a well paying job or family jobs. Less so on "public policy". The places public policy matter and is definitely racially biased is in those communities that attempt to run their services and legal system like a white rich suburb. Where people get warrants and jail time for ATTEMPTING to pay their fines "in installments". Where there are 2 or 3 warrants per household, because the legal system is inefficient and doesn't recognize the special needs of people living on the edge of financial ruin. Where a broken taillight can lead to years of exposure to legal system.

There should be co-opts to fix a lot of this. Places you can take a car and get it safety fixed for $10. But it's local REGULATION and Zoning laws that prevent this. Along with pressures from existing retailers. Same with tutoring. It all COULD be done with LESS government interference and more CHOICES available to the citizens.
The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.
  • Eliminating disparities in homeownership rates and returns would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. While 73 percent of white households owned their own homes in 2011, only 47 percent of Latinos and 45 percent of Blacks were homeowners. In addition, Black and Latino homeowners saw less return in wealth on their investment in homeownership: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households as a result of homeownership, median white households accrue $1.34; meanwhile for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households as a result of homeownership, median white households accrue $1.54.
    • If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in homeownership rates, so that Blacks and Latinos were as likely as white households to own their homes, median Black wealth would grow $32,113 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 31 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $29,213 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 28 percent.
    • If public policy successfully equalized the return on homeownership, so that Blacks and Latinos saw the same financial gains as whites as a result of being homeowners, median Black wealth would grow $17,113 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 16 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $41,652 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 41 percent.
  • Eliminating disparities in college graduation and the return on a college degree would have a modest direct impact on the racial wealth gap. In 2011, 34 percent of whites had completed four-year college degrees compared to just 20 percent of Blacks and 13 percent of Latinos. In addition, Black and Latino college graduates saw a lower return on their degrees than white graduates: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households associated with a college degree, median white households accrue $11.49. Meanwhile for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households associated with a college degree, median white households accrue $13.33.
    • If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in college graduation rates, median Black wealth would grow $1,313 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 1 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $3,528 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 3 percent.
    • If public policy successfully equalized the return to college graduation, median Black wealth would grow $10,786 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 10 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $5,878 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 6 percent.
  • Eliminating disparities in income—and even more so, the wealth return on income—would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. Yet in 2011, the median white household had an income of $50,400 a year compared to just $32,028 for Blacks and $36,840 for Latinos. Black and Latino households also see less of a return than white households on the income they earn: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households associated with a higher income, median white households accrue $4.06. Meanwhile, for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households associated with higher income, median white households accrue $5.37.
    • If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in income, median Black wealth would grow $11,488 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 11 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $8,765 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 9 percent.
    • If public policy successfully equalized the return to income, so that each additional dollar of income going to Black and Latino households was converted to wealth at the same rate as white households, median Black wealth would grow $44,963 and median Latino wealth would grow $51,552. This would shrink the wealth gap with white households by 43 and 50 percent respectively.
The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters | Demos

Public policy has consistently been a problem for these communities. Most who have made public policy are whites and as we see from the amount of trolling being done by whites here it is apparent why public policy has been a problem. For those who want to argue abut wealth redistribution these public polices crated wealth redistribution in favor of whites. Whites have benefitted from the consistent shift of wealth to them and I do mean this has been the case for all 241 yeas of official national existence and even longer if you count the colonial years given programs such as headrights.

"Eliminating disparities in homeownership rates and returns would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. While 73 percent of white households owned their own homes in 2011, only 47 percent of Latinos and 45 percent of Blacks were homeowners."

Hey, let's make sure everybody gets a mortgage, whether they are qualified or not. What could possibly go wrong? 2008? That was almost ten years ago. Who can remember that far back?
The sheer stupidity of people like IM2 is really breath-taking. He/She is why democracy is a bad idea. He/She reminds me of a study that came out of the Boston Fed 20-some years ago. It found that black applicants for mortgages were being turned down at twice the rate of white applicants (I don't remember the exact rate) at commercial mortgage lenders.

Oh boy, big news. Hard evidence of racism run amok in our horrible country. With the New York Times providing the shrillest voice of indignant anti-racist virtue, demands were made that the government DO something about this blatantly racist inequality. Of course, the spineless ignorant worms in Congress hopped to and we quickly got the Community Reinvestment something-or-other, signed into law by Clinton and doubled down-on by Bush. Aaaaand, of course, the whole thing imploded in 2008 when millions of unqualified borrowers defaulted (there is real human cost, btw, in losing your home), TRILLIONS of dollars were shoved to the (((banksters))), you know the story.

So what happened? How could such good intentions go so horribly wrong? Was it still the legacy of slavery? Or red-lining, or anti-Latino hate from Nazis?

Well, what all the geniuses shrieking to eliminate the mortgage industry's blatant racism failed to notice, apparently, was that while blacks were TURNED DOWN for mortgages at a higher rate than whites, blacks and whites DEFAULTED on their mortgages at the same rate. In other words, the mortgage lenders were doing exactly what they were supposed to do. They were rejecting unqualified applicants regardless of the color of their skin.

But morons like IM2 and the New York Times, and Congress were too fucking stupid to understand that.

IM2, someone will probably have to explain this to you using bits of string and crayons, but you do know, don't you, that THE SUICIDE RATE rises and falls with the mortgage default rate. You see, you stupid baboon, the very people you like to claim you are protecting from racist white America are suffering the most from your sheer stupidity and ignorance.
The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.
  • Eliminating disparities in homeownership rates and returns would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. While 73 percent of white households owned their own homes in 2011, only 47 percent of Latinos and 45 percent of Blacks were homeowners. In addition, Black and Latino homeowners saw less return in wealth on their investment in homeownership: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households as a result of homeownership, median white households accrue $1.34; meanwhile for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households as a result of homeownership, median white households accrue $1.54.
    • If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in homeownership rates, so that Blacks and Latinos were as likely as white households to own their homes, median Black wealth would grow $32,113 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 31 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $29,213 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 28 percent.
    • If public policy successfully equalized the return on homeownership, so that Blacks and Latinos saw the same financial gains as whites as a result of being homeowners, median Black wealth would grow $17,113 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 16 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $41,652 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 41 percent.
  • Eliminating disparities in college graduation and the return on a college degree would have a modest direct impact on the racial wealth gap. In 2011, 34 percent of whites had completed four-year college degrees compared to just 20 percent of Blacks and 13 percent of Latinos. In addition, Black and Latino college graduates saw a lower return on their degrees than white graduates: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households associated with a college degree, median white households accrue $11.49. Meanwhile for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households associated with a college degree, median white households accrue $13.33.
    • If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in college graduation rates, median Black wealth would grow $1,313 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 1 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $3,528 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 3 percent.
    • If public policy successfully equalized the return to college graduation, median Black wealth would grow $10,786 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 10 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $5,878 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 6 percent.
  • Eliminating disparities in income—and even more so, the wealth return on income—would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. Yet in 2011, the median white household had an income of $50,400 a year compared to just $32,028 for Blacks and $36,840 for Latinos. Black and Latino households also see less of a return than white households on the income they earn: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households associated with a higher income, median white households accrue $4.06. Meanwhile, for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households associated with higher income, median white households accrue $5.37.
    • If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in income, median Black wealth would grow $11,488 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 11 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $8,765 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 9 percent.
    • If public policy successfully equalized the return to income, so that each additional dollar of income going to Black and Latino households was converted to wealth at the same rate as white households, median Black wealth would grow $44,963 and median Latino wealth would grow $51,552. This would shrink the wealth gap with white households by 43 and 50 percent respectively.
The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters | Demos

Public policy has consistently been a problem for these communities. Most who have made public policy are whites and as we see from the amount of trolling being done by whites here it is apparent why public policy has been a problem. For those who want to argue abut wealth redistribution these public polices crated wealth redistribution in favor of whites. Whites have benefitted from the consistent shift of wealth to them and I do mean this has been the case for all 241 yeas of official national existence and even longer if you count the colonial years given programs such as headrights.

Home OWNERSHIP is predicated on having a well paying job or family jobs. Less so on "public policy". The places public policy matter and is definitely racially biased is in those communities that attempt to run their services and legal system like a white rich suburb. Where people get warrants and jail time for ATTEMPTING to pay their fines "in installments". Where there are 2 or 3 warrants per household, because the legal system is inefficient and doesn't recognize the special needs of people living on the edge of financial ruin. Where a broken taillight can lead to years of exposure to legal system.

There should be co-opts to fix a lot of this. Places you can take a car and get it safety fixed for $10. But it's local REGULATION and Zoning laws that prevent this. Along with pressures from existing retailers. Same with tutoring. It all COULD be done with LESS government interference and more CHOICES available to the citizens.
I take it you are talking about the depredations and excesses of HOAs?
The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.
  • Eliminating disparities in homeownership rates and returns would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. While 73 percent of white households owned their own homes in 2011, only 47 percent of Latinos and 45 percent of Blacks were homeowners. In addition, Black and Latino homeowners saw less return in wealth on their investment in homeownership: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households as a result of homeownership, median white households accrue $1.34; meanwhile for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households as a result of homeownership, median white households accrue $1.54.
    • If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in homeownership rates, so that Blacks and Latinos were as likely as white households to own their homes, median Black wealth would grow $32,113 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 31 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $29,213 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 28 percent.
    • If public policy successfully equalized the return on homeownership, so that Blacks and Latinos saw the same financial gains as whites as a result of being homeowners, median Black wealth would grow $17,113 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 16 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $41,652 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 41 percent.
  • Eliminating disparities in college graduation and the return on a college degree would have a modest direct impact on the racial wealth gap. In 2011, 34 percent of whites had completed four-year college degrees compared to just 20 percent of Blacks and 13 percent of Latinos. In addition, Black and Latino college graduates saw a lower return on their degrees than white graduates: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households associated with a college degree, median white households accrue $11.49. Meanwhile for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households associated with a college degree, median white households accrue $13.33.
    • If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in college graduation rates, median Black wealth would grow $1,313 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 1 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $3,528 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 3 percent.
    • If public policy successfully equalized the return to college graduation, median Black wealth would grow $10,786 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 10 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $5,878 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 6 percent.
  • Eliminating disparities in income—and even more so, the wealth return on income—would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. Yet in 2011, the median white household had an income of $50,400 a year compared to just $32,028 for Blacks and $36,840 for Latinos. Black and Latino households also see less of a return than white households on the income they earn: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households associated with a higher income, median white households accrue $4.06. Meanwhile, for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households associated with higher income, median white households accrue $5.37.
    • If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in income, median Black wealth would grow $11,488 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 11 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $8,765 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 9 percent.
    • If public policy successfully equalized the return to income, so that each additional dollar of income going to Black and Latino households was converted to wealth at the same rate as white households, median Black wealth would grow $44,963 and median Latino wealth would grow $51,552. This would shrink the wealth gap with white households by 43 and 50 percent respectively.
The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters | Demos

Public policy has consistently been a problem for these communities. Most who have made public policy are whites and as we see from the amount of trolling being done by whites here it is apparent why public policy has been a problem. For those who want to argue abut wealth redistribution these public polices crated wealth redistribution in favor of whites. Whites have benefitted from the consistent shift of wealth to them and I do mean this has been the case for all 241 yeas of official national existence and even longer if you count the colonial years given programs such as headrights.

Home OWNERSHIP is predicated on having a well paying job or family jobs. Less so on "public policy". The places public policy matter and is definitely racially biased is in those communities that attempt to run their services and legal system like a white rich suburb. Where people get warrants and jail time for ATTEMPTING to pay their fines "in installments". Where there are 2 or 3 warrants per household, because the legal system is inefficient and doesn't recognize the special needs of people living on the edge of financial ruin. Where a broken taillight can lead to years of exposure to legal system.

There should be co-opts to fix a lot of this. Places you can take a car and get it safety fixed for $10. But it's local REGULATION and Zoning laws that prevent this. Along with pressures from existing retailers. Same with tutoring. It all COULD be done with LESS government interference and more CHOICES available to the citizens.

That's bull shit. Plain and simple. Most of the wealth accumulated by whites in the 50's up until at least 1970 was due to policies pertaining to low cost home loans administered by the FHA whereby blacks had little to no access to for at least 30 years.And if you are man enough to stick this out, you will see housing policies are what DEMOS is talking about when it pertains to public policy housing decisions. As for your overall post, please stick to the thread topic and make sense when you do so.
The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.
  • Eliminating disparities in homeownership rates and returns would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. While 73 percent of white households owned their own homes in 2011, only 47 percent of Latinos and 45 percent of Blacks were homeowners. In addition, Black and Latino homeowners saw less return in wealth on their investment in homeownership: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households as a result of homeownership, median white households accrue $1.34; meanwhile for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households as a result of homeownership, median white households accrue $1.54.
    • If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in homeownership rates, so that Blacks and Latinos were as likely as white households to own their homes, median Black wealth would grow $32,113 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 31 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $29,213 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 28 percent.
    • If public policy successfully equalized the return on homeownership, so that Blacks and Latinos saw the same financial gains as whites as a result of being homeowners, median Black wealth would grow $17,113 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 16 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $41,652 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 41 percent.
  • Eliminating disparities in college graduation and the return on a college degree would have a modest direct impact on the racial wealth gap. In 2011, 34 percent of whites had completed four-year college degrees compared to just 20 percent of Blacks and 13 percent of Latinos. In addition, Black and Latino college graduates saw a lower return on their degrees than white graduates: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households associated with a college degree, median white households accrue $11.49. Meanwhile for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households associated with a college degree, median white households accrue $13.33.
    • If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in college graduation rates, median Black wealth would grow $1,313 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 1 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $3,528 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 3 percent.
    • If public policy successfully equalized the return to college graduation, median Black wealth would grow $10,786 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 10 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $5,878 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 6 percent.
  • Eliminating disparities in income—and even more so, the wealth return on income—would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. Yet in 2011, the median white household had an income of $50,400 a year compared to just $32,028 for Blacks and $36,840 for Latinos. Black and Latino households also see less of a return than white households on the income they earn: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households associated with a higher income, median white households accrue $4.06. Meanwhile, for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households associated with higher income, median white households accrue $5.37.
    • If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in income, median Black wealth would grow $11,488 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 11 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $8,765 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 9 percent.
    • If public policy successfully equalized the return to income, so that each additional dollar of income going to Black and Latino households was converted to wealth at the same rate as white households, median Black wealth would grow $44,963 and median Latino wealth would grow $51,552. This would shrink the wealth gap with white households by 43 and 50 percent respectively.
The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters | Demos

Public policy has consistently been a problem for these communities. Most who have made public policy are whites and as we see from the amount of trolling being done by whites here it is apparent why public policy has been a problem. For those who want to argue abut wealth redistribution these public polices crated wealth redistribution in favor of whites. Whites have benefitted from the consistent shift of wealth to them and I do mean this has been the case for all 241 yeas of official national existence and even longer if you count the colonial years given programs such as headrights.

"Eliminating disparities in homeownership rates and returns would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. While 73 percent of white households owned their own homes in 2011, only 47 percent of Latinos and 45 percent of Blacks were homeowners."

Hey, let's make sure everybody gets a mortgage, whether they are qualified or not. What could possibly go wrong? 2008? That was almost ten years ago. Who can remember that far back?

How may unqualified whites get mortgages? Can you answer that? But what you think did not cause what happened in 2008. Maybe you read Alan Greenspans testimony so you can understand.
Seems that everybody here is an expert on blacks. Now is the time to face the facts.

The hard cold facts.

The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters

As the United States rapidly becomes both a more diverse and unequal nation, policymakers face the urgent challenge of confronting growing wealth gaps by race and ethnicity. To create a more equitable and secure future, we must shift away from public policies that fuel and exacerbate racial disparities in wealth. But which policies can truly begin to reduce our country’s expanding racial divergences?

Until now there has been no systematic analysis of the types of public policies that offer the most potential for reducing the racial wealth gap. This paper pioneers a new tool, the Racial Wealth AuditTM, and uses it to evaluate the impact of housing, education, and labor markets on the wealth gap between white, Black, and Latino households and assesses how far policies that equalize outcomes in these areas could go toward reducing the gap. Drawing on data from the nationally representative Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) collected in 2011, the analysis tests how current racial disparities in wealth would be projected to change if key contributing factors to the racial wealth gap were equalized.

The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters | Demos

We will start by discussing this study. This study says the economic gap between races which is at the root of the problem in the black community and Hispanic community is due to public policy decisions.

Well there is only one thing to do, hand over more power to those in government to redistribute the wealth as they see fit.

Sure, they are wealthy to but only good people are selected for such positions and can be trusted 100%.......unless they are an orange color, but I think that is only common sense.

That's a done deal.

Or haven't you noticed who was is in power in all three branches of our govt.

Funny thing is, the Rs have had control for 2 1/2 years and the only things they've even talked about is the further screwing of the working class.

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Yes, their parents feel that education is IMPORTANT. Thus they require their kids to study. It isn't about intelligence, it is about core family values. You are incredibly ignorant about the subject. Phrenology, that pseudo science you are alluding to, was shown to be a pointless exercise decades ago. You need to catch up to the 21st century.

Obviously all kids can't succeed if they just study, such a view is in fact hilariously ignorant.

Genes in fact are proven to account for the majority of education achievement. (Not to deny environment, or culture

Chinese have more of these genes, apparently.

So, why is it surprising that they succeed better in education?


It could be because they have a billion people to draw from too. Amazingly enough these tests don't test everyone. You DO know that, right?

The IQ of Chinese Americans is also a sturdy 108, and Hong Kong which is ethnically Chinese has a similar IQ as that.

Hong Kong was a British colony and as such education was very important. A good friend of mine owns a block of downtown Hong Kong. IQ is a product of genes, environment, and nutrition. Genes will only get you so far, my daughter is a genius, we actually had her tested properly. It ain't cheap to do that. 500 bucks here in Reno Nevada. Would you care to bet how many of those IQ tests you are actually as robust as the one my daughter took?

You claim that being a British colony pushed education, but what about British former colonies like Nigeria, South Africa, Zimbabwe etc.?
What happened there?
Why don't they have this British colony exceptionalism that you're apparently "Claiming"?

Rhodesia was great till socialists took it over. The same go's for South Africa, and Nigeria as well. Face it, it ain't the color of the person running it, it's how corrupt they are, and how socialist the government is that takes over after the colonization.
Speaking of "Albania"
The Slavic nations closest to Albania also score lower PISA , and IQ scores, than other Slavs.

Like Serbia, or Macedonia, despite being presumably culturally more like Poles, their genes are intermediate between Poles, and Albanians.
Must be some kind of coincidence?

Now, I certainly don't deny environment at all.

Albanians, and Greeks for example are close genetic relatives, but hold quite different PISA, and IQ scores.

But, much of Eastern Europe actually holds higher PISA, and IQ scores than a Greece which obviously fared much better in the 20th century.

You can see what I mean from Rindermann's IQ map of Europe.


Also with the PISA score conversion map to IQ scores.


I bet you haven't noticed the primary correlation (not that I'm claiming correlation equals causation mind you) is the lowest scores are all socialistic countries. Socialists DON'T want smart subjects. They get all pissy about being abused and taken advantage of. Far better to have stupid, compliant slaves to do your bidding.
Obviously all kids can't succeed if they just study, such a view is in fact hilariously ignorant.

Genes in fact are proven to account for the majority of education achievement. (Not to deny environment, or culture

Chinese have more of these genes, apparently.

So, why is it surprising that they succeed better in education?


It could be because they have a billion people to draw from too. Amazingly enough these tests don't test everyone. You DO know that, right?

The IQ of Chinese Americans is also a sturdy 108, and Hong Kong which is ethnically Chinese has a similar IQ as that.

Hong Kong was a British colony and as such education was very important. A good friend of mine owns a block of downtown Hong Kong. IQ is a product of genes, environment, and nutrition. Genes will only get you so far, my daughter is a genius, we actually had her tested properly. It ain't cheap to do that. 500 bucks here in Reno Nevada. Would you care to bet how many of those IQ tests you are actually as robust as the one my daughter took?

You claim that being a British colony pushed education, but what about British former colonies like Nigeria, South Africa, Zimbabwe etc.?
What happened there?
Why don't they have this British colony exceptionalism that you're apparently "Claiming"?

Rhodesia was great till socialists took it over. The same go's for South Africa, and Nigeria as well. Face it, it ain't the color of the person running it, it's how corrupt they are, and how socialist the government is that takes over after the colonization.

Somalia is a Libertarian country, certainly not in better shape.
Speaking of "Albania"
The Slavic nations closest to Albania also score lower PISA , and IQ scores, than other Slavs.

Like Serbia, or Macedonia, despite being presumably culturally more like Poles, their genes are intermediate between Poles, and Albanians.
Must be some kind of coincidence?

Now, I certainly don't deny environment at all.

Albanians, and Greeks for example are close genetic relatives, but hold quite different PISA, and IQ scores.

But, much of Eastern Europe actually holds higher PISA, and IQ scores than a Greece which obviously fared much better in the 20th century.

You can see what I mean from Rindermann's IQ map of Europe.


Also with the PISA score conversion map to IQ scores.


I bet you haven't noticed the primary correlation (not that I'm claiming correlation equals causation mind you) is the lowest scores are all socialistic countries. Socialists DON'T want smart subjects. They get all pissy about being abused and taken advantage of. Far better to have stupid, compliant slaves to do your bidding.

China's Socialistic, and they score high PISA, and IQ scores.
It could be because they have a billion people to draw from too. Amazingly enough these tests don't test everyone. You DO know that, right?

The IQ of Chinese Americans is also a sturdy 108, and Hong Kong which is ethnically Chinese has a similar IQ as that.

Hong Kong was a British colony and as such education was very important. A good friend of mine owns a block of downtown Hong Kong. IQ is a product of genes, environment, and nutrition. Genes will only get you so far, my daughter is a genius, we actually had her tested properly. It ain't cheap to do that. 500 bucks here in Reno Nevada. Would you care to bet how many of those IQ tests you are actually as robust as the one my daughter took?

You claim that being a British colony pushed education, but what about British former colonies like Nigeria, South Africa, Zimbabwe etc.?
What happened there?
Why don't they have this British colony exceptionalism that you're apparently "Claiming"?

Rhodesia was great till socialists took it over. The same go's for South Africa, and Nigeria as well. Face it, it ain't the color of the person running it, it's how corrupt they are, and how socialist the government is that takes over after the colonization.

Somalia is a Libertarian country, certainly not in better shape.

Run by corrupt politicians who likewise don't want smart people to challenge their rule. That is the one over arching matter that you constantly ignore.
Speaking of "Albania"
The Slavic nations closest to Albania also score lower PISA , and IQ scores, than other Slavs.

Like Serbia, or Macedonia, despite being presumably culturally more like Poles, their genes are intermediate between Poles, and Albanians.
Must be some kind of coincidence?

Now, I certainly don't deny environment at all.

Albanians, and Greeks for example are close genetic relatives, but hold quite different PISA, and IQ scores.

But, much of Eastern Europe actually holds higher PISA, and IQ scores than a Greece which obviously fared much better in the 20th century.

You can see what I mean from Rindermann's IQ map of Europe.


Also with the PISA score conversion map to IQ scores.


I bet you haven't noticed the primary correlation (not that I'm claiming correlation equals causation mind you) is the lowest scores are all socialistic countries. Socialists DON'T want smart subjects. They get all pissy about being abused and taken advantage of. Far better to have stupid, compliant slaves to do your bidding.

China's Socialistic, and they score high PISA, and IQ scores.

In the industrialized ares where they need to be smart in order to not get killed in their jobs I agree with you. Go out into the countryside and it's a different story. Plus, having a billion people to sift through to get your best subjects helps to. Just take a look at the Chinese athletics programs and how far they have come in such a short time. It ain't the average people you are seeing dude. It is the exceptional ones.
The IQ of Chinese Americans is also a sturdy 108, and Hong Kong which is ethnically Chinese has a similar IQ as that.

Hong Kong was a British colony and as such education was very important. A good friend of mine owns a block of downtown Hong Kong. IQ is a product of genes, environment, and nutrition. Genes will only get you so far, my daughter is a genius, we actually had her tested properly. It ain't cheap to do that. 500 bucks here in Reno Nevada. Would you care to bet how many of those IQ tests you are actually as robust as the one my daughter took?

You claim that being a British colony pushed education, but what about British former colonies like Nigeria, South Africa, Zimbabwe etc.?
What happened there?
Why don't they have this British colony exceptionalism that you're apparently "Claiming"?

Rhodesia was great till socialists took it over. The same go's for South Africa, and Nigeria as well. Face it, it ain't the color of the person running it, it's how corrupt they are, and how socialist the government is that takes over after the colonization.

Somalia is a Libertarian country, certainly not in better shape.

Run by corrupt politicians who likewise don't want smart people to challenge their rule. That is the one over arching matter that you constantly ignore.

Why is Africa so corrupt?

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