Time to face the facts

DNA research says you're wrong.

He's right, Mitochondrial Adam, and Eve would support that at one time (between 60,000 - 200,000 years ago) the population of Humanity dwindled down to just 1 Women, and 1 Man also at a different period.

This would suggest a huge die off around the time Humans formed.

This actually might have fueled Human evolution through genetic drift, where a set of hyper-selected traits for natural selection were pinpointed, with more primitive traits obviously weeded out.

Not just that, until recently, a lot of families saw multiple Kids die of treatable illnesses like the flu, who obviously didn't get to reproduce.

Oh? And the tens of millions of people murdered by socialist governments hasn't had an effect? I think you need to read some more, and more reliable sources.

Sure it has, but what about the Capitalist Britain's genocides in India killing 60 million or so?

Oh? Care to provide some links to that number. Like most authoritarians, you try and support your genocidal tendencies by pointing out others, which are always false claims.

There hasn't been a single famine in India since British rule left, but during the Raj British rule of Capitalism, over a dozen famines in India killed 60 million, with Britain exporting food out of India.

Must be some kind of coincidence?

I certainly don't support genocide on anyone.

Hah! You blame poor farming techniques and lack of efficient transport for the famines of the past? Your claim is that the agrarian abilities of the past, before trains, and modern farming techniques allow the modern day farmer to counter the effects of drought and pestilence as a engineered attack?

You are fucking retarded dude.
Seems that everybody here is an expert on blacks. Now is the time to face the facts.

The hard cold facts.

The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters

As the United States rapidly becomes both a more diverse and unequal nation, policymakers face the urgent challenge of confronting growing wealth gaps by race and ethnicity. To create a more equitable and secure future, we must shift away from public policies that fuel and exacerbate racial disparities in wealth. But which policies can truly begin to reduce our country’s expanding racial divergences?

Until now there has been no systematic analysis of the types of public policies that offer the most potential for reducing the racial wealth gap. This paper pioneers a new tool, the Racial Wealth AuditTM, and uses it to evaluate the impact of housing, education, and labor markets on the wealth gap between white, Black, and Latino households and assesses how far policies that equalize outcomes in these areas could go toward reducing the gap. Drawing on data from the nationally representative Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) collected in 2011, the analysis tests how current racial disparities in wealth would be projected to change if key contributing factors to the racial wealth gap were equalized.

The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters | Demos

We will start by discussing this study. This study says the economic gap between races which is at the root of the problem in the black community and Hispanic community is due to public policy decisions.

Want to know something weird. Back in the days of the old west a cowboy or general asshole could kill a Chinese person and no one would care. At least a slave was considered property so no one could just go and kill one for sport as happened with the Chinese. Then, the world grew up a little, and the Chinese became business owners, and pillars of society. What happened to the blacks? I know some truly outstanding black men and women who I would trust with my life. But a huge proportion are still stuck in the 1800's.

There's no logical reason for this. They are every bit as smart as any other person so i just don't get it.

Why is it that a large percentage of the black population is stuck in a rut? Why can't they move on and actually improve their lot in life?

Are you sure that Blacks are as smart as every other person?

The data says otherwise.

Given the same level of nourishment? Absolutely. The problem you have with your IQ "tests" is they are not robust, nor are they administered properly, nor do they test similar populations. In other words, they are flawed tests, which makes them unreliable, which renders them useless.

Do you have an explanation to why China outscores quite richer Black Americans in IQ by a wide margin, and why China outscores substantially richer Whites in IQ by a slight margin?

Could it have something to do with Chinese having among the World's largest brains, brachycephalic skulls, and genes for education attainment?

Yes, their parents feel that education is IMPORTANT. Thus they require their kids to study. It isn't about intelligence, it is about core family values. You are incredibly ignorant about the subject. Phrenology, that pseudo science you are alluding to, was shown to be a pointless exercise decades ago. You need to catch up to the 21st century.

Obviously all kids can't succeed if they just study, such a view is in fact hilariously ignorant.

Genes in fact are proven to account for the majority of education achievement. (Not to deny environment, or culture

Chinese have more of these genes, apparently.

So, why is it surprising that they succeed better in education?

He's right, Mitochondrial Adam, and Eve would support that at one time (between 60,000 - 200,000 years ago) the population of Humanity dwindled down to just 1 Women, and 1 Man also at a different period.

This would suggest a huge die off around the time Humans formed.

This actually might have fueled Human evolution through genetic drift, where a set of hyper-selected traits for natural selection were pinpointed, with more primitive traits obviously weeded out.

Not just that, until recently, a lot of families saw multiple Kids die of treatable illnesses like the flu, who obviously didn't get to reproduce.

Oh? And the tens of millions of people murdered by socialist governments hasn't had an effect? I think you need to read some more, and more reliable sources.

Sure it has, but what about the Capitalist Britain's genocides in India killing 60 million or so?

Oh? Care to provide some links to that number. Like most authoritarians, you try and support your genocidal tendencies by pointing out others, which are always false claims.

There hasn't been a single famine in India since British rule left, but during the Raj British rule of Capitalism, over a dozen famines in India killed 60 million, with Britain exporting food out of India.

Must be some kind of coincidence?

I certainly don't support genocide on anyone.

Hah! You blame poor farming techniques and lack of efficient transport for the famines of the past? Your claim is that the agrarian abilities of the past, before trains, and modern farming techniques allow the modern day farmer to counter the effects of drought and pestilence as a engineered attack?

You are fucking retarded dude.

The book the Late Victorian Holocausts is pretty damning for Capitalism, and proves it can be equally brutal.

Much like how some Communists, or Russians deny the Holodomor terror famine of Communism.

We have some Capitalists, or Brits deny the Indian terror famines of Capitalism.
Want to know something weird. Back in the days of the old west a cowboy or general asshole could kill a Chinese person and no one would care. At least a slave was considered property so no one could just go and kill one for sport as happened with the Chinese. Then, the world grew up a little, and the Chinese became business owners, and pillars of society. What happened to the blacks? I know some truly outstanding black men and women who I would trust with my life. But a huge proportion are still stuck in the 1800's.

There's no logical reason for this. They are every bit as smart as any other person so i just don't get it.

Why is it that a large percentage of the black population is stuck in a rut? Why can't they move on and actually improve their lot in life?

Are you sure that Blacks are as smart as every other person?

The data says otherwise.

Given the same level of nourishment? Absolutely. The problem you have with your IQ "tests" is they are not robust, nor are they administered properly, nor do they test similar populations. In other words, they are flawed tests, which makes them unreliable, which renders them useless.

Do you have an explanation to why China outscores quite richer Black Americans in IQ by a wide margin, and why China outscores substantially richer Whites in IQ by a slight margin?

Could it have something to do with Chinese having among the World's largest brains, brachycephalic skulls, and genes for education attainment?

Yes, their parents feel that education is IMPORTANT. Thus they require their kids to study. It isn't about intelligence, it is about core family values. You are incredibly ignorant about the subject. Phrenology, that pseudo science you are alluding to, was shown to be a pointless exercise decades ago. You need to catch up to the 21st century.

Obviously all kids can't succeed if they just study, such a view is in fact hilariously ignorant.

Genes in fact are proven to account for the majority of education achievement. (Not to deny environment, or culture

Chinese have more of these genes, apparently.

So, why is it surprising that they succeed better in education?


It could be because they have a billion people to draw from too. Amazingly enough these tests don't test everyone. You DO know that, right?
Are you sure that Blacks are as smart as every other person?

The data says otherwise.

Given the same level of nourishment? Absolutely. The problem you have with your IQ "tests" is they are not robust, nor are they administered properly, nor do they test similar populations. In other words, they are flawed tests, which makes them unreliable, which renders them useless.

Do you have an explanation to why China outscores quite richer Black Americans in IQ by a wide margin, and why China outscores substantially richer Whites in IQ by a slight margin?

Could it have something to do with Chinese having among the World's largest brains, brachycephalic skulls, and genes for education attainment?

Yes, their parents feel that education is IMPORTANT. Thus they require their kids to study. It isn't about intelligence, it is about core family values. You are incredibly ignorant about the subject. Phrenology, that pseudo science you are alluding to, was shown to be a pointless exercise decades ago. You need to catch up to the 21st century.

Obviously all kids can't succeed if they just study, such a view is in fact hilariously ignorant.

Genes in fact are proven to account for the majority of education achievement. (Not to deny environment, or culture

Chinese have more of these genes, apparently.

So, why is it surprising that they succeed better in education?


It could be because they have a billion people to draw from too. Amazingly enough these tests don't test everyone. You DO know that, right?

The IQ of Chinese Americans is also a sturdy 108, and Hong Kong which is ethnically Chinese has a similar IQ as that.
Oh? And the tens of millions of people murdered by socialist governments hasn't had an effect? I think you need to read some more, and more reliable sources.

Sure it has, but what about the Capitalist Britain's genocides in India killing 60 million or so?

Oh? Care to provide some links to that number. Like most authoritarians, you try and support your genocidal tendencies by pointing out others, which are always false claims.

There hasn't been a single famine in India since British rule left, but during the Raj British rule of Capitalism, over a dozen famines in India killed 60 million, with Britain exporting food out of India.

Must be some kind of coincidence?

I certainly don't support genocide on anyone.

Hah! You blame poor farming techniques and lack of efficient transport for the famines of the past? Your claim is that the agrarian abilities of the past, before trains, and modern farming techniques allow the modern day farmer to counter the effects of drought and pestilence as a engineered attack?

You are fucking retarded dude.

The book the Late Victorian Holocausts is pretty damning for Capitalism, and proves it can be equally brutal.

Much like how some Communists, or Russians deny the Holodomor terror famine of Communism.

We have some Capitalists, or Brits deny the Indian terror famines of Capitalism.

It's not damning for capitalism at all. It points out the lack of technology and the fact that there WAS capitalism is what pushed mankind through that dark age and to the point where if you are a poor person in a capitalist country you are STILL in the top one percent of the worlds population in almost every metric. Capitalism is what has allowed the poorest of the poor to be elevated up to having a life expectancy greater than the rich ever had in the pre capitalist era.

Like I said, you have to be incredibly stupid, or a complete political whore to ignore the well known benefits that capitalism has brought to mankind.
Given the same level of nourishment? Absolutely. The problem you have with your IQ "tests" is they are not robust, nor are they administered properly, nor do they test similar populations. In other words, they are flawed tests, which makes them unreliable, which renders them useless.

Do you have an explanation to why China outscores quite richer Black Americans in IQ by a wide margin, and why China outscores substantially richer Whites in IQ by a slight margin?

Could it have something to do with Chinese having among the World's largest brains, brachycephalic skulls, and genes for education attainment?

Yes, their parents feel that education is IMPORTANT. Thus they require their kids to study. It isn't about intelligence, it is about core family values. You are incredibly ignorant about the subject. Phrenology, that pseudo science you are alluding to, was shown to be a pointless exercise decades ago. You need to catch up to the 21st century.

Obviously all kids can't succeed if they just study, such a view is in fact hilariously ignorant.

Genes in fact are proven to account for the majority of education achievement. (Not to deny environment, or culture

Chinese have more of these genes, apparently.

So, why is it surprising that they succeed better in education?


It could be because they have a billion people to draw from too. Amazingly enough these tests don't test everyone. You DO know that, right?

The IQ of Chinese Americans is also a sturdy 108, and Hong Kong which is ethnically Chinese has a similar IQ as that.

Hong Kong was a British colony and as such education was very important. A good friend of mine owns a block of downtown Hong Kong. IQ is a product of genes, environment, and nutrition. Genes will only get you so far, my daughter is a genius, we actually had her tested properly. It ain't cheap to do that. 500 bucks here in Reno Nevada. Would you care to bet how many of those IQ tests you are actually as robust as the one my daughter took?
Sure it has, but what about the Capitalist Britain's genocides in India killing 60 million or so?

Oh? Care to provide some links to that number. Like most authoritarians, you try and support your genocidal tendencies by pointing out others, which are always false claims.

There hasn't been a single famine in India since British rule left, but during the Raj British rule of Capitalism, over a dozen famines in India killed 60 million, with Britain exporting food out of India.

Must be some kind of coincidence?

I certainly don't support genocide on anyone.

Hah! You blame poor farming techniques and lack of efficient transport for the famines of the past? Your claim is that the agrarian abilities of the past, before trains, and modern farming techniques allow the modern day farmer to counter the effects of drought and pestilence as a engineered attack?

You are fucking retarded dude.

The book the Late Victorian Holocausts is pretty damning for Capitalism, and proves it can be equally brutal.

Much like how some Communists, or Russians deny the Holodomor terror famine of Communism.

We have some Capitalists, or Brits deny the Indian terror famines of Capitalism.

It's not damning for capitalism at all. It points out the lack of technology and the fact that there WAS capitalism is what pushed mankind through that dark age and to the point where if you are a poor person in a capitalist country you are STILL in the top one percent of the worlds population in almost every metric. Capitalism is what has allowed the poorest of the poor to be elevated up to having a life expectancy greater than the rich ever had in the pre capitalist era.

Like I said, you have to be incredibly stupid, or a complete political whore to ignore the well known benefits that capitalism has brought to mankind.

Capitalism isn't necessary for pushing out of poverty.

Franco's Spain built up on a Fascist style system, and in the Spanish Miracle saw the #1 growth in Europe, and #2 growth in the World just behind Japan in the 20th century.

The book the Late Victorian Holocausts supports that grain was exported out of India causing Famine by the Capitalist British Raj.

Late Victorian Holocausts - Wikipedia

"Between 1875–1900—a period that included the worst famines in Indian history—annual grain exports increased from 3 to 10 million tons", equivalent to the annual nutrition of 25m people. "Indeed, by the turn of the century, India was supplying nearly a fifth of Britain’s wheat consumption at the cost of its own food security."[3] In addition, "Already saddled with a huge public debt that included reimbursing the stockholders of the East India Company and paying the costs of the 1857 revolt, India also had to finance British military supremacy in Asia. In addition to incessant proxy warfare with Russia on the Afghan frontier, the subcontinent’s masses also subsidized such far-flung adventures of the Indian Army as the occupation of Egypt, the invasion of Ethiopia, and the conquest of the Sudan. As a result, military expenditures never comprised less than 25 percent (34 percent including police) of India’s annual budget..."[4] As an example of the effects of both this and of the restructuring of the local economy to suit imperial needs (in Victorian Berar, the acreage of cotton doubled 1875–1900),[5] Davis notes that "During the famine of 1899–1900, when 143,000 Beraris died directly from starvation, the province exported not only thousands of bales of cotton but an incredible 747,000 bushels of grain."[
Do you have an explanation to why China outscores quite richer Black Americans in IQ by a wide margin, and why China outscores substantially richer Whites in IQ by a slight margin?

Could it have something to do with Chinese having among the World's largest brains, brachycephalic skulls, and genes for education attainment?

Yes, their parents feel that education is IMPORTANT. Thus they require their kids to study. It isn't about intelligence, it is about core family values. You are incredibly ignorant about the subject. Phrenology, that pseudo science you are alluding to, was shown to be a pointless exercise decades ago. You need to catch up to the 21st century.

Obviously all kids can't succeed if they just study, such a view is in fact hilariously ignorant.

Genes in fact are proven to account for the majority of education achievement. (Not to deny environment, or culture

Chinese have more of these genes, apparently.

So, why is it surprising that they succeed better in education?


It could be because they have a billion people to draw from too. Amazingly enough these tests don't test everyone. You DO know that, right?

The IQ of Chinese Americans is also a sturdy 108, and Hong Kong which is ethnically Chinese has a similar IQ as that.

Hong Kong was a British colony and as such education was very important. A good friend of mine owns a block of downtown Hong Kong. IQ is a product of genes, environment, and nutrition. Genes will only get you so far, my daughter is a genius, we actually had her tested properly. It ain't cheap to do that. 500 bucks here in Reno Nevada. Would you care to bet how many of those IQ tests you are actually as robust as the one my daughter took?

Britain's educational PISA scores are in steep decline.

This doesn't fit very well with environment, but fits better with genes for educational attainment most likely diminishing in the UK, due to stupid people having more kids.

In Iceland we see such a study supporting a drop in genes for educational attainment.

He's right, Mitochondrial Adam, and Eve would support that at one time (between 60,000 - 200,000 years ago) the population of Humanity dwindled down to just 1 Women, and 1 Man also at a different period.

This would suggest a huge die off around the time Humans formed.

This actually might have fueled Human evolution through genetic drift, where a set of hyper-selected traits for natural selection were pinpointed, with more primitive traits obviously weeded out.

Not just that, until recently, a lot of families saw multiple Kids die of treatable illnesses like the flu, who obviously didn't get to reproduce.

Oh? And the tens of millions of people murdered by socialist governments hasn't had an effect? I think you need to read some more, and more reliable sources.

Sure it has, but what about the Capitalist Britain's genocides in India killing 60 million or so?

Oh? Care to provide some links to that number. Like most authoritarians, you try and support your genocidal tendencies by pointing out others, which are always false claims.

There hasn't been a single famine in India since British rule left, but during the Raj British rule of Capitalism, over a dozen famines in India killed 60 million, with Britain exporting food out of India.

Must be some kind of coincidence?

I certainly don't support genocide on anyone.

You are fucking retarded dude.

How do obnoxious sh*t talkers become mods, exactly?
Seems that everybody here is an expert on blacks. Now is the time to face the facts.

The hard cold facts

That article was written by two white women :rofl:
Hey, you were the guy who asked where blacks are kicking whites' asses. I showed you, and now you say, who cares? So you weren't really interested. You were just hoping to fling some shit, huh? What a jerk.

Nothing says defeated like suicide.

How is a lower death rate, a self inflicted death rate mind you, kicking our asses?

If they quit do we care? I mean think about it, how are you going to build your "master race" with a bunch of pussies who are such snowflakes they would rather die than work?

Get real.
What "master race" are you talking about, lightweight?

Don't play coy junior, the only reason why you morons want to segregate black from white is because you feel blacks are "inferior", thus you must be "superior". You may be stupid, but I'm not.
Yeah, you are a real genius. I'll donate $20 if you can find a single post of mine where I said blacks are inferior or that I want to separate blacks and whites. You're not only a half wit, you struggle with basic probity.
Seems that everybody here is an expert on blacks. Now is the time to face the facts.

The hard cold facts.

The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters

As the United States rapidly becomes both a more diverse and unequal nation, policymakers face the urgent challenge of confronting growing wealth gaps by race and ethnicity. To create a more equitable and secure future, we must shift away from public policies that fuel and exacerbate racial disparities in wealth. But which policies can truly begin to reduce our country’s expanding racial divergences?

Until now there has been no systematic analysis of the types of public policies that offer the most potential for reducing the racial wealth gap. This paper pioneers a new tool, the Racial Wealth AuditTM, and uses it to evaluate the impact of housing, education, and labor markets on the wealth gap between white, Black, and Latino households and assesses how far policies that equalize outcomes in these areas could go toward reducing the gap. Drawing on data from the nationally representative Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) collected in 2011, the analysis tests how current racial disparities in wealth would be projected to change if key contributing factors to the racial wealth gap were equalized.

The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters | Demos

We will start by discussing this study. This study says the economic gap between races which is at the root of the problem in the black community and Hispanic community is due to public policy decisions.

Want to know something weird. Back in the days of the old west a cowboy or general asshole could kill a Chinese person and no one would care. At least a slave was considered property so no one could just go and kill one for sport as happened with the Chinese. Then, the world grew up a little, and the Chinese became business owners, and pillars of society. What happened to the blacks? I know some truly outstanding black men and women who I would trust with my life. But a huge proportion are still stuck in the 1800's.

There's no logical reason for this. They are every bit as smart as any other person so i just don't get it.

Why is it that a large percentage of the black population is stuck in a rut? Why can't they move on and actually improve their lot in life?

Are you sure that Blacks are as smart as every other person?

The data says otherwise.

Given the same level of nourishment? Absolutely. The problem you have with your IQ "tests" is they are not robust, nor are they administered properly, nor do they test similar populations. In other words, they are flawed tests, which makes them unreliable, which renders them useless.

Do you have an explanation to why China outscores quite richer Black Americans in IQ by a wide margin, and why China outscores substantially richer Whites in IQ by a slight margin?

Could it have something to do with Chinese having among the World's largest brains, brachycephalic skulls, and genes for education attainment?
Phrenology, that pseudo science you are alluding to, was shown to be a pointless exercise decades ago. You need to catch up to the 21st century.

Racial equality is pseudo science.

How could anyone who champions evolution, think that different levels of genetic drift, and natural selection would lead to racial equality?

Furthermore there's no such studies confirming any kind of genetic equality among the races, but rather quite the opposite.

Just the fact that Humans differ in height is enough to show the disparities, on one hand taller Humans tend to be more intelligent, due to IGF-1 levels influencing both height, and intelligence, on the other hand they have lower Serotonin from spinal fluid being altered due to height, this impacts temperament, and actually makes taller people more likely to commit suicide.

Also note that Lactose tolerance / Intolerance could have an impact on Height, as dairy has Calcium, and IGF-1.

Most certainly Lactose intolerance differs greatly among populations.

While, African Americans do have a decent height, they have lower IGF-1 levels.
Probably their height is more based on growth hormone, which doesn't alter brain function.

But, absolutely there's just one study, after another proving racial inequality.

Take MAO-A levels, or Serotonin genes, which alter temperament, they differ widely among races.
Last edited:
I'm speaking from a human bio-diversity standpoint, which may be above your head. The vast majority of people who have ever lived have no descendants alive today. From a Darwinian perspective, they lost.

DNA research says you're wrong.

He's right, Mitochondrial Adam, and Eve would support that at one time (between 60,000 - 200,000 years ago) the population of Humanity dwindled down to just 1 Women, and 1 Man also at a different period.

This would suggest a huge die off around the time Humans formed.

This actually might have fueled Human evolution through genetic drift, where a set of hyper-selected traits for natural selection were pinpointed, with more primitive traits obviously weeded out.

Not just that, until recently, a lot of families saw multiple Kids die of treatable illnesses like the flu, who obviously didn't get to reproduce.

Oh? And the tens of millions of people murdered by socialist governments hasn't had an effect? I think you need to read some more, and more reliable sources.

Sure it has, but what about the Capitalist Britain's genocides in India killing 60 million or so?

Like most authoritarians,.

I'd consider myself mildly authoritarian, only enough to stop Capitalists from messing up national livelihood, and national security.

As I outlined in the below thread, I think the real benefiter of the U.S.A's multiculturalism is China.

Balkanized West helping China to take over the World?

The Capitalists have been goofy, taking jobs from Americans, to build up Balkanized Mexican America, it's Mexico motherland, and China.

Not only is this a threat to National Livelihood, but to National security.

I'd consider myself authoritarian enough to have the balls to stand up to this nonsense, and jail these Capitalist cretins for messing with this nation.
Seems that everybody here is an expert on blacks. Now is the time to face the facts.

The hard cold facts.

The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters

As the United States rapidly becomes both a more diverse and unequal nation, policymakers face the urgent challenge of confronting growing wealth gaps by race and ethnicity. To create a more equitable and secure future, we must shift away from public policies that fuel and exacerbate racial disparities in wealth. But which policies can truly begin to reduce our country’s expanding racial divergences?

Until now there has been no systematic analysis of the types of public policies that offer the most potential for reducing the racial wealth gap. This paper pioneers a new tool, the Racial Wealth AuditTM, and uses it to evaluate the impact of housing, education, and labor markets on the wealth gap between white, Black, and Latino households and assesses how far policies that equalize outcomes in these areas could go toward reducing the gap. Drawing on data from the nationally representative Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) collected in 2011, the analysis tests how current racial disparities in wealth would be projected to change if key contributing factors to the racial wealth gap were equalized.

The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters | Demos

We will start by discussing this study. This study says the economic gap between races which is at the root of the problem in the black community and Hispanic community is due to public policy decisions.

Well there is only one thing to do, hand over more power to those in government to redistribute the wealth as they see fit.

Sure, they are wealthy to but only good people are selected for such positions and can be trusted 100%.......unless they are an orange color, but I think that is only common sense.

This is going to be a serious discussion directly dealing with the facts.
Here's a fact just mentioned in a radio news break. This weekend's Chicago Carnage Count: 11 dead, 44 wounded in the city where black lives don't matter a damn to other blacks.
Do you have an explanation to why China outscores quite richer Black Americans in IQ by a wide margin, and why China outscores substantially richer Whites in IQ by a slight margin?

Could it have something to do with Chinese having among the World's largest brains, brachycephalic skulls, and genes for education attainment?

Yes, their parents feel that education is IMPORTANT. Thus they require their kids to study. It isn't about intelligence, it is about core family values. You are incredibly ignorant about the subject. Phrenology, that pseudo science you are alluding to, was shown to be a pointless exercise decades ago. You need to catch up to the 21st century.

Obviously all kids can't succeed if they just study, such a view is in fact hilariously ignorant.

Genes in fact are proven to account for the majority of education achievement. (Not to deny environment, or culture

Chinese have more of these genes, apparently.

So, why is it surprising that they succeed better in education?


It could be because they have a billion people to draw from too. Amazingly enough these tests don't test everyone. You DO know that, right?

The IQ of Chinese Americans is also a sturdy 108, and Hong Kong which is ethnically Chinese has a similar IQ as that.

Hong Kong was a British colony and as such education was very important. A good friend of mine owns a block of downtown Hong Kong. IQ is a product of genes, environment, and nutrition. Genes will only get you so far, my daughter is a genius, we actually had her tested properly. It ain't cheap to do that. 500 bucks here in Reno Nevada. Would you care to bet how many of those IQ tests you are actually as robust as the one my daughter took?

You claim that being a British colony pushed education, but what about British former colonies like Nigeria, South Africa, Zimbabwe etc.?
What happened there?
Why don't they have this British colony exceptionalism that you're apparently "Claiming"?
Do you have an explanation to why China outscores quite richer Black Americans in IQ by a wide margin, and why China outscores substantially richer Whites in IQ by a slight margin?

Could it have something to do with Chinese having among the World's largest brains, brachycephalic skulls, and genes for education attainment?

Yes, their parents feel that education is IMPORTANT. Thus they require their kids to study. It isn't about intelligence, it is about core family values. You are incredibly ignorant about the subject. Phrenology, that pseudo science you are alluding to, was shown to be a pointless exercise decades ago. You need to catch up to the 21st century.

Obviously all kids can't succeed if they just study, such a view is in fact hilariously ignorant.

Genes in fact are proven to account for the majority of education achievement. (Not to deny environment, or culture

Chinese have more of these genes, apparently.

So, why is it surprising that they succeed better in education?


It could be because they have a billion people to draw from too. Amazingly enough these tests don't test everyone. You DO know that, right?

The IQ of Chinese Americans is also a sturdy 108, and Hong Kong which is ethnically Chinese has a similar IQ as that.
Genes will only get you so far,

Genes seem to fit best.

Just look at PISA scores, they tend to follow genetic lines.

Such examples include Finland, and now Estonia leading in Europe's PISA scores.
They both have vastly different levels of wealth, and quite different circumstances in the 20th century, with Estonia becoming a Soviet colony.
But, genetically they are very close.

Same for China, South Korea, and Japan having similar PISA scores.
They too have had vastly different levels of wealth, an quite different circumstances in the 20th century, obviously China having faced the brunt of brutality in East Asian.
But, genetically they are very close.

On a side note, Finns, and Estonians have more Asian genes than other Europeans, could this have also something to do with their high PISA scores?

I think that even with Eastern Europe the disparities from Estonia down to Albania in PISA scores, would be best explained by genetics.
For example despite all having been part of the Soviet bloc, towards the North, regardless of circumstances, the PISA scores climb in Eastern Europe.

Of course Albanians aren't far removed from Arabs by their DNA, while Estonia is the nation in Europe most furthest removed by Arabs in Europe genetically.
Speaking of "Albania"
The Slavic nations closest to Albania also score lower PISA , and IQ scores, than other Slavs.

Like Serbia, or Macedonia, despite being presumably culturally more like Poles, their genes are intermediate between Poles, and Albanians.
Must be some kind of coincidence?

Now, I certainly don't deny environment at all.

Albanians, and Greeks for example are close genetic relatives, but hold quite different PISA, and IQ scores.

But, much of Eastern Europe actually holds higher PISA, and IQ scores than a Greece which obviously fared much better in the 20th century.

You can see what I mean from Rindermann's IQ map of Europe.


Also with the PISA score conversion map to IQ scores.

What's the most likely explanation?
That the multiple nations of the Balkans scores lower PISA, and IQ scores, than the Nations directly North of them, due to environment, culture, or DNA?

Environment? But, they all were Soviet, furthermore Poland, and Russia suffered greater mass murder in the 20th century, than the Balkans.
So, this doesn't make sense, at all.

Culture? Well, you'd think that at least one nation in the Balkans out of many, would have gotten their acts together, no?
Well, actually yes, Slovenia.

Slovenia has less African E1b1b hapologroup than others of the Balkans.

So, actually the disparities between Slovenia, and other Balkan nations seems to be genetic.

According to Eupedia Slovenia is 5% African E1b1b, similar to Northern Europe, while Serbia is 15% E1b1b, and Macedonia 21.5% E1b1b.

European Y-DNA haplogroups frequencies by country

According to this genetic PCA plot Slovenia is more like Czechs, and Slovaks (West Slavs), than like Serbs by their DNA.

IM2 is just looking to flamebait and report somebody.

FYI Polish dude. The gifted program here had black kids from the worst ghettos in it, and it was run by a very qualified black person.

Pretty sure IQ of 137 was required.

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