Time to Look Back on CV-19 Predictions Some More


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, who gave us Obamacare, said if the number of cases "is doubling every 3 to 4 days, that means that we'll have 100 million people who have COVID-19 in about 4 weeks.”

He was off by 99,111,291.

Meanwhile, if you’re on the Right and right, you’re an idiot.


The Great Douche is really crying! LOL!


Faux only lies so-called news entertainment said it for you!


Poor Great Crying Douche!

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Are we witnessing an economic bubble burst? ... 18% of the USA's economy is health care, and they can't weather one pandemic? ... the individuals are given their all in this heroic effort to save lives every hour ... but will the top heavy administration survive? ...

I've been seeing hints of this over the past month ... some of these hospital corporations aren't going to make promised dividend payments and I thought I saw a piece that some are already in bankruptcy, including one just up the I-5 ... what happens if health care insurance goes up steeply when unemployment is at record highs? ... do we let hospitals foreclose on our homes until they own all the real eastate and us peasants can't afford rent? ...

Go ahead ... Congress ... spend another $5 trillion we don't have ... our great-grandchildren won't mind paying for it ...
Yet for the utterly most bizarre reason we are still shut down over the 1.7-2.2 million reduced to 100,000-200,000 then further reduced.
If what got us here was drastically wrong then why are we still here?

Are we witnessing an economic bubble burst? ... 18% of the USA's economy is health care, and they can't weather one pandemic? ... the individuals are given their all in this heroic effort to save lives every hour ... but will the top heavy administration survive? ...

I've been seeing hints of this over the past month ... some of these hospital corporations aren't going to make promised dividend payments and I thought I saw a piece that some are already in bankruptcy, including one just up the I-5 ... what happens if health care insurance goes up steeply when unemployment is at record highs? ... do we let hospitals foreclose on our homes until they own all the real eastate and us peasants can't afford rent? ...

Go ahead ... Congress ... spend another $5 trillion we don't have ... our great-grandchildren won't mind paying for it ...
In case you have been in a cave, all medical facilities are closed unless you’re the .01% to get CV-19.

New York's population is 19M.
That is, 1-1326 have died here. From The Great Douche being on the job!
There are millions and millions of Alcoholics and those who contract it die at a 90% rate yet every liquor store is open-Even Now
There are less than one million Covids who will die at a 5% rate and every person is told to sit tight and shut up.
It’s not America anymore
View attachment 328115

New York's population is 19M.
That is, 1-1326 have died here. From The Great Douche being on the job!
All those Democrats dead now, thank you God for cleaning up NY!
WOW!? Thanking a fake god to kill more!? INSANE MAGA MEMBER HERE SAYING THAT!
The lord loves killing everythang. As seen in the planned abortion by it. And during 40 days and nights of rain. Was the lord killing dems then?
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Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, who gave us Obamacare, said if the number of cases "is doubling every 3 to 4 days, that means that we'll have 100 million people who have COVID-19 in about 4 weeks.”

He was off by 99,111,291.

View attachment 328087Meanwhile, if you’re on the Right and right, you’re an idiot.

Dr. Emmanuel could be right, W-man. Remember that the vast majority of COVID19 victims never even realize they are sick at all. And most of the rest are mild-to-moderately ill and may not bother consulting a physician.

Further, many who do talk to their doctor might never get the test.

Those people wouldn't turn up in the statistics. But it would indicate a lot lower death rate for this dread disease
Are we witnessing an economic bubble burst? ... 18% of the USA's economy is health care, and they can't weather one pandemic?
All the more comical as United Healthcare took in nearly 200 billion in revenue alone last year.


Are we witnessing an economic bubble burst? ... 18% of the USA's economy is health care, and they can't weather one pandemic? ... the individuals are given their all in this heroic effort to save lives every hour ... but will the top heavy administration survive? ...

I've been seeing hints of this over the past month ... some of these hospital corporations aren't going to make promised dividend payments and I thought I saw a piece that some are already in bankruptcy, including one just up the I-5 ... what happens if health care insurance goes up steeply when unemployment is at record highs? ... do we let hospitals foreclose on our homes until they own all the real eastate and us peasants can't afford rent? ...

Go ahead ... Congress ... spend another $5 trillion we don't have ... our great-grandchildren won't mind paying for it ...
In case you have been in a cave, all medical facilities are closed unless you’re the .01% to get CV-19.

If I thought I had a definite case of CV19, I'd ring my doctor up and have him call in an Rx for hydroxychloroquine and zinc to see if it worked, before I'd bother going in.
Are we witnessing an economic bubble burst? ... 18% of the USA's economy is health care, and they can't weather one pandemic?
All the more comical as United Healthcare took in nearly 200 billion in revenue alone last year.

Its a tremendous year for United Healthcare. No colonoscopies, mammography or prostrate biopsies to pay for. No hip replacements, shoulder replacements or Tommy John surgeries. No sex changes to pay for.

Yet they are still collecting the premiums. With any luck, a lot of the old timers who need hips, will keel over dead or say the hell with it and live with the pain.

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