Time to Open Up America

If you’re terrified, stay home hiding under your pillow.

Infection data of nations that shutdown are identical to nations that did not.

Lying fuck. A lot has to do with other protocols & when they were enacted.

If your stupid Fat Assed piece of shit President, would have acted sooner, our infection rate would be lower.

Go out. Be free. lick some handrails Go to a Trump rally.
Like I said, you can remain hiding under your pillow.
If you’re terrified, stay home hiding under your pillow.

Infection data of nations that shutdown are identical to nations that did not.

Lying fuck. A lot has to do with other protocols & when they were enacted.

If your stupid Fat Assed piece of shit President, would have acted sooner, our infection rate would be lower.

Go out. Be free. lick some handrails Go to a Trump rally.
When did you want him to act?
When his intelligence community told him about it in Dec. Instead he ran around with his finger up his ass claiming it was a dem hoax.
When was the first US death?
No one really knows. Why would you as a leader wait for someone to die first? He was told in Dec, probably Nov yet all he did is stick his finger up his ass and pretend it was a hoax.
No. Educated people do know. You don’t. Because you don’t halt the economy until you know what you’re dealing with. Link where he used the word “hoax” when referring to this virus. You are a terrific lapdog for your Democrat masters. Go fetch.
Of course someone knows but they arent talking. Drumpf didnt have to halt the economy to test you dimwit.

Sure no problem.

Test whom? All 330 million? The virus wasn’t even here yet in mass numbers to test anyone. You’re so dumb it hurts
If you’re terrified, stay home hiding under your pillow.

Infection data of nations that shutdown are identical to nations that did not.

Yep, we HAVE to start having people go back to work. It looks like this WILL be a reality starting the beginning of next month.
Many States with Dem Governors are not opening until June at the earliest. Then they’ll create an excuse to continue it.
Trump will still get blamed.If they don't open back up Dems will say Trump should have forced them to open.If they do open back up and the virus goes wild again the Dems will say Trump shouldn't let the Governors open up.
If you’re terrified, stay home hiding under your pillow.

Infection data of nations that shutdown are identical to nations that did not.

Lying fuck. A lot has to do with other protocols & when they were enacted.

If your stupid Fat Assed piece of shit President, would have acted sooner, our infection rate would be lower.

Go out. Be free. lick some handrails Go to a Trump rally.
When did you want him to act?
When his intelligence community told him about it in Dec. Instead he ran around with his finger up his ass claiming it was a dem hoax.
When was the first US death?
No one really knows. Why would you as a leader wait for someone to die first? He was told in Dec, probably Nov yet all he did is stick his finger up his ass and pretend it was a hoax.
No. Educated people do know. You don’t. Because you don’t halt the economy until you know what you’re dealing with. Link where he used the word “hoax” when referring to this virus. You are a terrific lapdog for your Democrat masters. Go fetch.
You certainly don't run around down playing the virus & doing NOTHING to prep for it. You assfucks can't get any dumber, can you?
It’s a bad cold. Chill. If you’re fat, old and or have underlying conditions then you should have taken better care of yourself. Don’t blame me for your screwups
If you’re terrified, stay home hiding under your pillow.

Infection data of nations that shutdown are identical to nations that did not.

Lying fuck. A lot has to do with other protocols & when they were enacted.

If your stupid Fat Assed piece of shit President, would have acted sooner, our infection rate would be lower.

Go out. Be free. lick some handrails Go to a Trump rally.
When did you want him to act?
When his intelligence community told him about it in Dec. Instead he ran around with his finger up his ass claiming it was a dem hoax.
When was the first US death?
No one really knows. Why would you as a leader wait for someone to die first? He was told in Dec, probably Nov yet all he did is stick his finger up his ass and pretend it was a hoax.
You want to shut down the country and put 22mil out of work, cancel the NFL season when there are zero deaths? You’re pathetic.
No stupid. You shut down all entry into the US and start testing to see how many people have it instead of sticking your finger up your ass and pretending its the flu. When you find that its spreading then you shut down the country unless you want to go to a football game instead of saving lives.
He shut down the travel to and from China. We had zero deaths. Testing for what? Testing whom? Our first death was not until February 29th. Stop
Playing Monday Morning QB, you look stupid. How many Democrat debates were there? Not once did that topic come up. How many sessions did Congress have? Not once did that topic come up. Instead they wasted time and $$ on impeachment. You’re so stupid it hurts. Don’t engage in a battle of wits with me because you’re unarmed.
Bullshit. He shut down travel for Chinese people to the US but 40k people (thousands of them from Wuhan) came into the US all over the country the weeks right after his half ass travel restriction. Then he let europeans come here and now they have found that european contact is how the virus got into the US.

Testing for people with virus you fool. You dont start testing after someone dies you fucking idiot. By then its too late. :)
Testing whom? So now you think he is king? Funny how you glanced over the fact that Congress and Democrats in debates totally ignored it. What would testing show you? Some people could test negative for two weeks and then still be carriers. We know almost nothing about the disease and the WHO on Jan 21st stated it was transferrable from person to person. Only fool here is you playing Monday morning QB and blaming one man for a global pandemic that impacted 186 countries vs blaming the actual source. Your stupidity is hilarious. I have met smarter rocks. Do you have any skills at all? Because on these boards you’re a clown. Pathetic and sad. And yes, I would say it to your face and you would take it and do absolutely nothing about it. Loser.
US citizens you dumb fuck. Thats who you test. I've always known Drumpf was the king of the idiots but what does that have to do with his lack of leadership with this virus situation? Testing would give you an idea about how many people had the disease you moron. I could give less than 2 fucks what the dems and repubs did or didnt do. They arent the POTUS. That incompetent fuckup Drumpf is the POTUS. I'm only concerned with his lack of intelligence and action. Stop whining you silly fuck. I'm not blaming the fuckup in the white house for a global pandemic. I'm blaming that pathetic fuckup for his lack of leadership and his countless fuckups here in the US.
He-he! And THE THING STILL WON'T LEAVE. Hilarious!
Why would I leave? I know I threaten you but I'm not going anywhere young lady. :)
And Asslips STILL won't leave! Thanks gain for the comic relief tonight, ya DH. You really DO have SFB! (Please refer to my list of acronyms on another thread, in the Rubber Room. Thanks!)
Youre a peach. I just noticed youre single handedly raising my reaction score. :laughing0301:
PLEASE refer to my thread on my acronyms, in the Rubber Room. You'll get a kick out of it, ya DF!
I dont give a flying fuck about your acronyms you idiot. :laughing0301:
Oh look a childish emoji. Yay. Let me know when you get an email from your masters, the Democrats to blame Trump again for all the worlds ills. Also explain again how you would randomly test 330 million people. LOL

If we test everyone, is it random?
How often do you want to test everyone? Hourly? Daily? Weekly? Be specific
If you’re terrified, stay home hiding under your pillow.

Infection data of nations that shutdown are identical to nations that did not.

Lying fuck. A lot has to do with other protocols & when they were enacted.

If your stupid Fat Assed piece of shit President, would have acted sooner, our infection rate would be lower.

Go out. Be free. lick some handrails Go to a Trump rally.
data doesn't support your rant.
If you’re terrified, stay home hiding under your pillow.

Infection data of nations that shutdown are identical to nations that did not.

Let's look briefly at the other side. Maintaining the lockdown through the summer will give police another tool to bust down on open air Crack and Smack markets, as well as nogoodniks hanging out on street corners. There could be positive signs, particularly in fighting inner city crime in general
If you’re terrified, stay home hiding under your pillow.

Infection data of nations that shutdown are identical to nations that did not.

Lying fuck. A lot has to do with other protocols & when they were enacted.

If your stupid Fat Assed piece of shit President, would have acted sooner, our infection rate would be lower.

Go out. Be free. lick some handrails Go to a Trump rally.
When did you want him to act?
When his intelligence community told him about it in Dec. Instead he ran around with his finger up his ass claiming it was a dem hoax.
When was the first US death?
No one really knows. Why would you as a leader wait for someone to die first? He was told in Dec, probably Nov yet all he did is stick his finger up his ass and pretend it was a hoax.
No. Educated people do know. You don’t. Because you don’t halt the economy until you know what you’re dealing with. Link where he used the word “hoax” when referring to this virus. You are a terrific lapdog for your Democrat masters. Go fetch.
Of course someone knows but they arent talking. Drumpf didnt have to halt the economy to test you dimwit.

Sure no problem.

How would you test?

Businesses, at least good ones, will want their employees to wear masks and gloves if in an environment where they come into contact with another person. A big retailer here has said all employees will wear masks and gloves until november. Smart move.
Businesses, at least good ones, will want their employees to wear masks and gloves if in an environment where they come into contact with another person. A big retailer here has said all employees will wear masks and gloves until november. Smart move.
From the top expert on the subject

When it comes to preventing coronavirus, public health officials have been clear: Healthy people do not need to wear a face mask to protect themselves from COVID-19.

"There's no reason to be walking around with a mask," infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci told 60 Minutes.

Want to wear a mask, wear a fking mask, don't point at me for not wearing one.
If you’re terrified, stay home hiding under your pillow.

Infection data of nations that shutdown are identical to nations that did not.

Let's look briefly at the other side. Maintaining the lockdown through the summer will give police another tool to bust down on open air Crack and Smack markets, as well as nogoodniks hanging out on street corners. There could be positive signs, particularly in fighting inner city crime in general
so again, the experts told us the gestation period was two weeks. if we have isolated ourselves for now close to forty days, how is it anyone would have the virus today? That's not logical.

Did everybody on the planet get a lobotomy?
Businesses, at least good ones, will want their employees to wear masks and gloves if in an environment where they come into contact with another person. A big retailer here has said all employees will wear masks and gloves until november. Smart move.
From the top expert on the subject

When it comes to preventing coronavirus, public health officials have been clear: Healthy people do not need to wear a face mask to protect themselves from COVID-19.

"There's no reason to be walking around with a mask," infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci told 60 Minutes.

Want to wear a mask, wear a fking mask, don't point at me for not wearing one.
Wearing a cloth mask does not protect you. It protects others from you.

Of course a selfish Trumpettge would not give a shit about others .
Businesses, at least good ones, will want their employees to wear masks and gloves if in an environment where they come into contact with another person. A big retailer here has said all employees will wear masks and gloves until november. Smart move.
From the top expert on the subject

When it comes to preventing coronavirus, public health officials have been clear: Healthy people do not need to wear a face mask to protect themselves from COVID-19.

"There's no reason to be walking around with a mask," infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci told 60 Minutes.

Want to wear a mask, wear a fking mask, don't point at me for not wearing one.
Wearing a cloth mask does not protect you. It protects others from you.

Of course a selfish Trumpettge would not give a shit about others .
you will jump in the boxcar won't you? Why are you afraid of me not wearing a mask if you wear one? The expert tells us you don't need it and you are now more of an expert than him. your answer was poopoo
If you’re terrified, stay home hiding under your pillow.

Infection data of nations that shutdown are identical to nations that did not.

Let's look briefly at the other side. Maintaining the lockdown through the summer will give police another tool to bust down on open air Crack and Smack markets, as well as nogoodniks hanging out on street corners. There could be positive signs, particularly in fighting inner city crime in general
so again, the experts told us the gestation period was two weeks. if we have isolated ourselves for now close to forty days, how is it anyone would have the virus today? That's not logical.

Did everybody on the planet get a lobotomy?
Trumpettes have a naturally occurring lobotomy.
Hey folks, I saw the first commercial berating citizens and accusing violators of stay at home with the shaming phrase:

"have you killed anyone today" was the add
If you’re terrified, stay home hiding under your pillow.

Infection data of nations that shutdown are identical to nations that did not.

Let's look briefly at the other side. Maintaining the lockdown through the summer will give police another tool to bust down on open air Crack and Smack markets, as well as nogoodniks hanging out on street corners. There could be positive signs, particularly in fighting inner city crime in general
so again, the experts told us the gestation period was two weeks. if we have isolated ourselves for now close to forty days, how is it anyone would have the virus today? That's not logical.

Did everybody on the planet get a lobotomy?
Trumpettes have a naturally occurring lobotomy.
is that why we're sooo much smarter and logical?
Businesses, at least good ones, will want their employees to wear masks and gloves if in an environment where they come into contact with another person. A big retailer here has said all employees will wear masks and gloves until november. Smart move.
From the top expert on the subject

When it comes to preventing coronavirus, public health officials have been clear: Healthy people do not need to wear a face mask to protect themselves from COVID-19.

"There's no reason to be walking around with a mask," infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci told 60 Minutes.

Want to wear a mask, wear a fking mask, don't point at me for not wearing one.
Wearing a cloth mask does not protect you. It protects others from you.

Of course a selfish Trumpettge would not give a shit about others .

My state, the Tremendous Commonwealth of PA, has mandated masks if you go into a store. I think its great, being able to go into a convenience store wearing a ski mask and gloves. Totally incognito, you can always deny you were there.
If you’re terrified, stay home hiding under your pillow.

Infection data of nations that shutdown are identical to nations that did not.

Let's look briefly at the other side. Maintaining the lockdown through the summer will give police another tool to bust down on open air Crack and Smack markets, as well as nogoodniks hanging out on street corners. There could be positive signs, particularly in fighting inner city crime in general
so again, the experts told us the gestation period was two weeks. if we have isolated ourselves for now close to forty days, how is it anyone would have the virus today? That's not logical.

Did everybody on the planet get a lobotomy?
Trumpettes have a naturally occurring lobotomy.

Its the libs who are in "Freak Out" mode, not the President at all.
If you’re terrified, stay home hiding under your pillow.

Infection data of nations that shutdown are identical to nations that did not.

Lying fuck. A lot has to do with other protocols & when they were enacted.

If your stupid Fat Assed piece of shit President, would have acted sooner, our infection rate would be lower.

Go out. Be free. lick some handrails Go to a Trump rally.
When did you want him to act?
When his intelligence community told him about it in Dec. Instead he ran around with his finger up his ass claiming it was a dem hoax.
When was the first US death?
No one really knows. Why would you as a leader wait for someone to die first? He was told in Dec, probably Nov yet all he did is stick his finger up his ass and pretend it was a hoax.
You want to shut down the country and put 22mil out of work, cancel the NFL season when there are zero deaths? You’re pathetic.
No stupid. You shut down all entry into the US and start testing to see how many people have it instead of sticking your finger up your ass and pretending its the flu. When you find that its spreading then you shut down the country unless you want to go to a football game instead of saving lives.
He shut down the travel to and from China. We had zero deaths. Testing for what? Testing whom? Our first death was not until February 29th. Stop
Playing Monday Morning QB, you look stupid. How many Democrat debates were there? Not once did that topic come up. How many sessions did Congress have? Not once did that topic come up. Instead they wasted time and $$ on impeachment. You’re so stupid it hurts. Don’t engage in a battle of wits with me because you’re unarmed.
Bullshit. He shut down travel for Chinese people to the US but 40k people (thousands of them from Wuhan) came into the US all over the country the weeks right after his half ass travel restriction. Then he let europeans come here and now they have found that european contact is how the virus got into the US.

Testing for people with virus you fool. You dont start testing after someone dies you fucking idiot. By then its too late. :)
Testing whom? So now you think he is king? Funny how you glanced over the fact that Congress and Democrats in debates totally ignored it. What would testing show you? Some people could test negative for two weeks and then still be carriers. We know almost nothing about the disease and the WHO on Jan 21st stated it was transferrable from person to person. Only fool here is you playing Monday morning QB and blaming one man for a global pandemic that impacted 186 countries vs blaming the actual source. Your stupidity is hilarious. I have met smarter rocks. Do you have any skills at all? Because on these boards you’re a clown. Pathetic and sad. And yes, I would say it to your face and you would take it and do absolutely nothing about it. Loser.
Testing would show if you’re positive with this virus too, right?

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