Time To Remind The Left That They Lost In November

Sun Devil 92

Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2015
The proliferation of butthurt threads has been hysterical. Can't laugh hard enough at the constant whinning and complaining.

Just a reminder:

Regardless of the popular vote: Trump won the EC with help from states like WI and PA (are they now "red states" that the left hates so vehemently ?).

America spoke through it's chosen mechanism and Trump now resides in the WH.

Also, the right was supposed to lose the senate: They didn't. They kept it and they have the tie breaker sitting in the VP's spot.

The GOP has the house.

The great thing is that not everyone thinks like Trump or acts like him. They are fighting him on many fronts. That is what happens in a representative government.

And Trump is proposing things that make sense.

The left quit marching and quit rioting (can't afford the fines anymore ?), just like we figured they would.

And now it is off to business as usual.

But the GOP is in control.

Tough luck lefties......you lost.

Suck on it.
The best reminder will come when thugs and the seditious America haters are rapidly deported.
Other than keeping the meat puppet faggot, which shows just how much of a douche Romney is, the bed wetters have been consistently losing nation wide outside of cities full of parasites. If Trump is successful at getting unemployed people decent paying jobs he will erase regressive influence from the federal government deeply.
Ridiculous posts by lefties here everyday serve as a reminder of why they lost.
Ridiculous posts by lefties here everyday serve as a reminder of why they lost.

If they spent as much time working on a good health care bill as they do here......

It's not the left's job to produce a good health care bill. The right has been shouting repeal and replace for years. Now you have your chance, but during all that shouting, you never bothered to consider what you would do next. Your orange fool just figured out that healthcare is complicated.Sane people knew that all along. So far, all you have is a dumb bill that is DOA. Come on-------here is your chance to amaze us.
Ridiculous posts by lefties here everyday serve as a reminder of why they lost.
Well they are not done yet with their huge push to try Muzzyize this nation and many others with bullshit guilt over the disasters they have initiated everywhere. Obama and Clinton's ghosts for the united islamic kingdom around the globe haven't been stopped yet.
Ridiculous posts by lefties here everyday serve as a reminder of why they lost.

If they spent as much time working on a good health care bill as they do here......

It's not the left's job to produce a good health care bill. The right has been shouting repeal and replace for years. Now you have your chance, but during all that shouting, you never bothered to consider what you would do next. Your orange fool just figured out that healthcare is complicated.Sane people knew that all along. So far, all you have is a dumb bill that is DOA. Come on-------here is your chance to amaze us.
F'm. If you get sick at this point and you can't find help within your own state agencies or local medical facilities lump-it.
This OP and many of replies are just as petty and empty as the threads you all are complaining about. Either rise above or accept that you are playing in the same mud pit as those you criticize.
Other than keeping the meat puppet faggot, which shows just how much of a douche Romney is, the bed wetters have been consistently losing nation wide outside of cities full of parasites. If Trump is successful at getting unemployed people decent paying jobs he will erase regressive influence from the federal government deeply.
but noo! Hillary won! Yes ! Yes!... even Rachel Maddcow has the video evidence of Russians voting in all of the swing states!
Time To Remind The Left That They Lost In November

In light of the pitiful lack of governance and the abundance of "stupid sh*t" we have observed, more useful and timely be it to remind the Right that they won.
Someone should remind Trump and his cultists that they do not have a mandate.
Each time Trump LIES we know the GOP won.

That's about 10 times a day ...
They think they won.

No. The entire country lost. You're just too dumb to know that.
Sure, that's why all those factories are returning to the U.S.
why didnt Obama rewrite the law regarding the electoral vote when he had the chance?...oh,.,never mind, he just assumed that Hillary was going to win about 400 electoral votes in 2016 and the Russians werent going to interfere.

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