Time To Remind The Left That They Lost In November

The proliferation of butthurt threads has been hysterical. Can't laugh hard enough at the constant whinning and complaining.

Just a reminder:

Regardless of the popular vote: Trump won the EC with help from states like WI and PA (are they now "red states" that the left hates so vehemently ?).

America spoke through it's chosen mechanism and Trump now resides in the WH.

Also, the right was supposed to lose the senate: They didn't. They kept it and they have the tie breaker sitting in the VP's spot.

The GOP has the house.

The great thing is that not everyone thinks like Trump or acts like him. They are fighting him on many fronts. That is what happens in a representative government.

And Trump is proposing things that make sense.

The left quit marching and quit rioting (can't afford the fines anymore ?), just like we figured they would.

And now it is off to business as usual.

But the GOP is in control.

Tough luck lefties......you lost.

Suck on it.
Time to remind the Right that everything is now their responsibility....and fault.
Someone should remind Trump and his cultists that they do not have a mandate.

Once the filibuster is quashed in the Senate - and I believe that is inevitable - a mandate will not be necessary. Democrats will be ostracized until after the 2018 election cycle, after which they will be ignored.
Once the filibuster is quashed in the Senate - and I believe that is inevitable - a mandate will not be necessary. Democrats will be ostracized until after the 2018 election cycle, after which they will be ignored.

A government that acts against the will of the majority of its citizens doesn't last for long. Republicans will have a blast in 2018...
They think they won.

Their arrogance won't allow them to step aside. They just don't get it. And, as some total morons here posted, they are accusing stupidity of Americans as the reason they aren't still in power. Anything to avoid facing the truth. They continue to act like they run the show because that is what true narcissists do. Liberalism is a mental disorder and they are proving it with the endless tantrums and denial of reality.
Once the filibuster is quashed in the Senate - and I believe that is inevitable - a mandate will not be necessary. Democrats will be ostracized until after the 2018 election cycle, after which they will be ignored.

A government that acts against the will of the majority of its citizens doesn't last for long. Republicans will have a blast in 2018...

Still running that popular vote gag, eh? Sorry, we don't do mob rule here.
Still running that popular vote gag, eh? Sorry, we don't do mob rule here.

I'm telling you that Donald Trump does not have the support of the majority of citizens, and his party will fail in 2018 as a result. It's called a reality check.
The proliferation of butthurt threads has been hysterical. Can't laugh hard enough at the constant whinning and complaining.

Just a reminder:

Regardless of the popular vote: Trump won the EC with help from states like WI and PA (are they now "red states" that the left hates so vehemently ?).

America spoke through it's chosen mechanism and Trump now resides in the WH.

Also, the right was supposed to lose the senate: They didn't. They kept it and they have the tie breaker sitting in the VP's spot.

The GOP has the house.

The great thing is that not everyone thinks like Trump or acts like him. They are fighting him on many fronts. That is what happens in a representative government.

And Trump is proposing things that make sense.

The left quit marching and quit rioting (can't afford the fines anymore ?), just like we figured they would.

And now it is off to business as usual.

But the GOP is in control.

Tough luck lefties......you lost.

Suck on it.

Suck on this:
Trump's balls are to the wall with his lie about Obama "wire tapping" him and the Russian ties. Shit is going to hit the fan on Monday.
And it's not going to be pretty:


AND...This trip to Florida is his 5th in 2 months.. So approximately $40M in taxpayer dollars to-date so this big fucking baby can go sleep with his favorite bankie and pillow.

Obama's personal trips were $96M OVER 8 YEARS. I thought Trump was promoting conservatism?

Suck on that.
Time to remind all of you that we ALL lost in November. Trump doesn't give a phlying phuck about the people who voted for him. He's taking YOUR money, too.
Time to remind the Right that everything is now their responsibility....and fault.
You mean like everything being Bush's fault every time Obama fucked something up?
She/he is thinking that shitty mess Clinton/Obama helped create around the globe will be laid on the Republican's (note newer Republicans not old rhinos) doorstep without the realization that the majority of people really are not that stupid.
The proliferation of butthurt threads has been hysterical. Can't laugh hard enough at the constant whinning and complaining.

Just a reminder:

Regardless of the popular vote: Trump won the EC with help from states like WI and PA (are they now "red states" that the left hates so vehemently ?).

America spoke through it's chosen mechanism and Trump now resides in the WH.

Also, the right was supposed to lose the senate: They didn't. They kept it and they have the tie breaker sitting in the VP's spot.

The GOP has the house.

The great thing is that not everyone thinks like Trump or acts like him. They are fighting him on many fronts. That is what happens in a representative government.

And Trump is proposing things that make sense.

The left quit marching and quit rioting (can't afford the fines anymore ?), just like we figured they would.

And now it is off to business as usual.

But the GOP is in control.

Tough luck lefties......you lost.

Suck on it.
Time to remind the Right that everything is now their responsibility....and fault.

From what I recall....all through the Obama travesty...it was always Booooooooooooooshhhhhhh and the people who put him there fault......for everything.

When do you losers step and take some ownership ?
The proliferation of butthurt threads has been hysterical. Can't laugh hard enough at the constant whinning and complaining.

Just a reminder:

Regardless of the popular vote: Trump won the EC with help from states like WI and PA (are they now "red states" that the left hates so vehemently ?).

America spoke through it's chosen mechanism and Trump now resides in the WH.

Also, the right was supposed to lose the senate: They didn't. They kept it and they have the tie breaker sitting in the VP's spot.

The GOP has the house.

The great thing is that not everyone thinks like Trump or acts like him. They are fighting him on many fronts. That is what happens in a representative government.

And Trump is proposing things that make sense.

The left quit marching and quit rioting (can't afford the fines anymore ?), just like we figured they would.

And now it is off to business as usual.

But the GOP is in control.

Tough luck lefties......you lost.

Suck on it.

Suck on this:
Trump's balls are to the wall with his lie about Obama "wire tapping" him and the Russian ties. Shit is going to hit the fan on Monday.
And it's not going to be pretty:


AND...This trip to Florida is his 5th in 2 months.. So approximately $40M in taxpayer dollars to-date so this big fucking baby can go sleep with his favorite bankie and pillow.

Obama's personal trips were $96M OVER 8 YEARS. I thought Trump was promoting conservatism?

Suck on that.

So he'll not be president next week ?

That's what you've got your lips wrapped around.
This OP and many of replies are just as petty and empty as the threads you all are complaining about. Either rise above or accept that you are playing in the same mud pit as those you criticize.

Well, no.......

This is called gloating.

I will wake up some mornings and can't believe (not so much that Hillary lost), but that Obama won.

This after listening to the left pretty much iron-clad guarantee a HIllary wipe out.

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