Time To Remind The Left That They Lost In November

This OP and many of replies are just as petty and empty as the threads you all are complaining about. Either rise above or accept that you are playing in the same mud pit as those you criticize.

Well, no.......

This is called gloating.

I will wake up some mornings and can't believe (not so much that Hillary lost), but that Obama won.

This after listening to the left pretty much iron-clad guarantee a HIllary wipe out.
Hillarys campaign projected confidence in her victory as did her surrogates and supporters. Trump did the exact same thing along with his surrogates and supporters. It's a lame point to crotique as all campaigns do it

Oh, you bet.....

Most Trump supporters were as surprised by his victory as HIllary supporters.
It was definitely one of the biggest upsets in election history
The OP is how you defend Trump when you can't defend him on policy and issues.

Who needs to defend him.

He's in.

You may not like it, but you had a hand in him getting elected.

You also didn't take the senate like you should have done (and everyone said you would).

You won the house in 2006 thanks to Bush. You build on that in 2008 riding Obama's coatails.

Then in 2010 you lost it....big time. The GOP will have it through 2018 and likely to 2020.

You lost the ability to nominate left wing justices to the SCOTUS.

Nobody needs to defend Trump.

He won.

You lost.

That is what the OP is about.

That's not how it works and you're an asshole if you believe otherwise.

Oh, I'm crushed.

What I believe does not matter...

What is true is what I posted.

Trump won.

GOP holds the senate

GOP holds the house

GOP will appoint conservative SCOTUS judges.

You want to argue that ?

Be my guest.

Calling someone a name because reality sucks is so very left wingish.

Whereas I am on the winning side for the most part....I can call you a dickweed because I want to.

What's your point?
The proliferation of butthurt threads has been hysterical. Can't laugh hard enough at the constant whinning and complaining.

Just a reminder:

Regardless of the popular vote: Trump won the EC with help from states like WI and PA (are they now "red states" that the left hates so vehemently ?).

America spoke through it's chosen mechanism and Trump now resides in the WH.

Also, the right was supposed to lose the senate: They didn't. They kept it and they have the tie breaker sitting in the VP's spot.

The GOP has the house.

The great thing is that not everyone thinks like Trump or acts like him. They are fighting him on many fronts. That is what happens in a representative government.

And Trump is proposing things that make sense.

The left quit marching and quit rioting (can't afford the fines anymore ?), just like we figured they would.

And now it is off to business as usual.

But the GOP is in control.

Tough luck lefties......you lost.

Suck on it.

Hitler was elected too.

So was Obama.

And when did you RWnuts roll over and accept that?
Sun Devil said above that Gorsuch will be confirmed. I think so, too. The difference is, other than hobby lobby and citizens, which he supports, he is certainly no imitation of Scalia, Alito, or Thomas. He will be a clone pretty much of Roberts and maybe a bit to the left of the CJOSCOTUS.
"Time To Remind The Left That They Lost In Novembee"

Actually, we all lost. The Left, the Right, the US, and the whole world. Trump being US Prez is a loss for the entire world
The proliferation of butthurt threads has been hysterical. Can't laugh hard enough at the constant whinning and complaining.

Just a reminder:

Regardless of the popular vote: Trump won the EC with help from states like WI and PA (are they now "red states" that the left hates so vehemently ?).

America spoke through it's chosen mechanism and Trump now resides in the WH.

Also, the right was supposed to lose the senate: They didn't. They kept it and they have the tie breaker sitting in the VP's spot.

The GOP has the house.

The great thing is that not everyone thinks like Trump or acts like him. They are fighting him on many fronts. That is what happens in a representative government.

And Trump is proposing things that make sense.

The left quit marching and quit rioting (can't afford the fines anymore ?), just like we figured they would.

And now it is off to business as usual.

But the GOP is in control.

Tough luck lefties......you lost.

Suck on it.
Can't tell what you are ranting about here.

After your gloat maybe you could try being more specific.

Then others here can help you with your problem.
Ridiculous posts by lefties here everyday serve as a reminder of why they lost.

If they spent as much time working on a good health care bill as they do here......
Oh so THAT'S what your ranting about -- the ACA "reform".

It has been analyzed pretty well by the CBO and in the media.

Ryan is just giving everybody rich or poor a $4000 to $8000 tax rebate.

Did you get that part ??

Ryan has not fixed it.

Ergo his bill will probably fail.

We will find out sometime this week when it is voted up.

So don't hold your breath.
The millennial generation and their ideology is the single biggest condemnation of the Boomer generation than anything else.

They really fucked shit up in failing to raise their kids.
They think they won.

No. The entire country lost. You're just too dumb to know that.
It's not 2009, when America really lost for eight years.
Your history is a bit hazy.

Here is the list of Speakers of the House in reverse chronological order:

Paul Ryan - R - 2015 to present

John Boehner - R - 2011 - 2015

Nancy Pelosi - D - 2007 - 2011

Dennis Hastert - R - 1999 - 2007

Newt Gingrich - R - 1995 - 99

Thomas Foley - D - 1989 - 95

James Wright - D - 1987 - 89

Tip ONeill - D - 1977 - 87

So even though BHO was POTUS from 2009 for 8 years the GOP still had House control for 6 of those 8 years.

Ergo "America [DID NOT LOSE] for 8 years in 2009.

The GOP was still in control of half of the Federal government.
The millennial generation and their ideology is the single biggest condemnation of the Boomer generation than anything else.

They really fucked shit up in failing to raise their kids.
Because why ?

You don't give any backup or analysis as to why you "think" this.
The proliferation of butthurt threads has been hysterical. Can't laugh hard enough at the constant whinning and complaining.

Just a reminder:

Regardless of the popular vote: Trump won the EC with help from states like WI and PA (are they now "red states" that the left hates so vehemently ?).

America spoke through it's chosen mechanism and Trump now resides in the WH.

Also, the right was supposed to lose the senate: They didn't. They kept it and they have the tie breaker sitting in the VP's spot.

The GOP has the house.

The great thing is that not everyone thinks like Trump or acts like him. They are fighting him on many fronts. That is what happens in a representative government.

And Trump is proposing things that make sense.

The left quit marching and quit rioting (can't afford the fines anymore ?), just like we figured they would.

And now it is off to business as usual.

But the GOP is in control.

Tough luck lefties......you lost.

Suck on it.
Time to remind the Right that everything is now their responsibility....and fault.
Not only that, but in 2 years (2018) the midterms will be a report card -- pass or fail -- on the GOP then.

Neither party has had complete control of government for more than a couple of years in the recent past.

This time the blue collar workers who voted for the GOP want jobs! jobs! jobs!

If the GOP does not give them jobs then they will turn to Pelosi and Schumer to give them jobs.

We'll see how that goes in 2018.

The big test will be in 2020 for Trump.
The proliferation of butthurt threads has been hysterical. Can't laugh hard enough at the constant whinning and complaining.

Just a reminder:

Regardless of the popular vote: Trump won the EC with help from states like WI and PA (are they now "red states" that the left hates so vehemently ?).

America spoke through it's chosen mechanism and Trump now resides in the WH.

Also, the right was supposed to lose the senate: They didn't. They kept it and they have the tie breaker sitting in the VP's spot.

The GOP has the house.

The great thing is that not everyone thinks like Trump or acts like him. They are fighting him on many fronts. That is what happens in a representative government.

And Trump is proposing things that make sense.

The left quit marching and quit rioting (can't afford the fines anymore ?), just like we figured they would.

And now it is off to business as usual.

But the GOP is in control.

Tough luck lefties......you lost.

Suck on it.
Time to remind the Right that everything is now their responsibility....and fault.
Not only that, but in 2 years (2018) the midterms will be a report card -- pass or fail -- on the GOP then.

Neither party has had complete control of government for more than a couple of years in the recent past.

This time the blue collar workers who voted for the GOP want jobs! jobs! jobs!

If the GOP does not give them jobs then they will turn to Pelosi and Schumer to give them jobs.

We'll see how that goes in 2018.

The big test will be in 2020 for Trump.

Bwahahaaha! Pelosi and Schumer, jobs. Riiiiiight.
The proliferation of butthurt threads has been hysterical. Can't laugh hard enough at the constant whinning and complaining.

Just a reminder:

Regardless of the popular vote: Trump won the EC with help from states like WI and PA (are they now "red states" that the left hates so vehemently ?).

America spoke through it's chosen mechanism and Trump now resides in the WH.

Also, the right was supposed to lose the senate: They didn't. They kept it and they have the tie breaker sitting in the VP's spot.

The GOP has the house.

The great thing is that not everyone thinks like Trump or acts like him. They are fighting him on many fronts. That is what happens in a representative government.

And Trump is proposing things that make sense.

The left quit marching and quit rioting (can't afford the fines anymore ?), just like we figured they would.

And now it is off to business as usual.

But the GOP is in control.

Tough luck lefties......you lost.

Suck on it.

They haven't accepted the loss yet, living in denial. I hope that I get to change my sig at some point in the next 8 years.
The proliferation of butthurt threads has been hysterical. Can't laugh hard enough at the constant whinning and complaining.

Just a reminder:

Regardless of the popular vote: Trump won the EC with help from states like WI and PA (are they now "red states" that the left hates so vehemently ?).

America spoke through it's chosen mechanism and Trump now resides in the WH.

Also, the right was supposed to lose the senate: They didn't. They kept it and they have the tie breaker sitting in the VP's spot.

The GOP has the house.

The great thing is that not everyone thinks like Trump or acts like him. They are fighting him on many fronts. That is what happens in a representative government.

And Trump is proposing things that make sense.

The left quit marching and quit rioting (can't afford the fines anymore ?), just like we figured they would.

And now it is off to business as usual.

But the GOP is in control.

Tough luck lefties......you lost.

Suck on it.
Time to remind the Right that everything is now their responsibility....and fault.
Not only that, but in 2 years (2018) the midterms will be a report card -- pass or fail -- on the GOP then.

Neither party has had complete control of government for more than a couple of years in the recent past.

This time the blue collar workers who voted for the GOP want jobs! jobs! jobs!

If the GOP does not give them jobs then they will turn to Pelosi and Schumer to give them jobs.

We'll see how that goes in 2018.

The big test will be in 2020 for Trump.

Bwahahaaha! Pelosi and Schumer, jobs. Riiiiiight.
Maybe not jobs, no, but they will give back the ACA to whatever extent Paul Ryan the thieving pirate takes it away for now.
The proliferation of butthurt threads has been hysterical. Can't laugh hard enough at the constant whinning and complaining.

Just a reminder:

Regardless of the popular vote: Trump won the EC with help from states like WI and PA (are they now "red states" that the left hates so vehemently ?).

America spoke through it's chosen mechanism and Trump now resides in the WH.

Also, the right was supposed to lose the senate: They didn't. They kept it and they have the tie breaker sitting in the VP's spot.

The GOP has the house.

The great thing is that not everyone thinks like Trump or acts like him. They are fighting him on many fronts. That is what happens in a representative government.

And Trump is proposing things that make sense.

The left quit marching and quit rioting (can't afford the fines anymore ?), just like we figured they would.

And now it is off to business as usual.

But the GOP is in control.

Tough luck lefties......you lost.

Suck on it.
Time to remind the Right that everything is now their responsibility....and fault.
Not only that, but in 2 years (2018) the midterms will be a report card -- pass or fail -- on the GOP then.

Neither party has had complete control of government for more than a couple of years in the recent past.

This time the blue collar workers who voted for the GOP want jobs! jobs! jobs!

If the GOP does not give them jobs then they will turn to Pelosi and Schumer to give them jobs.

We'll see how that goes in 2018.

The big test will be in 2020 for Trump.

Bwahahaaha! Pelosi and Schumer, jobs. Riiiiiight.
Maybe not jobs, no, but they will give back the ACA to whatever extent Paul Ryan the thieving pirate takes it away for now.

Yeah, Ryancare will be bad, too.

Not sure how it can be done to roll back 20+ years of premium increases and government corruption overnight.

Making insurance more "free market" would be a step in the right direction.

Insurance companies are bloated and fat anyways. Been bribing state comptrollers for premium increases 20+ years running.

Start jailing lobbyists for bribery is another thing to do.

And the 3rd is term limits for Congress.

^Very tall order I know, but that's really what has to happen to fix things.

Government and insurance will have to be forcefully extracted from in between patient and doctor. No easy task.
The proliferation of butthurt threads has been hysterical. Can't laugh hard enough at the constant whinning and complaining.

Just a reminder:

Regardless of the popular vote: Trump won the EC with help from states like WI and PA (are they now "red states" that the left hates so vehemently ?).

America spoke through it's chosen mechanism and Trump now resides in the WH.

Also, the right was supposed to lose the senate: They didn't. They kept it and they have the tie breaker sitting in the VP's spot.

The GOP has the house.

The great thing is that not everyone thinks like Trump or acts like him. They are fighting him on many fronts. That is what happens in a representative government.

And Trump is proposing things that make sense.

The left quit marching and quit rioting (can't afford the fines anymore ?), just like we figured they would.

And now it is off to business as usual.

But the GOP is in control.

Tough luck lefties......you lost.

Suck on it.

Hitler was elected too.

So was Obama.

And when did you RWnuts roll over and accept that?

The moron birthers excluded, I don't recall anyone contesting the election as being illegitimate.

They simply pulled together a program that kicked the crap out of the democrats in 2010.

That's how the process works.

You move on.

You left wing losers will figure that out (maybe) someday.
The proliferation of butthurt threads has been hysterical. Can't laugh hard enough at the constant whinning and complaining.

Just a reminder:

Regardless of the popular vote: Trump won the EC with help from states like WI and PA (are they now "red states" that the left hates so vehemently ?).

America spoke through it's chosen mechanism and Trump now resides in the WH.

Also, the right was supposed to lose the senate: They didn't. They kept it and they have the tie breaker sitting in the VP's spot.

The GOP has the house.

The great thing is that not everyone thinks like Trump or acts like him. They are fighting him on many fronts. That is what happens in a representative government.

And Trump is proposing things that make sense.

The left quit marching and quit rioting (can't afford the fines anymore ?), just like we figured they would.

And now it is off to business as usual.

But the GOP is in control.

Tough luck lefties......you lost.

Suck on it.
Time to remind the Right that everything is now their responsibility....and fault.
Not only that, but in 2 years (2018) the midterms will be a report card -- pass or fail -- on the GOP then.

Neither party has had complete control of government for more than a couple of years in the recent past.

This time the blue collar workers who voted for the GOP want jobs! jobs! jobs!

If the GOP does not give them jobs then they will turn to Pelosi and Schumer to give them jobs.

We'll see how that goes in 2018.

The big test will be in 2020 for Trump.

The big difference being that nobody coat-tailed Trump like they did Obama.
"Time To Remind The Left That They Lost In Novembee"

Actually, we all lost. The Left, the Right, the US, and the whole world. Trump being US Prez is a loss for the entire world


Can you guys get a little more teary ? Please.
The OP is how you defend Trump when you can't defend him on policy and issues.

Who needs to defend him.

He's in.

You may not like it, but you had a hand in him getting elected.

You also didn't take the senate like you should have done (and everyone said you would).

You won the house in 2006 thanks to Bush. You build on that in 2008 riding Obama's coatails.

Then in 2010 you lost it....big time. The GOP will have it through 2018 and likely to 2020.

You lost the ability to nominate left wing justices to the SCOTUS.

Nobody needs to defend Trump.

He won.

You lost.

That is what the OP is about.

That's not how it works and you're an asshole if you believe otherwise.

Oh, I'm crushed.

What I believe does not matter...

What is true is what I posted.

Trump won.

GOP holds the senate

GOP holds the house

GOP will appoint conservative SCOTUS judges.

You want to argue that ?

Be my guest.

Calling someone a name because reality sucks is so very left wingish.

Whereas I am on the winning side for the most part....I can call you a dickweed because I want to.

What's your point?

Try to read it sober next time....

You might.....just might....get it.

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