Time To Remind The Left That They Lost In November

The OP is how you defend Trump when you can't defend him on policy and issues.

Who needs to defend him.

He's in.

You may not like it, but you had a hand in him getting elected.

You also didn't take the senate like you should have done (and everyone said you would).

You won the house in 2006 thanks to Bush. You build on that in 2008 riding Obama's coatails.

Then in 2010 you lost it....big time. The GOP will have it through 2018 and likely to 2020.

You lost the ability to nominate left wing justices to the SCOTUS.

Nobody needs to defend Trump.

He won.

You lost.

That is what the OP is about.
The OP is how you defend Trump when you can't defend him on policy and issues.

Who needs to defend him.

He's in.

You may not like it, but you had a hand in him getting elected.

You also didn't take the senate like you should have done (and everyone said you would).

You won the house in 2006 thanks to Bush. You build on that in 2008 riding Obama's coatails.

Then in 2010 you lost it....big time. The GOP will have it through 2018 and likely to 2020.

You lost the ability to nominate left wing justices to the SCOTUS.

Nobody needs to defend Trump.

He won.

You lost.

That is what the OP is about.

That's not how it works and you're an asshole if you believe otherwise.
The OP is how you defend Trump when you can't defend him on policy and issues.

Who needs to defend him.

He's in.

You may not like it, but you had a hand in him getting elected.

You also didn't take the senate like you should have done (and everyone said you would).

You won the house in 2006 thanks to Bush. You build on that in 2008 riding Obama's coatails.

Then in 2010 you lost it....big time. The GOP will have it through 2018 and likely to 2020.

You lost the ability to nominate left wing justices to the SCOTUS.

Nobody needs to defend Trump.

He won.

You lost.

That is what the OP is about.

That's not how it works and you're an asshole if you believe otherwise.

Oh, I'm crushed.

What I believe does not matter...

What is true is what I posted.

Trump won.

GOP holds the senate

GOP holds the house

GOP will appoint conservative SCOTUS judges.

You want to argue that ?

Be my guest.

Calling someone a name because reality sucks is so very left wingish.

Whereas I am on the winning side for the most part....I can call you a dickweed because I want to.
The proliferation of butthurt threads has been hysterical. Can't laugh hard enough at the constant whinning and complaining.

Just a reminder:

Regardless of the popular vote: Trump won the EC with help from states like WI and PA (are they now "red states" that the left hates so vehemently ?).

America spoke through it's chosen mechanism and Trump now resides in the WH.

Also, the right was supposed to lose the senate: They didn't. They kept it and they have the tie breaker sitting in the VP's spot.

The GOP has the house.

The great thing is that not everyone thinks like Trump or acts like him. They are fighting him on many fronts. That is what happens in a representative government.

And Trump is proposing things that make sense.

The left quit marching and quit rioting (can't afford the fines anymore ?), just like we figured they would.

And now it is off to business as usual.

But the GOP is in control.

Tough luck lefties......you lost.

Suck on it.
I'm shocked. I can't believe that a Trump supporter would want to look back on the election instead of looking forward toward governing. How odd.

Trump supporter ?

Now that's a laugh.

BTW: the GOP is governing.

You are not.

Oh look! Another shocker! A Trump supporter doesn't want to admit that he's a Trump supporter. So unusual!

When you can find where I said I liked Donald Trump.....and produce it.....you'll be credible.

Until then.... :fu:
Ridiculous posts by lefties here everyday serve as a reminder of why they lost.
Well they are not done yet with their huge push to try Muzzyize this nation and many others with bullshit guilt over the disasters they have initiated everywhere. Obama and Clinton's ghosts for the united islamic kingdom around the globe haven't been stopped yet.

Ga 'head. You'll be wondering why their hanging bodies are popping up everywhere.

There's a reason them store boys left town the next day after 9/11

People saw them getting happy about it.

If they stayed, they'd be dead.

The mob was coming for them but they were already gone.
Hey, you know what?

That Bori TYT girl, she's an idiot.

How dare she insult her female betters countrywide.

Some of which are Bori. They gotcha, gf.

Even Bori dykes voted Trump. He was the best solution.

HUSH, you TYT fake person.
Ridiculous posts by lefties here everyday serve as a reminder of why they lost.
Well they are not done yet with their huge push to try Muzzyize this nation and many others with bullshit guilt over the disasters they have initiated everywhere. Obama and Clinton's ghosts for the united islamic kingdom around the globe haven't been stopped yet.

Ga 'head. You'll be wondering why their hanging bodies are popping up everywhere.

There's a reason them store boys left town the next day after 9/11

People saw them getting happy about it.

If they stayed, they'd be dead.

The mob was coming for them but they were already gone.
The UN will cry foul if you refuse their poor and disenfranchised, even though they did it on purpose to what they call their own.
This OP and many of replies are just as petty and empty as the threads you all are complaining about. Either rise above or accept that you are playing in the same mud pit as those you criticize.

Well, no.......

This is called gloating.

I will wake up some mornings and can't believe (not so much that Hillary lost), but that Obama won.

This after listening to the left pretty much iron-clad guarantee a HIllary wipe out.
Hillarys campaign projected confidence in her victory as did her surrogates and supporters. Trump did the exact same thing along with his surrogates and supporters. It's a lame point to crotique as all campaigns do it
Ridiculous posts by lefties here everyday serve as a reminder of why they lost.

If they spent as much time working on a good health care bill as they do here......

Actually, they spent almost two years putting ObamaCare together. It is working pretty well, has added well paying jobs, lowering costs, is not "imploding", but needs some fixing.

For the past six years, the Repubs have been telling us they have a better plan but, as has been said, the damn fools are like the dog who caught the car.mall they have is pricing people out of getting care and funneling tax payer's money to drumpf and his 1% cronies.

Why do RWNJs believe it's only libs/Dems are going to be hurt by lying, stealing, thieving drumpf and the corrupt Repubs?

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Democrats lost the biggest mid-term landslide in modern political history just two years ago and they lost the presidency and the senate and most of the Governors in spite of what fake news and self serving polls indicated and yet the radical left still relies on fake news and rigged polls. Democrats lost more than 2,000 nationwide elections since Obama was elected and they continue to be in denial.
Ridiculous posts by lefties here everyday serve as a reminder of why they lost.

If they spent as much time working on a good health care bill as they do here......

Actually, they spent almost two years putting ObamaCare together. It is working pretty well, has added well paying jobs, lowering costs, is not "imploding", but needs some fixing.

For the past six years, the Repubs have been telling us they have a better plan but, as has been said, the damn fools are like the dog who caught the car.mall they have is pricing people out of getting care and funneling tax payer's money to drumpf and his 1% cronies.

Why do RWNJs believe it's only libs/Dems are going to be hurt by lying, stealing, thieving drumpf and the corrupt Repubs?

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Obamacare was working well ????

Can I laugh any harder ?
The word "remind" contains the word "mind".
The OP is inferring that Liberals have "mind"s.
The OP is incorrect.
This OP and many of replies are just as petty and empty as the threads you all are complaining about. Either rise above or accept that you are playing in the same mud pit as those you criticize.

Well, no.......

This is called gloating.

I will wake up some mornings and can't believe (not so much that Hillary lost), but that Obama won.

This after listening to the left pretty much iron-clad guarantee a HIllary wipe out.
Hillarys campaign projected confidence in her victory as did her surrogates and supporters. Trump did the exact same thing along with his surrogates and supporters. It's a lame point to crotique as all campaigns do it

Oh, you bet.....

Most Trump supporters were as surprised by his victory as HIllary supporters.
View attachment 117400
The proliferation of butthurt threads has been hysterical. Can't laugh hard enough at the constant whinning and complaining.

Just a reminder:

Regardless of the popular vote: Trump won the EC with help from states like WI and PA (are they now "red states" that the left hates so vehemently ?).

America spoke through it's chosen mechanism and Trump now resides in the WH.

Also, the right was supposed to lose the senate: They didn't. They kept it and they have the tie breaker sitting in the VP's spot.

The GOP has the house.

The great thing is that not everyone thinks like Trump or acts like him. They are fighting him on many fronts. That is what happens in a representative government.

And Trump is proposing things that make sense.

The left quit marching and quit rioting (can't afford the fines anymore ?), just like we figured they would.

And now it is off to business as usual.

But the GOP is in control.

Tough luck lefties......you lost.

Suck on it.
I'm shocked. I can't believe that a Trump supporter would want to look back on the election instead of looking forward toward governing. How odd.

Trump supporter ?

Now that's a laugh.

BTW: the GOP is governing.

You are not.

Oh look! Another shocker! A Trump supporter doesn't want to admit that he's a Trump supporter. So unusual!

When you can find where I said I liked Donald Trump.....and produce it.....you'll be credible.

Until then.... :fu:

That said I liked Donald Trump ?
The proliferation of butthurt threads has been hysterical. Can't laugh hard enough at the constant whinning and complaining.

Just a reminder:

Regardless of the popular vote: Trump won the EC with help from states like WI and PA (are they now "red states" that the left hates so vehemently ?).

America spoke through it's chosen mechanism and Trump now resides in the WH.

Also, the right was supposed to lose the senate: They didn't. They kept it and they have the tie breaker sitting in the VP's spot.

The GOP has the house.

The great thing is that not everyone thinks like Trump or acts like him. They are fighting him on many fronts. That is what happens in a representative government.

And Trump is proposing things that make sense.

The left quit marching and quit rioting (can't afford the fines anymore ?), just like we figured they would.

And now it is off to business as usual.

But the GOP is in control.

Tough luck lefties......you lost.

Suck on it.

Hitler was elected too.

So was Obama.

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