Time to Stop the Anti-Muslim Talk

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Can you name one mostly Islamic country that is not in distress from either a humanitarian, economic or military status?

Care to tell us why?

Have you read any history? (clearly not since you don't see the parallels between the anti-muslim rhetoric and what occurred in Germany in the 20s and 30s)

Hint:: it's the vestiges of colonialism
Name the group

They cannot if you refer to Christian Terrorists who are like ISIS or Hezbollah etc because there are ZERO Christian Terrorists out there slaughtering on a daily basis across half the planet ANYONE who does NOT agree with them.
I know. the dude is out there, and like meat from Bull Durham says it, way out there.

The International Left and the Leftist supporting Propaganda MSM were NOT this hysterical when Islamics SLAUGHTERED innocents on the streets of London, Nice, Paris etc this crowd are STILL ranting and vomiting their Pro-Islam CRAP TODAY and the Mosque shooting occur on Friday they have been Bedwetting for FIVE DAYS AND FIVE NIGHTS about Muh Muslims and Evil Whitey.

When their PRECIOUS Islamics slaughtered innocents on the streets of London, Nice, Paris etc they had MINIMAL sympathy for the VICTIMS of course and they went on Mega Preaching Rants on Social Media and across the MSM about how we had to ALL LOVE the Muslims and that the terrorism had ZERO to do with the majority of Muslims or even ANYTHING to do with Islam in general, so it was one MASSIVE PR exercise in Pro-Islam Propaganda. The opposite has been happening for FIVE DAYS AND FIVE NIGHTS they CANNOT STOP vomiting about the VICTIMS because they were Muslims IF they would have ALL been WHITE CHRISTIAN MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN they would NOT give a CRAP actually they would be searching the Internet for pictures of the corpses so they could masturbate at the thought of 50 DEAD WHITE CHRISTIANS. Sick twisted POS that they are. But remember THIS that when the TIME COMES as it will when the SHTF do NOT show Leftists ANY MERCY they are Agents of Satan, they are the poison and the evil in this world they ALWAYS have been, Leftism and ESPECIALLY Cultural Marxism is like a cancer it needs eradicating and then this world can begin to be healthy and sane.
Yeah well, we here in teh Good Old US of A kicked the colonialists right the fuck on out of here, and we can do the same to anybody we put a mind to. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. It could be faggot leftists next, something for you to consider..

Holy crap. We ARE the Colonialists you idiot

Sorry WHEN did America Colonise the Middle East Islamic Nations?

They didn't. In fact Islam destroyed great empires like Persia, Byzantines, Kievan Rus, many others. And turned them into zombie lands.

Iran are the Persians, you know. They're not superbad with the the Sharia law there, either. They had Christmas trees at Christmas time. The MIC makes them out to be a big boogeyman, but it's not like that. There's actually many Iranian Christians, shhhh!

They WERE the Persians. Once a great empire, now zombie land. Should we talk about the Babylonian empire, which is now Zombie land Iraq?
Yeah well, we here in teh Good Old US of A kicked the colonialists right the fuck on out of here, and we can do the same to anybody we put a mind to. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. It could be faggot leftists next, something for you to consider..

Holy crap. We ARE the Colonialists you idiot

Sorry WHEN did America Colonise the Middle East Islamic Nations?

They didn't. In fact Islam destroyed great empires like Persia, Byzantines, Kievan Rus, many others. And turned them into zombie lands.

Iran are the Persians, you know. They're not superbad with the the Sharia law there, either. They had Christmas trees at Christmas time. The MIC makes them out to be a big boogeyman, but it's not like that. There's actually many Iranian Christians, shhhh!

They WERE the Persians. Once a great empire, now zombie land. Should we talk about the Babylonian empire, which is now Zombie land Iraq?

Their lineage is Persian. Yes the mullahs in charge are ornery, If the US hadn't done the "regime change" thing there in 1953, things would most likely be better right now.
Holy crap. We ARE the Colonialists you idiot

Sorry WHEN did America Colonise the Middle East Islamic Nations?

They didn't. In fact Islam destroyed great empires like Persia, Byzantines, Kievan Rus, many others. And turned them into zombie lands.

Iran are the Persians, you know. They're not superbad with the the Sharia law there, either. They had Christmas trees at Christmas time. The MIC makes them out to be a big boogeyman, but it's not like that. There's actually many Iranian Christians, shhhh!

They WERE the Persians. Once a great empire, now zombie land. Should we talk about the Babylonian empire, which is now Zombie land Iraq?

Their lineage is Persian. Yes the mullahs in charge are ornery, If the US hadn't done the "regime change" thing there in 1953, things would most likely be better right now.

Yeah, they spit right on their lineage with their adoption of radical Islam.
Sorry WHEN did America Colonise the Middle East Islamic Nations?

They didn't. In fact Islam destroyed great empires like Persia, Byzantines, Kievan Rus, many others. And turned them into zombie lands.

Iran are the Persians, you know. They're not superbad with the the Sharia law there, either. They had Christmas trees at Christmas time. The MIC makes them out to be a big boogeyman, but it's not like that. There's actually many Iranian Christians, shhhh!

They WERE the Persians. Once a great empire, now zombie land. Should we talk about the Babylonian empire, which is now Zombie land Iraq?

Their lineage is Persian. Yes the mullahs in charge are ornery, If the US hadn't done the "regime change" thing there in 1953, things would most likely be better right now.

Yeah, they spit right on their lineage with their adoption of radical Islam.

Most likely only because of the 1953 US-backed regime change that they did not appreciate. I can't say I blame them.
Can you name one mostly Islamic country that is not in distress from either a humanitarian, economic or military status?

Care to tell us why?

Have you read any history? (clearly not since you don't see the parallels between the anti-muslim rhetoric and what occurred in Germany in the 20s and 30s)

Hint:: it's the vestiges of colonialism
Name the group

They cannot if you refer to Christian Terrorists who are like ISIS or Hezbollah etc because there are ZERO Christian Terrorists out there slaughtering on a daily basis across half the planet ANYONE who does NOT agree with them.
I know. the dude is out there, and like meat from Bull Durham says it, way out there.

The International Left and the Leftist supporting Propaganda MSM were NOT this hysterical when Islamics SLAUGHTERED innocents on the streets of London, Nice, Paris etc this crowd are STILL ranting and vomiting their Pro-Islam CRAP TODAY and the Mosque shooting occur on Friday they have been Bedwetting for FIVE DAYS AND FIVE NIGHTS about Muh Muslims and Evil Whitey.

When their PRECIOUS Islamics slaughtered innocents on the streets of London, Nice, Paris etc they had MINIMAL sympathy for the VICTIMS of course and they went on Mega Preaching Rants on Social Media and across the MSM about how we had to ALL LOVE the Muslims and that the terrorism had ZERO to do with the majority of Muslims or even ANYTHING to do with Islam in general, so it was one MASSIVE PR exercise in Pro-Islam Propaganda. The opposite has been happening for FIVE DAYS AND FIVE NIGHTS they CANNOT STOP vomiting about the VICTIMS because they were Muslims IF they would have ALL been WHITE CHRISTIAN MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN they would NOT give a CRAP actually they would be searching the Internet for pictures of the corpses so they could masturbate at the thought of 50 DEAD WHITE CHRISTIANS. Sick twisted POS that they are. But remember THIS that when the TIME COMES as it will when the SHTF do NOT show Leftists ANY MERCY they are Agents of Satan, they are the poison and the evil in this world they ALWAYS have been, Leftism and ESPECIALLY Cultural Marxism is like a cancer it needs eradicating and then this world can begin to be healthy and sane.

"IF they would have ALL been WHITE CHRISTIAN MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN they would NOT give a CRAP actually they would be searching the Internet for pictures of the corpses so they could masturbate at the thought of 50 DEAD WHITE CHRISTIANS."

^^^^ And I commented THIS because the Leftists PRECIOUS Muslims on a DAILY basis have been SLAUGHTERING Christians including Coptic Christians in the Middle East for YEARS and NOT ONE Leftist has posted ANYTHING condemning this, of course if we now have a RANDOM condemnation from some Leftists it will mean ZERO, they have been SILENT for YEARS about what their PRECIOUS Islamics have been doing:

Burning peoples alive INCLUDING CHILDREN
Chopping heads off INCLUDING CHILDREN
Sawing heads off with knives INCLUDING CHILDREN
Burying peoples alive INCLUDING CHILDREN
Dissolving peoples alive in acid INCLUDING CHILDREN

So AGAIN I will CRITICISE who I WANT to WHEN I WANT to, I will NOT STFU about the Satanic EVIL of Islam. Period. I will be SILENCED only ONE time and that's when I am DEAD but then FROM THE GRAVE I will HAUNT these DEVILS.

They didn't. In fact Islam destroyed great empires like Persia, Byzantines, Kievan Rus, many others. And turned them into zombie lands.

Iran are the Persians, you know. They're not superbad with the the Sharia law there, either. They had Christmas trees at Christmas time. The MIC makes them out to be a big boogeyman, but it's not like that. There's actually many Iranian Christians, shhhh!

They WERE the Persians. Once a great empire, now zombie land. Should we talk about the Babylonian empire, which is now Zombie land Iraq?

Their lineage is Persian. Yes the mullahs in charge are ornery, If the US hadn't done the "regime change" thing there in 1953, things would most likely be better right now.

Yeah, they spit right on their lineage with their adoption of radical Islam.

Most likely only because of the 1953 US-backed regime change that they did not appreciate. I can't say I blame them.

I was not around then but all they have done is cause chaos in the world since then it seems.
A Muslim tried to kill a bus full of kids today, he tied them up with electrical wire. Sick!

Lesh does not want you to have the ability to oppose that.

No because opposing that is being racist or whatever. They are mentally ill, not operating in a normal way in the mind and this crowd THINK they can DICTATE to the SANE about what the SANE should support or oppose. They can STFU and GTFO already. Sane = recognising danger to the Community and taking measures to protect the Community from that danger. Insane = Embracing and/or ignoring the danger and all singing Kumbaya.
Iran are the Persians, you know. They're not superbad with the the Sharia law there, either. They had Christmas trees at Christmas time. The MIC makes them out to be a big boogeyman, but it's not like that. There's actually many Iranian Christians, shhhh!

They WERE the Persians. Once a great empire, now zombie land. Should we talk about the Babylonian empire, which is now Zombie land Iraq?

Their lineage is Persian. Yes the mullahs in charge are ornery, If the US hadn't done the "regime change" thing there in 1953, things would most likely be better right now.

Yeah, they spit right on their lineage with their adoption of radical Islam.

Most likely only because of the 1953 US-backed regime change that they did not appreciate. I can't say I blame them.

I was not around then but all they have done is cause chaos in the world since then it seems.

And Leftist Liberals SUPPORT that and want to HELP their precious Islamics take root in ALL Western nations:

Here's the problem with the OP's recommendation:

When the Left says we have to stop Anti-Muslim language, it really means we aren't allowed to question or criticize anything having to do with Islam or Sharia law. It's all part of their "Just Shut Up & Obey" campaign.
Not at all. It simply means we STOP equating ALL Muslims with the radicals who are doing the harmful thing.

Just like we don't go after all white European/American folks when some neo-nazi shoots up a synagogue or mosque.
Here's the problem with the OP's recommendation:

When the Left says we have to stop Anti-Muslim language, it really means we aren't allowed to question or criticize anything having to do with Islam or Sharia law. It's all part of their "Just Shut Up & Obey" campaign.
Not at all. It simply means we STOP equating ALL Muslims with the radicals who are doing the harmful thing.

Just like we don't go after all white European/American folks when some neo-nazi shoots up a synagogue or mosque.

The meme says “women don’t have any rights and gays should be hanged” that’s not radical Islam but basically all of Islam? Also apostasy is punishable by death. How do you explain that?
Here's the problem with the OP's recommendation:

When the Left says we have to stop Anti-Muslim language, it really means we aren't allowed to question or criticize anything having to do with Islam or Sharia law. It's all part of their "Just Shut Up & Obey" campaign.
Not at all. It simply means we STOP equating ALL Muslims with the radicals who are doing the harmful thing.

Just like we don't go after all white European/American folks when some neo-nazi shoots up a synagogue or mosque.

How many mosques have been vetted in America yet?

Where's the FBI? 'Sup?
There is colonialism in non-Islam nations too and there are fine

WE were the colonies...as in Colonial Army. We essentially.
ARE the British colonialists since we are their descendants. We just kicked out the Brits and continued where they left off.We went on to "colonize" from sea to shining sea. We also colonized Cuba, Puerto RIco, the Philippines, and various islands

More importantly "colonialists" basically destroyed South America,Central America, the Middle East, Africa, and most of Asia. Russia colonized virtually all of Eurasia

Sorry WHEN did America Colonise the Middle East Islamic Nations?

Not a history reader eh? The French and British did that
They can't seem to fathom why marginalizing and antagonizing white people in the western world seems to provoke the occasional violent reaction.

Imagine, being a 20-something white male today. Struggling with depression and medicated throughout your adolescence, your entire adult life you're inundated with messages about how awful you are and how you share centuries of collective guilt for things that you had no part in. You're called a misogynist for wanting a nice white girl to settle down and start a family with but the pickings are so slim, either settle for an ugly obese girl who smells like cat pee or some slutty chick with rage issues from one too many abortions so you just give up trying.

Meanwhile, Muslims who adhere to positively medieval views on race, sexuality and masculinity are invited to your nation with open arms by the same "progressive feminists" who complain about "toxic masculinity" and sexism. They call you racist for pointing out their hypocrisy. They report your posts and get you banned from social media so you go to 8chan where guys like you are allowed to vent their frustrations until one of the millions of 8chan posters turns out to be a legitimate psycho and now you don't even know if you can post there anymore without the FBI raiding your home.

So you are a pathetic hater because you can't get laid and the Muslims are?

You are such an apologist, why not start bending over for Allah and the death cult?


You would fit very well within the moderate Muslim population on the ground. Of course, if you were very serious about the apology, you would stand with the true Muslims on the top. Someone needs to deal with their crime of being gay.

You must be APPALLED at Trump's newest right wing buddy from Brazil then huh?

In a June 2011 interview with Playboy, Bolsonaro said that "I would be incapable of loving a gay son", and added that he would prefer any gay son of his "to die in an accident".[178] In the same interview, Bolsonaro went on to say that if a gay couple moved in next door to him, it would lower the market value of his house. In a July 2011 interview with the magazine Época, Bolsonaro said that he would "fight to prevent the distribution of the 'gay kit'" [a set of guidelines proposed by UNESCOto promote the rights of the LGBT community in primary schools] because "their intention is to promote homosexuality, which is an affront to the family structure, and if that makes me prejudiced, then I'm prejudiced and very proud of it".[7] In the 2013 BBC documentary Out There, by British actor Stephen Fry, Bolsonaro said that "no father is ever proud of having a gay son," and that "we Brazilians do not like homosexuals."[179]

In a 2011 interview with Jornal de Notícias, Bolsonaro linked homosexuality to pedophilia, claiming that "many of the children who are adopted by gay couples will be abused by these couples". He further argued that Brazil does not need legislation specifically targeting homophobia, because "most homosexuals are murdered by their respective pimps at hours when good citizens are already asleep".[180] In a May 2002 interview with the Folha de S.Paulo, Bolsonaro told the newspaper, "If I see two men kissing in the street, I will beat them." He then publicly defended beating gay children by saying: "If your child starts to become like that, a little gay, you take a whip and you change their behavio

Jair Bolosano is GREAT and EVERYONE on the Right is HAPPY that he won and is now going to save Brasil from going into the Socialist Hell that Venezuela is in.

Also I add General Augusto Pinochet and Jorge Videla were FUCKING God's they saved Chile and Argentina from turning into Communist Shit Holes like Cuba JGalt
I'll bet you're a real fan of Hitler and Mussolini too huh?

Definitely Putin
No response from Lucy?

Are you a fan of Hitler and Mussolini or not?

How about Putin?
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