Time to Watch the World Burn


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2016
Williamsburg, KY
The corrupt Democratic party working hand-in-hand with the democratic run media of MSNBC and CNN have done nothing but try their very best to say any, and everything to tear down Bernie Sanders and work against him. For example guest after guest have said Sanders doesn't care about Black voters in the South because he didn't go to Selma this year... WHEN HE WAS THERE LAST YEAR! Does he have to go there EVERY year for it to matter? Does going to Selma one day a year mean more than voting for and trying to create legislation that helps Blacks? Jesus what a dumb thing to slam Sanders for and use to tear him down on national television to voters.

If Joe Biden wins the nomination, as much as I despise Trump and think he is a criminal, I will vote for Trump. Not voting, or voting for Biden simply shows the Democratic establishment and the media they control that the dishonest way they run their election process. Sanders' supporters would be ignorant to vote for Biden after the Democratic Party has given them the big middle finger twice now, showing their energy and their votes do not matter, unless they support the Democratic establishment candidate. Bernie should run 3rd Party, and make sure Biden does not win and stick it back to the corrupt party.
Democrats tryin' to set up worldwide...

... domination of media in the manner of Hitler...

... to get ever'body to think like...

... dey want dem to think.
The corrupt Democratic party working hand-in-hand with the democratic run media of MSNBC and CNN have done nothing but try their very best to say any, and everything to tear down Bernie Sanders and work against him. For example guest after guest have said Sanders doesn't care about Black voters in the South because he didn't go to Selma this year... WHEN HE WAS THERE LAST YEAR! Does he have to go there EVERY year for it to matter? Does going to Selma one day a year mean more than voting for and trying to create legislation that helps Blacks? Jesus what a dumb thing to slam Sanders for and use to tear him down on national television to voters.

If Joe Biden wins the nomination, as much as I despise Trump and think he is a criminal, I will vote for Trump. Not voting, or voting for Biden simply shows the Democratic establishment and the media they control that the dishonest way they run their election process. Sanders' supporters would be ignorant to vote for Biden after the Democratic Party has given them the big middle finger twice now, showing their energy and their votes do not matter, unless they support the Democratic establishment candidate. Bernie should run 3rd Party, and make sure Biden does not win and stick it back to the corrupt party.

The thing is Bernie used to care about the blue collar class of America. He used to be against illegal immigration and mass immigration because he knew it drove down wages. He actually blasts our horrid trade “deals” that did nothing but ship manufacturing jobs to China or Mexico. So I can understand why some people like him.

However, because of what the Dem Party has turned into, he now has to be for open borders, so he won’t be called a “racist” in his own party. And he can’t go on about horrible trade deals too much or he sounds like President Trump. He’s also against stupid wars like President Trump.

I understand what he is trying to say when he says we shouldn’t have so many billionaires. At least I think he means that we shouldn’t be rewarding corporations for shipping jobs overseas and allowing a few CEOs to become billionaires at the expense of the American employee, or “worker”.

I think the rest of his agenda is bonkers, but at least he is right about a few things. Too bad he doesn’t understand that the Dem Party is against ANY idea that is good for America, thus they will sink him for the few he has.
The corrupt Democratic party working hand-in-hand with the democratic run media of MSNBC and CNN have done nothing but try their very best to say any, and everything to tear down Bernie Sanders and work against him. For example guest after guest have said Sanders doesn't care about Black voters in the South because he didn't go to Selma this year... WHEN HE WAS THERE LAST YEAR! Does he have to go there EVERY year for it to matter? Does going to Selma one day a year mean more than voting for and trying to create legislation that helps Blacks? Jesus what a dumb thing to slam Sanders for and use to tear him down on national television to voters.

If Joe Biden wins the nomination, as much as I despise Trump and think he is a criminal, I will vote for Trump. Not voting, or voting for Biden simply shows the Democratic establishment and the media they control that the dishonest way they run their election process. Sanders' supporters would be ignorant to vote for Biden after the Democratic Party has given them the big middle finger twice now, showing their energy and their votes do not matter, unless they support the Democratic establishment candidate. Bernie should run 3rd Party, and make sure Biden does not win and stick it back to the corrupt party.

The problem of liberal-progressivism is simple. They see the results of their policies as glowing progress even as the actual results are a hell on earth.

The corrupt Democratic party working hand-in-hand with the democratic run media of MSNBC and CNN have done nothing but try their very best to say any, and everything to tear down Bernie Sanders and work against him. For example guest after guest have said Sanders doesn't care about Black voters in the South because he didn't go to Selma this year... WHEN HE WAS THERE LAST YEAR! Does he have to go there EVERY year for it to matter? Does going to Selma one day a year mean more than voting for and trying to create legislation that helps Blacks? Jesus what a dumb thing to slam Sanders for and use to tear him down on national television to voters.

If Joe Biden wins the nomination, as much as I despise Trump and think he is a criminal, I will vote for Trump. Not voting, or voting for Biden simply shows the Democratic establishment and the media they control that the dishonest way they run their election process. Sanders' supporters would be ignorant to vote for Biden after the Democratic Party has given them the big middle finger twice now, showing their energy and their votes do not matter, unless they support the Democratic establishment candidate. Bernie should run 3rd Party, and make sure Biden does not win and stick it back to the corrupt party.

Voting for trump is a huge mistake. Our Republic will not survive four more years of a mentally unfit, narcissistic wannabe despot; Trump is a corrupt con man who lies incessantly to mislead the public on nearly every issue of importance.
Another dumb fucking thing said by the media this past week.

When Clyburn backed Biden, the media: "This is so huge for Biden and can help him turn his campaign around!"

When Jesse Jackson backs Sanders, the media: "This doesn't mean as much as it used to, as Jesse is a relic of past politics."


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Bernie is a commie pinko scumbag who should be forced to live in Venezuela. He's a lecherous turd of a man who's never worked a damn day in his pathetic life. He is losing because he's a commie shitbird!

Biden has dementia. Period.

I'm Joe Biden and I forget this message!!

The corrupt Democratic party working hand-in-hand with the democratic run media of MSNBC and CNN have done nothing but try their very best to say any, and everything to tear down Bernie Sanders and work against him. For example guest after guest have said Sanders doesn't care about Black voters in the South because he didn't go to Selma this year... WHEN HE WAS THERE LAST YEAR! Does he have to go there EVERY year for it to matter? Does going to Selma one day a year mean more than voting for and trying to create legislation that helps Blacks? Jesus what a dumb thing to slam Sanders for and use to tear him down on national television to voters.

If Joe Biden wins the nomination, as much as I despise Trump and think he is a criminal, I will vote for Trump. Not voting, or voting for Biden simply shows the Democratic establishment and the media they control that the dishonest way they run their election process. Sanders' supporters would be ignorant to vote for Biden after the Democratic Party has given them the big middle finger twice now, showing their energy and their votes do not matter, unless they support the Democratic establishment candidate. Bernie should run 3rd Party, and make sure Biden does not win and stick it back to the corrupt party.

Voting for trump is a huge mistake. Our Republic will not survive four more years of a mentally unfit, narcissistic wannabe despot; Trump is a corrupt con man who lies incessantly to mislead the public on nearly every issue of importance.

Seeing the collapse of the entire political system is the only thing that may wake up corrupt political parties like the Democratic one so that they will let the people decide the candidate, not who THEY want to run. If I have to live through 4 more years of Trump to get there, then so be it. You can't make an omelet without cracking some eggs.
Another dumb fucking things said by the media this past week.

When Clyburn backed Biden, the media: "This is so huge for Biden and can help him turn his campaign around!"

When Jesse Jackson backs Sanders, the media: "This doesn't mean as much as it used to, as Jesse is a relic of past politics."




Clyburn is a 14-term Congressman.
Jessie is a two bit hustler.
The corrupt Democratic party working hand-in-hand with the democratic run media of MSNBC and CNN have done nothing but try their very best to say any, and everything to tear down Bernie Sanders and work against him. For example guest after guest have said Sanders doesn't care about Black voters in the South because he didn't go to Selma this year... WHEN HE WAS THERE LAST YEAR! Does he have to go there EVERY year for it to matter? Does going to Selma one day a year mean more than voting for and trying to create legislation that helps Blacks? Jesus what a dumb thing to slam Sanders for and use to tear him down on national television to voters.

If Joe Biden wins the nomination, as much as I despise Trump and think he is a criminal, I will vote for Trump. Not voting, or voting for Biden simply shows the Democratic establishment and the media they control that the dishonest way they run their election process. Sanders' supporters would be ignorant to vote for Biden after the Democratic Party has given them the big middle finger twice now, showing their energy and their votes do not matter, unless they support the Democratic establishment candidate. Bernie should run 3rd Party, and make sure Biden does not win and stick it back to the corrupt party.

Voting for trump is a huge mistake. Our Republic will not survive four more years of a mentally unfit, narcissistic wannabe despot; Trump is a corrupt con man who lies incessantly to mislead the public on nearly every issue of importance.
The facts show that you could not be more wrong...look around you...look at the prosperity going on around you....we are finally getting out of that 18 year war our establishment got addicted to...I don't get you Trump haters...I really don't....we finally get an outsider and you hate him.....
Another dumb fucking things said by the media this past week.

When Clyburn backed Biden, the media: "This is so huge for Biden and can help him turn his campaign around!"

When Jesse Jackson backs Sanders, the media: "This doesn't mean as much as it used to, as Jesse is a relic of past politics."



In exit polls, a quarter of South Carolina voters said Clayburn's endorsement influenced how they voted. That means roughly half of Biden's vote in SC was due to Clayburn.

Clayburn is clearly still relevant in 2020. Jesse Jackson is not.
Another dumb fucking things said by the media this past week.

When Clyburn backed Biden, the media: "This is so huge for Biden and can help him turn his campaign around!"

When Jesse Jackson backs Sanders, the media: "This doesn't mean as much as it used to, as Jesse is a relic of past politics."



In exit polls, a quarter of South Carolina voters said Clayburn's endorsement influenced how they voted. That means roughly half of Biden's vote in SC was due to Clayburn.

Clayburn is clearly still relevant in 2020. Jesse Jackson is not.

What has Clyburn done in SC for Black voters? Let's be real, he's been serving all those years and most predominantly Black school districts are still shitty along with several other aspects of their lives. Biden wants to cut Social Security and other programs that a large number of Clyburn's voters depend on. So please let me know why they should support Biden over Sanders? Why is Clyburn still voted in?

Biden has kept the Black vote, and several times Black voters who support Biden have been asked why... you know their answers? They can't say what issues Biden supports that will help them, but are easy to bring up, "If he was good enough to be Obama's VP, then he is good enough for me." WTF does being Obama's VP have to do with being a good candidate for Black voters!?!??! It's fucking stupid, and wildly irresponsible as a voter, just the same as people who voted against Obama just cause he was Black. I didn't support Obama because I didn't think he was experienced enough, and Romney and McCain were.

You can't control what everything people who say they support you do, and Sanders has disavowed any people that make threats or do such things. What more can he do? Maybe if the Democratic Party wasn't so corrupt, it wouldn't drive some unstable people to say such things.

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