Time's Up For Mueller

Meuller is spending MY money he needs to shit or get off the pot already.

He's produced 100 indictments against 19 people and 3 companies. Sounds to me like needs some Imodium AD.

Better yet the government moocher should find a real job.

He left a high paying job as a partner in one of the most prestigious law firms in the country when offered the role of special prosecutor.

Lib please, randomly pick any 10 people in DC and spend $50 million dollars investigating them and you will get indictments that town is corrupt as hell. None of which has anything to do with president Trump.

So you are opposed to enforcing laws and prosecuting crime?

By all means investigate the entire congress and all the federal agency heads, get to work. Stop pissing away my money on the Trump witch hunt it would be laughable if it wasn't wasting so much money.
The Trump boys, Beavis and Butthead, just spent $73,000 of tax payers money on a private trip to Dubai.
I don’t hear you crying about that.
Wonder why.
Meuller is spending MY money he needs to shit or get off the pot already.

He's produced 100 indictments against 19 people and 3 companies. Sounds to me like needs some Imodium AD.

Better yet the government moocher should find a real job.

He left a high paying job as a partner in one of the most prestigious law firms in the country when offered the role of special prosecutor.

Lib please, randomly pick any 10 people in DC and spend $50 million dollars investigating them and you will get indictments that town is corrupt as hell. None of which has anything to do with president Trump.

So you are opposed to enforcing laws and prosecuting crime?

By all means investigate the entire congress and all the federal agency heads, get to work. Stop pissing away my money on the Trump witch hunt it would be laughable if it wasn't wasting so much money.
The Trump boys, Beavis and Butthead, just spent $73,000 of tax payers money on a private trip to Dubai.
I don’t hear you crying about that.
Wonder why.

Wow, compare that to the Mueller cost.....dumbass.
Mueller investigation cost $6.7 million within first five months
I never mentioned fully adjudicated. You did. We have one conviction and sentencing- we have two guilty pleas- has the judge accepted them? If so- then I believe that they are also convicted. If not- well then we have 1 conviction- and 2 guilty pleas- in less than a year.

How long was the Whitewater investigation again?

What you don't have is the many convictions you claimed. Run along child you're boring me, Whitewarter is irrelevant.


Yeah- Whitewater is 'irrelevant' and then the next Contard snowflake steps up and whines "'times up for mueller"

I guess you aren't aware that the law authorizing the Starr investigation no longer exist. Starr was the reason congress allowed it to expire.


Hmmm I don't remember a rush of Republicans a year into the Whitewater investigation saying:

"Times up for Starr!"

Mueller however is still doing what Trump's political appointee asked him to do- and I can guarantee he will finish his investigation in less time than Whitewater.

And since I have been hearing from Trumpsters from the very beginning that Trump is not guilty of anything- then they should all look forward with eager anticipation Mueller's report that confirms that Trump is pure as the driven snow.

Still can't get it through your head that Mueller and Starr are/were operating under different laws. Mueller is going way past his mandate and is actively searching for things to investigate unrelated to it. That is a violation of the special counsel law, possible crimes to be investigated are supposed to be included in the authorization letter. The only possible crime listed in the letter was Russian interference with the election and possible coordination with US persons. Those indictments have already been handed down and it was made clear that no US person knowingly participated. The premise for the appointment has been satisfied, anything else discovered should be turned over to the DOJ for further action.

100% wrong as usual.
Mueller felt what he found on Cohen wasn’t in his scope so that’s why he brought it to the NY state officials. They made the decision to get a warrant to raid Cohen’s office because they felt a crime was committed.
All on the level.
Plus Mueller has the authority to go wherever he feels a crime was committed.
This has been explained to you speds time and time again yet you keep repeating the same nonsense.
When they put Al Capone in prison do you think his main crime they were pursuing was tax evasion?
Your devotion and love of Trump has ruined your mind.
I never mentioned fully adjudicated. You did. We have one conviction and sentencing- we have two guilty pleas- has the judge accepted them? If so- then I believe that they are also convicted. If not- well then we have 1 conviction- and 2 guilty pleas- in less than a year.

How long was the Whitewater investigation again?

What you don't have is the many convictions you claimed. Run along child you're boring me, Whitewarter is irrelevant.


Yeah- Whitewater is 'irrelevant' and then the next Contard snowflake steps up and whines "'times up for mueller"

I guess you aren't aware that the law authorizing the Starr investigation no longer exist. Starr was the reason congress allowed it to expire.


Hmmm I don't remember a rush of Republicans a year into the Whitewater investigation saying:

"Times up for Starr!"

Mueller however is still doing what Trump's political appointee asked him to do- and I can guarantee he will finish his investigation in less time than Whitewater.

And since I have been hearing from Trumpsters from the very beginning that Trump is not guilty of anything- then they should all look forward with eager anticipation Mueller's report that confirms that Trump is pure as the driven snow.

Still can't get it through your head that Mueller and Starr are/were operating under different laws. Mueller is going way past his mandate and is actively searching for things to investigate unrelated to it. That is a violation of the special counsel law, possible crimes to be investigated are supposed to be included in the authorization letter. The only possible crime listed in the letter was Russian interference with the election and possible coordination with US persons. Those indictments have already been handed down and it was made clear that no US person knowingly participated. The premise for the appointment has been satisfied, anything else discovered should be turned over to the DOJ for further action.


When did I ever say that I thought they were the same laws? Oh wait- I didn't- you just were 'fantasizing'.

Like virtually every other part of your post.

Lets start with the first part- what Mueller was appointed to do- here is the appointment letter



note: 'any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation and

any other matters within the scope of 28 c.f.r. 600.4a- which says:

§ 600.4 Jurisdiction.
(a)Original jurisdiction. The jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall be established by the Attorney General. The Special Counsel will be provided with a specific factual statement of the matter to be investigated. The jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall also include the authority to investigate and prosecute federal crimes committed in the course of, and with intent to interfere with, the Special Counsel's investigation, such as perjury, obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence, and intimidation of witnesses; and to conduct appeals arising out of the matter being investigated and/or prosecuted.

So far Mueller seems to be following the threads that lead to Federal crimes- and when they lead outside of his jurisidiction- he is referring those threads to others- like the what just happened in New York.

Has the premise of the appointment been fulfilled? How do you know what Mueller hasn't told you yet?
He's produced 100 indictments against 19 people and 3 companies. Sounds to me like needs some Imodium AD.

He left a high paying job as a partner in one of the most prestigious law firms in the country when offered the role of special prosecutor.

Lib please, randomly pick any 10 people in DC and spend $50 million dollars investigating them and you will get indictments that town is corrupt as hell. None of which has anything to do with president Trump.

So you are opposed to enforcing laws and prosecuting crime?

By all means investigate the entire congress and all the federal agency heads, get to work. Stop pissing away my money on the Trump witch hunt it would be laughable if it wasn't wasting so much money.
The Trump boys, Beavis and Butthead, just spent $73,000 of tax payers money on a private trip to Dubai.
I don’t hear you crying about that.
Wonder why.

Wow, compare that to the Mueller cost.....dumbass.
Mueller investigation cost $6.7 million within first five months
I see you wouldn’t tally up all the personal trips this Crime family has taken since Jan 2017.
Wouldn’t fit your narrative.
They’re wasting our tax dollars on personal recreational trips.
Mueller is investigating crimes in his pursuit of justice.
I can understand why a Trump whore like you can’t see the difference.
It's time to end this nauseating Farce of an Investigation that has NOTHING at all to do with The False Claim of Russian Collusion. It is time for Mueller to come clean to The Public and justify exactly why his investigation should continue. And given the Prosecutorial misconduct in the past of both Mueller and many on his hand picked Partisan Team, I think it is appropriate if we are not going to End The Investigation, to call Mueller on the carpet and ask him why it should continue, given his original mandate is not even what he has been investigating.

Time for Mueller to lay it all out

The violent swings of the leaky pendulum make this an excellent moment to call timeout on the Mueller probe. What does he have, where is he going and when is he going to get there?

Those are basic questions that need to be answered. The American people deserve facts instead of waters muddied by partisanship, innuendo and special access to biased big-media companies.

Mueller’s team includes some active Democrats, and whether they are behind the anti-Trump leaks is, for the moment, beside the point. The point is that the leaks are creating a reality all their own about the investigation and the president.

It’s time to clear the air of rumor and speculation and put the facts on the record. It’s not as if the public has been impatient.
Do you want Bob Mueller to be thorough or reckless and impulsive like Trump?
Lib please, randomly pick any 10 people in DC and spend $50 million dollars investigating them and you will get indictments that town is corrupt as hell. None of which has anything to do with president Trump.

So you are opposed to enforcing laws and prosecuting crime?

By all means investigate the entire congress and all the federal agency heads, get to work. Stop pissing away my money on the Trump witch hunt it would be laughable if it wasn't wasting so much money.
The Trump boys, Beavis and Butthead, just spent $73,000 of tax payers money on a private trip to Dubai.
I don’t hear you crying about that.
Wonder why.

Wow, compare that to the Mueller cost.....dumbass.
Mueller investigation cost $6.7 million within first five months
I see you wouldn’t tally up all the personal trips this Crime family has taken since Jan 2017.
Wouldn’t fit your narrative.
They’re wasting our tax dollars on personal recreational trips.
Mueller is investigating crimes in his pursuit of justice.
I can understand why a Trump whore like you can’t see the difference.

No, seems as though it was you that wouldn't or couldn't tally up all the personal trips. You may want to re-read your original post...dumbass.
What you don't have is the many convictions you claimed. Run along child you're boring me, Whitewarter is irrelevant.


Yeah- Whitewater is 'irrelevant' and then the next Contard snowflake steps up and whines "'times up for mueller"

I guess you aren't aware that the law authorizing the Starr investigation no longer exist. Starr was the reason congress allowed it to expire.


Hmmm I don't remember a rush of Republicans a year into the Whitewater investigation saying:

"Times up for Starr!"

Mueller however is still doing what Trump's political appointee asked him to do- and I can guarantee he will finish his investigation in less time than Whitewater.

And since I have been hearing from Trumpsters from the very beginning that Trump is not guilty of anything- then they should all look forward with eager anticipation Mueller's report that confirms that Trump is pure as the driven snow.

Still can't get it through your head that Mueller and Starr are/were operating under different laws. Mueller is going way past his mandate and is actively searching for things to investigate unrelated to it. That is a violation of the special counsel law, possible crimes to be investigated are supposed to be included in the authorization letter. The only possible crime listed in the letter was Russian interference with the election and possible coordination with US persons. Those indictments have already been handed down and it was made clear that no US person knowingly participated. The premise for the appointment has been satisfied, anything else discovered should be turned over to the DOJ for further action.

100% wrong as usual.
Mueller felt what he found on Cohen wasn’t in his scope so that’s why he brought it to the NY state officials. They made the decision to get a warrant to raid Cohen’s office because they felt a crime was committed.
All on the level.
Plus Mueller has the authority to go wherever he feels a crime was committed.
This has been explained to you speds time and time again yet you keep repeating the same nonsense.
When they put Al Capone in prison do you think his main crime they were pursuing was tax evasion?
Your devotion and love of Trump has ruined your mind.

Actually Mueller doesn't have that kind of discretion without approval of the AG, you're free to pretend he does but that doesn't comport with the law.

BTW The whole series of Russia Investigations.....(There have been 6 and Mueller's is the 7th) have cost way more than $12 Million.
The money to hold all these hearings, drag people in front of Congress, The Senate in Closed Doors or Public Sessions. The Impact on interrupting Government, and solving our problems, legislating solutions, the salaries of Congressmen, Senators, and all of their aides and staff, as well as research teams, compiling documents etc. etc.

I'd estimate the total cost to be more like $100 Million spread across all 7 Investigations with the first 6 already declaring that there was No Russian Collusion.
BTW The whole series of Russia Investigations.....(There have been 6 and Mueller's is the 7th) have cost way more than $12 Million.
The money to hold all these hearings, drag people in front of Congress, The Senate in Closed Doors or Public Sessions. The Impact on interrupting Government, and solving our problems, legislating solutions etc. etc. etc.

I'd estimate the total cost to be more like $100 Million spread across all 7 Investigations with the first 6 already declaring that there was No Russian Collusion.

Yeah- Whitewater is 'irrelevant' and then the next Contard snowflake steps up and whines "'times up for mueller"

I guess you aren't aware that the law authorizing the Starr investigation no longer exist. Starr was the reason congress allowed it to expire.


Hmmm I don't remember a rush of Republicans a year into the Whitewater investigation saying:

"Times up for Starr!"

Mueller however is still doing what Trump's political appointee asked him to do- and I can guarantee he will finish his investigation in less time than Whitewater.

And since I have been hearing from Trumpsters from the very beginning that Trump is not guilty of anything- then they should all look forward with eager anticipation Mueller's report that confirms that Trump is pure as the driven snow.

Still can't get it through your head that Mueller and Starr are/were operating under different laws. Mueller is going way past his mandate and is actively searching for things to investigate unrelated to it. That is a violation of the special counsel law, possible crimes to be investigated are supposed to be included in the authorization letter. The only possible crime listed in the letter was Russian interference with the election and possible coordination with US persons. Those indictments have already been handed down and it was made clear that no US person knowingly participated. The premise for the appointment has been satisfied, anything else discovered should be turned over to the DOJ for further action.

100% wrong as usual.
Mueller felt what he found on Cohen wasn’t in his scope so that’s why he brought it to the NY state officials. They made the decision to get a warrant to raid Cohen’s office because they felt a crime was committed.
All on the level.
Plus Mueller has the authority to go wherever he feels a crime was committed.
This has been explained to you speds time and time again yet you keep repeating the same nonsense.
When they put Al Capone in prison do you think his main crime they were pursuing was tax evasion?
Your devotion and love of Trump has ruined your mind.

Actually Mueller doesn't have that kind of discretion without approval of the AG, you're free to pretend he does but that doesn't comport with the law.

And you know that he didn't get approval of Rosenstein- how?
What you don't have is the many convictions you claimed. Run along child you're boring me, Whitewarter is irrelevant.


Yeah- Whitewater is 'irrelevant' and then the next Contard snowflake steps up and whines "'times up for mueller"

I guess you aren't aware that the law authorizing the Starr investigation no longer exist. Starr was the reason congress allowed it to expire.


Hmmm I don't remember a rush of Republicans a year into the Whitewater investigation saying:

"Times up for Starr!"

Mueller however is still doing what Trump's political appointee asked him to do- and I can guarantee he will finish his investigation in less time than Whitewater.

And since I have been hearing from Trumpsters from the very beginning that Trump is not guilty of anything- then they should all look forward with eager anticipation Mueller's report that confirms that Trump is pure as the driven snow.

Still can't get it through your head that Mueller and Starr are/were operating under different laws. Mueller is going way past his mandate and is actively searching for things to investigate unrelated to it. That is a violation of the special counsel law, possible crimes to be investigated are supposed to be included in the authorization letter. The only possible crime listed in the letter was Russian interference with the election and possible coordination with US persons. Those indictments have already been handed down and it was made clear that no US person knowingly participated. The premise for the appointment has been satisfied, anything else discovered should be turned over to the DOJ for further action.


When did I ever say that I thought they were the same laws? Oh wait- I didn't- you just were 'fantasizing'.

Like virtually every other part of your post.

Lets start with the first part- what Mueller was appointed to do- here is the appointment letter

View attachment 187231


note: 'any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation and

any other matters within the scope of 28 c.f.r. 600.4a- which says:

§ 600.4 Jurisdiction.
(a)Original jurisdiction. The jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall be established by the Attorney General. The Special Counsel will be provided with a specific factual statement of the matter to be investigated. The jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall also include the authority to investigate and prosecute federal crimes committed in the course of, and with intent to interfere with, the Special Counsel's investigation, such as perjury, obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence, and intimidation of witnesses; and to conduct appeals arising out of the matter being investigated and/or prosecuted.

So far Mueller seems to be following the threads that lead to Federal crimes- and when they lead outside of his jurisidiction- he is referring those threads to others- like the what just happened in New York.

Has the premise of the appointment been fulfilled? How do you know what Mueller hasn't told you yet?

Why didn't you post (b) and (c)?

(b)Additional jurisdiction. If in the course of his or her investigation the Special Counsel concludes that additional jurisdiction beyond that specified in his or her original jurisdiction is necessary in order to fully investigate and resolve the matters assigned, or to investigate new matters that come to light in the course of his or her investigation, he or she shall consult with the Attorney General, who will determine whether to include the additional matters within the Special Counsel's jurisdiction or assign them elsewhere.

(c)Civil and administrative jurisdiction. If in the course of his or her investigation the Special Counsel determines that administrative remedies, civil sanctions or other governmental action outside the criminal justice system might be appropriate, he or she shall consult with the Attorney General with respect to the appropriate component to take any necessary action. A Special Counsel shall not have civil or administrative authority unless specifically granted such jurisdiction by the Attorney General.

The fact is Rosenstein is allowing him to go far afield from his original mandate. Just proves why a Special Counsel shouldn't come from the swamp, too much familiarity with the other players.

Yeah- Whitewater is 'irrelevant' and then the next Contard snowflake steps up and whines "'times up for mueller"

I guess you aren't aware that the law authorizing the Starr investigation no longer exist. Starr was the reason congress allowed it to expire.


Hmmm I don't remember a rush of Republicans a year into the Whitewater investigation saying:

"Times up for Starr!"

Mueller however is still doing what Trump's political appointee asked him to do- and I can guarantee he will finish his investigation in less time than Whitewater.

And since I have been hearing from Trumpsters from the very beginning that Trump is not guilty of anything- then they should all look forward with eager anticipation Mueller's report that confirms that Trump is pure as the driven snow.

Still can't get it through your head that Mueller and Starr are/were operating under different laws. Mueller is going way past his mandate and is actively searching for things to investigate unrelated to it. That is a violation of the special counsel law, possible crimes to be investigated are supposed to be included in the authorization letter. The only possible crime listed in the letter was Russian interference with the election and possible coordination with US persons. Those indictments have already been handed down and it was made clear that no US person knowingly participated. The premise for the appointment has been satisfied, anything else discovered should be turned over to the DOJ for further action.


When did I ever say that I thought they were the same laws? Oh wait- I didn't- you just were 'fantasizing'.

Like virtually every other part of your post.

Lets start with the first part- what Mueller was appointed to do- here is the appointment letter

View attachment 187231


note: 'any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation and

any other matters within the scope of 28 c.f.r. 600.4a- which says:

§ 600.4 Jurisdiction.
(a)Original jurisdiction. The jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall be established by the Attorney General. The Special Counsel will be provided with a specific factual statement of the matter to be investigated. The jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall also include the authority to investigate and prosecute federal crimes committed in the course of, and with intent to interfere with, the Special Counsel's investigation, such as perjury, obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence, and intimidation of witnesses; and to conduct appeals arising out of the matter being investigated and/or prosecuted.

So far Mueller seems to be following the threads that lead to Federal crimes- and when they lead outside of his jurisidiction- he is referring those threads to others- like the what just happened in New York.

Has the premise of the appointment been fulfilled? How do you know what Mueller hasn't told you yet?

Why didn't you post (b) and (c)?

(b)Additional jurisdiction. If in the course of his or her investigation the Special Counsel concludes that additional jurisdiction beyond that specified in his or her original jurisdiction is necessary in order to fully investigate and resolve the matters assigned, or to investigate new matters that come to light in the course of his or her investigation, he or she shall consult with the Attorney General, who will determine whether to include the additional matters within the Special Counsel's jurisdiction or assign them elsewhere.

(c)Civil and administrative jurisdiction. If in the course of his or her investigation the Special Counsel determines that administrative remedies, civil sanctions or other governmental action outside the criminal justice system might be appropriate, he or she shall consult with the Attorney General with respect to the appropriate component to take any necessary action. A Special Counsel shall not have civil or administrative authority unless specifically granted such jurisdiction by the Attorney General.

The fact is Rosenstein is allowing him to go far afield from his original mandate. Just proves why a Special Counsel shouldn't come from the swamp, too much familiarity with the other players.


And of course by the 'swamp' you mean a decorated combat veteran and veteran crime and terrorism battler.

But hey- the Trump way is to hire people from 'outside' the swamp- like ones with no experience at all in their position.

Because that is so effective.

Meanwhile- if Rosenstein believes that Mueller is acting outside of what Rosenstein authorized- he can fire him anytime he wants.

Or Rosenstein can just authorize what Mueller is doing.
I guess you aren't aware that the law authorizing the Starr investigation no longer exist. Starr was the reason congress allowed it to expire.


Hmmm I don't remember a rush of Republicans a year into the Whitewater investigation saying:

"Times up for Starr!"

Mueller however is still doing what Trump's political appointee asked him to do- and I can guarantee he will finish his investigation in less time than Whitewater.

And since I have been hearing from Trumpsters from the very beginning that Trump is not guilty of anything- then they should all look forward with eager anticipation Mueller's report that confirms that Trump is pure as the driven snow.

Still can't get it through your head that Mueller and Starr are/were operating under different laws. Mueller is going way past his mandate and is actively searching for things to investigate unrelated to it. That is a violation of the special counsel law, possible crimes to be investigated are supposed to be included in the authorization letter. The only possible crime listed in the letter was Russian interference with the election and possible coordination with US persons. Those indictments have already been handed down and it was made clear that no US person knowingly participated. The premise for the appointment has been satisfied, anything else discovered should be turned over to the DOJ for further action.

100% wrong as usual.
Mueller felt what he found on Cohen wasn’t in his scope so that’s why he brought it to the NY state officials. They made the decision to get a warrant to raid Cohen’s office because they felt a crime was committed.
All on the level.
Plus Mueller has the authority to go wherever he feels a crime was committed.
This has been explained to you speds time and time again yet you keep repeating the same nonsense.
When they put Al Capone in prison do you think his main crime they were pursuing was tax evasion?
Your devotion and love of Trump has ruined your mind.

Actually Mueller doesn't have that kind of discretion without approval of the AG, you're free to pretend he does but that doesn't comport with the law.

And you know that he didn't get approval of Rosenstein- how?

He got permission for the Manafort raid 2 weeks after the fact. Get a clue child.

So you are opposed to enforcing laws and prosecuting crime?

By all means investigate the entire congress and all the federal agency heads, get to work. Stop pissing away my money on the Trump witch hunt it would be laughable if it wasn't wasting so much money.
The Trump boys, Beavis and Butthead, just spent $73,000 of tax payers money on a private trip to Dubai.
I don’t hear you crying about that.
Wonder why.

Wow, compare that to the Mueller cost.....dumbass.
Mueller investigation cost $6.7 million within first five months
I see you wouldn’t tally up all the personal trips this Crime family has taken since Jan 2017.
Wouldn’t fit your narrative.
They’re wasting our tax dollars on personal recreational trips.
Mueller is investigating crimes in his pursuit of justice.
I can understand why a Trump whore like you can’t see the difference.

No, seems as though it was you that wouldn't or couldn't tally up all the personal trips. You may want to re-read your original post...dumbass.
Hey idiot. This criminal administration has wasted millions of tax payers monies from the very corrupt Scott Pruitt down to the scum known as the trump family.
Each and every weekend the orange fraud bilks American tax payers to stay at his own private resort.
Want a tally? Eat this:

Here’s How Much Melania Trump’s Military Flights Cost Taxpayers

The Cost of Corruption: Waste and Abuse in President Trump’s Cabinet - Center for American Progress

Abusing taxpayer money used to be a firing offense. Not in the Trump era.
BTW The whole series of Russia Investigations.....(There have been 6 and Mueller's is the 7th) have cost way more than $12 Million.
The money to hold all these hearings, drag people in front of Congress, The Senate in Closed Doors or Public Sessions. The Impact on interrupting Government, and solving our problems, legislating solutions, the salaries of Congressmen, Senators, and all of their aides and staff, as well as research teams, compiling documents etc. etc.

I'd estimate the total cost to be more like $100 Million spread across all 7 Investigations with the first 6 already declaring that there was No Russian Collusion.
Why can’t you just admit you don’t care about law and order or if your president is a crook?
Too painful?
Yeah- Whitewater is 'irrelevant' and then the next Contard snowflake steps up and whines "'times up for mueller"

I guess you aren't aware that the law authorizing the Starr investigation no longer exist. Starr was the reason congress allowed it to expire.


Hmmm I don't remember a rush of Republicans a year into the Whitewater investigation saying:

"Times up for Starr!"

Mueller however is still doing what Trump's political appointee asked him to do- and I can guarantee he will finish his investigation in less time than Whitewater.

And since I have been hearing from Trumpsters from the very beginning that Trump is not guilty of anything- then they should all look forward with eager anticipation Mueller's report that confirms that Trump is pure as the driven snow.

Still can't get it through your head that Mueller and Starr are/were operating under different laws. Mueller is going way past his mandate and is actively searching for things to investigate unrelated to it. That is a violation of the special counsel law, possible crimes to be investigated are supposed to be included in the authorization letter. The only possible crime listed in the letter was Russian interference with the election and possible coordination with US persons. Those indictments have already been handed down and it was made clear that no US person knowingly participated. The premise for the appointment has been satisfied, anything else discovered should be turned over to the DOJ for further action.

100% wrong as usual.
Mueller felt what he found on Cohen wasn’t in his scope so that’s why he brought it to the NY state officials. They made the decision to get a warrant to raid Cohen’s office because they felt a crime was committed.
All on the level.
Plus Mueller has the authority to go wherever he feels a crime was committed.
This has been explained to you speds time and time again yet you keep repeating the same nonsense.
When they put Al Capone in prison do you think his main crime they were pursuing was tax evasion?
Your devotion and love of Trump has ruined your mind.

Actually Mueller doesn't have that kind of discretion without approval of the AG, you're free to pretend he does but that doesn't comport with the law.

Wrong. The parameters were set when Bob Mueller accepted the job that ALL of Congress wanted him to have.
Hmmm I don't remember a rush of Republicans a year into the Whitewater investigation saying:

"Times up for Starr!"

Mueller however is still doing what Trump's political appointee asked him to do- and I can guarantee he will finish his investigation in less time than Whitewater.

And since I have been hearing from Trumpsters from the very beginning that Trump is not guilty of anything- then they should all look forward with eager anticipation Mueller's report that confirms that Trump is pure as the driven snow.

Still can't get it through your head that Mueller and Starr are/were operating under different laws. Mueller is going way past his mandate and is actively searching for things to investigate unrelated to it. That is a violation of the special counsel law, possible crimes to be investigated are supposed to be included in the authorization letter. The only possible crime listed in the letter was Russian interference with the election and possible coordination with US persons. Those indictments have already been handed down and it was made clear that no US person knowingly participated. The premise for the appointment has been satisfied, anything else discovered should be turned over to the DOJ for further action.

100% wrong as usual.
Mueller felt what he found on Cohen wasn’t in his scope so that’s why he brought it to the NY state officials. They made the decision to get a warrant to raid Cohen’s office because they felt a crime was committed.
All on the level.
Plus Mueller has the authority to go wherever he feels a crime was committed.
This has been explained to you speds time and time again yet you keep repeating the same nonsense.
When they put Al Capone in prison do you think his main crime they were pursuing was tax evasion?
Your devotion and love of Trump has ruined your mind.

Actually Mueller doesn't have that kind of discretion without approval of the AG, you're free to pretend he does but that doesn't comport with the law.

And you know that he didn't get approval of Rosenstein- how?

He got permission for the Manafort raid 2 weeks after the fact. Get a clue child.


So, boy, you are acknowledging that he got Rosenstein's approval.

Great- we are on the same page.
Where is Russian Collusion, Lefty?

Is it in Stormy Daniels Vagina?

This is not going to go well for you in The Midterms.

Americans were probably willing to let Mueller carry on his witch hunt for a while until he exhausted himself unable to find "Russian Collusion" (unless he looked at Hillary Clinton), but when you start breaking down the doors of The President's personal attorney while he is sleeping in a Pre Dawn Raid, and Confiscate Constitutionally Protected Privileged Documents as if he is some Mafia King Pin or Mexican Drug Cartel Boss, you have overstepped your authority and not only that you just stepped all over The Constitution.

Mueller also ILLEGALLY CONFISCATED Constitutionally Protected "Privileged" documents in the Pre Dawn Manafort Raid.

Fuck that Nazi Son of a Bitch.

Not one of you Son of a Bitches on The Left has any credibility any more.
I guess you aren't aware that the law authorizing the Starr investigation no longer exist. Starr was the reason congress allowed it to expire.


Hmmm I don't remember a rush of Republicans a year into the Whitewater investigation saying:

"Times up for Starr!"

Mueller however is still doing what Trump's political appointee asked him to do- and I can guarantee he will finish his investigation in less time than Whitewater.

And since I have been hearing from Trumpsters from the very beginning that Trump is not guilty of anything- then they should all look forward with eager anticipation Mueller's report that confirms that Trump is pure as the driven snow.

Still can't get it through your head that Mueller and Starr are/were operating under different laws. Mueller is going way past his mandate and is actively searching for things to investigate unrelated to it. That is a violation of the special counsel law, possible crimes to be investigated are supposed to be included in the authorization letter. The only possible crime listed in the letter was Russian interference with the election and possible coordination with US persons. Those indictments have already been handed down and it was made clear that no US person knowingly participated. The premise for the appointment has been satisfied, anything else discovered should be turned over to the DOJ for further action.


When did I ever say that I thought they were the same laws? Oh wait- I didn't- you just were 'fantasizing'.

Like virtually every other part of your post.

Lets start with the first part- what Mueller was appointed to do- here is the appointment letter

View attachment 187231


note: 'any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation and

any other matters within the scope of 28 c.f.r. 600.4a- which says:

§ 600.4 Jurisdiction.
(a)Original jurisdiction. The jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall be established by the Attorney General. The Special Counsel will be provided with a specific factual statement of the matter to be investigated. The jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall also include the authority to investigate and prosecute federal crimes committed in the course of, and with intent to interfere with, the Special Counsel's investigation, such as perjury, obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence, and intimidation of witnesses; and to conduct appeals arising out of the matter being investigated and/or prosecuted.

So far Mueller seems to be following the threads that lead to Federal crimes- and when they lead outside of his jurisidiction- he is referring those threads to others- like the what just happened in New York.

Has the premise of the appointment been fulfilled? How do you know what Mueller hasn't told you yet?

Why didn't you post (b) and (c)?

(b)Additional jurisdiction. If in the course of his or her investigation the Special Counsel concludes that additional jurisdiction beyond that specified in his or her original jurisdiction is necessary in order to fully investigate and resolve the matters assigned, or to investigate new matters that come to light in the course of his or her investigation, he or she shall consult with the Attorney General, who will determine whether to include the additional matters within the Special Counsel's jurisdiction or assign them elsewhere.

(c)Civil and administrative jurisdiction. If in the course of his or her investigation the Special Counsel determines that administrative remedies, civil sanctions or other governmental action outside the criminal justice system might be appropriate, he or she shall consult with the Attorney General with respect to the appropriate component to take any necessary action. A Special Counsel shall not have civil or administrative authority unless specifically granted such jurisdiction by the Attorney General.

The fact is Rosenstein is allowing him to go far afield from his original mandate. Just proves why a Special Counsel shouldn't come from the swamp, too much familiarity with the other players.


And of course by the 'swamp' you mean a decorated combat veteran and veteran crime and terrorism battler.

But hey- the Trump way is to hire people from 'outside' the swamp- like ones with no experience at all in their position.

Because that is so effective.

Meanwhile- if Rosenstein believes that Mueller is acting outside of what Rosenstein authorized- he can fire him anytime he wants.

Or Rosenstein can just authorize what Mueller is doing.

Thanks for proving the primary point went way over your head.
Just proves why a Special Counsel shouldn't come from the swamp, too much familiarity with the other players.
Too much familiarity creates inherent conflicts of interest and possibly misplaced trust. It fails the appearance of fairness test.


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