Time's Up For Mueller

Yes, because the important thing is that Mueller operates on whatever arbitrary timeline you have personally chosen.

Why should it operate on whatever arbitrary timeline and budget that he has chosen?

Investigations tend to operate on whatever timeline is necessary to be thorough and complete. So far, Mueller's investigation has produced 100 indictments of 19 people and 3 companies. That's a lot of crime he is uncovering and bringing forward for prosecution. We should all be glad to see these wrongdoings being brought to light.
It has produced more indictments in less time then Benghazi.
Congress doesn't have the power to indict anyone, moron.
Hitler’s followers never understood why they rode in to Hell with him on The Road to Perdition.

So too The Left does not know that they travel on the Broad Highway To Hell.
It's time to end this nauseating Farce of an Investigation that has NOTHING at all to do with The False Claim of Russian Collusion. It is time for Mueller to come clean to The Public and justify exactly why his investigation should continue. And given the Prosecutorial misconduct in the past of both Mueller and many on his hand picked Partisan Team, I think it is appropriate if we are not going to End The Investigation, to call Mueller on the carpet and ask him why it should continue, given his original mandate is not even what he has been investigating.

Time for Mueller to lay it all out

The violent swings of the leaky pendulum make this an excellent moment to call timeout on the Mueller probe. What does he have, where is he going and when is he going to get there?

Those are basic questions that need to be answered. The American people deserve facts instead of waters muddied by partisanship, innuendo and special access to biased big-media companies.

Mueller’s team includes some active Democrats, and whether they are behind the anti-Trump leaks is, for the moment, beside the point. The point is that the leaks are creating a reality all their own about the investigation and the president.

It’s time to clear the air of rumor and speculation and put the facts on the record. It’s not as if the public has been impatient.
Patience. Ken Starr's Whitewater investigation lasted four years and nothing criminal about Whitewater but almost brought down Bill for lying about an affair. Benghazi and Hillary were the subjects of 11 hearings and nothing criminal was ever found. I don't recall hearing the GOP complaining how long the process was taking.
Difference being was that CRIMES were COMMITTED which launched THE WHITEWATER Investigation. Then there was a massive coverup which lengthened The Investigation.

There were no crimes committed which could legitimize the appointment of Robert Storm Trooper Mueller.
Time is probably up for Mueller. Congress refused to aggravate the Great Orange Groper by passing legislation to protect his job. Now it's too late. Trump will fire Mueller and Trump will be impeached.
In the real world, the office of trumps private lawyer was just raided.lol

Stormy Daniels' motion to depose Trump, Cohen denied


So let me get this straight. Daniels motion to depose The President and Cohen is denied because the judge ruled there was no grounds to. And The Deep State, Mueller unsatisfied with this goes and does an end around on that judge in a Civil proceeding and raids Cohen’s office?

What is The Probable Cause?

What crime did Cohen commit That Herr Mueller could raid an attorney’s office and confiscate materials that are attorney client privilege?



Speaking of which, why did Mueller illegally confiscate Manafort’s Lawyer’s Documents marked Attorny Client Privilege and has refused to return them despite not being able to cite a reason that he confiscated them for and is still illegally holding them in his possession.

He should be disbarred and removed on that action alone for prosecutorial misconduct.

Mueller is like a parasite on Lady Liberty’s ass.

Everything he is doing is in direct violation of Due Process, The Right to Privacy, Probable Cause Rules, Discovery Rukes, and of the rules and procedures that even allow for a Special Counsel.

If Sessions was doing his Job, Mueller would have been castrated by now.

And for you idiots who say, no big deal because There is No Collusion, that isn’t even remotely he point.

The mere Existence of
Mueller’s Investigation is improper and unconstitutional. He is setting new precedents for investigations based on bias, and unsubstantiated suspicions and multiple violations of Constitutional Rights of The Individual.

But according to the demo rats, the swamp dwellers, the deep state and the MSM Trump must be removed from office by any means necessary including extra constitutional measures.

And so it goes.
Meuller is spending MY money he needs to shit or get off the pot already. Better yet the government moocher should find a real job.
Your money??? Get real. Comrade Gropes-A-Lot spends your money every weekend on golf trips; have you bellyached about that??? Bigly!
It's time to end this nauseating Farce of an Investigation that has NOTHING at all to do with The False Claim of Russian Collusion. It is time for Mueller to come clean to The Public and justify exactly why his investigation should continue. And given the Prosecutorial misconduct in the past of both Mueller and many on his hand picked Partisan Team, I think it is appropriate if we are not going to End The Investigation, to call Mueller on the carpet and ask him why it should continue, given his original mandate is not even what he has been investigating.

Time for Mueller to lay it all out

The violent swings of the leaky pendulum make this an excellent moment to call timeout on the Mueller probe. What does he have, where is he going and when is he going to get there?

Those are basic questions that need to be answered. The American people deserve facts instead of waters muddied by partisanship, innuendo and special access to biased big-media companies.

Mueller’s team includes some active Democrats, and whether they are behind the anti-Trump leaks is, for the moment, beside the point. The point is that the leaks are creating a reality all their own about the investigation and the president.

It’s time to clear the air of rumor and speculation and put the facts on the record. It’s not as if the public has been impatient.
Patience. Ken Starr's Whitewater investigation lasted four years and nothing criminal about Whitewater but almost brought down Bill for lying about an affair. Benghazi and Hillary were the subjects of 11 hearings and nothing criminal was ever found. I don't recall hearing the GOP complaining how long the process was taking.
Difference being was that CRIMES were COMMITTED which launched THE WHITEWATER Investigation. Then there was a massive coverup which lengthened The Investigation.

There were no crimes committed which could legitimize the appointment of Robert Storm Trooper Mueller.
What were the CRIMES that were COMMITTED which launched THE WHITEWATER Investigation? There were several investigations before a special prosecutor but none of them found any criminal acts by the Clintons.
The only "Evidence" Mueller has is Evidence he obtained Illegally and through Prosecutorial Misconduct.
He has now TWICE violated Attorney Client Privilege by Confiscating Illegally, documents that were covered under "Attorney Client Privilege"

This is no longer about Mueller and his sham investigation.

It's about defending his attack on the US Constitution, and his assault on Lady Liberty and our protections from an overreaching all too powerful government.

He should be fired, brought up on charges, sentenced and disbarred.

The Mueller team has already paid out Millions via the Taxpayers in Restitution for prosecutorial misconduct.

One has to wonder why Comey, McCabe Yates and Rosenstein allowed Clinton to delete 33,000 emails, rather than raid her office and take the server before she could do that, especially when there were two court orders prohibiting that. Same thing with the DNC server. Where was the Pre Dawn Raid at The DNC?

Fuck Mueller. He should be hung as a traitor. I'll trust him when he looks in to Fusion GPS, COIE Lawfirm, Christopher Steele and Skirpal, and The DNC's roles in colluding with Russia and using Russian Propaganda paid for by Clinton in a Fictitious and Illegal FISA Surveillance Warrant.

Nerve agent? That would be a good nick name for Mueller, because he is like a poison to American Democracy and Justice.
Mueller's investigation became invalid as soon as he started investigating non-Russian Collusion things.
Now it's 100% political.
The Dirty Democrats are really attempting a coup.
Democrats are attacking our democracy.
It's time to end this nauseating Farce of an Investigation that has NOTHING at all to do with The False Claim of Russian Collusion. It is time for Mueller to come clean to The Public and justify exactly why his investigation should continue. And given the Prosecutorial misconduct in the past of both Mueller and many on his hand picked Partisan Team, I think it is appropriate if we are not going to End The Investigation, to call Mueller on the carpet and ask him why it should continue, given his original mandate is not even what he has been investigating.

Time for Mueller to lay it all out

The violent swings of the leaky pendulum make this an excellent moment to call timeout on the Mueller probe. What does he have, where is he going and when is he going to get there?

Those are basic questions that need to be answered. The American people deserve facts instead of waters muddied by partisanship, innuendo and special access to biased big-media companies.

Mueller’s team includes some active Democrats, and whether they are behind the anti-Trump leaks is, for the moment, beside the point. The point is that the leaks are creating a reality all their own about the investigation and the president.

It’s time to clear the air of rumor and speculation and put the facts on the record. It’s not as if the public has been impatient.
Patience. Ken Starr's Whitewater investigation lasted four years and nothing criminal about Whitewater but almost brought down Bill for lying about an affair. Benghazi and Hillary were the subjects of 11 hearings and nothing criminal was ever found. I don't recall hearing the GOP complaining how long the process was taking.
Difference being was that CRIMES were COMMITTED which launched THE WHITEWATER Investigation. Then there was a massive coverup which lengthened The Investigation.

There were no crimes committed which could legitimize the appointment of Robert Storm Trooper Mueller.
What were the CRIMES that were COMMITTED which launched THE WHITEWATER Investigation? There were several investigations before a special prosecutor but none of them found any criminal acts by the Clintons.
The Clintons owned the bank that was laundering Cocaine Money. They not only knew what was going on, they directed these activities. They were helping to run guns and cocaine to South America in a CIA operation out of Mena Arkansas.

If anyone wonders why The Clinton Crime Family doesn't get busted, that is why. They essentially have Lifetime Immunity.

But like all Libtards, when a shooting happens, the GUN did it, not the guy that pulled the trigger.

In this case, it was THE BANK...that did it, not THE CLINTONS.

From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer


The Clintons were never charged with any crime. Fifteen other persons were convicted of more than 40 crimes, including Jim Guy Tucker, who was removed from office.[44]

  • Jim Guy Tucker: Governor of Arkansas at the time, removed from office (fraud, 3 counts)
  • John Haley: attorney for Jim Guy Tucker (tax evasion)
  • William J. Marks, Sr.: Jim Guy Tucker's business partner (conspiracy)
  • Stephen Smith: former Governor Clinton aide (conspiracy to misapply funds). Bill Clinton pardoned.
  • Webster Hubbell: Clinton political supporter; U.S. Associate Attorney General; Rose Law Firm partner (embezzlement, fraud)
  • Jim McDougal: banker, Clinton political supporter: (18 felonies, varied)
  • Susan McDougal: Clinton political supporter (multiple frauds). Bill Clinton pardoned.
  • David Hale: banker, self-proclaimed Clinton political supporter: (conspiracy, fraud)
  • Neal Ainley: Perry County Bank president (embezzled bank funds for Clinton campaign)
  • Chris Wade: Whitewater real estate broker (multiple loan fraud). Bill Clinton pardoned.
  • Larry Kuca: Madison real estate agent (multiple loan fraud)
  • Robert W. Palmer: Madison appraiser (conspiracy). Bill Clinton pardoned.
  • John Latham: Madison Bank CEO (bank fraud)
  • Eugene Fitzhugh: Whitewater defendant (multiple bribery)
  • Charles Matthews: Whitewater defendant (bribery)
Whitewater controversy - Wikipedia
Whooooo - I bet the angry old tree guy woke up spittin' mad this morning!

Mueller will lay it all out when he's good and ready to lay it all out - So will the FBI and Trump appointed US attorney Geoffrey Bermann in lower Manhattan!

And you'll wait - patiently gnawing your fingernails :)
Anyone interested who wants to know what The Clintons and their Bank were doing in Mena Arkansas, can simply watch this movie.



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The Clintons owned the bank that was laundering Cocaine Money. They not only knew what was going on, they directed these activities. They were helping to run guns and cocaine to South America in a CIA operation out of Mena Arkansas.

If anyone wonders why The Clinton Crime Family doesn't get busted, that is why. They essentially have Lifetime Immunity.

But like all Libtards, when a shooting happens, the GUN did it, not the guy that pulled the trigger.

In this case, it was THE BANK...that did it, not THE CLINTONS.

From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer
I have no idea where you get these cocaine fantasies from (alternative facts?) but your link above states:
This is a pattern with the Clinton family, which has been in the public spotlight since Bill Clinton’s first run for office, in 1974: Something that appears potentially scandalous on its face turns out to be innocuous, but an investigation into it reveals different questionable behavior. The canonical case is Whitewater, a failed real-estate investment Bill and Hillary Clinton made in 1978. Although no inquiry ever produced evidence of wrongdoing, investigations ultimately led to President Clinton’s impeachment for perjury and obstruction of justice.​
Mueller's investigation became invalid as soon as he started investigating non-Russian Collusion things.
Now it's 100% political.
The Dirty Democrats are really attempting a coup.
Democrats are attacking our democracy.
How many times have Republicans investigated Dems or brought them before Congress over and over and nothing is ever found? Our democracy has been under attack for decades.
It's time to end this nauseating Farce of an Investigation that has NOTHING at all to do with The False Claim of Russian Collusion. It is time for Mueller to come clean to The Public and justify exactly why his investigation should continue. And given the Prosecutorial misconduct in the past of both Mueller and many on his hand picked Partisan Team, I think it is appropriate if we are not going to End The Investigation, to call Mueller on the carpet and ask him why it should continue, given his original mandate is not even what he has been investigating.

Time for Mueller to lay it all out

The violent swings of the leaky pendulum make this an excellent moment to call timeout on the Mueller probe. What does he have, where is he going and when is he going to get there?

Those are basic questions that need to be answered. The American people deserve facts instead of waters muddied by partisanship, innuendo and special access to biased big-media companies.

Mueller’s team includes some active Democrats, and whether they are behind the anti-Trump leaks is, for the moment, beside the point. The point is that the leaks are creating a reality all their own about the investigation and the president.

It’s time to clear the air of rumor and speculation and put the facts on the record. It’s not as if the public has been impatient.
I was beginning to wonder when you’d pen another “Mueller is a meanie” thread.

Have you been feeling under the weather?

The original tree has dead bark falling off it's trunk.
Again, WHAT CRIMES was Mueller Charged with Investigating when he was illegitimately appointed?


They cannot have even formed a Grand Jury without an alleged crime having been committed. Mueller is an Investigation in Search of a Crime.

His being appointed was not even LEGAL, nor did it follow procedures put in place for the appointment of a Special Counsel which were supposed to provide protections from Political Witch Hunts, and The Second Jeff Sessions stepped out of the way, Rosenstein Appointed Mueller, based on nothing but accusations of The Clinton Campaign, who paid for The Russian Dossier used to file False Affidavits in FISA Court one of which Rosenstein himself signed for as did Yates, Comey and McCabe.

Lastly, I submit to you that at every juncture of Comey, Mueller's, Yate's and McCabe's actions in regards to how this "Russian Collusion Investigation" came about procedures, laws, ethics were violated to make it happen.

Conflicts of Interest and Evidence of Bias are overwhelming. Bruce and Nellie Ohr tied in with Fusion GPS. Strozk meeting with Skirpal and Steele in the UK. Clinton, Obama and The DNC funding Russian Propaganda, and through two Channels, James Comey-Strozk and John McCain-John Kerry, funneled Salacious and False Russian Sourced Clinton-Obama-DNC funded Propaganda to The FBI and DOJ to be used to File False Affidavits in a FISA Court to be brought before a Judge who was a personal friend of Strozk, for the sole purpose of Legitimizing for the FIRST TIME IN US HISTORY, an ESPIONAGE OPERATION directed at a RIVAL PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN, by a SITTING PRESIDENT and his HAND PICKED SUCCESSOR, so they could have Inside Information about The Trump Campaign.

And somehow The LEFT thinks this is no big deal when this act falls under High Crimes and Misdemeanors for Impeachment of Obama Bin Lying, as well as prosecution for Espionage and Treason.

And don't get me started on Steele's Relationship with Skirpal and the Nerve Agent attack in the UK. Skirpal who worked with British Agent, Steele, was a majority of The Russian Sourced Propaganda, and Skirpal an Ex Russian Spy and British Double Agent was let out of a Russian Prison and exchanged with SUPER HOT Russian Spy Anna Chapman clear back in 2010.


Skirpal's work on The Fusion GPS Dossier was why he and his daughter were poisoned.

Spy vs. Spy: Skirpal, Strozk & Steele
Last edited:
Patience. Ken Starr's Whitewater investigation lasted four years and nothing criminal about Whitewater but almost brought down Bill for lying about an affair. Benghazi and Hillary were the subjects of 11 hearings and nothing criminal was ever found. I don't recall hearing the GOP complaining how long the process was taking.

You might want to reevaluate this statement.
nothing criminal about Whitewater
There were many convictions connected to Starr's investigation.

Caught In The Whitewater Net


Yep- and there have been many convictions already in the first year of the Mueller investigation.

Really, I only know of one that has been fully adjudicated.

Alex van der Zwaan, an attorney, pleaded guilty to lying to FBI investigators during the investigation, and was sentenced to 30 days in prison in April 2018. He was the first to be sentenced in the probe.

Michael Flynn, who served as Trump’s national security adviser for less than a month before resigning, was charged and pleaded guilty in December 2017 to making false statements to the FBI.

Rick Gates was named alongside Manafort in the recent charges brought by the special counsel. He's accused of 11 counts related to filing false income tax returns and three counts of failure to report foreign bank and financial accounts.

Gates pleaded guilty on Feb. 23 to federal conspiracy and false-statements charges.

Poor thing, you might want to find out what fully adjudicated means. Zwaan is the only one it applies to.


I never mentioned fully adjudicated. You did. We have one conviction and sentencing- we have two guilty pleas- has the judge accepted them? If so- then I believe that they are also convicted. If not- well then we have 1 conviction- and 2 guilty pleas- in less than a year.

How long was the Whitewater investigation again?
Again, WHAT CRIMES was Mueller Charged with Investigating when he was illegitimately appointed?

Treeboy is just screaming and screaming now- because if you use BOLD- its 'truthier'.

Mueller was charged with investigating Collusion with Russia- and ANY crimes he found along the way.

What are you so terrified that Mueller is going to find out about Trump?

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