Time's Up For Mueller

The Clintons owned the bank that was laundering Cocaine Money. They not only knew what was going on, they directed these activities. They were helping to run guns and cocaine to South America in a CIA operation out of Mena Arkansas.

If anyone wonders why The Clinton Crime Family doesn't get busted, that is why. They essentially have Lifetime Immunity.

But like all Libtards, when a shooting happens, the GUN did it, not the guy that pulled the trigger.

In this case, it was THE BANK...that did it, not THE CLINTONS.

From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer
I have no idea where you get these cocaine fantasies from (alternative facts?) but your link above states:
This is a pattern with the Clinton family, which has been in the public spotlight since Bill Clinton’s first run for office, in 1974: Something that appears potentially scandalous on its face turns out to be innocuous, but an investigation into it reveals different questionable behavior. The canonical case is Whitewater, a failed real-estate investment Bill and Hillary Clinton made in 1978. Although no inquiry ever produced evidence of wrongdoing, investigations ultimately led to President Clinton’s impeachment for perjury and obstruction of justice.​
Get a clue Nimrod. If you are part of the Deep State, and help run Guns and Heroin through Benghazi, or Cocaine, Weapons and Other Drugs with The Sandinistas in South America, or sell weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels in The Fast and Furious Scandal to help Islamic Radicals get their Heroin in to The US, you have LIFE TIME IMMUNITY.

Ask Mueller about how he helped out WHITEY BULGER Kill off all his Competition until Mueller started getting called on it. This is nothing new, and shouldn't even be shocking to anyone with a brain.
The Clintons owned the bank that was laundering Cocaine Money. They not only knew what was going on, they directed these activities. They were helping to run guns and cocaine to South America in a CIA operation out of Mena Arkansas.

If anyone wonders why The Clinton Crime Family doesn't get busted, that is why. They essentially have Lifetime Immunity.

But like all Libtards, when a shooting happens, the GUN did it, not the guy that pulled the trigger.

In this case, it was THE BANK...that did it, not THE CLINTONS.

From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer
I have no idea where you get these cocaine fantasies from (alternative facts?) but your link above states:
This is a pattern with the Clinton family, which has been in the public spotlight since Bill Clinton’s first run for office, in 1974: Something that appears potentially scandalous on its face turns out to be innocuous, but an investigation into it reveals different questionable behavior. The canonical case is Whitewater, a failed real-estate investment Bill and Hillary Clinton made in 1978. Although no inquiry ever produced evidence of wrongdoing, investigations ultimately led to President Clinton’s impeachment for perjury and obstruction of justice.​

And I think that the Trumpsters are terrified that something similar will happen in this investigation.
The Clintons owned the bank that was laundering Cocaine Money. They not only knew what was going on, they directed these activities. They were helping to run guns and cocaine to South America in a CIA operation out of Mena Arkansas.

If anyone wonders why The Clinton Crime Family doesn't get busted, that is why. They essentially have Lifetime Immunity.

But like all Libtards, when a shooting happens, the GUN did it, not the guy that pulled the trigger.

In this case, it was THE BANK...that did it, not THE CLINTONS.

From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer
I have no idea where you get these cocaine fantasies from (alternative facts?) but your link above states:
This is a pattern with the Clinton family, which has been in the public spotlight since Bill Clinton’s first run for office, in 1974: Something that appears potentially scandalous on its face turns out to be innocuous, but an investigation into it reveals different questionable behavior. The canonical case is Whitewater, a failed real-estate investment Bill and Hillary Clinton made in 1978. Although no inquiry ever produced evidence of wrongdoing, investigations ultimately led to President Clinton’s impeachment for perjury and obstruction of justice.​
Get a clue Nimrod. If you are part of the Deep State.

You might want to reevaluate this statement.
There were many convictions connected to Starr's investigation.

Caught In The Whitewater Net


Yep- and there have been many convictions already in the first year of the Mueller investigation.

Really, I only know of one that has been fully adjudicated.

Alex van der Zwaan, an attorney, pleaded guilty to lying to FBI investigators during the investigation, and was sentenced to 30 days in prison in April 2018. He was the first to be sentenced in the probe.

Michael Flynn, who served as Trump’s national security adviser for less than a month before resigning, was charged and pleaded guilty in December 2017 to making false statements to the FBI.

Rick Gates was named alongside Manafort in the recent charges brought by the special counsel. He's accused of 11 counts related to filing false income tax returns and three counts of failure to report foreign bank and financial accounts.

Gates pleaded guilty on Feb. 23 to federal conspiracy and false-statements charges.

Poor thing, you might want to find out what fully adjudicated means. Zwaan is the only one it applies to.


I never mentioned fully adjudicated. You did. We have one conviction and sentencing- we have two guilty pleas- has the judge accepted them? If so- then I believe that they are also convicted. If not- well then we have 1 conviction- and 2 guilty pleas- in less than a year.

How long was the Whitewater investigation again?

What you don't have is the many convictions you claimed. Run along child you're boring me, Whitewarter is irrelevant.

Get a clue Nimrod. If you are part of the Deep State, and help run Guns and Heroin through Benghazi, or Cocaine, Weapons and Other Drugs with The Sandinistas in South America, or sell weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels in The Fast and Furious Scandal to help Islamic Radicals get their Heroin in to The US, you have LIFE TIME IMMUNITY.
And if pigs had wings they could fly. Has your tin foil hat slipped off?
The Clintons owned the bank that was laundering Cocaine Money. They not only knew what was going on, they directed these activities. They were helping to run guns and cocaine to South America in a CIA operation out of Mena Arkansas.

If anyone wonders why The Clinton Crime Family doesn't get busted, that is why. They essentially have Lifetime Immunity.

But like all Libtards, when a shooting happens, the GUN did it, not the guy that pulled the trigger.

In this case, it was THE BANK...that did it, not THE CLINTONS.

From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer
I have no idea where you get these cocaine fantasies from (alternative facts?) but your link above states:
This is a pattern with the Clinton family, which has been in the public spotlight since Bill Clinton’s first run for office, in 1974: Something that appears potentially scandalous on its face turns out to be innocuous, but an investigation into it reveals different questionable behavior. The canonical case is Whitewater, a failed real-estate investment Bill and Hillary Clinton made in 1978. Although no inquiry ever produced evidence of wrongdoing, investigations ultimately led to President Clinton’s impeachment for perjury and obstruction of justice.​

And I think that the Trumpsters are terrified that something similar will happen in this investigation.
Trump has been around for a very long time in his roles as businessman and playboy celebrity so the Trumpsters should be terrified of what the investigation might uncover. However I doubt they will have any trouble dismissing it. One thing that Trump said that was true was that he could kill someone and his followers would still love him.[/QUOTE]
Again, WHAT CRIMES was Mueller Charged with Investigating when he was illegitimately appointed?

Treeboy is just screaming and screaming now- because if you use BOLD- its 'truthier'.

Mueller was charged with investigating Collusion with Russia- and ANY crimes he found along the way.

What are you so terrified that Mueller is going to find out about Trump?

And when Treeboy really really REALLY wants something to be true ..

Size 6 bold is TERRIFIC!

Yep- and there have been many convictions already in the first year of the Mueller investigation.

Really, I only know of one that has been fully adjudicated.

Alex van der Zwaan, an attorney, pleaded guilty to lying to FBI investigators during the investigation, and was sentenced to 30 days in prison in April 2018. He was the first to be sentenced in the probe.

Michael Flynn, who served as Trump’s national security adviser for less than a month before resigning, was charged and pleaded guilty in December 2017 to making false statements to the FBI.

Rick Gates was named alongside Manafort in the recent charges brought by the special counsel. He's accused of 11 counts related to filing false income tax returns and three counts of failure to report foreign bank and financial accounts.

Gates pleaded guilty on Feb. 23 to federal conspiracy and false-statements charges.

Poor thing, you might want to find out what fully adjudicated means. Zwaan is the only one it applies to.


I never mentioned fully adjudicated. You did. We have one conviction and sentencing- we have two guilty pleas- has the judge accepted them? If so- then I believe that they are also convicted. If not- well then we have 1 conviction- and 2 guilty pleas- in less than a year.

How long was the Whitewater investigation again?

What you don't have is the many convictions you claimed. Run along child you're boring me, Whitewarter is irrelevant.


Yeah- Whitewater is 'irrelevant' and then the next Contard snowflake steps up and whines "'times up for mueller"
Again, WHAT CRIMES was Mueller Charged with Investigating when he was illegitimately appointed?

That's a fallacy. Mueller was not "illegitimately appointed." He was appointed by the deputy Attorney General, in accordance with established DOJ protocol. Specifically, he was appointed "to conduct the investigation confirmed by then-FBI Director James B. Comey in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:

(i) any links an/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and

(ii)any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and

(iii)any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).
Again, WHAT CRIMES was Mueller Charged with Investigating when he was illegitimately appointed?

That's a fallacy. Mueller was not "illegitimately appointed." He was appointed by the deputy Attorney General, in accordance with established DOJ protocol. Specifically, he was appointed "to conduct the investigation confirmed by then-FBI Director James B. Comey in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:

(i) any links an/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and

(ii)any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and

(iii)any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).

ANYTHING TreeGuy disagrees with is illegal and unconstitutional.

It's pretty fun to watch - even though the yelling in bold font size 6 gives me a headache.
Really, I only know of one that has been fully adjudicated.

Alex van der Zwaan, an attorney, pleaded guilty to lying to FBI investigators during the investigation, and was sentenced to 30 days in prison in April 2018. He was the first to be sentenced in the probe.

Michael Flynn, who served as Trump’s national security adviser for less than a month before resigning, was charged and pleaded guilty in December 2017 to making false statements to the FBI.

Rick Gates was named alongside Manafort in the recent charges brought by the special counsel. He's accused of 11 counts related to filing false income tax returns and three counts of failure to report foreign bank and financial accounts.

Gates pleaded guilty on Feb. 23 to federal conspiracy and false-statements charges.

Poor thing, you might want to find out what fully adjudicated means. Zwaan is the only one it applies to.


I never mentioned fully adjudicated. You did. We have one conviction and sentencing- we have two guilty pleas- has the judge accepted them? If so- then I believe that they are also convicted. If not- well then we have 1 conviction- and 2 guilty pleas- in less than a year.

How long was the Whitewater investigation again?

What you don't have is the many convictions you claimed. Run along child you're boring me, Whitewarter is irrelevant.


Yeah- Whitewater is 'irrelevant' and then the next Contard snowflake steps up and whines "'times up for mueller"

I guess you aren't aware that the law authorizing the Starr investigation no longer exist. Starr was the reason congress allowed it to expire.

Alex van der Zwaan, an attorney, pleaded guilty to lying to FBI investigators during the investigation, and was sentenced to 30 days in prison in April 2018. He was the first to be sentenced in the probe.

Michael Flynn, who served as Trump’s national security adviser for less than a month before resigning, was charged and pleaded guilty in December 2017 to making false statements to the FBI.

Rick Gates was named alongside Manafort in the recent charges brought by the special counsel. He's accused of 11 counts related to filing false income tax returns and three counts of failure to report foreign bank and financial accounts.

Gates pleaded guilty on Feb. 23 to federal conspiracy and false-statements charges.

Poor thing, you might want to find out what fully adjudicated means. Zwaan is the only one it applies to.


I never mentioned fully adjudicated. You did. We have one conviction and sentencing- we have two guilty pleas- has the judge accepted them? If so- then I believe that they are also convicted. If not- well then we have 1 conviction- and 2 guilty pleas- in less than a year.

How long was the Whitewater investigation again?

What you don't have is the many convictions you claimed. Run along child you're boring me, Whitewarter is irrelevant.


Yeah- Whitewater is 'irrelevant' and then the next Contard snowflake steps up and whines "'times up for mueller"

I guess you aren't aware that the law authorizing the Starr investigation no longer exist. Starr was the reason congress allowed it to expire.

Mueller in my Opinion was Unlawfully appointed Special Counsel.

The Problem with President Trump is that he funded his own campaign and is not beholden to Lobbyist like the Swamp Rats in The Senate and House in the GOP and DNC. That makes him a dangerous threat to wealthy lobbyists and their pawns who accept their money.

So he literally is fighting all of these battles practically alone.

I will say out loud I don't like Jeff Sessions. He is a coward. He stepped out of the way so Rosenstein could illegitimately appoint Mueller.

What I will now also say about Jeff Sessions is that, the reason he has not appointed a Special Counsel to Investigate Corruption at The DOJ, FBI and Clinton Campaign and DNC, is because UNLIKE ROSENSTEIN, Sessions is doing this by THE BOOK.

He's following procedure. Eventually a Special Counsel will be appointed, but not until all the i's are dotted and t's crossed.

But you DO NOT Fire Comey one day, and then appoint his best friend as a SPECIAL COUNSEL THE VERY NEXT DAY.

That just can't and shouldn't happen. There is a whole process that is supposed to be gone through for that to happen.

Mueller then was Unlawfully appointed, and he is conducting an Unethical and Unlawful Witch Hunt. It should have never even been allowed to come up for discussion. It was unwarranted and they ran an end around policy and rules and procedure to appoint Mueller.

The Investigation isn't even about Russian Collusion anymore as McCabe said it was a dead end, and then broadened Mueller's Scope and ordered him to find anything he could on The President and his staff. Like ANYTHING.

That is the true meaning of a Witch Hunt. An Investigation in Search of a Crime where every detail is purposely leaked to The Press between now and 2018, and 2020. Yah, Mueller will keep this thing going to 2024 if he is allowed.
Last edited:
Poor thing, you might want to find out what fully adjudicated means. Zwaan is the only one it applies to.


I never mentioned fully adjudicated. You did. We have one conviction and sentencing- we have two guilty pleas- has the judge accepted them? If so- then I believe that they are also convicted. If not- well then we have 1 conviction- and 2 guilty pleas- in less than a year.

How long was the Whitewater investigation again?

What you don't have is the many convictions you claimed. Run along child you're boring me, Whitewarter is irrelevant.


Yeah- Whitewater is 'irrelevant' and then the next Contard snowflake steps up and whines "'times up for mueller"

I guess you aren't aware that the law authorizing the Starr investigation no longer exist. Starr was the reason congress allowed it to expire.

Mueller in my Opinion was Unlawfully appointed Special Counsel.

Well you know what they say about 'opinions'

Poor thing, you might want to find out what fully adjudicated means. Zwaan is the only one it applies to.


I never mentioned fully adjudicated. You did. We have one conviction and sentencing- we have two guilty pleas- has the judge accepted them? If so- then I believe that they are also convicted. If not- well then we have 1 conviction- and 2 guilty pleas- in less than a year.

How long was the Whitewater investigation again?

What you don't have is the many convictions you claimed. Run along child you're boring me, Whitewarter is irrelevant.


Yeah- Whitewater is 'irrelevant' and then the next Contard snowflake steps up and whines "'times up for mueller"

I guess you aren't aware that the law authorizing the Starr investigation no longer exist. Starr was the reason congress allowed it to expire.

Mueller in my Opinion was Unlawfully appointed Special Counsel.

The Problem with President Trump is that he funded his own campaign and is not beholden to Lobbyist like the Swamp Rats in The Senate and House in the GOP and DNC. That makes him a dangerous threat to wealthy lobbyists and their pawns who accept their money.

So he literally is fighting all of these battles practically alone.

I will say out loud I don't like Jeff Sessions. He is a coward. He stepped out of the way so Rosenstein could illegitimately appoint Mueller.

What I will now also say about Jeff Sessions is that, the reason he has not appointed a Special Counsel to Investigate Corruption at The DOJ, FBI and Clinton Campaign and DNC, is because UNLIKE ROSENSTEIN, Sessions is doing this by THE BOOK.

He's following procedure. Eventually a Special Counsel will be appointed, but not until all the i's are dotted and t's crossed.

But you DO NOT Fire Comey one day, and then appoint his best friend as a SPECIAL COUNSEL THE VERY NEXT DAY.

That just can't and shouldn't happen. There is a whole process that is supposed to be gone through for that to happen.

Mueller then was Unlawfully appointed, and he is conducting an Unethical and Unlawful Witch Hunt. It should have never even been allowed to come up for discussion. It was unwarranted and they ran an end around policy and rules and procedure to appoint Mueller.

The Investigation isn't even about Russian Collusion anymore as McCabe said it was a dead end, and then broadened Mueller's Scope and ordered him to find anything he could on The President and his staff. Like ANYTHING.

That is the true meaning of a Witch Hunt. An Investigation in Search of a Crime where every detail is purposely leaked to The Press between now and 2018, and 2020. Yah, Mueller will keep this thing going to 2024 if he is allowed.

There seems to be a major stretching of many laws in this "investigation", including the appointment letter. It appears they are making shit up as they go.

I never mentioned fully adjudicated. You did. We have one conviction and sentencing- we have two guilty pleas- has the judge accepted them? If so- then I believe that they are also convicted. If not- well then we have 1 conviction- and 2 guilty pleas- in less than a year.

How long was the Whitewater investigation again?

What you don't have is the many convictions you claimed. Run along child you're boring me, Whitewarter is irrelevant.


Yeah- Whitewater is 'irrelevant' and then the next Contard snowflake steps up and whines "'times up for mueller"

I guess you aren't aware that the law authorizing the Starr investigation no longer exist. Starr was the reason congress allowed it to expire.

Mueller in my Opinion was Unlawfully appointed Special Counsel.

The Problem with President Trump is that he funded his own campaign and is not beholden to Lobbyist like the Swamp Rats in The Senate and House in the GOP and DNC. That makes him a dangerous threat to wealthy lobbyists and their pawns who accept their money.

So he literally is fighting all of these battles practically alone.

I will say out loud I don't like Jeff Sessions. He is a coward. He stepped out of the way so Rosenstein could illegitimately appoint Mueller.

What I will now also say about Jeff Sessions is that, the reason he has not appointed a Special Counsel to Investigate Corruption at The DOJ, FBI and Clinton Campaign and DNC, is because UNLIKE ROSENSTEIN, Sessions is doing this by THE BOOK.

He's following procedure. Eventually a Special Counsel will be appointed, but not until all the i's are dotted and t's crossed.

But you DO NOT Fire Comey one day, and then appoint his best friend as a SPECIAL COUNSEL THE VERY NEXT DAY.

That just can't and shouldn't happen. There is a whole process that is supposed to be gone through for that to happen.

Mueller then was Unlawfully appointed, and he is conducting an Unethical and Unlawful Witch Hunt. It should have never even been allowed to come up for discussion. It was unwarranted and they ran an end around policy and rules and procedure to appoint Mueller.

The Investigation isn't even about Russian Collusion anymore as McCabe said it was a dead end, and then broadened Mueller's Scope and ordered him to find anything he could on The President and his staff. Like ANYTHING.

That is the true meaning of a Witch Hunt. An Investigation in Search of a Crime where every detail is purposely leaked to The Press between now and 2018, and 2020. Yah, Mueller will keep this thing going to 2024 if he is allowed.

There seems to be a major stretching of many laws in this "investigation", including the appointment letter. It appears they are making shit up as they go.

Including Suspension of Due Process, Suspension of Client Attorney Privilege, Suspension of Espionage Laws, Suspension of Laws dealing with the handling of Classified Information, Suspension and violation of FISA Court Rules, Suspension of FBI Procedures and Ethics Rules, among just a few.
Alex van der Zwaan, an attorney, pleaded guilty to lying to FBI investigators during the investigation, and was sentenced to 30 days in prison in April 2018. He was the first to be sentenced in the probe.

Michael Flynn, who served as Trump’s national security adviser for less than a month before resigning, was charged and pleaded guilty in December 2017 to making false statements to the FBI.

Rick Gates was named alongside Manafort in the recent charges brought by the special counsel. He's accused of 11 counts related to filing false income tax returns and three counts of failure to report foreign bank and financial accounts.

Gates pleaded guilty on Feb. 23 to federal conspiracy and false-statements charges.

Poor thing, you might want to find out what fully adjudicated means. Zwaan is the only one it applies to.


I never mentioned fully adjudicated. You did. We have one conviction and sentencing- we have two guilty pleas- has the judge accepted them? If so- then I believe that they are also convicted. If not- well then we have 1 conviction- and 2 guilty pleas- in less than a year.

How long was the Whitewater investigation again?

What you don't have is the many convictions you claimed. Run along child you're boring me, Whitewarter is irrelevant.


Yeah- Whitewater is 'irrelevant' and then the next Contard snowflake steps up and whines "'times up for mueller"

I guess you aren't aware that the law authorizing the Starr investigation no longer exist. Starr was the reason congress allowed it to expire.


Hmmm I don't remember a rush of Republicans a year into the Whitewater investigation saying:

"Times up for Starr!"

Mueller however is still doing what Trump's political appointee asked him to do- and I can guarantee he will finish his investigation in less time than Whitewater.

And since I have been hearing from Trumpsters from the very beginning that Trump is not guilty of anything- then they should all look forward with eager anticipation Mueller's report that confirms that Trump is pure as the driven snow.
I never mentioned fully adjudicated. You did. We have one conviction and sentencing- we have two guilty pleas- has the judge accepted them? If so- then I believe that they are also convicted. If not- well then we have 1 conviction- and 2 guilty pleas- in less than a year.

How long was the Whitewater investigation again?

What you don't have is the many convictions you claimed. Run along child you're boring me, Whitewarter is irrelevant.


Yeah- Whitewater is 'irrelevant' and then the next Contard snowflake steps up and whines "'times up for mueller"

I guess you aren't aware that the law authorizing the Starr investigation no longer exist. Starr was the reason congress allowed it to expire.

Mueller in my Opinion was Unlawfully appointed Special Counsel.

The Problem with President Trump is that he funded his own campaign and is not beholden to Lobbyist like the Swamp Rats in The Senate and House in the GOP and DNC. That makes him a dangerous threat to wealthy lobbyists and their pawns who accept their money.

So he literally is fighting all of these battles practically alone.

I will say out loud I don't like Jeff Sessions. He is a coward. He stepped out of the way so Rosenstein could illegitimately appoint Mueller.

What I will now also say about Jeff Sessions is that, the reason he has not appointed a Special Counsel to Investigate Corruption at The DOJ, FBI and Clinton Campaign and DNC, is because UNLIKE ROSENSTEIN, Sessions is doing this by THE BOOK.

He's following procedure. Eventually a Special Counsel will be appointed, but not until all the i's are dotted and t's crossed.

But you DO NOT Fire Comey one day, and then appoint his best friend as a SPECIAL COUNSEL THE VERY NEXT DAY.

That just can't and shouldn't happen. There is a whole process that is supposed to be gone through for that to happen.

Mueller then was Unlawfully appointed, and he is conducting an Unethical and Unlawful Witch Hunt. It should have never even been allowed to come up for discussion. It was unwarranted and they ran an end around policy and rules and procedure to appoint Mueller.

The Investigation isn't even about Russian Collusion anymore as McCabe said it was a dead end, and then broadened Mueller's Scope and ordered him to find anything he could on The President and his staff. Like ANYTHING.

That is the true meaning of a Witch Hunt. An Investigation in Search of a Crime where every detail is purposely leaked to The Press between now and 2018, and 2020. Yah, Mueller will keep this thing going to 2024 if he is allowed.

There seems to be a major stretching of many laws in this "investigation", including the appointment letter. It appears they are making shit up as they go.


Which laws would those be?

Which 'shit' are they making up- the guilty pleas? Or the indictments?
9-13.000 - Obtaining Evidence | USAM | Department of Justice

U.S. Attorneys » Resources » U.S. Attorneys' Manual » Title 9: Criminal


9-13.420 - Searches of Premises of Subject Attorneys
NOTE: For purposes of this policy only, "subject" includes an attorney who is a "suspect, subject or target," or an attorney who is related by blood or marriage to a suspect, or who is believed to be in possession of contraband or the fruits or instrumentalities of a crime. This policy also applies to searches of business organizations where such searches involve materials in the possession of individuals serving in the capacity of legal advisor to the organization. Search warrants for "documentary materials" held by an attorney who is a "disinterested third party" (that is, any attorney who is not a subject) are governed by 28 C.F.R. 59.4 and USAM 9-19.221 et seq. See also 42 U.S.C. Section 2000aa-11(a)(3).

There are occasions when effective law enforcement may require the issuance of a search warrant for the premises of an attorney who is a subject of an investigation, and who also is or may be engaged in the practice of law on behalf of clients. Because of the potential effects of this type of search on legitimate attorney-client relationships and because of the possibility that, during such a search, the government may encounter material protected by a legitimate claim of privilege, it is important that close control be exercised over this type of search. Therefore, the following guidelines should be followed with respect to such searches:

  1. Alternatives to Search Warrants. In order to avoid impinging on valid attorney-client relationships, prosecutors are expected to take the least intrusive approach consistent with vigorous and effective law enforcement when evidence is sought from an attorney actively engaged in the practice of law. Consideration should be given to obtaining information from other sources or through the use of a subpoena, unless such efforts could compromise the criminal investigation or prosecution, or could result in the obstruction or destruction of evidence, or would otherwise be ineffective. NOTE: Prior approval must be obtained from the Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division to issue a subpoena to an attorney relating to the representation of a client. See USAM 9-13.410.
  2. Authorization by United States Attorney or Assistant Attorney General. No application for such a search warrant may be made to a court without the express approval of the United States Attorney or pertinent Assistant Attorney General. Ordinarily, authorization of an application for such a search warrant is appropriate when there is a strong need for the information or material and less intrusive means have been considered and rejected.
  3. Prior Consultation. In addition to obtaining approval from the United States Attorney or the pertinent Assistant Attorney General, and before seeking judicial authorization for the search warrant, the federal prosecutor must consult with the Criminal Division. NOTE: Attorneys are encouraged to consult with the Criminal Division as early as possible regarding a possible search of an attorney's office. Telephone No. (202) 305-4023; Fax No. (202) 305-0562.
    To facilitate the consultation, the prosecutor should submit the attached form (see Criminal Resource Manual at 265) containing relevant information about the proposed search along with a draft copy of the proposed search warrant, affidavit in support thereof, and any special instructions to the searching agents regarding search procedures and procedures to be followed to ensure that the prosecution team is not "tainted" by any privileged material inadvertently seized during the search. This information should be submitted to the Criminal Division through the Office of Enforcement Operations. This procedure does not preclude any United States Attorney or Assistant Attorney General from discussing the matter personally with the Assistant Attorney General of the Criminal Division.

    If exigent circumstances prevent such prior consultation, the Criminal Division should be notified of the search as promptly as possible. In all cases, the Criminal Division should be provided as promptly as possible with a copy of the judicially authorized search warrant, search warrant affidavit, and any special instructions to the searching agents.

    The Criminal Division is committed to ensuring that consultation regarding attorney search warrant requests will not delay investigations. Timely processing will be assisted if the Criminal Division is provided as much information about the search as early as possible. The Criminal Division should also be informed of any deadlines.

  4. Safeguarding Procedures and Contents of the Affidavit. Procedures should be designed to ensure that privileged materials are not improperly viewed, seized or retained during the course of the search. While the procedures to be followed should be tailored to the facts of each case and the requirements and judicial preferences and precedents of each district, in all cases a prosecutor must employ adequate precautions to ensure that the materials are reviewed for privilege claims and that any privileged documents are returned to the attorney from whom they were seized.
  5. Conducting the Search. The search warrant should be drawn as specifically as possible, consistent with the requirements of the investigation, to minimize the need to search and review privileged material to which no exception applies.
    While every effort should be made to avoid viewing privileged material, the search may require limited review of arguably privileged material to ascertain whether the material is covered by the warrant. Therefore, to protect the attorney-client privilege and to ensure that the investigation is not compromised by exposure to privileged material relating to the investigation or to defense strategy, a "privilege team" should be designated, consisting of agents and lawyers not involved in the underlying investigation.

    Instructions should be given and thoroughly discussed with the privilege team prior to the search. The instructions should set forth procedures designed to minimize the intrusion into privileged material, and should ensure that the privilege team does not disclose any information to the investigation/prosecution team unless and until so instructed by the attorney in charge of the privilege team. Privilege team lawyers should be available either on or off-site, to advise the agents during the course of the search, but should not participate in the search itself.

    The affidavit in support of the search warrant may attach any written instructions or, at a minimum, should generally state the government's intention to employ procedures designed to ensure that attorney-client privileges are not violated.

    If it is anticipated that computers will be searched or seized, prosecutors are expected to follow the procedures set forth in the current edition of Searching and Seizing Computers, published by CCIPS.

  6. Review Procedures. The following review procedures should be discussed prior to approval of any warrant, consistent with the practice in your district, the circumstances of the investigation and the volume of materials seized.
    • Who will conduct the review, i.e., a privilege team, a judicial officer, or a special master.
    • Whether all documents will be submitted to a judicial officer or special master or only those which a privilege team has determined to be arguably privileged or arguably subject to an exception to the privilege.
    • Whether copies of all seized materials will be provided to the subject attorney (or a legal representative) in order that: a) disruption of the law firm's operation is minimized; and b) the subject is afforded an opportunity to participate in the process of submitting disputed documents to the court by raising specific claims of privilege. To the extent possible, providing copies of seized records is encouraged, where such disclosure will not impede or obstruct the investigation.
    • Whether appropriate arrangements have been made for storage and handling of electronic evidence and procedures developed for searching computer data (i.e., procedures which recognize the universal nature of computer seizure and are designed to avoid review of materials implicating the privilege of innocent clients).
These guidelines are set forth solely for the purpose of internal Department of Justice guidance. They are not intended to, do not, and may not be relied upon to create any rights, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law by any party in any matter, civil or criminal, nor do they place any limitations on otherwise lawful investigative or litigative prerogatives of the Department of Justice.

See the Criminal Resource Manual at 265, for an attorney office search warrant form.

[updated October 2012] [cited in Criminal Resource Manual 265]
Poor thing, you might want to find out what fully adjudicated means. Zwaan is the only one it applies to.


I never mentioned fully adjudicated. You did. We have one conviction and sentencing- we have two guilty pleas- has the judge accepted them? If so- then I believe that they are also convicted. If not- well then we have 1 conviction- and 2 guilty pleas- in less than a year.

How long was the Whitewater investigation again?

What you don't have is the many convictions you claimed. Run along child you're boring me, Whitewarter is irrelevant.


Yeah- Whitewater is 'irrelevant' and then the next Contard snowflake steps up and whines "'times up for mueller"

I guess you aren't aware that the law authorizing the Starr investigation no longer exist. Starr was the reason congress allowed it to expire.


Hmmm I don't remember a rush of Republicans a year into the Whitewater investigation saying:

"Times up for Starr!"

Mueller however is still doing what Trump's political appointee asked him to do- and I can guarantee he will finish his investigation in less time than Whitewater.

And since I have been hearing from Trumpsters from the very beginning that Trump is not guilty of anything- then they should all look forward with eager anticipation Mueller's report that confirms that Trump is pure as the driven snow.

Still can't get it through your head that Mueller and Starr are/were operating under different laws. Mueller is going way past his mandate and is actively searching for things to investigate unrelated to it. That is a violation of the special counsel law, possible crimes to be investigated are supposed to be included in the authorization letter. The only possible crime listed in the letter was Russian interference with the election and possible coordination with US persons. Those indictments have already been handed down and it was made clear that no US person knowingly participated. The premise for the appointment has been satisfied, anything else discovered should be turned over to the DOJ for further action.


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