Time's Up For Mueller

It's time to end this nauseating Farce of an Investigation that has NOTHING at all to do with The False Claim of Russian Collusion. It is time for Mueller to come clean to The Public and justify exactly why his investigation should continue. And given the Prosecutorial misconduct in the past of both Mueller and many on his hand picked Partisan Team, I think it is appropriate if we are not going to End The Investigation, to call Mueller on the carpet and ask him why it should continue, given his original mandate is not even what he has been investigating.

Time for Mueller to lay it all out

The violent swings of the leaky pendulum make this an excellent moment to call timeout on the Mueller probe. What does he have, where is he going and when is he going to get there?

Those are basic questions that need to be answered. The American people deserve facts instead of waters muddied by partisanship, innuendo and special access to biased big-media companies.

Mueller’s team includes some active Democrats, and whether they are behind the anti-Trump leaks is, for the moment, beside the point. The point is that the leaks are creating a reality all their own about the investigation and the president.

It’s time to clear the air of rumor and speculation and put the facts on the record. It’s not as if the public has been impatient.

Is this a joke? mueller has not even hit a year yet. Just going by historical precedent we have a good five to six more years

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How long should it take to investigate a nothing burger?
False premise.

There have already been several indictments.

They are bullshit indictments.
No, they are real indictments with real charges that will Include jail time for real people. Manifort is looking at dying in prison.
no one is going to jail. the charges will all be dropped. just sit back and watch. See the dossier thingy is going to hang the whole thing. watch!!!!
Horseshit. 13 of the indictments aren't even Americans. The rest are bogus and have nothing to do with "collusion."

You know what's really great about this post? Is that it came less than 90 minutes later news broke of the FBI search warrant service on Cohen based on information originally discovered by Mueller but subsequently handed over to others in the DOJ for not being with the scope of Mueller's investigation. Pretty much proves that Mueller is keeping himself well contained.
Meuller is spending MY money he needs to shit or get off the pot already. Better yet the government moocher should find a real job.

But, but you said zero about the much more lengthy and expensive Clinton/Benghazi congressional investigation that yielded zip.
That is blatant hypocrisy on you part.
Cry me a frikken river! :boo_hoo14:

There was a basis for that investigation dummy a DEAD US ambassador hello earth to libtard.

What was learned in the 7th investigation that wasn’t known after the first one.

All of these investigations came to the same conclusions:

1. Neither Hillary nor Obama were at fault for what happened.

2. Neither of them lied about what happened.

3. There was no cover up.
the same thing. they were responsible for the deaths of four americans. we know this. why else blame a video?
Horseshit. 13 of the indictments aren't even Americans. The rest are bogus and have nothing to do with "collusion."

You know what's really great about this post? Is that it came less than 90 minutes later news broke of the FBI search warrant service on Cohen based on information originally discovered by Mueller but subsequently handed over to others in the DOJ for not being with the scope of Mueller's investigation. Pretty much proves that Mueller is keeping himself well contained.
why is that great?
Is this a joke? mueller has not even hit a year yet. Just going by historical precedent we have a good five to six more years

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
How long should it take to investigate a nothing burger?
False premise.

There have already been several indictments.

They are bullshit indictments.
No, they are real indictments with real charges that will Include jail time for real people. Manifort is looking at dying in prison.
no one is going to jail. the charges will all be dropped. just sit back and watch. See the dossier thingy is going to hang the whole thing. watch!!!!

How long should it take to investigate a nothing burger?
False premise.

There have already been several indictments.

They are bullshit indictments.
No, they are real indictments with real charges that will Include jail time for real people. Manifort is looking at dying in prison.
no one is going to jail. the charges will all be dropped. just sit back and watch. See the dossier thingy is going to hang the whole thing. watch!!!!

a dutch lawyer. hahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaaha too much fun.
Who cares if he finds no collusion or anything involving trump? He is finding a lot of crimes! Let him do his work
It's time to end this nauseating Farce of an Investigation that has NOTHING at all to do with The False Claim of Russian Collusion. It is time for Mueller to come clean to The Public and justify exactly why his investigation should continue. And given the Prosecutorial misconduct in the past of both Mueller and many on his hand picked Partisan Team, I think it is appropriate if we are not going to End The Investigation, to call Mueller on the carpet and ask him why it should continue, given his original mandate is not even what he has been investigating.

Time for Mueller to lay it all out

The violent swings of the leaky pendulum make this an excellent moment to call timeout on the Mueller probe. What does he have, where is he going and when is he going to get there?

Those are basic questions that need to be answered. The American people deserve facts instead of waters muddied by partisanship, innuendo and special access to biased big-media companies.

Mueller’s team includes some active Democrats, and whether they are behind the anti-Trump leaks is, for the moment, beside the point. The point is that the leaks are creating a reality all their own about the investigation and the president.

It’s time to clear the air of rumor and speculation and put the facts on the record. It’s not as if the public has been impatient.

Is this a joke? mueller has not even hit a year yet. Just going by historical precedent we have a good five to six more years

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
How long should it take to investigate a nothing burger?
False premise.

There have already been several indictments.

They are bullshit indictments.
No, they are real indictments with real charges that will Include jail time for real people. Manifort is looking at dying in prison.

Yeah, right, as if those Russians are ever going to spend a minute in jail. The charges against manafort will be thrown out because the evidence was obtained without a warrant. Herr Mewler's snipe hunt is a colossal flop.

Meuller is spending MY money he needs to shit or get off the pot already.

He's produced 100 indictments against 19 people and 3 companies. Sounds to me like needs some Imodium AD.

Better yet the government moocher should find a real job.

He left a high paying job as a partner in one of the most prestigious law firms in the country when offered the role of special prosecutor.

Lib please, randomly pick any 10 people in DC and spend $50 million dollars investigating them and you will get indictments that town is corrupt as hell. None of which has anything to do with president Trump.
Yes, because the important thing is that Mueller operates on whatever arbitrary timeline you have personally chosen.

Why should it operate on whatever arbitrary timeline and budget that he has chosen?

Investigations tend to operate on whatever timeline is necessary to be thorough and complete. So far, Mueller's investigation has produced 100 indictments of 19 people and 3 companies. That's a lot of crime he is uncovering and bringing forward for prosecution. We should all be glad to see these wrongdoings being brought to light.

It's a question, not premise. Look up the basic elements of logic.

Horseshit. 13 of the indictments aren't even Americans. The rest are bogus and have nothing to do with "collusion."

Yes, they do. If you bothered to read the indictments and supporting documents filed you’d see it.

The meeting in the Seychelles was all about collusion, as was the Trump Tower meeting. Gates was in direct contact with a Russian intelligence contact throughout the campaign and the transition.

You really need to keep up with the filings.
No one was indicted because of the meetings in the Seychelles or the meeting in Trump Tower. Furthermore, collusion isn't a crime. Gates plead to financial fraud, not collusion. He was also accused of lying to investigators about totally legal activities.

These charges are all smoke and mirrors designed to hide the fact that Herr Mewler has got nothing. His snipe hunt is a big failure.
In the real world, the office of trumps private lawyer was just raided.lol

Stormy Daniels' motion to depose Trump, Cohen denied


So let me get this straight. Daniels motion to depose The President and Cohen is denied because the judge ruled there was no grounds to. And The Deep State, Mueller unsatisfied with this goes and does an end around on that judge in a Civil proceeding and raids Cohen’s office?

What is The Probable Cause?

What crime did Cohen commit That Herr Mueller could raid an attorney’s office and confiscate materials that are attorney client privilege?



Speaking of which, why did Mueller illegally confiscate Manafort’s Lawyer’s Documents marked Attorny Client Privilege and has refused to return them despite not being able to cite a reason that he confiscated them for and is still illegally holding them in his possession.

He should be disbarred and removed on that action alone for prosecutorial misconduct.

Mueller is like a parasite on Lady Liberty’s ass.

Everything he is doing is in direct violation of Due Process, The Right to Privacy, Probable Cause Rules, Discovery Rukes, and of the rules and procedures that even allow for a Special Counsel.

If Sessions was doing his Job, Mueller would have been castrated by now.

And for you idiots who say, no big deal because There is No Collusion, that isn’t even remotely he point.

The mere Existence of
Mueller’s Investigation is improper and unconstitutional. He is setting new precedents for investigations based on bias, and unsubstantiated suspicions and multiple violations of Constitutional Rights of The Individual.
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Is this a joke? mueller has not even hit a year yet. Just going by historical precedent we have a good five to six more years

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
How long should it take to investigate a nothing burger?
False premise.

There have already been several indictments.

They are bullshit indictments.
No, they are real indictments with real charges that will Include jail time for real people. Manifort is looking at dying in prison.

Yeah, right, as if those Russians are ever going to spend a minute in jail. The charges against manafort will be thrown out because the evidence was obtained without a warrant. Herr Mewler's snipe hunt is a colossal flop.

You're whistling past the graveyard.
In the real world, the office of trumps private lawyer was just raided.lol


What crime did he commit That Herr Mueller could raid an atyormey’s office and confiscate materials that are attorney client privilege?



Mueller is like a parasite on Lady Liberty’s ass.

Everything he is doing is in direct violation of Due Process, The Right to Privacy, and of the rules and procedures that even allow for a Special Counsel.

Cohen's and Trump's public statements, and the transaction records, add up to a violation of campaign laws.
Do ya’ll think this is about Collusion and Trump?

It’s about Tearing up The Constitution and Legitimizing Political Witch Hunts conducted through Gross Violations of Constitutional Rights.

Imagine If Kenn Starr raided Clinton’s attorney’s offices when he was being investigated?

Imagine if Hillary Clinton’s Attorneys Offices were Raided when she was under Investigation for Benghazi, and The Clinton Foundation. Not her office, but her attorney’s and they confiscate Attorney Client Privilege Documents.

Imagine if Barak Obama’s Attorney’s Office was Raided when Congress was looking in to Fast & Furious.

That is Criminal and Prosecutorial Conduct.

Both Manafort and Cohen were fully cooperating with Herr Mueller. Neither of The Gestapo’s Pre Dawn Raids were justified.

Tell you where this is going. A Civil War if These Nazis keep on with this.
This COUP is far from over.
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Meuller is spending MY money he needs to shit or get off the pot already. Better yet the government moocher should find a real job.

But, but you said zero about the much more lengthy and expensive Clinton/Benghazi congressional investigation that yielded zip.
That is blatant hypocrisy on you part.
Cry me a frikken river! :boo_hoo14:

There was a basis for that investigation dummy a DEAD US ambassador hello earth to libtard.

Yet, nothing was found in the “witch hunt” came up empty regarding Clinton, zippo, nota nothing.
Hey genius, your point is moot.
Oh and by the way, i’m not stupid enough to vote for a slimeball for president. Not Trump or Clinton. Unlike you.
Yes, because the important thing is that Mueller operates on whatever arbitrary timeline you have personally chosen.

Why should it operate on whatever arbitrary timeline and budget that he has chosen?

Investigations tend to operate on whatever timeline is necessary to be thorough and complete. So far, Mueller's investigation has produced 100 indictments of 19 people and 3 companies. That's a lot of crime he is uncovering and bringing forward for prosecution. We should all be glad to see these wrongdoings being brought to light.
It has produced more indictments in less time then Benghazi.
Meuller is spending MY money he needs to shit or get off the pot already. Better yet the government moocher should find a real job.

But, but you said zero about the much more lengthy and expensive Clinton/Benghazi congressional investigation that yielded zip.
That is blatant hypocrisy on you part.
Cry me a frikken river! :boo_hoo14:

There was a basis for that investigation dummy a DEAD US ambassador hello earth to libtard.

Yet, nothing was found in the “witch hunt” came up empty regarding Clinton, zippo, nota nothing.
Hey genius, your point is moot.
Oh and by the way, i’m not stupid enough to vote for a slimeball for president. Not Trump or Clinton. Unlike you.

Hillary broke the law dozens of times, crimes that send common people to prison. The DC swamp let her off with a verbal warning, basically said yes Hillary was an idiot but she's a Dem elite so she gets a pass. Who you voted for is well boring to me. :itsok:
So you want everyone investigated except Trump.......

Rather telling.

Present your evidence that Trump did something wrong and needed to be investigated in the first place. :itsok:

Present your evidence that every person in Congress needs to be investigated. LOL.

Meanwhile- the Mueller investigation goes on- still three years shorter than the White Water investigation- and the Trumpsters have been crying like you since the beginning.

What are you so afraid Mueller is going to find out?

There was a basis for the White Water investigation, as there was a basis for investigating crooked Hillary's use of a home email server for classified government communications in violation of the law. You clowns had nothing on Trump. Trump won the election so the swamp investigated him in retaliation.

And by 'basis' you mean that because they were not Trump.

Like your Dear Leader you have nothing but school yard name calling.

Meh we won.
So you keep telling people.
Do ya’ll think this is about Collusion and Trump?

It’s about Tearing up The Constitution and Legitimizing Political Witch Hunts conducted through Gross Violations of Constitutional Rights.

Imagine If Kenn Starr raided Clinton’s attorney’s offices when he was being investigated?

Imagine if Hillary Clinton’s Attorneys Offices were Raided when she was under Investigation for Benghazi, and The Clinton Foundation. Not her office, but her attorney’s and they confiscate Attorney Client Privilege Documents.

Imagine if Barak Obama’s Attorney’s Office was Raided when Congress was looking in to Fast & Furious.

That is Criminal and Prosecutorial Conduct.

Both Manafort and Cohen were fully cooperating with Herr Mueller. Neither of The Gestapo’s Pre Dawn Raids were justified.

Tell you where this is going. A Civil War if These Nazis keep on with this.
This COUP is far from over.
You know what's truly sad is that these mentally retarded snowflakes don't even see what the problem with Herr Mewler's action is.

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