Time's Up For Mueller

To the Dipshits Defending Rosenstein, THAT SON OF A BITCH SHIT EATING FLAMER,

Rosenstein needs fired yesterday.

He is compromised by Russia and The Deep State.
Who cares if he finds no collusion or anything involving trump? He is finding a lot of crimes! Let him do his work
what crimes? haven't seen shit concerning the crime that resulted in the spying on Carter Page. why not?
The only Crime of Russian Collusion Mueller will find is if he sticks his head up Clinton's ass, because he isn't going to find it in Stormy Daniel's Cavernous Vagina.

He's a Desperate Nazi Storm Trooper and Nothing more.
Hmmm I don't remember a rush of Republicans a year into the Whitewater investigation saying:

"Times up for Starr!"

Mueller however is still doing what Trump's political appointee asked him to do- and I can guarantee he will finish his investigation in less time than Whitewater.

And since I have been hearing from Trumpsters from the very beginning that Trump is not guilty of anything- then they should all look forward with eager anticipation Mueller's report that confirms that Trump is pure as the driven snow.

Still can't get it through your head that Mueller and Starr are/were operating under different laws. Mueller is going way past his mandate and is actively searching for things to investigate unrelated to it. That is a violation of the special counsel law, possible crimes to be investigated are supposed to be included in the authorization letter. The only possible crime listed in the letter was Russian interference with the election and possible coordination with US persons. Those indictments have already been handed down and it was made clear that no US person knowingly participated. The premise for the appointment has been satisfied, anything else discovered should be turned over to the DOJ for further action.


When did I ever say that I thought they were the same laws? Oh wait- I didn't- you just were 'fantasizing'.

Like virtually every other part of your post.

Lets start with the first part- what Mueller was appointed to do- here is the appointment letter

View attachment 187231


note: 'any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation and

any other matters within the scope of 28 c.f.r. 600.4a- which says:

§ 600.4 Jurisdiction.
(a)Original jurisdiction. The jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall be established by the Attorney General. The Special Counsel will be provided with a specific factual statement of the matter to be investigated. The jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall also include the authority to investigate and prosecute federal crimes committed in the course of, and with intent to interfere with, the Special Counsel's investigation, such as perjury, obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence, and intimidation of witnesses; and to conduct appeals arising out of the matter being investigated and/or prosecuted.

So far Mueller seems to be following the threads that lead to Federal crimes- and when they lead outside of his jurisidiction- he is referring those threads to others- like the what just happened in New York.

Has the premise of the appointment been fulfilled? How do you know what Mueller hasn't told you yet?

Why didn't you post (b) and (c)?

(b)Additional jurisdiction. If in the course of his or her investigation the Special Counsel concludes that additional jurisdiction beyond that specified in his or her original jurisdiction is necessary in order to fully investigate and resolve the matters assigned, or to investigate new matters that come to light in the course of his or her investigation, he or she shall consult with the Attorney General, who will determine whether to include the additional matters within the Special Counsel's jurisdiction or assign them elsewhere.

(c)Civil and administrative jurisdiction. If in the course of his or her investigation the Special Counsel determines that administrative remedies, civil sanctions or other governmental action outside the criminal justice system might be appropriate, he or she shall consult with the Attorney General with respect to the appropriate component to take any necessary action. A Special Counsel shall not have civil or administrative authority unless specifically granted such jurisdiction by the Attorney General.

The fact is Rosenstein is allowing him to go far afield from his original mandate. Just proves why a Special Counsel shouldn't come from the swamp, too much familiarity with the other players.


And of course by the 'swamp' you mean a decorated combat veteran and veteran crime and terrorism battler.

But hey- the Trump way is to hire people from 'outside' the swamp- like ones with no experience at all in their position.

Because that is so effective.

Meanwhile- if Rosenstein believes that Mueller is acting outside of what Rosenstein authorized- he can fire him anytime he wants.

Or Rosenstein can just authorize what Mueller is doing.

Thanks for proving the primary point went way over your head.
Just proves why a Special Counsel shouldn't come from the swamp, too much familiarity with the other players.
Too much familiarity creates inherent conflicts of interest and possibly misplaced trust. It fails the appearance of fairness test.


And by 'too much familiarity' it appears you mean having actually been an investigator with relevant experience in the actual field.

But thanks for parroting Trump's tweets- very reliable.
The only Crime of Russian Collusion Mueller will find is if he sticks his head up Clinton's ass, because he isn't going to find it in Stormy Daniel's Cavernous Vagina.

He's a Desperate Nazi Storm Trooper and Nothing more.

Ah nothing like a loyal Trumpster to parrot Trump's hyperbole.

Mueller is a 'nazi' because he is a Republican appointed by a Republican to investigate a Republican and Russia.
The Nazis had plenty of relevant experience in the "actual field" when they sent their goons out in to the Former German Democratic Republic to Harass, Intimidate and Propagandize Communities, and then round up and SILENCE Dangerous Citizens (think Diamond and Silk of Facebook Fame) who only wanted to speak their minds and protest the loss of all of The Freedoms that The Wiemar Democratic Republic were losing due to The Nazi Party Bullying their way in to German Politics, and ultimate taking control of Germany and Abolishing Democracy and Destroying anyone who stood in their way when they dared to talk about Free Speech, Constitutional Rights, Due Process, The Right to Bear Arms, and any other dignified Human Rights, The Nazis were stamping out with their Goosestepping ways.

Herr Mueller is no different than they, and what we are seeing today, is 1932 all over again,.
BTW, Trolls, don't bother replying to my posts. Almost every one of you shit licking Obama and Clinton Storm Trooper Nazis are on IGNORE.
Still can't get it through your head that Mueller and Starr are/were operating under different laws. Mueller is going way past his mandate and is actively searching for things to investigate unrelated to it. That is a violation of the special counsel law, possible crimes to be investigated are supposed to be included in the authorization letter. The only possible crime listed in the letter was Russian interference with the election and possible coordination with US persons. Those indictments have already been handed down and it was made clear that no US person knowingly participated. The premise for the appointment has been satisfied, anything else discovered should be turned over to the DOJ for further action.

100% wrong as usual.
Mueller felt what he found on Cohen wasn’t in his scope so that’s why he brought it to the NY state officials. They made the decision to get a warrant to raid Cohen’s office because they felt a crime was committed.
All on the level.
Plus Mueller has the authority to go wherever he feels a crime was committed.
This has been explained to you speds time and time again yet you keep repeating the same nonsense.
When they put Al Capone in prison do you think his main crime they were pursuing was tax evasion?
Your devotion and love of Trump has ruined your mind.

Actually Mueller doesn't have that kind of discretion without approval of the AG, you're free to pretend he does but that doesn't comport with the law.

And you know that he didn't get approval of Rosenstein- how?

He got permission for the Manafort raid 2 weeks after the fact. Get a clue child.


So, boy, you are acknowledging that he got Rosenstein's approval.

Great- we are on the same page.

The law requires PRIOR approval.

Still can't get it through your head that Mueller and Starr are/were operating under different laws. Mueller is going way past his mandate and is actively searching for things to investigate unrelated to it. That is a violation of the special counsel law, possible crimes to be investigated are supposed to be included in the authorization letter. The only possible crime listed in the letter was Russian interference with the election and possible coordination with US persons. Those indictments have already been handed down and it was made clear that no US person knowingly participated. The premise for the appointment has been satisfied, anything else discovered should be turned over to the DOJ for further action.


When did I ever say that I thought they were the same laws? Oh wait- I didn't- you just were 'fantasizing'.

Like virtually every other part of your post.

Lets start with the first part- what Mueller was appointed to do- here is the appointment letter

View attachment 187231


note: 'any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation and

any other matters within the scope of 28 c.f.r. 600.4a- which says:

§ 600.4 Jurisdiction.
(a)Original jurisdiction. The jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall be established by the Attorney General. The Special Counsel will be provided with a specific factual statement of the matter to be investigated. The jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall also include the authority to investigate and prosecute federal crimes committed in the course of, and with intent to interfere with, the Special Counsel's investigation, such as perjury, obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence, and intimidation of witnesses; and to conduct appeals arising out of the matter being investigated and/or prosecuted.

So far Mueller seems to be following the threads that lead to Federal crimes- and when they lead outside of his jurisidiction- he is referring those threads to others- like the what just happened in New York.

Has the premise of the appointment been fulfilled? How do you know what Mueller hasn't told you yet?

Why didn't you post (b) and (c)?

(b)Additional jurisdiction. If in the course of his or her investigation the Special Counsel concludes that additional jurisdiction beyond that specified in his or her original jurisdiction is necessary in order to fully investigate and resolve the matters assigned, or to investigate new matters that come to light in the course of his or her investigation, he or she shall consult with the Attorney General, who will determine whether to include the additional matters within the Special Counsel's jurisdiction or assign them elsewhere.

(c)Civil and administrative jurisdiction. If in the course of his or her investigation the Special Counsel determines that administrative remedies, civil sanctions or other governmental action outside the criminal justice system might be appropriate, he or she shall consult with the Attorney General with respect to the appropriate component to take any necessary action. A Special Counsel shall not have civil or administrative authority unless specifically granted such jurisdiction by the Attorney General.

The fact is Rosenstein is allowing him to go far afield from his original mandate. Just proves why a Special Counsel shouldn't come from the swamp, too much familiarity with the other players.


And of course by the 'swamp' you mean a decorated combat veteran and veteran crime and terrorism battler.

But hey- the Trump way is to hire people from 'outside' the swamp- like ones with no experience at all in their position.

Because that is so effective.

Meanwhile- if Rosenstein believes that Mueller is acting outside of what Rosenstein authorized- he can fire him anytime he wants.

Or Rosenstein can just authorize what Mueller is doing.

Thanks for proving the primary point went way over your head.
Just proves why a Special Counsel shouldn't come from the swamp, too much familiarity with the other players.
Too much familiarity creates inherent conflicts of interest and possibly misplaced trust. It fails the appearance of fairness test.


And by 'too much familiarity' it appears you mean having actually been an investigator with relevant experience in the actual field.

But thanks for parroting Trump's tweets- very reliable.

You're apparently wrong, by familiarity I mean people they have worked with, known and been friends with for years, all running in the upper echelons of the DOJ. There are tons of qualified prosecutors all over the country that wouldn't apply to. Now feel free to deny that.

I guess you aren't aware that the law authorizing the Starr investigation no longer exist. Starr was the reason congress allowed it to expire.


Hmmm I don't remember a rush of Republicans a year into the Whitewater investigation saying:

"Times up for Starr!"

Mueller however is still doing what Trump's political appointee asked him to do- and I can guarantee he will finish his investigation in less time than Whitewater.

And since I have been hearing from Trumpsters from the very beginning that Trump is not guilty of anything- then they should all look forward with eager anticipation Mueller's report that confirms that Trump is pure as the driven snow.

Still can't get it through your head that Mueller and Starr are/were operating under different laws. Mueller is going way past his mandate and is actively searching for things to investigate unrelated to it. That is a violation of the special counsel law, possible crimes to be investigated are supposed to be included in the authorization letter. The only possible crime listed in the letter was Russian interference with the election and possible coordination with US persons. Those indictments have already been handed down and it was made clear that no US person knowingly participated. The premise for the appointment has been satisfied, anything else discovered should be turned over to the DOJ for further action.

100% wrong as usual.
Mueller felt what he found on Cohen wasn’t in his scope so that’s why he brought it to the NY state officials. They made the decision to get a warrant to raid Cohen’s office because they felt a crime was committed.
All on the level.
Plus Mueller has the authority to go wherever he feels a crime was committed.
This has been explained to you speds time and time again yet you keep repeating the same nonsense.
When they put Al Capone in prison do you think his main crime they were pursuing was tax evasion?
Your devotion and love of Trump has ruined your mind.

Actually Mueller doesn't have that kind of discretion without approval of the AG, you're free to pretend he does but that doesn't comport with the law.

And you know that he didn't get approval of Rosenstein- how?

I was mistaken, it was authorized a week after the raid.

Rosenstein’s memo was dated August 2, but Manafort’s home was raided seven days prior to July 26. This certainly makes it look like the DOJ was trying to justify their actions after the fact.

Secret Memo Suggests The Fix Was In For Paul Manafort From The Beginning

100% wrong as usual.
Mueller felt what he found on Cohen wasn’t in his scope so that’s why he brought it to the NY state officials. They made the decision to get a warrant to raid Cohen’s office because they felt a crime was committed.
All on the level.
Plus Mueller has the authority to go wherever he feels a crime was committed.
This has been explained to you speds time and time again yet you keep repeating the same nonsense.
When they put Al Capone in prison do you think his main crime they were pursuing was tax evasion?
Your devotion and love of Trump has ruined your mind.

Actually Mueller doesn't have that kind of discretion without approval of the AG, you're free to pretend he does but that doesn't comport with the law.

And you know that he didn't get approval of Rosenstein- how?

He got permission for the Manafort raid 2 weeks after the fact. Get a clue child.


So, boy, you are acknowledging that he got Rosenstein's approval.

Great- we are on the same page.

The law requires PRIOR approval.

(b)Additional jurisdiction. If in the course of his or her investigation the Special Counsel concludes that additional jurisdiction beyond that specified in his or her original jurisdiction is necessary in order to fully investigate and resolve the matters assigned, or to investigate new matters that come to light in the course of his or her investigation, he or she shall consult with the Attorney General, who will determine whether to include the additional matters within the Special Counsel's jurisdiction or assign them elsewhere.

Feel free to point that language out.
When did I ever say that I thought they were the same laws? Oh wait- I didn't- you just were 'fantasizing'.

Like virtually every other part of your post.

Lets start with the first part- what Mueller was appointed to do- here is the appointment letter

View attachment 187231


note: 'any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation and

any other matters within the scope of 28 c.f.r. 600.4a- which says:

§ 600.4 Jurisdiction.
(a)Original jurisdiction. The jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall be established by the Attorney General. The Special Counsel will be provided with a specific factual statement of the matter to be investigated. The jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall also include the authority to investigate and prosecute federal crimes committed in the course of, and with intent to interfere with, the Special Counsel's investigation, such as perjury, obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence, and intimidation of witnesses; and to conduct appeals arising out of the matter being investigated and/or prosecuted.

So far Mueller seems to be following the threads that lead to Federal crimes- and when they lead outside of his jurisidiction- he is referring those threads to others- like the what just happened in New York.

Has the premise of the appointment been fulfilled? How do you know what Mueller hasn't told you yet?

Why didn't you post (b) and (c)?

(b)Additional jurisdiction. If in the course of his or her investigation the Special Counsel concludes that additional jurisdiction beyond that specified in his or her original jurisdiction is necessary in order to fully investigate and resolve the matters assigned, or to investigate new matters that come to light in the course of his or her investigation, he or she shall consult with the Attorney General, who will determine whether to include the additional matters within the Special Counsel's jurisdiction or assign them elsewhere.

(c)Civil and administrative jurisdiction. If in the course of his or her investigation the Special Counsel determines that administrative remedies, civil sanctions or other governmental action outside the criminal justice system might be appropriate, he or she shall consult with the Attorney General with respect to the appropriate component to take any necessary action. A Special Counsel shall not have civil or administrative authority unless specifically granted such jurisdiction by the Attorney General.

The fact is Rosenstein is allowing him to go far afield from his original mandate. Just proves why a Special Counsel shouldn't come from the swamp, too much familiarity with the other players.


And of course by the 'swamp' you mean a decorated combat veteran and veteran crime and terrorism battler.

But hey- the Trump way is to hire people from 'outside' the swamp- like ones with no experience at all in their position.

Because that is so effective.

Meanwhile- if Rosenstein believes that Mueller is acting outside of what Rosenstein authorized- he can fire him anytime he wants.

Or Rosenstein can just authorize what Mueller is doing.

Thanks for proving the primary point went way over your head.
Just proves why a Special Counsel shouldn't come from the swamp, too much familiarity with the other players.
Too much familiarity creates inherent conflicts of interest and possibly misplaced trust. It fails the appearance of fairness test.


And by 'too much familiarity' it appears you mean having actually been an investigator with relevant experience in the actual field.

But thanks for parroting Trump's tweets- very reliable.

You're apparently wrong, by familiarity I mean people they have worked with, known and been friends with for years, all running in the upper echelons of the DOJ. There are tons of qualified prosecutors all over the country that wouldn't apply to. Now feel free to deny that.


There are certainly many prosecutors around the country that could possibly do the job.

But there are very, very few with the direct applicable experience that Robert Mueller has.

Which is why Republicans were falling all over each other congratulating the choice of Mueller when he was selected

House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah — who announced Tuesday that he was demanding from the FBI copies of memos written by former FBI director James Comey summarizing his conversations with President Trump — tweeted Wednesday that "Mueller is a great selection. Impeccable credentials. Should be widely accepted."

Republicans joined in the parade of praise for Mueller, undoubtedly relieved that Rosenstein’s decision would lift at least part of Trump’s political burden from their shoulders. GOP lawmakers have been hounded by reporters in recent days seeking their reactions to the latest bombshell media reports, and Mueller’s appointment allows them to defer to an investigation that now has bipartisan credibility. Representative Jason Chaffetz of Utah, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, called Mueller “a great selection” with “impeccable credentials.” Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, said the former FBI chief “has a strong reputation for independence, and comes with the right credentials for this job.” Senator Cory Gardner of Colorado said Mueller had “an incredible reputation.” “It’s the right decision,” he said Thursday morning at an event hosted by The Atlantic. “Let’s get the facts, let’s get the information, and let us proceed with all haste.”

Robert Mueller is superb choice to be special counsel. His reputation is impeccable for honesty and integrity. Media should now calm down

— Newt Gingrich (@newtgingrich) May 18, 2017

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY):

“I have a lot of confidence in Bob Mueller. I think it was a good choice
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Actually Mueller doesn't have that kind of discretion without approval of the AG, you're free to pretend he does but that doesn't comport with the law.

And you know that he didn't get approval of Rosenstein- how?

He got permission for the Manafort raid 2 weeks after the fact. Get a clue child.


So, boy, you are acknowledging that he got Rosenstein's approval.

Great- we are on the same page.

The law requires PRIOR approval.

(b)Additional jurisdiction. If in the course of his or her investigation the Special Counsel concludes that additional jurisdiction beyond that specified in his or her original jurisdiction is necessary in order to fully investigate and resolve the matters assigned, or to investigate new matters that come to light in the course of his or her investigation, he or she shall consult with the Attorney General, who will determine whether to include the additional matters within the Special Counsel's jurisdiction or assign them elsewhere.

Feel free to point that language out.

See the portion I put in bold.

Why didn't you post (b) and (c)?

(b)Additional jurisdiction. If in the course of his or her investigation the Special Counsel concludes that additional jurisdiction beyond that specified in his or her original jurisdiction is necessary in order to fully investigate and resolve the matters assigned, or to investigate new matters that come to light in the course of his or her investigation, he or she shall consult with the Attorney General, who will determine whether to include the additional matters within the Special Counsel's jurisdiction or assign them elsewhere.

(c)Civil and administrative jurisdiction. If in the course of his or her investigation the Special Counsel determines that administrative remedies, civil sanctions or other governmental action outside the criminal justice system might be appropriate, he or she shall consult with the Attorney General with respect to the appropriate component to take any necessary action. A Special Counsel shall not have civil or administrative authority unless specifically granted such jurisdiction by the Attorney General.

The fact is Rosenstein is allowing him to go far afield from his original mandate. Just proves why a Special Counsel shouldn't come from the swamp, too much familiarity with the other players.


And of course by the 'swamp' you mean a decorated combat veteran and veteran crime and terrorism battler.

But hey- the Trump way is to hire people from 'outside' the swamp- like ones with no experience at all in their position.

Because that is so effective.

Meanwhile- if Rosenstein believes that Mueller is acting outside of what Rosenstein authorized- he can fire him anytime he wants.

Or Rosenstein can just authorize what Mueller is doing.

Thanks for proving the primary point went way over your head.
Just proves why a Special Counsel shouldn't come from the swamp, too much familiarity with the other players.
Too much familiarity creates inherent conflicts of interest and possibly misplaced trust. It fails the appearance of fairness test.


And by 'too much familiarity' it appears you mean having actually been an investigator with relevant experience in the actual field.

But thanks for parroting Trump's tweets- very reliable.

You're apparently wrong, by familiarity I mean people they have worked with, known and been friends with for years, all running in the upper echelons of the DOJ. There are tons of qualified prosecutors all over the country that wouldn't apply to. Now feel free to deny that.


There are certainly many prosecutors around the country that could possibly do the job.

But there are very, very few with the direct applicable experience that Robert Mueller has.

You're free to pretend that's the case.

And you know that he didn't get approval of Rosenstein- how?

He got permission for the Manafort raid 2 weeks after the fact. Get a clue child.


So, boy, you are acknowledging that he got Rosenstein's approval.

Great- we are on the same page.

The law requires PRIOR approval.

(b)Additional jurisdiction. If in the course of his or her investigation the Special Counsel concludes that additional jurisdiction beyond that specified in his or her original jurisdiction is necessary in order to fully investigate and resolve the matters assigned, or to investigate new matters that come to light in the course of his or her investigation, he or she shall consult with the Attorney General, who will determine whether to include the additional matters within the Special Counsel's jurisdiction or assign them elsewhere.

Feel free to point that language out.

See the portion I put in bold.

You mean 'shall consult' ?

Where does it say before?
And of course by the 'swamp' you mean a decorated combat veteran and veteran crime and terrorism battler.

But hey- the Trump way is to hire people from 'outside' the swamp- like ones with no experience at all in their position.

Because that is so effective.

Meanwhile- if Rosenstein believes that Mueller is acting outside of what Rosenstein authorized- he can fire him anytime he wants.

Or Rosenstein can just authorize what Mueller is doing.

Thanks for proving the primary point went way over your head.
Just proves why a Special Counsel shouldn't come from the swamp, too much familiarity with the other players.
Too much familiarity creates inherent conflicts of interest and possibly misplaced trust. It fails the appearance of fairness test.


And by 'too much familiarity' it appears you mean having actually been an investigator with relevant experience in the actual field.

But thanks for parroting Trump's tweets- very reliable.

You're apparently wrong, by familiarity I mean people they have worked with, known and been friends with for years, all running in the upper echelons of the DOJ. There are tons of qualified prosecutors all over the country that wouldn't apply to. Now feel free to deny that.


There are certainly many prosecutors around the country that could possibly do the job.

But there are very, very few with the direct applicable experience that Robert Mueller has.

You're free to pretend that's the case.

Sure- just as you are free to pretend that Mueller is biased and that Mueller is not acting within his lawful authority.

Or that Trump associates haven't already plead guilty to breaking the law.
The more this Hoax goes on. The better it will be since all these wasted tax payer dollars are being flushed by the Mueller DNC team.
He got permission for the Manafort raid 2 weeks after the fact. Get a clue child.


So, boy, you are acknowledging that he got Rosenstein's approval.

Great- we are on the same page.

The law requires PRIOR approval.

(b)Additional jurisdiction. If in the course of his or her investigation the Special Counsel concludes that additional jurisdiction beyond that specified in his or her original jurisdiction is necessary in order to fully investigate and resolve the matters assigned, or to investigate new matters that come to light in the course of his or her investigation, he or she shall consult with the Attorney General, who will determine whether to include the additional matters within the Special Counsel's jurisdiction or assign them elsewhere.

Feel free to point that language out.

See the portion I put in bold.

You mean 'shall consult' ?

Where does it say before?

How does the AG decide to have someone else do it, after?


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