Tipping in Resturants

It is a shame to see so many misers in this thread when it comes to tipping. A 10% tip for good service!? Absurd.
Norm 30 years ago.

Who gives a shit what the norm for tipping was 30 years? The norm today for good service is 15% and 20%+ for exceptional service.

I range from 25% to 5% depending on service.
Although I've been known to go as high as 50% if the drinks are right and the waitress is hot.:biggrin:
Said the neo Jaba the hut Nero Robot messaging huge swollen belly with a belt sander. I can't afford mac D's any more, let alone Puck's. Jolly good for you.

Why are going to restaurants with waitstaff if you can't even afford McDonald's?
The whole food/ restaurant/ hospitality industry needs to be overhauled IF they they can excuse not paying their employees a fair wage like any other industry, and make their employees depend on what amounts to hands outs or charity. Jesus, this isn't 19th century, why is this still lingering in America?
You need to get out of the whole wage mindset. In case you missed it, most wait staff make a great deal more than the normal minimum wage earner. They just have to bust their ass for it. I suppose you're against that too.
The whole tipping thing works to my advantage because I'm a middle-aged white man. Servers know that middle-aged white men are the best tippers, and I always get the best service because of this. Of course, I always give very generous tips, way more than expected.
Good for you. Some people spend a lot of money on buying trivial things, just not my gig.
You've already paid the restaurant owner, and everyone in the chain behind him, the farmer, the food distributor, the napkin manufacturer, they are all paid.

What you're doing is stealing from the poor man who brought you your meal. Shame on you.
I didnt tip the bank teller, my Gardner, the cashier at the grocery store, the cashier at Khols, the guy who brought me my chicken sandwhich at Chick Fil A, etc etc.

You dont tip the gardener,the trash guys and your maid service at Christmas time?
I guess progressives will never be happy until all time honored and ancient traditions are erased from our lives. Only robots and sheep can bring them fulfillment.
More elitist wish fulfillment to eliminate ways for the unwashed masses to make a living. The hospitality industry is antiquated and arcane............probably only deplorables and misfits work in this dying industry. Service worker bashing? Isn't that politically incorrect.

May the spaghetti that server spills in your lap be really hot.
Is tipping a form of extortion? We don't want to piss off the people that make our food. Maybe one more reason NOT to go to a restaurant anymore. No soup for me! I will make my own damned soup.
The people who make the food don't get tipped. IT is also why tips are done at the end of the meal.
I range from 25% to 5% depending on service.
Although I've been known to go as high as 50% if the drinks are right and the waitress is hot.:biggrin:

I am a solid 20% tipper. If the service is awesome, it's even more. I put myself through university behind the bar and on the floor of restaurants.
I generally tip between 20-30 percent. I can afford it, and I worked my way through college as a waiter.

The only exception I have is for rude servers. I can forgive mistakes, but not rudeness.
The whole tipping thing works to my advantage because I'm a middle-aged white man. Servers know that middle-aged white men are the best tippers, and I always get the best service because of this. Of course, I always give very generous tips, way more than expected.
Good for you. Some people spend a lot of money on buying trivial things, just not my gig.
You've already paid the restaurant owner, and everyone in the chain behind him, the farmer, the food distributor, the napkin manufacturer, they are all paid.

What you're doing is stealing from the poor man who brought you your meal. Shame on you.
I didnt tip the bank teller, my Gardner, the cashier at the grocery store, the cashier at Khols, the guy who brought me my chicken sandwhich at Chick Fil A, etc etc.

You dont tip the gardener,the trash guys and your maid service at Christmas time?
Those are Christmas gifts to friends. You buy every cashier who takes your money a gift or tip?
First, let me say I have zero desire to be a waiter. I don't think I could do what they do for a living. They are providing a service that I respect and need. 99% of waiters and waitresses I see do a great job.

That said, I think tipping should be obsoleted in the US. New Zealand no one tips. They earn their income based upon a wage they agree to when they hire on.

I've watched the "proper" tipping amount go from 10% to 15% to now 20% of the bill. At the high cost of restaurant food, these people are making a killing. A local restaurant owner here I liked had to close - his servers were earning more than he was. That said, I top 10% at most.

Tipping is a scam.

Tipping is voluntary. You can tip whatever you like.

But if you only tip 10%, every waiter or bartender who has ever served you thinks you're an asshole.
Because you're a good sheep. Next year it'll be 30%.
Yours are more like Quack Quack. Please, let's not get personal, I was accurately describing your avatar, for I all know ,you are a lithe godlike Apollo that uses a character from Futurama as a avatar. I can't afford to eat at most any restaurants anymore, and I prefer to cook my own food. You do what you like, girlfriend. You want to overpay for something, I won't stop you.
I generally tip between 20-30 percent. I can afford it, and I worked my way through college as a waiter.

The only exception I have is for rude servers. I can forgive mistakes, but not rudeness.
I worked my way thru college doing drafting. Making the world better with advanced technology. Never got a tip.

Do you want a cookie for that?
hey agreed to work there. Or are you aware of slaves being used somewhere?

That's a pretty lame excuse to justify being a cheapskate. "Oh, they agreed to work there, so me giving the waitstaff a 10% tip for good service is really on them." lol
The whole tipping thing works to my advantage because I'm a middle-aged white man. Servers know that middle-aged white men are the best tippers, and I always get the best service because of this. Of course, I always give very generous tips, way more than expected.
Good for you. Some people spend a lot of money on buying trivial things, just not my gig.
You've already paid the restaurant owner, and everyone in the chain behind him, the farmer, the food distributor, the napkin manufacturer, they are all paid.

What you're doing is stealing from the poor man who brought you your meal. Shame on you.
I didnt tip the bank teller, my Gardner, the cashier at the grocery store, the cashier at Khols, the guy who brought me my chicken sandwhich at Chick Fil A, etc etc.

You dont tip the gardener,the trash guys and your maid service at Christmas time?
Those are Christmas gifts to friends. You buy every cashier who takes your money a gift or tip?

Hell,I dont even know the names of my trash guys,and I wouldnt call any of them friends.
I have a working relationship with them like I do the waiters at my favorite places. They'll take any damn thing I put on the curb even if they can say no. That deserves a little extra.
And if I cant justify tipping my gardener or maid they wont be working for me for very long.
hey agreed to work there. Or are you aware of slaves being used somewhere?

That's a pretty lame excuse to justify being a cheapskate. "Oh, they agreed to work there, so me giving the waitstaff a 10% tip for good service is really on them." lol
hey agreed to work there. Or are you aware of slaves being used somewhere?

That's a pretty lame excuse to justify being a cheapskate. "Oh, they agreed to work there, so me giving the waitstaff a 10% tip for good service is really on them." lol
Why is it being cheap to not pay someone $10 for each person at the table when all they did was take our orders and carry our plates?
I can't afford to eat at most any restaurants anymore, and I prefer to cook my own food. You do what you like, girlfriend. You want to overpay for something, I won't stop you.

We don't go out to eat very often. I love spending time in the kitchen and consider cooking almost therapeutic. It's a stress reliever.
hey agreed to work there. Or are you aware of slaves being used somewhere?

That's a pretty lame excuse to justify being a cheapskate. "Oh, they agreed to work there, so me giving the waitstaff a 10% tip for good service is really on them." lol
That sounds more like rationalizing than reasoning. People deserve to be abused if they will take it. Yep, that's just delusional self enforcing reasoning.
Good for you. Some people spend a lot of money on buying trivial things, just not my gig.
You've already paid the restaurant owner, and everyone in the chain behind him, the farmer, the food distributor, the napkin manufacturer, they are all paid.

What you're doing is stealing from the poor man who brought you your meal. Shame on you.
I didnt tip the bank teller, my Gardner, the cashier at the grocery store, the cashier at Khols, the guy who brought me my chicken sandwhich at Chick Fil A, etc etc.

You dont tip the gardener,the trash guys and your maid service at Christmas time?
Those are Christmas gifts to friends. You buy every cashier who takes your money a gift or tip?

Hell,I dont even know the names of my trash guys,and I wouldnt call any of them friends.
I have a working relationship with them like I do the waiters at my favorite places. They'll take any damn thing I put on the curb even if they can say no. That deserves a little extra.
And if I cant justify tipping my gardener or maid they wont be working for me for very long.
Got to be friends with some service people in New Zealand. Like I said, they all had zero expectations of any tips yet treated my wife and I like we were royalty. It's rare here in 20% tipping US.

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