Tipping in Resturants

Is this tipping stuff a way to excuse underpaying someone, or is it supposed to be like extra reward for just doing your job well to begin with? Like a commission but for poor people? I never understood why we have tipping. But now that they are raising the minimum wage, that will fix everything. Well, until the cost of living goes up, then we're back to square one...Chasing our tails.
If I'm paying $50 a plate, why should I pay $10 just to have it brought to me?
This is one reason why fine dinning is in decline, if we are placed in a moral quandary just to dine on fine cuisine, I would rather ...buy my OWN food and prepare my OWN meal.
Hell, the hamburger joints cost you $12 a meal. But you don't tip fast food. Yet. No reason a sit down restaurant server should get tipped.

I disagree.
I gladly tip well because I know I'll get good service when I return.
I say your delusional. A good service person will treat you well no matter what.

You're gonna rely on the work ethic of todays youth to get good service?:lmao:
It angers me on a very personal level to see people say that tips should not be given. Waiting tables and bartending are SHIT jobs and tips are the only thing that make these jobs worth having. People who could otherwise not survive because they are unqualified for other jobs are dependent on tips. It's like stealing money from a poor person not to give a tip.
Is this tipping stuff a way to excuse underpaying someone, or is it supposed to be like extra reward for just doing your job well to begin with? Like a commission but for poor people? I never understood why we have tipping. But now that they are raising the minimum wage, that will fix everything. Well, until the cost of living goes up, then we're back to square one...Chasing our tails.

There are exceptions to the minimum wages laws. Wait staff typically make less than half of minimum wage as an hourly pay. They make up the difference in tips. The hospitality industry has to change it. And they won't, because right now they can legally pay someone less than minimum wage. And the wait staff will get screwed because it will be taxed if they pay them minimum wage. Nobody wins except the Mr. Pinks out there.
That is true, I forgot about that. HOW can anyone excuse paying these people less than minimum wage?

The federal minimum for tipped employees is like $2.20 or something. That is if they make $30 in tips. If not, the employer is supposed to bring their pay up to minimum wage. But that never happens.
It sure doesn't. I had two cousin's who, in the early 80's, worked at a popular truck stop in the Amana Colonies in Iowa. They put themeselves through the University of Iowa debt free working as waitresses.
If I'm paying $50 a plate, why should I pay $10 just to have it brought to me?
This is one reason why fine dinning is in decline, if we are placed in a moral quandary just to dine on fine cuisine, I would rather ...buy my OWN food and prepare my OWN meal.
Hell, the hamburger joints cost you $12 a meal. But you don't tip fast food. Yet. No reason a sit down restaurant server should get tipped.

I disagree.
I gladly tip well because I know I'll get good service when I return.
I say your delusional. A good service person will treat you well no matter what.

You're gonna rely on the work ethic of todays youth to get good service?:lmao:
Like I said, best service I have ever got was in nations where tipping is not practiced.
It angers me on a very personal level to see people say that tips should not be given. Waiting tables and bartending are SHIT jobs and tips are the only thing that make these jobs worth having. People who could otherwise not survive because they are unqualified for other jobs are dependent on tips. It's like stealing money from a poor person not to give a tip.
People in New Zealand do not tip. Happiest servers I've seen.
It angers me on a very personal level to see people say that tips should not be given. Waiting tables and bartending are SHIT jobs and tips are the only thing that make these jobs worth having. People who could otherwise not survive because they are unqualified for other jobs are dependent on tips. It's like stealing money from a poor person not to give a tip.
Well, I wouldn't go that far. No tip should ever be given for poor service, regardless of the person's situation. Companies that make gratuity mandatory on their bill are also unethical.
cheap asses like yall tipping 10 % need to stay at the drive thrus
10% used to be for exceptional service.

So why should the percent go up? It's a damn percentage!

Have never heard of exceptional service equating to 10%. Not even normal service. Not in my lifetime.
That's because your a Millenial. Sometime in the 80's when I was not looking it went to 15%. Then I blinked again and it went to 20%.
This is one reason why fine dinning is in decline, if we are placed in a moral quandary just to dine on fine cuisine, I would rather ...buy my OWN food and prepare my OWN meal.
Hell, the hamburger joints cost you $12 a meal. But you don't tip fast food. Yet. No reason a sit down restaurant server should get tipped.

I disagree.
I gladly tip well because I know I'll get good service when I return.
I say your delusional. A good service person will treat you well no matter what.

You're gonna rely on the work ethic of todays youth to get good service?:lmao:
Like I said, best service I have ever got was in nations where tipping is not practiced.

I guess that reflects on American youth more than anything.
Is this tipping stuff a way to excuse underpaying someone, or is it supposed to be like extra reward for just doing your job well to begin with? Like a commission but for poor people? I never understood why we have tipping. But now that they are raising the minimum wage, that will fix everything. Well, until the cost of living goes up, then we're back to square one...Chasing our tails.

There are exceptions to the minimum wages laws. Wait staff typically make less than half of minimum wage as an hourly pay. They make up the difference in tips. The hospitality industry has to change it. And they won't, because right now they can legally pay someone less than minimum wage. And the wait staff will get screwed because it will be taxed if they pay them minimum wage. Nobody wins except the Mr. Pinks out there.
That is true, I forgot about that. HOW can anyone excuse paying these people less than minimum wage?

The federal minimum for tipped employees is like $2.20 or something. That is if they make $30 in tips. If not, the employer is supposed to bring their pay up to minimum wage. But that never happens.
OK. That's a calculus I can't wrap my mind around. So, until I can understand that, help me here, WHY is the Hospitality industry outside any other American Employer/employee relationship?
I guess progressives will never be happy until all time honored and ancient traditions are erased from our lives. Only robots and sheep can bring them fulfillment.
More elitist wish fulfillment to eliminate ways for the unwashed masses to make a living. The hospitality industry is antiquated and arcane............probably only deplorables and misfits work in this dying industry. Service worker bashing? Isn't that politically incorrect.

May the spaghetti that server spills in your lap be really hot.
Hell, the hamburger joints cost you $12 a meal. But you don't tip fast food. Yet. No reason a sit down restaurant server should get tipped.

I disagree.
I gladly tip well because I know I'll get good service when I return.
I say your delusional. A good service person will treat you well no matter what.

You're gonna rely on the work ethic of todays youth to get good service?:lmao:
Like I said, best service I have ever got was in nations where tipping is not practiced.

I guess that reflects on American youth more than anything.
Agreed, that's why I don't like it. People expect me to pay a lot of money to just hand me a plate. I wish America would phase it out. Pay the servers a competitive salary and be done with it.
The whole tipping thing works to my advantage because I'm a middle-aged white man. Servers know that middle-aged white men are the best tippers, and I always get the best service because of this. Of course, I always give very generous tips, way more than expected.
I disagree.
I gladly tip well because I know I'll get good service when I return.
I say your delusional. A good service person will treat you well no matter what.

You're gonna rely on the work ethic of todays youth to get good service?:lmao:
Like I said, best service I have ever got was in nations where tipping is not practiced.

I guess that reflects on American youth more than anything.
Agreed, that's why I don't like it. People expect me to pay a lot of money to just hand me a plate. I wish America would phase it out. Pay the servers a competitive salary and be done with it.

I like the tip system.
If restaurants have to jack up prices to cover the increased wage where's your savings?
I'd rather give it to the hard working people who deserve it,not the "I'm gonna do just enough not to get fired" crowd.
cheap asses like yall tipping 10 % need to stay at the drive thrus
10% used to be for exceptional service.

So why should the percent go up? It's a damn percentage!

Have never heard of exceptional service equating to 10%. Not even normal service. Not in my lifetime.
That's because your a Millenial. Sometime in the 80's when I was not looking it went to 15%. Then I blinked again and it went to 20%.

A "millennial"?? :rofl:

Dood, you know dirt? I invented that. I had white hair 33 years before the millennium.
"Millennial" my ass. You tried to float a strawman, and you got called on it. Young whippersnapper.
The whole tipping thing works to my advantage because I'm a middle-aged white man. Servers know that middle-aged white men are the best tippers, and I always get the best service because of this. Of course, I always give very generous tips, way more than expected.
Good for you. Some people spend a lot of money on buying trivial things, just not my gig.
I say your delusional. A good service person will treat you well no matter what.

You're gonna rely on the work ethic of todays youth to get good service?:lmao:
Like I said, best service I have ever got was in nations where tipping is not practiced.

I guess that reflects on American youth more than anything.
Agreed, that's why I don't like it. People expect me to pay a lot of money to just hand me a plate. I wish America would phase it out. Pay the servers a competitive salary and be done with it.

I like the tip system.
If restaurants have to jack up prices to cover the increased wage where's your savings?
I'd rather give it to the hard working people who deserve it,not the "I'm gonna do just enough not to get fired" crowd.
Because everyone does it.
The whole tipping thing works to my advantage because I'm a middle-aged white man. Servers know that middle-aged white men are the best tippers, and I always get the best service because of this. Of course, I always give very generous tips, way more than expected.
Good for you. Some people spend a lot of money on buying trivial things, just not my gig.
You've already paid the restaurant owner, and everyone in the chain behind him, the farmer, the food distributor, the napkin manufacturer, they are all paid.

What you're doing is stealing from the poor man who brought you your meal. Shame on you.
The whole food/ restaurant/ hospitality industry needs to be overhauled IF they they can excuse not paying their employees a fair wage like any other industry, and make their employees depend on what amounts to hands outs or charity. Jesus, this isn't 19th century, why is this still lingering in America?

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