Tired of hearing about Trump's tax returns?...Just wait...

I started to read the diatribe in the OP but quickly glanced at the bottom and there was no attached .pdf file of the originator's own tax forms so gave up on the whole thing as just another sponsored junk post.

Carry on.

Elect me President and I will provide my tax returns just like every President since Nixon

Wow!!! So, the last 8 out of 45? A whopping 18%!!!!

Try again....The 16th Amendment took effect in 1913

The 16th amendment requires people to disclose t heir tax returns? Who knew???

You crack me up sometimes.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
It seems the only place I ever hear about Trump's taxes are here. A bunch of poor losers, crying and whining how Trump really isn't President, yet there he is, in the WH and it matters not that he got elected and the left can't accept the fact. Go on and believe what a bad guy Trump is, the jealousy, bigotry, and hate. Just makes the left seem that more dense.
Why are folks so obsessed with the dude's taxes? Is it really that important? Personally, i don't care at all about how much taxes he did or didn't pay. That's his business. I don't obsess over others' personal finances. I'm only concerned about him getting tax cuts done for the People. Hopefully, he'll be successful on that.

Are you at all interested to learn IF Trump has huge loans from overseas' banks? Yes or No?

Are you at all interested to learn IF trump's tax reform proposals would mean his abolishing the tax loop holes that have made him avoid much of his own tax burden? Yes or No?

You won't get a straight answer. A friend of mine who was an atty for the IRS said his returns would answer those questions exactly.

Except there is no law requiring him to release his returns, so it does not matter what you or an attorney think.
If people didn't give enough of a shit about this to the point he got elected they likely give less of a shit now.

How the left fails to grasp this simple point I have no idea.

If hillary had won and the pubs were still whining about her emails the logic would be the same.

The people already spoke on this issue and they don't give enough of a shit for this issue to get meaningful traction.....
the republicans fail to grasp the fact that donnie didn't actually "win." He suffered and outstanding blow, one of the worsts in history. Donnie is in office because it was handed to him by the electoral college. Kind of like the biggest "participation trophy" that ever existed. You lost by 3 million votes, but here's the white house.
People do care about his taxes, which is why there were more protests on tax weekend.

You're right, the people did speak.. the people chose hillary, overwhelmingly.

Are you really this stupid?

Did you flunk high school civics?

Damn, progressives must be the dumbest creatures on this planet.
I actually have multiple history degrees. Which is why my posts contain more than - "dumb dumb dummy dumb you dumb i dumb we all dumb dumb dumb"

Grade School and Junior High?

Now take a damn civics class so you won't look like an idiot when speaking on how one wins the election for POTUS.

What'd he do? Go back and take the same curriculum over and over again graduating in the same thing multiple times?

Who does that?
If people didn't give enough of a shit about this to the point he got elected they likely give less of a shit now.

How the left fails to grasp this simple point I have no idea.

If hillary had won and the pubs were still whining about her emails the logic would be the same.

The people already spoke on this issue and they don't give enough of a shit for this issue to get meaningful traction.....
the republicans fail to grasp the fact that donnie didn't actually "win." He suffered and outstanding blow, one of the worsts in history. Donnie is in office because it was handed to him by the electoral college. Kind of like the biggest "participation trophy" that ever existed. You lost by 3 million votes, but here's the white house.
People do care about his taxes, which is why there were more protests on tax weekend.

You're right, the people did speak.. the people chose hillary, overwhelmingly.

Are you really this stupid?

Did you flunk high school civics?

Damn, progressives must be the dumbest creatures on this planet.
I actually have multiple history degrees. Which is why my posts contain more than - "dumb dumb dummy dumb you dumb i dumb we all dumb dumb dumb"

Grade School and Junior High?

Now take a damn civics class so you won't look like an idiot when speaking on how one wins the election for POTUS.
BA/MA dipshit. I am fully aware how elections are run. You simply did not read my message for content, you read it to respond with mindless drivel talking points instead of a well thought out response. Mission accomplished.
Yes, it is highly unlikely that the Trumpster will ever release his tax returns and, ultimately, that will be a "good" thing....but not for the Trump acolytes.

Never mind that those "loyal" advisers in the WH like to bullshit us in stating over and over again, "promises made, promises kept" by the orange clown...somewhere along the memory trail, even Trump backers remember what he said about releasing those damning tax returns.

However, Trump's stubborn stance on those returns tell us TWO important facts:

First, the charlatan may well know that he will NOT run in 2020, given his record of lies and false promises, and

Second, that his proposed tax "reform" plan stands little chance of ever becoming a reality backed by even his own right-leaning congress since all indications of such tax reform policies seem to back the reality that these reforms will benefit the very rich.....like him.

You little Goebbels will spew hatred regardless of all else. Whether about taxes or his 13 year old son, you WILL spew your hate.

Hey, you're fascists, hate is what you do.
Trump knows full well his drones are dumber than a bag of hammers.

Seriously, who believes " I can't turn over my returns, I'm being audited" ???

Only really stupid people would think ignoring the advice of attorneys is a sound course of action.
the republicans fail to grasp the fact that donnie didn't actually "win." He suffered and outstanding blow, one of the worsts in history. Donnie is in office because it was handed to him by the electoral college. Kind of like the biggest "participation trophy" that ever existed. You lost by 3 million votes, but here's the white house.
People do care about his taxes, which is why there were more protests on tax weekend.

You're right, the people did speak.. the people chose hillary, overwhelmingly.

Oh, he didn't win?

Damn, what you learn from regressive retards.

ALERT - the mnidless fuck who hasn't a HINT OF A CLUE how the electoral process works, TEACHES YOUR CHILDREN. You want to know what is wrong with America, think about this.

Aries, a person SO FUCKING IGNORANT and uneducated that he lacks any grasp of how a presidential election works, is teaching peoples children. A prime example of child abuse.
Why are folks so obsessed with the dude's taxes? Is it really that important? Personally, i don't care at all about how much taxes he did or didn't pay. That's his business. I don't obsess over others' personal finances. I'm only concerned about him getting tax cuts done for the People. Hopefully, he'll be successful on that.
People are concerned about his tax returns because he is an international businessman with financial ties all over the globe. The people need to know where those ties are if we are suppose to trust that he is acting in our best interests and not his own. That's why presidents before have revealed their taxes, that's why there is a precedent for such, that is why people wanted him to divest (which he did not).
Trump cares little about cutting your taxes. The wealthiest Americans will get the biggest cuts, like under every other republican leader.
BA/MA dipshit. I am fully aware how elections are run. You simply did not read my message for content, you read it to respond with mindless drivel talking points instead of a well thought out response. Mission accomplished.

Yet too fucking stupid to know how the election process works? :eek:

Did you get your MA by sending in box tops from cereal?
Except there is no law requiring him to release his returns, so it does not matter what you or an attorney think.

True.......and the cloud that hangs over trump for REFUSING to show if he has ties to foreign banks, etc. will be a valuable reason for him to NOT being elected.....

After all, the Trump 2020 campaign would have to include the following statement:

"Although ALL presidential candidates since Nixon have shared their tax returns with the electorate.....I, Donald J. Trump REFUSE to show them to you because.....well, because I AM a Trump and you're not...."
Yes, it is highly unlikely that the Trumpster will ever release his tax returns and, ultimately, that will be a "good" thing....but not for the Trump acolytes.

Never mind that those "loyal" advisers in the WH like to bullshit us in stating over and over again, "promises made, promises kept" by the orange clown...somewhere along the memory trail, even Trump backers remember what he said about releasing those damning tax returns.

However, Trump's stubborn stance on those returns tell us TWO important facts:

First, the charlatan may well know that he will NOT run in 2020, given his record of lies and false promises, and

Second, that his proposed tax "reform" plan stands little chance of ever becoming a reality backed by even his own right-leaning congress since all indications of such tax reform policies seem to back the reality that these reforms will benefit the very rich.....like him.

Trump stated last week he will not move ahead with tax reform--until Obamacare is repealed and replaced--LOL That's not going to happen. As John Boehner laughed and stated--Republicans NEVER agree on health care.
Report: John Boehner says Obamacare won't be repealed and replaced

BUT you will see Trump's tax returns. Recently Republicans in the Ways & Means committee refused to obtain them, but when Democrats take over the house in 2018--they are going to have no problems getting them. (That is if Trump hasn't been impeached as yet.)
Republicans block Dem effort to get Trump's tax returns

So make certain to vote for Democrats in 2018 (the midterm election). If they make the majority in the house--they will obtain Trump's income tax returns.


Really releasing several years of the most recent returns should be mandatory for anyone seeking any elected office. The purpose is not to see how much money someone made or how much they paid in taxes. The reason is to look for Conflicts of Interest, and Trump has a ton of those.


The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution
You little Goebbels will spew hatred regardless of all else. Whether about taxes or his 13 year old son, you WILL spew your hate.

Hey, you're fascists, hate is what you do.

What a fucking moron you must be (but you already knew that)....Are you comparing criticizing the orange fuck head's refusal to show his tax returns to making hateful statements against his son?

is THAT your fucked up claim?
What a fucking moron you must be (but you already know that)....Are you comparing criticizing the orange fuck head's refusal to show his tax returns to making hateful statements against his son?

is THAT your fucked up claim?

There has no been one day since his inauguration that you and the other feral baboons have not run around this board, shrieking and flinging shit. What you are OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA about makes no difference, as long as you are spewing your mindless hatred.

Hey, you're a Brownshirt, a thug. You don't think, you hate - it's ALL you do.
There has no been one day since his inauguration that you and the other feral baboons have not run around this board, shrieking and flinging shit. What you are OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA about makes no difference, as long as you are spewing your mindless hatred.

Hey, you're a Brownshirt, a thug. You don't think, you hate - it's ALL you do

Here's a reminder about "hatred', fuck head......LOL,

Except there is no law requiring him to release his returns, so it does not matter what you or an attorney think.

True.......and the cloud that hangs over trump for REFUSING to show if he has ties to foreign banks, etc. will be a valuable reason for him to NOT being elected.....

After all, the Trump 2020 campaign would have to include the following statement:

"Although ALL presidential candidates since Nixon have shared their tax returns with the electorate.....I, Donald J. Trump REFUSE to show them to you because.....well, because I AM a Trump and you're not...."

The only cloud is the one in your head. Geeze.. grow up.
There has no been one day since his inauguration that you and the other feral baboons have not run around this board, shrieking and flinging shit. What you are OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA about makes no difference, as long as you are spewing your mindless hatred.

Hey, you're a Brownshirt, a thug. You don't think, you hate - it's ALL you do

Here's a reminder about "hatred', fuck head......LOL,


That's hilarious.
If that is "wide"

What do you call the margins Obama won by?

If I recall correctly, Trump won the EC votes by a margin of 12%...FDR beat his opponents with a 25-26% margin......What right winger must be thinking when they state "wide" must be about trump's waist size.

Actually it was a bit more than 14%, you can't seem to get anything right today.
Why are folks so obsessed with the dude's taxes? Is it really that important? Personally, i don't care at all about how much taxes he did or didn't pay. That's his business. I don't obsess over others' personal finances. I'm only concerned about him getting tax cuts done for the People. Hopefully, he'll be successful on that.
People are concerned about his tax returns because he is an international businessman with financial ties all over the globe. The people need to know where those ties are if we are suppose to trust that he is acting in our best interests and not his own. That's why presidents before have revealed their taxes, that's why there is a precedent for such, that is why people wanted him to divest (which he did not).
Trump cares little about cutting your taxes. The wealthiest Americans will get the biggest cuts, like under every other republican leader.

I think the question as to whether he will act in Americas best interest was decided on Nov 8th. You pathetic regressive snowflakes just can't accept the results of the election. Hypocrites much?

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