Tired of not-winning? ... Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter

I've been mainly using my laptop for the last three weeks and I am having a heck of a time with typo's and partially completed words. I hate the little mouse pad thing it has and if I even touch it while typing it moves the cursor, starts putting what I'm typing on a different already typed line that makes it look like I'm drunk or something. I mean having a 120 dollar laptop that works is good by it's taking a toll on my patience. Should I shoot it?

I simply disagree, there is societal benefit to incentivizing marriage and home buying. There is societal benefit to allowing tax deductions for child care and medical insurance premiums. almost everything the government does is aimed at influencing behavior. Right now the dems want open borders and unlimited illegal immigration, thereby incentivizing law breaking by non citizens, do you support that government influence? Are you against the cap on interest and property tax deductions for the wealthy on second homes?

We agree on one thing, everything the government does is aimed at influencing behavior, we differ on if that is good or not. You see it as a good thing, I see it as a bad thing. Going on your premise one has to assume the government knows better than we do what is good for us, I reject that premise.

I do not want a cap on interest and property tax deductions, I want them gone all together. Same with marriage benefits, education deductions, and even credit for having kids.

Take my daughter for instance, she pays a higher rate of tax on her income than someone she went to high school with who now has two kids while my daughter instead choose to go to college and have a career. Why is she punished for thinking 23 is a bit too early for children.

Why should someone have a lower tax burden just because they are paying on a house than me who has no mortgage?

The last thing the government should be involved in is social engineering

You are just too pure for this world.

No, I just do not think the government is the solution to all our problems like you people do.

I personally think the fucking gov't is the CAUSE of most of our problems as a nation.

I thought the citizens *were* the government in this nation?

That is the way it was designed, but instead we have handed that power over to the duopoly.
Stockholm syndrome to the max. Lefties are math-challenged.

Rw's are challenged in the reading comprehension dept ..

Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter
Again, the only idiots are those on the left, who when you pay less taxes, you get less tax refund back, what part of logic dont you understand? Oh, you are a fucking liberal, that explains it all...Even if you beat the liberal over the head with a smart stick, they would never get any smarter..That is why there is a IQ rating of 70. You can find most of the liberals down there....

Stockholm syndrome to the max. Lefties are math-challenged.

Rw's are challenged in the reading comprehension dept ..

Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter
Again, the only idiots are those on the left, who when you pay less taxes, you get less tax refund back, what part of logic dont you understand? Oh, you are a fucking liberal, that explains it all...Even if you beat the liberal over the head with a smart stick, they would never get any smarter..That is why there is a IQ rating of 70. You can find most of the liberals down there....

View attachment 245164
I just responded to one whose name is his IQ in Spanish.
it has been since the creation of the income tax. would you do away with the marriage deduction? the mortgage deduction? the child care deduction? medical deductions?, charity deductions? All of those influence behavior and IMHO benefit society as a whole.

But lets forget taxes and talk about other government policies that influence behavior--------------how about anti discrimination laws?

to say that government policy should not influence behavior is somewhat naïve.
What it has been is irrelevant...I would do away with the 16th Amendment, income tax, and IRS altogether.

To say that State policy should be there to act as the hand of a benevolent parent is the attitude of a despot.
Where do you get your revenue?
You're not going to get as big of a refund when you paid less taxes all year long.

This article just explains so clearly how Americans are fucking stupid and can't see past the ends of their fat assed noses. The huffington puffington post is known Anti Trump so their opinion really isn't worth the dog shit it's written on.

Hey OP, rather than spew bullshit, why not quote Trump saying that everyone would get a larger tax refund? Don't just make shit up, back it up.
He said I would pay less in taxes

He lied
The feces has hit the fan at tax refund time as low and middle-class Americans are finding that Trump has his hand in their pocket and has stolen money from their refunds.

The wealthy are still doing just fine. The lies about the Trump tax cuts is now exposed that the low and middle class are financing the tax cuts for the wealthy people and corporations.

Donald Trump won't be able to spin his way out of the tax cut lie.

Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter | HuffPost

Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter
Many workers who had always gotten a refund find out they now owe the IRS.
By Mary Papenfuss

Average tax refunds were down last week 8.4 percent for the first week of the tax season over the same time last year, according to the Internal Revenue Service. Dipping refunds are inflaming a growing army of taxpayers stunned by the consequences of the Trump administration’s tax law — and the effects of the partial government shutdown.

The average refund check paid out so far has been $1,865, down from $2,035 at the same point in 2018, according to IRS data. Low-income taxpayers often file early to pocket the money as soon as possible. Many taxpayers count on the refunds to make important payments, or spend the money on things like home repairs, a vacation or a car.

The IRS had estimated it would issue about 2.3 percent fewer refunds this year as a result of the changes in the federal tax law, according to Bloomberg. MSNBC reports that 30 million Americans will owe the IRS money this year — 3 million more than before Trump’s tax law.

“There are going to be a lot of unhappy people over the next month,” Edward Karl of the American Institute of CPAs told Politico. “Taxpayers want a large refund.” Some 71 percent of taxpayers received refunds last year worth about $3,000 on average, according to Karl.

Scads of taxpayers are complaining on Twitter that they have always received a refund — but now owe the IRS instead. ...

Yes...if you live in a blue state you now actually have to pay for the massive taxes you voted for...no more cheating and not paying your fair share by getting write offs from the democrat politicians who hide the effects of their massive taxes by allowing deductions for their high local taxes....

You deserve a prize for this post!
it has been since the creation of the income tax. would you do away with the marriage deduction? the mortgage deduction? the child care deduction? medical deductions?, charity deductions? All of those influence behavior and IMHO benefit society as a whole.

But lets forget taxes and talk about other government policies that influence behavior--------------how about anti discrimination laws?

to say that government policy should not influence behavior is somewhat naïve.
What it has been is irrelevant...I would do away with the 16th Amendment, income tax, and IRS altogether.

To say that State policy should be there to act as the hand of a benevolent parent is the attitude of a despot.
Where do you get your revenue?
From working.
The feces has hit the fan at tax refund time as low and middle-class Americans are finding that Trump has his hand in their pocket and has stolen money from their refunds.

The wealthy are still doing just fine. The lies about the Trump tax cuts is now exposed that the low and middle class are financing the tax cuts for the wealthy people and corporations.

Donald Trump won't be able to spin his way out of the tax cut lie.

Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter | HuffPost

Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter
Many workers who had always gotten a refund find out they now owe the IRS.
By Mary Papenfuss

Average tax refunds were down last week 8.4 percent for the first week of the tax season over the same time last year, according to the Internal Revenue Service. Dipping refunds are inflaming a growing army of taxpayers stunned by the consequences of the Trump administration’s tax law — and the effects of the partial government shutdown.

The average refund check paid out so far has been $1,865, down from $2,035 at the same point in 2018, according to IRS data. Low-income taxpayers often file early to pocket the money as soon as possible. Many taxpayers count on the refunds to make important payments, or spend the money on things like home repairs, a vacation or a car.

The IRS had estimated it would issue about 2.3 percent fewer refunds this year as a result of the changes in the federal tax law, according to Bloomberg. MSNBC reports that 30 million Americans will owe the IRS money this year — 3 million more than before Trump’s tax law.

“There are going to be a lot of unhappy people over the next month,” Edward Karl of the American Institute of CPAs told Politico. “Taxpayers want a large refund.” Some 71 percent of taxpayers received refunds last year worth about $3,000 on average, according to Karl.

Scads of taxpayers are complaining on Twitter that they have always received a refund — but now owe the IRS instead. ...

What does this have to do with Trump?

The amount of your refund, is determined by how much you over pay. If you WANT a refund, you just jack up your with-holdings. How dumb is that? I want to be poorer all year long... so I can get a check back from the government?

Hey idiot.... put your money in a savings account, and at the end of the year, you'll have the same amount of money in that account, that you would have had in a refund... except with interest.

And if you have an emergency during the year, you could use it.

Trump has nothing to do with how stupid you are in giving too much money to the government. Dumbest thing in the world....

"I'm mad at Trump because I didn't over pay all year long! It's all his fault I wasn't poorer the entire year!"

Are you a moron? Oh... right... your worse than a moron... you are a Democrap.
A tax refund is not a gift from the government!

If you’re getting a sizable refund, get your ass down to payroll tomorrow and change your withholding.
You're not going to get as big of a refund when you paid less taxes all year long.

This article just explains so clearly how Americans are fucking stupid and can't see past the ends of their fat assed noses. The huffington puffington post is known Anti Trump so their opinion really isn't worth the dog shit it's written on.

Hey OP, rather than spew bullshit, why not quote Trump saying that everyone would get a larger tax refund? Don't just make shit up, back it up.
He said I would pay less in taxes

He lied

The Liar in Chief must live up to his name. Boy....trump screwed over many of his followers and they still hump his leg....

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