Tlaib calls the president a "motherf*cker" where is the house condemnation?

Ok child, I’ll explain it like I’d explain it to a grade schooler as you apparently share a similar intellect. If you tell a brown person to go back to a shithole brown country “where they came from” when that person never even came from there. You are saying that they don’t belong here in America, they belong with their people, somewhere else in a foreign country to them. It is belittling, divisive, intolerant and encompasses everything that we fought against during the civil rights movement. Go back to Africa, go back to Mexico, go back to Saudi Arabia were all common racist terms that bigots have been using for decades... and now our POTUS has gone there. I can’t explain it any clearer. This is simple common sense. If you still dont get it then you are certainly part of the problem
No boy

You are wrong and proving me correct again

If you tell someone to back where they came from it does not matter what color they are or where they are from or where you think they are from

You are only telling them to go away.

The rest is what you are guessing at or assuming or simply dreaming up out of thin air.

It is not racism. Racism is not defined by country of origin whether real or perceived.

Go back to italy go back to germany go back to japan or go back to nigeria all mean the same thing and none of them mean any thing racist'

I do get it

You are a liar and a childish brat who knows he is wrong but lacks the manhood to admit it

There is nothing to get BOY you have been proven wrong over and over and over
Go back to Africa go back to China go back to Mexico all racist terms that have been used for decades to belittle minorities. This isn’t new. There is a rich and long history of it. You can try and wordsmith all you want as you try and spin your way out of it but my guess is that when you first heard what Trump said a part of you said “oh shit” I’m guessing the rest of you enjoyed the fight and aggression which is why you’re trying so hard to justify it.
No those are not racist terms

There is a history of saying those things to anyone and everyone and it is not racist.

It is not me twisting and spinning it is YOU

The tweet was not racist in any way and that has been proven

You have been crushed massively and you know it
That’s where you are wrong and you show the weakness of your spin or your utter ignorance of history. “Go back to Africa” was a common racist term used against black people for years. It meant you don’t belong here. It does not get more racist than that.
And trumps racism appeals to his group of idiots Notice how many in the senate came down on the morons racist statements?? 4 I think it was What cowardly POS the others are
Actually you are a piece of shit for constantly calling everyone racist as it anyone should still care.

Was that your goal?
This is an absolute joke. Trump tells them if they don't like America, leave and they are all offended. They call him a motherfucker and the house liberals are silent.

I really have reached the point that I flat out don't give a fuck about the fucking snowflake liberals in this country.
And we don't give a flying fuck for you racist swine that digest trumps crap every day F all of you
Lord you are fucked up
This is an absolute joke. Trump tells them if they don't like America, leave and they are all offended. They call him a motherfucker and the house liberals are silent.

I really have reached the point that I flat out don't give a fuck about the fucking snowflake liberals in this country.
You’re not being honest. Trump told brown and black people to go back to where they came from.... I don’t see how you can defend that.
Did he call them out because of their race or does he just not like their actions?

If he called them out by race then point out where that is what he did, not your assumptions.
He told them to go back to where they came from because of their races... if it were 4 white ladies do you really think he would of made that comment?
Show me the quote where he says it's because of their race.

And no I don't give a fuck about your conjecture. Facts please.
What if they were?

Let's say he told white people to return where they came from. You know, say from Germany. Is that racist? Why does color matter?
I’ve explained this so many times today and I’m now convinced y’all are just trolling. This is elementary shit. You know right from wrong and you very well know the history of this country and the type of language that has been used to belittle and oppress minorities for generations. I’m done playing these games. You’re either a troll that gets it or your an idiot who doesn’t.

In other terms you cannot answer the question. Trump is racist because you want him to be.
No, I’ve answered it over a dozen times, I’m just tired of repeating myself. I’ve defended trump till this incident against hyperbolic racist attacks. This one is indefensible. No I don’t want our POTUS to say racist things, why in the world would I want that?!

unless you want to define a race as immigrants or children of immigrants who hate the USA--------there is nothing Trump said that could REMOTELY be construed as RACIST
You can call it Xenophobic if you like but that wouldn’t make much sense as three of the women were born in the USA and aren’t foreigners or immigrants
I do not explain hen because they are irrelevant and I do not care .

Truth is not established through consensus or allegiance with others who agree with you

The absolute undeniable truth is the tweets were not racism and my points proving it are not tired. You have failed to even consider it challenge them

Facts prove you wrong

The fact is his tweet was not racist
Ok child, I’ll explain it like I’d explain it to a grade schooler as you apparently share a similar intellect. If you tell a brown person to go back to a shithole brown country “where they came from” when that person never even came from there. You are saying that they don’t belong here in America, they belong with their people, somewhere else in a foreign country to them. It is belittling, divisive, intolerant and encompasses everything that we fought against during the civil rights movement. Go back to Africa, go back to Mexico, go back to Saudi Arabia were all common racist terms that bigots have been using for decades... and now our POTUS has gone there. I can’t explain it any clearer. This is simple common sense. If you still dont get it then you are certainly part of the problem
No boy

You are wrong and proving me correct again

If you tell someone to back where they came from it does not matter what color they are or where they are from or where you think they are from

You are only telling them to go away.

The rest is what you are guessing at or assuming or simply dreaming up out of thin air.

It is not racism. Racism is not defined by country of origin whether real or perceived.

Go back to italy go back to germany go back to japan or go back to nigeria all mean the same thing and none of them mean any thing racist'

I do get it

You are a liar and a childish brat who knows he is wrong but lacks the manhood to admit it

There is nothing to get BOY you have been proven wrong over and over and over
Go back to Africa go back to China go back to Mexico all racist terms that have been used for decades to belittle minorities. This isn’t new. There is a rich and long history of it. You can try and wordsmith all you want as you try and spin your way out of it but my guess is that when you first heard what Trump said a part of you said “oh shit” I’m guessing the rest of you enjoyed the fight and aggression which is why you’re trying so hard to justify it.
No those are not racist terms

There is a history of saying those things to anyone and everyone and it is not racist.

It is not me twisting and spinning it is YOU

The tweet was not racist in any way and that has been proven

You have been crushed massively and you know it
That’s where you are wrong and you show the weakness of your spin or your utter ignorance of history. “Go back to Africa” was a common racist term used against black people for years. It meant you don’t belong here. It does not get more racist than that.
It meant if you don’t like it here you are free to go elsewhere, that is all it has Ever meant so you emoters need to twist it.
Let's say he told white people to return where they came from. You know, say from Germany. Is that racist? Why does color matter?
I’ve explained this so many times today and I’m now convinced y’all are just trolling. This is elementary shit. You know right from wrong and you very well know the history of this country and the type of language that has been used to belittle and oppress minorities for generations. I’m done playing these games. You’re either a troll that gets it or your an idiot who doesn’t.

In other terms you cannot answer the question. Trump is racist because you want him to be.
No, I’ve answered it over a dozen times, I’m just tired of repeating myself. I’ve defended trump till this incident against hyperbolic racist attacks. This one is indefensible. No I don’t want our POTUS to say racist things, why in the world would I want that?!

unless you want to define a race as immigrants or children of immigrants who hate the USA--------there is nothing Trump said that could REMOTELY be construed as RACIST
You can call it Xenophobic if you like but that wouldn’t make much sense as three of the women were born in the USA and aren’t foreigners or immigrants
It’s not proven. You think it is, I believe that much, but when you see republican trump allies coming out and saying it was racist then you got a problem. They have zero incentive to lie. They call it out because it is obvious and not excusable. The fact that you are trying so hard is rather pathetic.

I read what trump said-----and do not consider it "racist" -----I do not even know
what "race" is involved. As to Omar-----that bitch is CLEARLY racist as are
her unsavory companions------if RACE were not an issue with the four
sluts from Hell-----why would they INSIST on inventing and ascribing to a new
one SLUT OF COLOR. Trump described as a "group," persons who reject the USA ----
is that another "race"? He did not so suggest. Something I learned way back ----when I took lots of sociology courses -----to fill the liberal arts requirement and to get EASY 'A' s
I learned that in demographic breakdowns------ALL JEWS are considered white and middle class. Is that fact not interesting? NOW----anyone from Latin
America or who is muslim is "PERSON OF COLOR" and "oppressed" EXCEPT
for jews from Latin America-----or south Africa or North Africa or southeast Asia-----THEY ARE ALL WHITE AND MIDDLE CLASS
Do you have kids? How about you try a social experiment... or perhaps just imagine it.... schedule a play date with a black kid and bring a really boring game that the kid is not going to want to play. When the black kid says she doesn’t want to play anymore have one kid respond. “If you don’t like it then leave” and have the other kid respond, “if you don’t like it then go back to Africa and play the shitty games they have there”

Let me know if the two responses are received

your experiment is idiotic-------The USA society and political system is not a
Language is language. Perhaps if you put it in perspective of children saying it to each other you will see the ugliness. I see all these people excusing and defending it either because they agree with that type of language, support trump no matter what or they think the squad deserves to be attacked. But the statement has the same ugly and racist meaning when used on a child. Do you see it now?

to what "racist" language do you refer? Just what 'racist' terms did Trump use?
He told three women of color who were born in the USA to go back to the shitty broken countries where they came from. The fourth was a black women who immigrated here when she was 4. So now consider my scenario with the children and tell how it’s any different.
This is an absolute joke. Trump tells them if they don't like America, leave and they are all offended. They call him a motherfucker and the house liberals are silent.

I really have reached the point that I flat out don't give a fuck about the fucking snowflake liberals in this country.
You’re not being honest. Trump told brown and black people to go back to where they came from.... I don’t see how you can defend that.
Did he call them out because of their race or does he just not like their actions?

If he called them out by race then point out where that is what he did, not your assumptions.
He told them to go back to where they came from because of their races... if it were 4 white ladies do you really think he would of made that comment?
Show me the quote where he says it's because of their race.

And no I don't give a fuck about your conjecture. Facts please.
Go back to the shitty country you came from... it’s right there, how do you not see it? Go tell a black guy to go back to Africa. Tell a brown guy to go back to Mexico. Say it to two American born citizens. Tell me if you think they will consider that racist or an honest attack.
I read what trump said-----and do not consider it "racist" -----I do not even know
what "race" is involved. As to Omar-----that bitch is CLEARLY racist as are
her unsavory companions------if RACE were not an issue with the four
sluts from Hell-----why would they INSIST on inventing and ascribing to a new
one SLUT OF COLOR. Trump described as a "group," persons who reject the USA ----
is that another "race"? He did not so suggest. Something I learned way back ----when I took lots of sociology courses -----to fill the liberal arts requirement and to get EASY 'A' s
I learned that in demographic breakdowns------ALL JEWS are considered white and middle class. Is that fact not interesting? NOW----anyone from Latin
America or who is muslim is "PERSON OF COLOR" and "oppressed" EXCEPT
for jews from Latin America-----or south Africa or North Africa or southeast Asia-----THEY ARE ALL WHITE AND MIDDLE CLASS
Do you have kids? How about you try a social experiment... or perhaps just imagine it.... schedule a play date with a black kid and bring a really boring game that the kid is not going to want to play. When the black kid says she doesn’t want to play anymore have one kid respond. “If you don’t like it then leave” and have the other kid respond, “if you don’t like it then go back to Africa and play the shitty games they have there”

Let me know if the two responses are received

your experiment is idiotic-------The USA society and political system is not a
Language is language. Perhaps if you put it in perspective of children saying it to each other you will see the ugliness. I see all these people excusing and defending it either because they agree with that type of language, support trump no matter what or they think the squad deserves to be attacked. But the statement has the same ugly and racist meaning when used on a child. Do you see it now?

to what "racist" language do you refer? Just what 'racist' terms did Trump use?
He told three women of color who were born in the USA to go back to the shitty broken countries where they came from. The fourth was a black women who immigrated here when she was 4. So now consider my scenario with the children and tell how it’s any different.
It’s you that is putting the non identified racial identification on it.
Thus it is You who is racist.
Ok child, I’ll explain it like I’d explain it to a grade schooler as you apparently share a similar intellect. If you tell a brown person to go back to a shithole brown country “where they came from” when that person never even came from there. You are saying that they don’t belong here in America, they belong with their people, somewhere else in a foreign country to them. It is belittling, divisive, intolerant and encompasses everything that we fought against during the civil rights movement. Go back to Africa, go back to Mexico, go back to Saudi Arabia were all common racist terms that bigots have been using for decades... and now our POTUS has gone there. I can’t explain it any clearer. This is simple common sense. If you still dont get it then you are certainly part of the problem
No boy

You are wrong and proving me correct again

If you tell someone to back where they came from it does not matter what color they are or where they are from or where you think they are from

You are only telling them to go away.

The rest is what you are guessing at or assuming or simply dreaming up out of thin air.

It is not racism. Racism is not defined by country of origin whether real or perceived.

Go back to italy go back to germany go back to japan or go back to nigeria all mean the same thing and none of them mean any thing racist'

I do get it

You are a liar and a childish brat who knows he is wrong but lacks the manhood to admit it

There is nothing to get BOY you have been proven wrong over and over and over
Go back to Africa go back to China go back to Mexico all racist terms that have been used for decades to belittle minorities. This isn’t new. There is a rich and long history of it. You can try and wordsmith all you want as you try and spin your way out of it but my guess is that when you first heard what Trump said a part of you said “oh shit” I’m guessing the rest of you enjoyed the fight and aggression which is why you’re trying so hard to justify it.
No those are not racist terms

There is a history of saying those things to anyone and everyone and it is not racist.

It is not me twisting and spinning it is YOU

The tweet was not racist in any way and that has been proven

You have been crushed massively and you know it
That’s where you are wrong and you show the weakness of your spin or your utter ignorance of history. “Go back to Africa” was a common racist term used against black people for years. It meant you don’t belong here. It does not get more racist than that.
It meant if you don’t like it here you are free to go elsewhere, that is all it has Ever meant so you emoters need to twist it.
No that’s not at all what it meant. That’s how it is being spun. Don’t be a dupe
This is an absolute joke. Trump tells them if they don't like America, leave and they are all offended. They call him a motherfucker and the house liberals are silent.

I really have reached the point that I flat out don't give a fuck about the fucking snowflake liberals in this country.
You’re not being honest. Trump told brown and black people to go back to where they came from.... I don’t see how you can defend that.
Did he call them out because of their race or does he just not like their actions?

If he called them out by race then point out where that is what he did, not your assumptions.
He told them to go back to where they came from because of their races... if it were 4 white ladies do you really think he would of made that comment?
Show me the quote where he says it's because of their race.

And no I don't give a fuck about your conjecture. Facts please.
Go back to the shitty country you came from... it’s right there, how do you not see it? Go tell a black guy to go back to Africa. Tell a brown guy to go back to Mexico. Say it to two American born citizens. Tell me if you think they will consider that racist or an honest attack.
So you have no quote, you are simply making assumptions based on your hate of trump.

Don't you see thst?
No boy

You are wrong and proving me correct again

If you tell someone to back where they came from it does not matter what color they are or where they are from or where you think they are from

You are only telling them to go away.

The rest is what you are guessing at or assuming or simply dreaming up out of thin air.

It is not racism. Racism is not defined by country of origin whether real or perceived.

Go back to italy go back to germany go back to japan or go back to nigeria all mean the same thing and none of them mean any thing racist'

I do get it

You are a liar and a childish brat who knows he is wrong but lacks the manhood to admit it

There is nothing to get BOY you have been proven wrong over and over and over
Go back to Africa go back to China go back to Mexico all racist terms that have been used for decades to belittle minorities. This isn’t new. There is a rich and long history of it. You can try and wordsmith all you want as you try and spin your way out of it but my guess is that when you first heard what Trump said a part of you said “oh shit” I’m guessing the rest of you enjoyed the fight and aggression which is why you’re trying so hard to justify it.
No those are not racist terms

There is a history of saying those things to anyone and everyone and it is not racist.

It is not me twisting and spinning it is YOU

The tweet was not racist in any way and that has been proven

You have been crushed massively and you know it
That’s where you are wrong and you show the weakness of your spin or your utter ignorance of history. “Go back to Africa” was a common racist term used against black people for years. It meant you don’t belong here. It does not get more racist than that.
It meant if you don’t like it here you are free to go elsewhere, that is all it has Ever meant so you emoters need to twist it.
No that’s not at all what it meant. That’s how it is being spun. Don’t be a dupe
How come you can spin it but no one else can?
I’ve explained this so many times today and I’m now convinced y’all are just trolling. This is elementary shit. You know right from wrong and you very well know the history of this country and the type of language that has been used to belittle and oppress minorities for generations. I’m done playing these games. You’re either a troll that gets it or your an idiot who doesn’t.

In other terms you cannot answer the question. Trump is racist because you want him to be.
No, I’ve answered it over a dozen times, I’m just tired of repeating myself. I’ve defended trump till this incident against hyperbolic racist attacks. This one is indefensible. No I don’t want our POTUS to say racist things, why in the world would I want that?!

unless you want to define a race as immigrants or children of immigrants who hate the USA--------there is nothing Trump said that could REMOTELY be construed as RACIST
You can call it Xenophobic if you like but that wouldn’t make much sense as three of the women were born in the USA and aren’t foreigners or immigrants
“...go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came,"
No boy

You are wrong and proving me correct again

If you tell someone to back where they came from it does not matter what color they are or where they are from or where you think they are from

You are only telling them to go away.

The rest is what you are guessing at or assuming or simply dreaming up out of thin air.

It is not racism. Racism is not defined by country of origin whether real or perceived.

Go back to italy go back to germany go back to japan or go back to nigeria all mean the same thing and none of them mean any thing racist'

I do get it

You are a liar and a childish brat who knows he is wrong but lacks the manhood to admit it

There is nothing to get BOY you have been proven wrong over and over and over
Go back to Africa go back to China go back to Mexico all racist terms that have been used for decades to belittle minorities. This isn’t new. There is a rich and long history of it. You can try and wordsmith all you want as you try and spin your way out of it but my guess is that when you first heard what Trump said a part of you said “oh shit” I’m guessing the rest of you enjoyed the fight and aggression which is why you’re trying so hard to justify it.
No those are not racist terms

There is a history of saying those things to anyone and everyone and it is not racist.

It is not me twisting and spinning it is YOU

The tweet was not racist in any way and that has been proven

You have been crushed massively and you know it
That’s where you are wrong and you show the weakness of your spin or your utter ignorance of history. “Go back to Africa” was a common racist term used against black people for years. It meant you don’t belong here. It does not get more racist than that.
It meant if you don’t like it here you are free to go elsewhere, that is all it has Ever meant so you emoters need to twist it.
No that’s not at all what it meant. That’s how it is being spun. Don’t be a dupe
It means what it means based on the words that were, or were not. , used and if that does not match to what your feelings want it to mean then the facts of the words prevail.
Do you have kids? How about you try a social experiment... or perhaps just imagine it.... schedule a play date with a black kid and bring a really boring game that the kid is not going to want to play. When the black kid says she doesn’t want to play anymore have one kid respond. “If you don’t like it then leave” and have the other kid respond, “if you don’t like it then go back to Africa and play the shitty games they have there”

Let me know if the two responses are received

your experiment is idiotic-------The USA society and political system is not a
Language is language. Perhaps if you put it in perspective of children saying it to each other you will see the ugliness. I see all these people excusing and defending it either because they agree with that type of language, support trump no matter what or they think the squad deserves to be attacked. But the statement has the same ugly and racist meaning when used on a child. Do you see it now?

to what "racist" language do you refer? Just what 'racist' terms did Trump use?
He told three women of color who were born in the USA to go back to the shitty broken countries where they came from. The fourth was a black women who immigrated here when she was 4. So now consider my scenario with the children and tell how it’s any different.
It’s you that is putting the non identified racial identification on it.
Thus it is You who is racist.
“Go back to Africa” was a very common and racist term used against black Americans for decades. Do you agree with that point?
Go back to Africa go back to China go back to Mexico all racist terms that have been used for decades to belittle minorities. This isn’t new. There is a rich and long history of it. You can try and wordsmith all you want as you try and spin your way out of it but my guess is that when you first heard what Trump said a part of you said “oh shit” I’m guessing the rest of you enjoyed the fight and aggression which is why you’re trying so hard to justify it.
No those are not racist terms

There is a history of saying those things to anyone and everyone and it is not racist.

It is not me twisting and spinning it is YOU

The tweet was not racist in any way and that has been proven

You have been crushed massively and you know it
That’s where you are wrong and you show the weakness of your spin or your utter ignorance of history. “Go back to Africa” was a common racist term used against black people for years. It meant you don’t belong here. It does not get more racist than that.
It meant if you don’t like it here you are free to go elsewhere, that is all it has Ever meant so you emoters need to twist it.
No that’s not at all what it meant. That’s how it is being spun. Don’t be a dupe
How come you can spin it but no one else can?
How do you think I’m spinning?
This is an absolute joke. Trump tells them if they don't like America, leave and they are all offended. They call him a motherfucker and the house liberals are silent.

I really have reached the point that I flat out don't give a fuck about the fucking snowflake liberals in this country.

I might not use that term, but he certainly is the worst scum we've seen.
I read what trump said-----and do not consider it "racist" -----I do not even know
what "race" is involved. As to Omar-----that bitch is CLEARLY racist as are
her unsavory companions------if RACE were not an issue with the four
sluts from Hell-----why would they INSIST on inventing and ascribing to a new
one SLUT OF COLOR. Trump described as a "group," persons who reject the USA ----
is that another "race"? He did not so suggest. Something I learned way back ----when I took lots of sociology courses -----to fill the liberal arts requirement and to get EASY 'A' s
I learned that in demographic breakdowns------ALL JEWS are considered white and middle class. Is that fact not interesting? NOW----anyone from Latin
America or who is muslim is "PERSON OF COLOR" and "oppressed" EXCEPT
for jews from Latin America-----or south Africa or North Africa or southeast Asia-----THEY ARE ALL WHITE AND MIDDLE CLASS
Do you have kids? How about you try a social experiment... or perhaps just imagine it.... schedule a play date with a black kid and bring a really boring game that the kid is not going to want to play. When the black kid says she doesn’t want to play anymore have one kid respond. “If you don’t like it then leave” and have the other kid respond, “if you don’t like it then go back to Africa and play the shitty games they have there”

Let me know if the two responses are received

your experiment is idiotic-------The USA society and political system is not a
Language is language. Perhaps if you put it in perspective of children saying it to each other you will see the ugliness. I see all these people excusing and defending it either because they agree with that type of language, support trump no matter what or they think the squad deserves to be attacked. But the statement has the same ugly and racist meaning when used on a child. Do you see it now?

to what "racist" language do you refer? Just what 'racist' terms did Trump use?
He told three women of color who were born in the USA to go back to the shitty broken countries where they came from. The fourth was a black women who immigrated here when she was 4. So now consider my scenario with the children and tell how it’s any different.

"he told three women of color....." what does "women of color" mean? You said "black children" -----is that <<<< the SAME as "children of color"?
Are Mexican kids "children of color"? how about Brazilian? How about
children from MUMBAI? JAPAN? Egypt?
I got it------this is what TRUMP SAID-------"I HATE PERSONS OF COLOR"
" because some people say that my color is orange" All persons
OF COLOR should go to the land of COLOR (not the green isle of

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