Tlaib calls the president a "motherf*cker" where is the house condemnation?

This is an absolute joke. Trump tells them if they don't like America, leave and they are all offended. They call him a motherfucker and the house liberals are silent.

I really have reached the point that I flat out don't give a fuck about the fucking snowflake liberals in this country.
You’re not being honest. Trump told brown and black people to go back to where they came from.... I don’t see how you can defend that.
Did he call them out because of their race or does he just not like their actions?

If he called them out by race then point out where that is what he did, not your assumptions.
He told them to go back to where they came from because of their races... if it were 4 white ladies do you really think he would of made that comment?
This is an absolute joke. Trump tells them if they don't like America, leave and they are all offended. They call him a motherfucker and the house liberals are silent.

I really have reached the point that I flat out don't give a fuck about the fucking snowflake liberals in this country.
You’re not being honest. Trump told brown and black people to go back to where they came from.... I don’t see how you can defend that.

And trump is right. There is no place for those four racist, prejudiced, bigoted, loonbats.
There absolutely is a place because we live in America where we don’t kick people out who disagree with us. You sound like a commie
please learn the definition
Learn to pronounce
  1. prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
After all your rants, which were very entertaining btw, you finally post a definition to prove my point. Thank you!
This is an absolute joke. Trump tells them if they don't like America, leave and they are all offended. They call him a motherfucker and the house liberals are silent.

I really have reached the point that I flat out don't give a fuck about the fucking snowflake liberals in this country.
You’re not being honest. Trump told brown and black people to go back to where they came from.... I don’t see how you can defend that.

Instead of spouting your crap, why don't you give us his exact words to show where he "attacked" brown and black people?

So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly……

.it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!

Why is it that I don't see a single reference to anyone's race?
Are you joking? Do you really need him to say the actual words “black or brown” to understand the racial implications... grow up man... when somebody tells brown skinned Americans to go back to the shitholes where they came from it is so in your face racist I don’t know how else to explain it.
Sorry, but telling assholes to either STFU, stop trashing America, or go back to where they came from and fix it isn't racist. Just not being White doesn't make you bulletproof. Ilhan Omar could go back to Somalia and try to do something about that country but she knows it's hopeless or she doesn't want to. She knows she can't fix that mess, and she turns around and is now trying to screw this country up....and laughs about it.

Trump pointed out the hypocrisy of these 4 assholes.
It's not Trump's fault that these women are hypocrites. It's not his fault that they're all using the color of their skin to bully others around them.
That was their choice.

These assholes held a press conference to spew a long list of lies about the current administration. They also showed us exactly what they think of White people. They removed all doubt that they are racists. They feel that the color of their skin gives them privileges that White People don't deserve. They are the definition of racism. They gave us all a taste of what they have been saying out loud for the last several months. They made fools of themselves. Every day they only compound their mistake. Every time they open their mouths they show us what they are and what they stand for. And that is People Of Color deserve more rights and privileges than White People.
Ok so he was telling Omar to go back to Somalia and fix it... great. Which countries are the rest of the women supposed to go back to?
This is an absolute joke. Trump tells them if they don't like America, leave and they are all offended. They call him a motherfucker and the house liberals are silent.

I really have reached the point that I flat out don't give a fuck about the fucking snowflake liberals in this country.
You’re not being honest. Trump told brown and black people to go back to where they came from.... I don’t see how you can defend that.
Did he call them out because of their race or does he just not like their actions?

If he called them out by race then point out where that is what he did, not your assumptions.
He never once mentioned their skin color or their race.
We need to be able to disagree with people and realize race isn't the only reason why.

Damn crutches.
I know you’re probably still pissed at me for not reading the link you posted a while back but you still might remember me defending Trump on several occasions against hyperbolic and inaccurate racists attacks. He is often misquoted and taken out of context. But this is not one of those times. This is the first time that I’ve played the race card because it deserves to be played. You don’t tell a brown person who was born in America to go back to the shithole brown country “where they came from”... I think deep down you know better.
I already explained that it really doesn’t matter what he meant. By what he said, telling 4 brown lady’s 3 of whom were born here in the USA, to go back where they came from, it was an obvious racist statement. I spin, just black and white
You did in fact assume and leap tonstulid conclusions about what he meant

You had to do so because what he said was in no way shape or form racist and that is glaringly obvious to all intelligent people

It is not racist to tell anyone to back where they came from and women of color are no exception

It was not racist whatsoever and that is absolute fact

You are a proven liar
It is when you assume they came from a shithole country because of how they look. open your eyes. I can’t tell if you trolling or if you’re really this stupid. If a kid in school told another kid in school to go back to China that kid would need a stern talking to about why that is not OK to say. Especially when the kid he is saying it to is from the USA!!!

If the Squad were all visiting from different countries and trump made the same comment then it would be quite different. This conversation is getting stupid. You’re a lost cause if you don’t get it by now
No it is not even then

He never specified a nation shit hole or otherwise

It was not racist and that is proven and you know it liar
It’s not proven. You think it is, I believe that much, but when you see republican trump allies coming out and saying it was racist then you got a problem. They have zero incentive to lie. They call it out because it is obvious and not excusable. The fact that you are trying so hard is rather pathetic.

I read what trump said-----and do not consider it "racist" -----I do not even know
what "race" is involved. As to Omar-----that bitch is CLEARLY racist as are
her unsavory companions------if RACE were not an issue with the four
sluts from Hell-----why would they INSIST on inventing and ascribing to a new
one SLUT OF COLOR. Trump described as a "group," persons who reject the USA ----
is that another "race"? He did not so suggest. Something I learned way back ----when I took lots of sociology courses -----to fill the liberal arts requirement and to get EASY 'A' s
I learned that in demographic breakdowns------ALL JEWS are considered white and middle class. Is that fact not interesting? NOW----anyone from Latin
America or who is muslim is "PERSON OF COLOR" and "oppressed" EXCEPT
for jews from Latin America-----or south Africa or North Africa or southeast Asia-----THEY ARE ALL WHITE AND MIDDLE CLASS
Do you have kids? How about you try a social experiment... or perhaps just imagine it.... schedule a play date with a black kid and bring a really boring game that the kid is not going to want to play. When the black kid says she doesn’t want to play anymore have one kid respond. “If you don’t like it then leave” and have the other kid respond, “if you don’t like it then go back to Africa and play the shitty games they have there”

Let me know if the two responses are received
This is an absolute joke. Trump tells them if they don't like America, leave and they are all offended. They call him a motherfucker and the house liberals are silent.

I really have reached the point that I flat out don't give a fuck about the fucking snowflake liberals in this country.
You’re not being honest. Trump told brown and black people to go back to where they came from.... I don’t see how you can defend that.

Instead of spouting your crap, why don't you give us his exact words to show where he "attacked" brown and black people?

So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly……

.it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!

Why is it that I don't see a single reference to anyone's race?
Are you joking? Do you really need him to say the actual words “black or brown” to understand the racial implications... grow up man... when somebody tells brown skinned Americans to go back to the shitholes where they came from it is so in your face racist I don’t know how else to explain it.
Sorry, but telling assholes to either STFU, stop trashing America, or go back to where they came from and fix it isn't racist. Just not being White doesn't make you bulletproof. Ilhan Omar could go back to Somalia and try to do something about that country but she knows it's hopeless or she doesn't want to. She knows she can't fix that mess, and she turns around and is now trying to screw this country up....and laughs about it.

Trump pointed out the hypocrisy of these 4 assholes.
It's not Trump's fault that these women are hypocrites. It's not his fault that they're all using the color of their skin to bully others around them.
That was their choice.

These assholes held a press conference to spew a long list of lies about the current administration. They also showed us exactly what they think of White people. They removed all doubt that they are racists. They feel that the color of their skin gives them privileges that White People don't deserve. They are the definition of racism. They gave us all a taste of what they have been saying out loud for the last several months. They made fools of themselves. Every day they only compound their mistake. Every time they open their mouths they show us what they are and what they stand for. And that is People Of Color deserve more rights and privileges than White People.
Ok so he was telling Omar to go back to Somalia and fix it... great. Which countries are the rest of the women supposed to go back to?
And calling Obama a non citizen ??What garbage we have in the WH and senate
You did in fact assume and leap tonstulid conclusions about what he meant

You had to do so because what he said was in no way shape or form racist and that is glaringly obvious to all intelligent people

It is not racist to tell anyone to back where they came from and women of color are no exception

It was not racist whatsoever and that is absolute fact

You are a proven liar
It is when you assume they came from a shithole country because of how they look. open your eyes. I can’t tell if you trolling or if you’re really this stupid. If a kid in school told another kid in school to go back to China that kid would need a stern talking to about why that is not OK to say. Especially when the kid he is saying it to is from the USA!!!

If the Squad were all visiting from different countries and trump made the same comment then it would be quite different. This conversation is getting stupid. You’re a lost cause if you don’t get it by now
No it is not even then

He never specified a nation shit hole or otherwise

It was not racist and that is proven and you know it liar
It’s not proven. You think it is, I believe that much, but when you see republican trump allies coming out and saying it was racist then you got a problem. They have zero incentive to lie. They call it out because it is obvious and not excusable. The fact that you are trying so hard is rather pathetic.

I read what trump said-----and do not consider it "racist" -----I do not even know
what "race" is involved. As to Omar-----that bitch is CLEARLY racist as are
her unsavory companions------if RACE were not an issue with the four
sluts from Hell-----why would they INSIST on inventing and ascribing to a new
one SLUT OF COLOR. Trump described as a "group," persons who reject the USA ----
is that another "race"? He did not so suggest. Something I learned way back ----when I took lots of sociology courses -----to fill the liberal arts requirement and to get EASY 'A' s
I learned that in demographic breakdowns------ALL JEWS are considered white and middle class. Is that fact not interesting? NOW----anyone from Latin
America or who is muslim is "PERSON OF COLOR" and "oppressed" EXCEPT
for jews from Latin America-----or south Africa or North Africa or southeast Asia-----THEY ARE ALL WHITE AND MIDDLE CLASS
Do you have kids? How about you try a social experiment... or perhaps just imagine it.... schedule a play date with a black kid and bring a really boring game that the kid is not going to want to play. When the black kid says she doesn’t want to play anymore have one kid respond. “If you don’t like it then leave” and have the other kid respond, “if you don’t like it then go back to Africa and play the shitty games they have there”

Let me know if the two responses are received

your experiment is idiotic-------The USA society and political system is not a
You’re not being honest. Trump told brown and black people to go back to where they came from.... I don’t see how you can defend that.

What if they were white?
What if they were?

Let's say he told white people to return where they came from. You know, say from Germany. Is that racist? Why does color matter?
I’ve explained this so many times today and I’m now convinced y’all are just trolling. This is elementary shit. You know right from wrong and you very well know the history of this country and the type of language that has been used to belittle and oppress minorities for generations. I’m done playing these games. You’re either a troll that gets it or your an idiot who doesn’t.

In other terms you cannot answer the question. Trump is racist because you want him to be.
No, I’ve answered it over a dozen times, I’m just tired of repeating myself. I’ve defended trump till this incident against hyperbolic racist attacks. This one is indefensible. No I don’t want our POTUS to say racist things, why in the world would I want that?!
This is an absolute joke. Trump tells them if they don't like America, leave and they are all offended. They call him a motherfucker and the house liberals are silent.

I really have reached the point that I flat out don't give a fuck about the fucking snowflake liberals in this country.
You’re not being honest. Trump told brown and black people to go back to where they came from.... I don’t see how you can defend that.
Did he call them out because of their race or does he just not like their actions?

If he called them out by race then point out where that is what he did, not your assumptions.
He never once mentioned their skin color or their race.
We need to be able to disagree with people and realize race isn't the only reason why.

Damn crutches.
I know you’re probably still pissed at me for not reading the link you posted a while back but you still might remember me defending Trump on several occasions against hyperbolic and inaccurate racists attacks. He is often misquoted and taken out of context. But this is not one of those times. This is the first time that I’ve played the race card because it deserves to be played. You don’t tell a brown person who was born in America to go back to the shithole brown country “where they came from”... I think deep down you know better.
You talking to iceberg?? NO he doesn't know better
This is an absolute joke. Trump tells them if they don't like America, leave and they are all offended. They call him a motherfucker and the house liberals are silent.

I really have reached the point that I flat out don't give a fuck about the fucking snowflake liberals in this country.
You’re not being honest. Trump told brown and black people to go back to where they came from.... I don’t see how you can defend that.

I dont see a problem with it. They are a fifth column and should vacate the country.
What if they were white?
What if they were?

Let's say he told white people to return where they came from. You know, say from Germany. Is that racist? Why does color matter?
I’ve explained this so many times today and I’m now convinced y’all are just trolling. This is elementary shit. You know right from wrong and you very well know the history of this country and the type of language that has been used to belittle and oppress minorities for generations. I’m done playing these games. You’re either a troll that gets it or your an idiot who doesn’t.

In other terms you cannot answer the question. Trump is racist because you want him to be.
No, I’ve answered it over a dozen times, I’m just tired of repeating myself. I’ve defended trump till this incident against hyperbolic racist attacks. This one is indefensible. No I don’t want our POTUS to say racist things, why in the world would I want that?!

unless you want to define a race as immigrants or children of immigrants who hate the USA--------there is nothing Trump said that could REMOTELY be construed as RACIST
Freaking hypocrites. A Starbuck waitress beats up an old man with a MAGA hat, a restaurant owner denies service to a republican and half a dozen H'wod celebs threaten the President with everything from assault to kidnapping and murder and a democrat congressperson calls the President a M.F. No outrage on the left but Cracker Barrel bans and blacklists a preacher for saying unkind things about transgender freakazoids.
Wonderful you just proved that politicians are partisan hypocrites. Now that we have discovered that revelation do you care to address the subject at hand?
This is an absolute joke. Trump tells them if they don't like America, leave and they are all offended. They call him a motherfucker and the house liberals are silent.

I really have reached the point that I flat out don't give a fuck about the fucking snowflake liberals in this country.
You’re not being honest. Trump told brown and black people to go back to where they came from.... I don’t see how you can defend that.
Did he call them out because of their race or does he just not like their actions?

If he called them out by race then point out where that is what he did, not your assumptions.
He told them to go back to where they came from because of their races... if it were 4 white ladies do you really think he would of made that comment?

yes-----If they were immigrants of children of immigrants and made BIG ISSUES of aa SPECIAL STATUS as "immigrant" or "children of immigrants" ----he would----
I know LOTS OF WHITE AS SNOW Cubans------he would not get annoyed with them if they escaped CASTRO and then SPIT ON THE USA------you are a jerk.
Trumps comment had nothing to do with the recently INVENTED "race"
"person of color"
This is an absolute joke. Trump tells them if they don't like America, leave and they are all offended. They call him a motherfucker and the house liberals are silent.

I really have reached the point that I flat out don't give a fuck about the fucking snowflake liberals in this country.
You’re not being honest. Trump told brown and black people to go back to where they came from.... I don’t see how you can defend that.

A whiter nation is a safer, more productive, more unified nation..just as all the data proves. Good, real Americans know this....they have finally found their balls and acknowledged this...They are climbing out from under the control of PC and that scares the shit out of the whacko's. Sucks for you huh?
I thought you were just against illegal immigrants... now it’s all about a whiter nation? Ok, wonderful, I’ll keep that in mind for future conversations. Let me ask an honest question. Do you consider yourself a racist?
Freaking hypocrites. A Starbuck waitress beats up an old man with a MAGA hat, a restaurant owner denies service to a republican and half a dozen H'wod celebs threaten the President with everything from assault to kidnapping and murder and a democrat congressperson calls the President a M.F. No outrage on the left but Cracker Barrel bans and blacklists a preacher for saying unkind things about transgender freakazoids.
Wonderful you just proved that politicians are partisan hypocrites. Now that we have discovered that revelation do you care to address the subject at hand?
How very well said Thanks
This is an absolute joke. Trump tells them if they don't like America, leave and they are all offended. They call him a motherfucker and the house liberals are silent.

I really have reached the point that I flat out don't give a fuck about the fucking snowflake liberals in this country.
You’re not being honest. Trump told brown and black people to go back to where they came from.... I don’t see how you can defend that.
Progs live by the exact words in a statement. Even the word "the" and "and" are studied for potential Alinsky retorts. We all know Trump does not spout the King's English in eloquent terms. We know the meanings. You use the meanings of what he says and make things up. And much of the time he uses you. There is nothing to lose you see. Its like free money in a poker game.
What point are you trying to make in relation to my comment?
It is when you assume they came from a shithole country because of how they look. open your eyes. I can’t tell if you trolling or if you’re really this stupid. If a kid in school told another kid in school to go back to China that kid would need a stern talking to about why that is not OK to say. Especially when the kid he is saying it to is from the USA!!!

If the Squad were all visiting from different countries and trump made the same comment then it would be quite different. This conversation is getting stupid. You’re a lost cause if you don’t get it by now
No it is not even then

He never specified a nation shit hole or otherwise

It was not racist and that is proven and you know it liar
It’s not proven. You think it is, I believe that much, but when you see republican trump allies coming out and saying it was racist then you got a problem. They have zero incentive to lie. They call it out because it is obvious and not excusable. The fact that you are trying so hard is rather pathetic.

I read what trump said-----and do not consider it "racist" -----I do not even know
what "race" is involved. As to Omar-----that bitch is CLEARLY racist as are
her unsavory companions------if RACE were not an issue with the four
sluts from Hell-----why would they INSIST on inventing and ascribing to a new
one SLUT OF COLOR. Trump described as a "group," persons who reject the USA ----
is that another "race"? He did not so suggest. Something I learned way back ----when I took lots of sociology courses -----to fill the liberal arts requirement and to get EASY 'A' s
I learned that in demographic breakdowns------ALL JEWS are considered white and middle class. Is that fact not interesting? NOW----anyone from Latin
America or who is muslim is "PERSON OF COLOR" and "oppressed" EXCEPT
for jews from Latin America-----or south Africa or North Africa or southeast Asia-----THEY ARE ALL WHITE AND MIDDLE CLASS
Do you have kids? How about you try a social experiment... or perhaps just imagine it.... schedule a play date with a black kid and bring a really boring game that the kid is not going to want to play. When the black kid says she doesn’t want to play anymore have one kid respond. “If you don’t like it then leave” and have the other kid respond, “if you don’t like it then go back to Africa and play the shitty games they have there”

Let me know if the two responses are received

your experiment is idiotic-------The USA society and political system is not a
Language is language. Perhaps if you put it in perspective of children saying it to each other you will see the ugliness. I see all these people excusing and defending it either because they agree with that type of language, support trump no matter what or they think the squad deserves to be attacked. But the statement has the same ugly and racist meaning when used on a child. Do you see it now?
You’re not being honest. Trump told brown and black people to go back to where they came from.... I don’t see how you can defend that.
Did he call them out because of their race or does he just not like their actions?

If he called them out by race then point out where that is what he did, not your assumptions.
He never once mentioned their skin color or their race.
We need to be able to disagree with people and realize race isn't the only reason why.

Damn crutches.
I know you’re probably still pissed at me for not reading the link you posted a while back but you still might remember me defending Trump on several occasions against hyperbolic and inaccurate racists attacks. He is often misquoted and taken out of context. But this is not one of those times. This is the first time that I’ve played the race card because it deserves to be played. You don’t tell a brown person who was born in America to go back to the shithole brown country “where they came from”... I think deep down you know better.
You talking to iceberg?? NO he doesn't know better
I’ve had some good debates with him in the past and he’s shown an open minded point of view. I just know not to bring up the Clinton email server situation around him... then the dark side comes out. :)
This is an absolute joke. Trump tells them if they don't like America, leave and they are all offended. They call him a motherfucker and the house liberals are silent.

I really have reached the point that I flat out don't give a fuck about the fucking snowflake liberals in this country.
And we don't give a flying fuck for you racist swine that digest trumps crap every day F all of you
And I don't give a flying crap about people that call everyone racist.
It’s the factless cop out
They've done worn the card out and reduced the impact of it.
No it is not even then

He never specified a nation shit hole or otherwise

It was not racist and that is proven and you know it liar
It’s not proven. You think it is, I believe that much, but when you see republican trump allies coming out and saying it was racist then you got a problem. They have zero incentive to lie. They call it out because it is obvious and not excusable. The fact that you are trying so hard is rather pathetic.

I read what trump said-----and do not consider it "racist" -----I do not even know
what "race" is involved. As to Omar-----that bitch is CLEARLY racist as are
her unsavory companions------if RACE were not an issue with the four
sluts from Hell-----why would they INSIST on inventing and ascribing to a new
one SLUT OF COLOR. Trump described as a "group," persons who reject the USA ----
is that another "race"? He did not so suggest. Something I learned way back ----when I took lots of sociology courses -----to fill the liberal arts requirement and to get EASY 'A' s
I learned that in demographic breakdowns------ALL JEWS are considered white and middle class. Is that fact not interesting? NOW----anyone from Latin
America or who is muslim is "PERSON OF COLOR" and "oppressed" EXCEPT
for jews from Latin America-----or south Africa or North Africa or southeast Asia-----THEY ARE ALL WHITE AND MIDDLE CLASS
Do you have kids? How about you try a social experiment... or perhaps just imagine it.... schedule a play date with a black kid and bring a really boring game that the kid is not going to want to play. When the black kid says she doesn’t want to play anymore have one kid respond. “If you don’t like it then leave” and have the other kid respond, “if you don’t like it then go back to Africa and play the shitty games they have there”

Let me know if the two responses are received

your experiment is idiotic-------The USA society and political system is not a
Language is language. Perhaps if you put it in perspective of children saying it to each other you will see the ugliness. I see all these people excusing and defending it either because they agree with that type of language, support trump no matter what or they think the squad deserves to be attacked. But the statement has the same ugly and racist meaning when used on a child. Do you see it now?

to what "racist" language do you refer? Just what 'racist' terms did Trump use?

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