TN Welfare applicants drug tests: 37 out of 16,017 positive (0.2%)

It may NOT be freebies. Some folks work and still qualify for assistance. And, if they work, they're paying into the system through payroll deductions. Also, each time they make a purchase, they're paying sales tax. In addition, if they've ever worked, they have paid into the system. So, what freebies are you talking about here? Hey, the children aren't old enough to work. What about the elderly, the handicapped, the severely disabled? If the parents do drugs, go ahead and punish their children also? By withholding benefits from the parents, they are also withholding benefits from their children. Do you see anything wrong with this picture? Do you see any prejudice here at all? Lets be fair and give the test to everyone, no exceptions. Fair play across the board. If we punish one, punish all. Punish state employees, lawyers, judges, social workers, all of them. Lets see how many can keep their job.

Actually, all you mentioned are also subject to drug testing to gain employment. But like i said, you're free to not ask for the Freebies. If you don't want the requirements, you'll have to forgo the Freebies. It is what it is.
It may NOT be "freebies". Do you believe that everyone getting some form of government assistance, has never ever worked and paid into the system through payroll deductions? Do you call it "freebies" when little children are helped through assistance programs? Are they old enough to work? If the state punished the parents, are they not also punishing the children of the parents? Do you know that some getting government assistance also work, and contribute through payroll deductions? Who exactly gets "freebies"?

Payroll taxes consist of Social Security and Medicare, neither of which contribute to Welfare. You are being misleading implying they pay for "freebies' because they don't.
Payroll taxes also consist of state and federal income tax.

And lol at the two dim bulbs that agreed with your false statement.

How much state and federal income tax do you think someone pays that is employed and still eligible for Welfare?

Exactly zero.

And if they worked any at ALL during the year, and they are otherwise eligible for welfare, they can expect a HUGE tax return.
If you want the Freebies, you'll have to meet requirements. It's as simple as that. If you're not good with that, simply don't ask for the Freebies.
It may NOT be freebies. Some folks work and still qualify for assistance. And, if they work, they're paying into the system through payroll deductions. Also, each time they make a purchase, they're paying sales tax. In addition, if they've ever worked, they have paid into the system. So, what freebies are you talking about here? Hey, the children aren't old enough to work. What about the elderly, the handicapped, the severely disabled? If the parents do drugs, go ahead and punish their children also? By withholding benefits from the parents, they are also withholding benefits from their children. Do you see anything wrong with this picture? Do you see any prejudice here at all? Lets be fair and give the test to everyone, no exceptions. Fair play across the board. If we punish one, punish all. Punish state employees, lawyers, judges, social workers, all of them. Lets see how many can keep their job.

Actually, all you mentioned are also subject to drug testing to gain employment. But like i said, you're free to not ask for the Freebies. If you don't want the requirements, you'll have to forgo the Freebies. It is what it is.
It may NOT be "freebies". Do you believe that everyone getting some form of government assistance, has never ever worked and paid into the system through payroll deductions? Do you call it "freebies" when little children are helped through assistance programs? Are they old enough to work? If the state punished the parents, are they not also punishing the children of the parents? Do you know that some getting government assistance also work, and contribute through payroll deductions? Who exactly gets "freebies"?

Payroll taxes consist of Social Security and Medicare, neither of which contribute to Welfare. You are being misleading implying they pay for "freebies' because they don't.
Where does the money come from to pay for welfare? Where does the money come from to pay for food stamps, housing, aid for dependent children, disability, etc.? Does the government have money other than tax dollars to pay for all of those things? If so, where does the government get the money?

According to ravtard, it comes from the people who are RECEIVING it.

Figure that one out. She again proves she exists to dumb down discussion.
Actually, all you mentioned are also subject to drug testing to gain employment. But like i said, you're free to not ask for the Freebies. If you don't want the requirements, you'll have to forgo the Freebies. It is what it is.
It may NOT be "freebies". Do you believe that everyone getting some form of government assistance, has never ever worked and paid into the system through payroll deductions? Do you call it "freebies" when little children are helped through assistance programs? Are they old enough to work? If the state punished the parents, are they not also punishing the children of the parents? Do you know that some getting government assistance also work, and contribute through payroll deductions? Who exactly gets "freebies"?

Payroll taxes consist of Social Security and Medicare, neither of which contribute to Welfare. You are being misleading implying they pay for "freebies' because they don't.
Payroll taxes also consist of state and federal income tax.

And lol at the two dim bulbs that agreed with your false statement.

How much state and federal income tax do you think someone pays that is employed and still eligible for Welfare?
Can't admit you were wrong, eh? He wasn't talking about that, anyway. He was talking about paying into the system over their work life period. Many, many welfare recipients are elderly people that worked all their lives.

That's a total lie.

Do you even know what welfare is? It doesn't go to elderly people, you nincompoop.

Some of the elderly receive foodstamps, but for the most part, if they have worked during their lives, their SSB is just high enough to prevent them from getting any more than a few dollars, at most.
Actually, all you mentioned are also subject to drug testing to gain employment. But like i said, you're free to not ask for the Freebies. If you don't want the requirements, you'll have to forgo the Freebies. It is what it is.
It may NOT be "freebies". Do you believe that everyone getting some form of government assistance, has never ever worked and paid into the system through payroll deductions? Do you call it "freebies" when little children are helped through assistance programs? Are they old enough to work? If the state punished the parents, are they not also punishing the children of the parents? Do you know that some getting government assistance also work, and contribute through payroll deductions? Who exactly gets "freebies"?

Payroll taxes consist of Social Security and Medicare, neither of which contribute to Welfare. You are being misleading implying they pay for "freebies' because they don't.
Payroll taxes also consist of state and federal income tax.

And lol at the two dim bulbs that agreed with your false statement.

How much state and federal income tax do you think someone pays that is employed and still eligible for Welfare?

Exactly zero.

And if they worked any at ALL during the year, and they are otherwise eligible for welfare, they can expect a HUGE tax return.
^she would know this as she admitted to doing it for years. :thup:
It may NOT be freebies. Some folks work and still qualify for assistance. And, if they work, they're paying into the system through payroll deductions. Also, each time they make a purchase, they're paying sales tax. In addition, if they've ever worked, they have paid into the system. So, what freebies are you talking about here? Hey, the children aren't old enough to work. What about the elderly, the handicapped, the severely disabled? If the parents do drugs, go ahead and punish their children also? By withholding benefits from the parents, they are also withholding benefits from their children. Do you see anything wrong with this picture? Do you see any prejudice here at all? Lets be fair and give the test to everyone, no exceptions. Fair play across the board. If we punish one, punish all. Punish state employees, lawyers, judges, social workers, all of them. Lets see how many can keep their job.

Actually, all you mentioned are also subject to drug testing to gain employment. But like i said, you're free to not ask for the Freebies. If you don't want the requirements, you'll have to forgo the Freebies. It is what it is.
It may NOT be "freebies". Do you believe that everyone getting some form of government assistance, has never ever worked and paid into the system through payroll deductions? Do you call it "freebies" when little children are helped through assistance programs? Are they old enough to work? If the state punished the parents, are they not also punishing the children of the parents? Do you know that some getting government assistance also work, and contribute through payroll deductions? Who exactly gets "freebies"?

Payroll taxes consist of Social Security and Medicare, neither of which contribute to Welfare. You are being misleading implying they pay for "freebies' because they don't.
Payroll taxes also consist of state and federal income tax.

And lol at the two dim bulbs that agreed with your false statement.

How much state and federal income tax do you think someone pays that is employed and still eligible for Welfare?
Is the amount important? What difference does it make whether they pay a $1,000,000,000 a year in taxes or $5.00 a year? Everyone pays taxes in one form or the other. Everyone in the United States doesn't pay the same tax rate, nor the same amount of taxes. But, we all pay taxes in one form or the other.
Actually, all you mentioned are also subject to drug testing to gain employment. But like i said, you're free to not ask for the Freebies. If you don't want the requirements, you'll have to forgo the Freebies. It is what it is.
It may NOT be "freebies". Do you believe that everyone getting some form of government assistance, has never ever worked and paid into the system through payroll deductions? Do you call it "freebies" when little children are helped through assistance programs? Are they old enough to work? If the state punished the parents, are they not also punishing the children of the parents? Do you know that some getting government assistance also work, and contribute through payroll deductions? Who exactly gets "freebies"?

Payroll taxes consist of Social Security and Medicare, neither of which contribute to Welfare. You are being misleading implying they pay for "freebies' because they don't.
Payroll taxes also consist of state and federal income tax.

And lol at the two dim bulbs that agreed with your false statement.

How much state and federal income tax do you think someone pays that is employed and still eligible for Welfare?
Can't admit you were wrong, eh? He wasn't talking about that, anyway. He was talking about paying into the system over their work life period. Many, many welfare recipients are elderly people that worked all their lives.
EXACTLY CORRECT !!!!!! Thank you.
It may NOT be "freebies". Do you believe that everyone getting some form of government assistance, has never ever worked and paid into the system through payroll deductions? Do you call it "freebies" when little children are helped through assistance programs? Are they old enough to work? If the state punished the parents, are they not also punishing the children of the parents? Do you know that some getting government assistance also work, and contribute through payroll deductions? Who exactly gets "freebies"?

Payroll taxes consist of Social Security and Medicare, neither of which contribute to Welfare. You are being misleading implying they pay for "freebies' because they don't.
Payroll taxes also consist of state and federal income tax.

And lol at the two dim bulbs that agreed with your false statement.

How much state and federal income tax do you think someone pays that is employed and still eligible for Welfare?

Exactly zero.

And if they worked any at ALL during the year, and they are otherwise eligible for welfare, they can expect a HUGE tax return.
^she would know this as she admitted to doing it for years. :thup:

Another lie, and another smudged attempt to pretend you have personal knowledge that you are willing to share.

I bet that generates a lot of private messaging for you.
Again, the elderly aren't eligible for welfare, period. And they aren't entitled to many entitlements, period, aside from ssb (and including ssb) if they didn't WORK during their lives.

The elderly who have worked during their lives are NOT eligible for welfare. You people are beyond stupid. SSB is primarily based on income....if you didn't have much income during your life, then you don't get much ssb, and you are eligible for foodstamps, and in some states, the states will assume the $104.90 cost of the medicare premium. Not in all states.

BUT if you are an elderly person on *welfare*...that is...well, tell me..what IS welfare that is received by the elderly? Foodstamps and medicare premium that all we're talking about? Because those aren't welfare, but okay...again...the elderly who worked (and paid into the system) AREN'T ELIGIBLE for those things.
It may NOT be "freebies". Do you believe that everyone getting some form of government assistance, has never ever worked and paid into the system through payroll deductions? Do you call it "freebies" when little children are helped through assistance programs? Are they old enough to work? If the state punished the parents, are they not also punishing the children of the parents? Do you know that some getting government assistance also work, and contribute through payroll deductions? Who exactly gets "freebies"?

Payroll taxes consist of Social Security and Medicare, neither of which contribute to Welfare. You are being misleading implying they pay for "freebies' because they don't.
Payroll taxes also consist of state and federal income tax.

And lol at the two dim bulbs that agreed with your false statement.

How much state and federal income tax do you think someone pays that is employed and still eligible for Welfare?
Can't admit you were wrong, eh? He wasn't talking about that, anyway. He was talking about paying into the system over their work life period. Many, many welfare recipients are elderly people that worked all their lives.

That's a total lie.

Do you even know what welfare is? It doesn't go to elderly people, you nincompoop.

Some of the elderly receive foodstamps, but for the most part, if they have worked during their lives, their SSB is just high enough to prevent them from getting any more than a few dollars, at most.
Food stamps are part of the welfare system and recipients in Tenn are drug tested to receive them.
Actually, all you mentioned are also subject to drug testing to gain employment. But like i said, you're free to not ask for the Freebies. If you don't want the requirements, you'll have to forgo the Freebies. It is what it is.
It may NOT be "freebies". Do you believe that everyone getting some form of government assistance, has never ever worked and paid into the system through payroll deductions? Do you call it "freebies" when little children are helped through assistance programs? Are they old enough to work? If the state punished the parents, are they not also punishing the children of the parents? Do you know that some getting government assistance also work, and contribute through payroll deductions? Who exactly gets "freebies"?

Payroll taxes consist of Social Security and Medicare, neither of which contribute to Welfare. You are being misleading implying they pay for "freebies' because they don't.
Payroll taxes also consist of state and federal income tax.

And lol at the two dim bulbs that agreed with your false statement.

How much state and federal income tax do you think someone pays that is employed and still eligible for Welfare?

Exactly zero.

And if they worked any at ALL during the year, and they are otherwise eligible for welfare, they can expect a HUGE tax return.
Wrong. Everyone pays taxes in one form or the other. And, many receiving welfare have paid into the system at one time or another in their life. And, children are not old enough to work. The elderly paid into the system all of their lives. The disabled can't work. The severely handicapped can't work.
It may NOT be freebies. Some folks work and still qualify for assistance. And, if they work, they're paying into the system through payroll deductions. Also, each time they make a purchase, they're paying sales tax. In addition, if they've ever worked, they have paid into the system. So, what freebies are you talking about here? Hey, the children aren't old enough to work. What about the elderly, the handicapped, the severely disabled? If the parents do drugs, go ahead and punish their children also? By withholding benefits from the parents, they are also withholding benefits from their children. Do you see anything wrong with this picture? Do you see any prejudice here at all? Lets be fair and give the test to everyone, no exceptions. Fair play across the board. If we punish one, punish all. Punish state employees, lawyers, judges, social workers, all of them. Lets see how many can keep their job.

Actually, all you mentioned are also subject to drug testing to gain employment. But like i said, you're free to not ask for the Freebies. If you don't want the requirements, you'll have to forgo the Freebies. It is what it is.
It may NOT be "freebies". Do you believe that everyone getting some form of government assistance, has never ever worked and paid into the system through payroll deductions? Do you call it "freebies" when little children are helped through assistance programs? Are they old enough to work? If the state punished the parents, are they not also punishing the children of the parents? Do you know that some getting government assistance also work, and contribute through payroll deductions? Who exactly gets "freebies"?

Payroll taxes consist of Social Security and Medicare, neither of which contribute to Welfare. You are being misleading implying they pay for "freebies' because they don't.
Where does the money come from to pay for welfare? Where does the money come from to pay for food stamps, housing, aid for dependent children, disability, etc.? Does the government have money other than tax dollars to pay for all of those things? If so, where does the government get the money?

According to ravtard, it comes from the people who are RECEIVING it.

Figure that one out. She again proves she exists to dumb down discussion.
Many people receiving welfare has worked at one time in their life and have paid into the system. Children on welfare aren't old enough to work. The elderly paid into the system all of their lives. The disabled and severely handicapped can't work. But, EVERYONE pays taxes in one form or the other, everyone. Welfare is tax money collected by the government. The government does not spend government money. The government spends tax dollars collected from taxpayers. And, everyone pays taxes in one form or the other.
Payroll taxes consist of Social Security and Medicare, neither of which contribute to Welfare. You are being misleading implying they pay for "freebies' because they don't.
Payroll taxes also consist of state and federal income tax.

And lol at the two dim bulbs that agreed with your false statement.

How much state and federal income tax do you think someone pays that is employed and still eligible for Welfare?
Can't admit you were wrong, eh? He wasn't talking about that, anyway. He was talking about paying into the system over their work life period. Many, many welfare recipients are elderly people that worked all their lives.

That's a total lie.

Do you even know what welfare is? It doesn't go to elderly people, you nincompoop.

Some of the elderly receive foodstamps, but for the most part, if they have worked during their lives, their SSB is just high enough to prevent them from getting any more than a few dollars, at most.
Food stamps are part of the welfare system and recipients in Tenn are drug tested to receive them.

In the field, "welfare" refers to cash benefits provided to families with children.

But okay. Elderly people who worked ALL THEIR LIVES, as you defined it...are not eligible for foodstamps. The combination of their income from ssb (based on the fact they have worked *all their lives*) in addition to whatever retirement they generally have (as a result of working *all their lives* most of the elderly have something coming in besides welfare...usually some sort of retirement fund or CD payments or something), the fact they are usually a single person household and have small shelter expense, and don't have any children in the home, means that those people aren't eligible for much, if any, snap allotment.

Try again, you lying piece of shit.
Sadly, most will continue to miss the point. Nothing is really 'Free.' Big Brother is gonna get something out of the deal. You really are making a deal with the Devil when you demand Big Brother support you and your family.

There will be a heavy price to pay. Your independence and freedom will be the price. You invited Big Brother in, now he owns you. So take my advice, don't sell your soul to the Devil. Just do it the old fashioned way... Work harder.
Actually, all you mentioned are also subject to drug testing to gain employment. But like i said, you're free to not ask for the Freebies. If you don't want the requirements, you'll have to forgo the Freebies. It is what it is.
It may NOT be "freebies". Do you believe that everyone getting some form of government assistance, has never ever worked and paid into the system through payroll deductions? Do you call it "freebies" when little children are helped through assistance programs? Are they old enough to work? If the state punished the parents, are they not also punishing the children of the parents? Do you know that some getting government assistance also work, and contribute through payroll deductions? Who exactly gets "freebies"?

Payroll taxes consist of Social Security and Medicare, neither of which contribute to Welfare. You are being misleading implying they pay for "freebies' because they don't.
Where does the money come from to pay for welfare? Where does the money come from to pay for food stamps, housing, aid for dependent children, disability, etc.? Does the government have money other than tax dollars to pay for all of those things? If so, where does the government get the money?

According to ravtard, it comes from the people who are RECEIVING it.

Figure that one out. She again proves she exists to dumb down discussion.
Many people receiving welfare has worked at one time in their life and have paid into the system. Children on welfare aren't old enough to work. The elderly paid into the system all of their lives. The disabled and severely handicapped can't work. But, EVERYONE pays taxes in one form or the other, everyone. Welfare is tax money collected by the government. The government does not spend government money. The government spends tax dollars collected from taxpayers. And, everyone pays taxes in one form or the other.

Oh, if by "paying into the system" you mean they once saw their paycheck from McD's reduced by $20, ok.

I thought you were talking about payments that come somewhere NEAR to paying for the untold thousands per month they COST the system.
It may NOT be "freebies". Do you believe that everyone getting some form of government assistance, has never ever worked and paid into the system through payroll deductions? Do you call it "freebies" when little children are helped through assistance programs? Are they old enough to work? If the state punished the parents, are they not also punishing the children of the parents? Do you know that some getting government assistance also work, and contribute through payroll deductions? Who exactly gets "freebies"?

Payroll taxes consist of Social Security and Medicare, neither of which contribute to Welfare. You are being misleading implying they pay for "freebies' because they don't.
Payroll taxes also consist of state and federal income tax.

And lol at the two dim bulbs that agreed with your false statement.

How much state and federal income tax do you think someone pays that is employed and still eligible for Welfare?
Can't admit you were wrong, eh? He wasn't talking about that, anyway. He was talking about paying into the system over their work life period. Many, many welfare recipients are elderly people that worked all their lives.

That's a total lie.

Do you even know what welfare is? It doesn't go to elderly people, you nincompoop.

Some of the elderly receive foodstamps, but for the most part, if they have worked during their lives, their SSB is just high enough to prevent them from getting any more than a few dollars, at most.
Not true at all. Some elderly get help with heating cost, help with transportation cost, as well as help with prescription cost and health care. The elderly also get a Social Security check each month in addition to what I listed. And, it's all paid from taxes collected by either the states or federal government. It's tax dollars which everyone pays in one form or the other.
Sadly, most will continue to miss the point. Nothing is really 'Free.' Big Brother is gonna get something out of the deal. You really are making a deal with the Devil when you demand Big Brother support you and your family.

There will be a heavy price to pay. Your independence and freedom will be the price. You invited Big Brother in, now he owns you. So take my advice, don't sell your soul to the Devil. Just do it the old fashioned way... Work harder.

People like Ravi live to be owned.
Payroll taxes consist of Social Security and Medicare, neither of which contribute to Welfare. You are being misleading implying they pay for "freebies' because they don't.
Payroll taxes also consist of state and federal income tax.

And lol at the two dim bulbs that agreed with your false statement.

How much state and federal income tax do you think someone pays that is employed and still eligible for Welfare?

Exactly zero.

And if they worked any at ALL during the year, and they are otherwise eligible for welfare, they can expect a HUGE tax return.
^she would know this as she admitted to doing it for years. :thup:

Another lie, and another smudged attempt to pretend you have personal knowledge that you are willing to share.

I bet that generates a lot of private messaging for you.
:rolleyes: You posted it on the open board.
Payroll taxes consist of Social Security and Medicare, neither of which contribute to Welfare. You are being misleading implying they pay for "freebies' because they don't.
Payroll taxes also consist of state and federal income tax.

And lol at the two dim bulbs that agreed with your false statement.

How much state and federal income tax do you think someone pays that is employed and still eligible for Welfare?
Can't admit you were wrong, eh? He wasn't talking about that, anyway. He was talking about paying into the system over their work life period. Many, many welfare recipients are elderly people that worked all their lives.

That's a total lie.

Do you even know what welfare is? It doesn't go to elderly people, you nincompoop.

Some of the elderly receive foodstamps, but for the most part, if they have worked during their lives, their SSB is just high enough to prevent them from getting any more than a few dollars, at most.
Not true at all. Some elderly get help with heating cost, help with transportation cost, as well as help with prescription cost and health care. The elderly also get a Social Security check each month in addition to what I listed. And, it's all paid from taxes collected by either the states or federal government. It's tax dollars which everyone pays in one form or the other.

None of those things are *welfare*, but okay....

Ravi is talking about the elderly who *worked all their lives*. Those people, likewise, are not income eligible for energy assistance and state-paid insurance premium assistance. Those income guidelines are the SAME as the guidelines used for foodstamps, and the elderly WHO HAVE WORKED THEIR WHOLE LIVES are not generally eligible.

I know, I denied them regularly.
It may NOT be "freebies". Do you believe that everyone getting some form of government assistance, has never ever worked and paid into the system through payroll deductions? Do you call it "freebies" when little children are helped through assistance programs? Are they old enough to work? If the state punished the parents, are they not also punishing the children of the parents? Do you know that some getting government assistance also work, and contribute through payroll deductions? Who exactly gets "freebies"?

Payroll taxes consist of Social Security and Medicare, neither of which contribute to Welfare. You are being misleading implying they pay for "freebies' because they don't.
Where does the money come from to pay for welfare? Where does the money come from to pay for food stamps, housing, aid for dependent children, disability, etc.? Does the government have money other than tax dollars to pay for all of those things? If so, where does the government get the money?

According to ravtard, it comes from the people who are RECEIVING it.

Figure that one out. She again proves she exists to dumb down discussion.
Many people receiving welfare has worked at one time in their life and have paid into the system. Children on welfare aren't old enough to work. The elderly paid into the system all of their lives. The disabled and severely handicapped can't work. But, EVERYONE pays taxes in one form or the other, everyone. Welfare is tax money collected by the government. The government does not spend government money. The government spends tax dollars collected from taxpayers. And, everyone pays taxes in one form or the other.

Oh, if by "paying into the system" you mean they once saw their paycheck from McD's reduced by $20, ok.

I thought you were talking about payments that come somewhere NEAR to paying for the untold thousands per month they COST the system.
EVERYONE pays taxes, everyone. In one form or the other, everyone pays taxes. Welfare, food stamps, housing, winter heating, transportation, etc., is paid through tax dollars collected from taxpayers. Everyone pays into the system.
Payroll taxes also consist of state and federal income tax.

And lol at the two dim bulbs that agreed with your false statement.

How much state and federal income tax do you think someone pays that is employed and still eligible for Welfare?

Exactly zero.

And if they worked any at ALL during the year, and they are otherwise eligible for welfare, they can expect a HUGE tax return.
^she would know this as she admitted to doing it for years. :thup:

Another lie, and another smudged attempt to pretend you have personal knowledge that you are willing to share.

I bet that generates a lot of private messaging for you.
:rolleyes: You posted it on the open board.

No, I didn't, what bull puckey.

you sad thing. I'm sorry you got your knuckles rapped for attacking children, ravtard. I feel your flailing as you desperately seek a way, any way, to hurt someone....I'll say a prayer for you.

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