TNHarleys solution to the immigration problem

3's unconstitutional, but other than that I could be ok with it.

Why is number 3 unconstitutional for non US citizens? The COTUS does not apply throughout the world, too bad. I wouldn't apply 3 for humanitarian reasons but not the COTUS.
I wouldn't apply 3 for humanitarian reasons
That's fair enough.
Wouldn't one think that fixing things aren't always the easiest to do? I mean, why do WE always have to be the "humanitarian" ones? No one else is..
I wouldn't apply 3 for humanitarian reasons
That's fair enough.
Wouldn't one think that fixing things aren't always the easiest to do? I mean, why do WE always have to be the "humanitarian" ones? No one else is..

Yes, yes we do, it is who we are. We don't want the final result to be, we are like them.
That's a very good point.
But we also see what "exceptionalism" got us..
"TNHarleys solution to the immigration problem"

There is no immigration 'problem.'

Thousands of immigrants come to the United States legally; the OP must have meant undocumented immigrants – a telling slip, as it comes as no surprise that many on the right are hostile to all immigrants, whether here legally or not.

And that the OP is unaware that item 3 is un-Constitutional also comes as no surprise, as such ignorance of the law is likewise common to many on the right.
Semantics. Obviously legal immigrants are not a problem. In fact, it's obvious from TNHarley 's post that he was addressing illegals, not legal resident, legal immigrants, those on a work visa, etc.
1. MASSIVELY fine employers
2. Mandatory e-verify for jobs and living quarters
3. They get nothing. Not schooling, drivers licenses, healthcare (even turn them down at the ER. Sometimes actual solutions are harsh) they get NOTHING
4. Make becoming a citizen easier. The current system is a bunch of bullshit. They make it seem like we don't want any immigration..
The economy you ask? The jobs?
After that gets implemented, create a work requirement for welfare(obviously not all cases). Then we fill those jobs "Americans don't want" AND we cut welfare. 2 birds 1 stone.
If they don't want to work em', then fuck em'. They obviously don't have much self-respect or respect for their families. I would do whatever I had to do to feed my family. But that is just me.

Different ideas? I am willing to actually compromise ;)
"TNHarleys solution to the immigration problem"

There is no immigration 'problem.'

Thousands of immigrants come to the United States legally; the OP must have meant undocumented immigrants – a telling slip, as it comes as no surprise that many on the right are hostile to all immigrants, whether here legally or not.

And that the OP is unaware that item 3 is un-Constitutional also comes as no surprise, as such ignorance of the law is likewise common to many on the right.
Semantics. Obviously legal immigrants are not a problem. In fact, it's obvious from TNHarley 's post that he was addressing illegals, not legal resident, legal immigrants, those on a work visa, etc.
1. MASSIVELY fine employers
2. Mandatory e-verify for jobs and living quarters
3. They get nothing. Not schooling, drivers licenses, healthcare (even turn them down at the ER. Sometimes actual solutions are harsh) they get NOTHING
4. Make becoming a citizen easier. The current system is a bunch of bullshit. They make it seem like we don't want any immigration..
The economy you ask? The jobs?
After that gets implemented, create a work requirement for welfare(obviously not all cases). Then we fill those jobs "Americans don't want" AND we cut welfare. 2 birds 1 stone.
If they don't want to work em', then fuck em'. They obviously don't have much self-respect or respect for their families. I would do whatever I had to do to feed my family. But that is just me.

Different ideas? I am willing to actually compromise ;)
Indeed. Immigrants are a backbone to this country. That's why I want to make it easier to become a citizen.
Indeed. Immigrants are a backbone to this country. That's why I want to make it easier to become a citizen.
Agreed. I think part of the problem is that some big monied interests are making too much money off the status quo.
Even our republicans who are "against" it are the ones that LOVE amnesty. I would figure globalists and the "labor camps" have something to do with it. Like the Chamber of Commerce.
I will say that open borders goes hand in hand with free markets. I believe it was ricardo that implied that it would never be fully successful without labor mobility.
Just thinking out loud..
Even our republicans who are "against" it are the ones that LOVE amnesty. I would figure globalists and the "labor camps" have something to do with it. Like the Chamber of Commerce.
I will say that open borders goes hand in hand with free markets. I believe it was ricardo that implied that it would never be fully successful without labor mobility.
Just thinking out loud..
As someone who has to cross the border several times a year, I disagree with the "open borders" assertion. Although I will readily agree that we do need immigration reform and a workable solution to illegal immigration.
1. MASSIVELY fine employers
2. Mandatory e-verify for jobs and living quarters
3. They get nothing. Not schooling, drivers licenses, healthcare (even turn them down at the ER. Sometimes actual solutions are harsh) they get NOTHING
4. Make becoming a citizen easier. The current system is a bunch of bullshit. They make it seem like we don't want any immigration..
The economy you ask? The jobs?
After that gets implemented, create a work requirement for welfare(obviously not all cases). Then we fill those jobs "Americans don't want" AND we cut welfare. 2 birds 1 stone.
If they don't want to work em', then fuck em'. They obviously don't have much self-respect or respect for their families. I would do whatever I had to do to feed my family. But that is just me.

Different ideas? I am willing to actually compromise ;)

I don't agree with making citizenship easier. However, your plan is far superior to anything else I've seen out there.
1. MASSIVELY fine employers
2. Mandatory e-verify for jobs and living quarters
3. They get nothing. Not schooling, drivers licenses, healthcare (even turn them down at the ER. Sometimes actual solutions are harsh) they get NOTHING
4. Make becoming a citizen easier. The current system is a bunch of bullshit. They make it seem like we don't want any immigration..
The economy you ask? The jobs?
After that gets implemented, create a work requirement for welfare(obviously not all cases). Then we fill those jobs "Americans don't want" AND we cut welfare. 2 birds 1 stone.
If they don't want to work em', then fuck em'. They obviously don't have much self-respect or respect for their families. I would do whatever I had to do to feed my family. But that is just me.

Different ideas? I am willing to actually compromise ;)

I don't agree with making citizenship easier. However, your plan is far superior to anything else I've seen out there.
I think that is perfectly reasonable.
1. MASSIVELY fine employers
Does this include hiring people to clean your house or do yard work? What about paying someone to cook you tacos (ie the ubiquitous taco truck)?
2. Mandatory e-verify for jobs and living quarters
Who pays for this? Are there also massive fines for skipping this?

3. They get nothing. Not schooling, drivers licenses, healthcare (even turn them down at the ER. Sometimes actual solutions are harsh) they get NOTHING
Does this include police protection?
4. Make becoming a citizen easier. The current system is a bunch of bullshit. They make it seem like we don't want any immigration..
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