TNHarleys solution to the immigration problem

1. MASSIVELY fine employers
2. Mandatory e-verify for jobs and living quarters
3. They get nothing. Not schooling, drivers licenses, healthcare (even turn them down at the ER. Sometimes actual solutions are harsh) they get NOTHING
4. Make becoming a citizen easier. The current system is a bunch of bullshit. They make it seem like we don't want any immigration..
The economy you ask? The jobs?
After that gets implemented, create a work requirement for welfare(obviously not all cases). Then we fill those jobs "Americans don't want" AND we cut welfare. 2 birds 1 stone.
If they don't want to work em', then fuck em'. They obviously don't have much self-respect or respect for their families. I would do whatever I had to do to feed my family. But that is just me.

Different ideas? I am willing to actually compromise ;)

1. Prison + confiscation of business and/or property.
2. Now explain how your going to enforce it and how your going to fund it. There are states that have mandatory e-verify but have no apparatus in place to assure compliance.
'The poultry industry never stops': How E-Verify, immigration rules work in Big Chicken hiring
3. Can't do that. I support no drivers licenses. You don't have a right to a drivers license.
4. No. No immigration until the US takes care of it's own.
1. I like that. To be sold publically of course :)
2. Fund it with public dollars. When all of those people leave by choice, we would start saving money. I would bet almost immediately. That's when those fines and such could kick in. For landlords too. If we are going to do this, we have to do it RIGHT.
3. Why cant we?
4. It should be debated
1. MASSIVELY fine employers
2. Mandatory e-verify for jobs and living quarters
3. They get nothing. Not schooling, drivers licenses, healthcare (even turn them down at the ER. Sometimes actual solutions are harsh) they get NOTHING
4. Make becoming a citizen easier. The current system is a bunch of bullshit. They make it seem like we don't want any immigration..
The economy you ask? The jobs?
After that gets implemented, create a work requirement for welfare(obviously not all cases). Then we fill those jobs "Americans don't want" AND we cut welfare. 2 birds 1 stone.
If they don't want to work em', then fuck em'. They obviously don't have much self-respect or respect for their families. I would do whatever I had to do to feed my family. But that is just me.

Different ideas? I am willing to actually compromise ;)

1. Prison + confiscation of business and/or property.
2. Now explain how your going to enforce it and how your going to fund it. There are states that have mandatory e-verify but have no apparatus in place to assure compliance.
'The poultry industry never stops': How E-Verify, immigration rules work in Big Chicken hiring
3. Can't do that. I support no drivers licenses. You don't have a right to a drivers license.
4. No. No immigration until the US takes care of it's own.
1. I like that. To be sold publically of course :)
2. Fund it with public dollars. When all of those people leave by choice, we would start saving money. I would bet almost immediately. That's when those fines and such could kick in. For landlords too. If we are going to do this, we have to do it RIGHT.
3. Why cant we?
4. It should be debated

2. The whole problem is in the enforcement or monitoring of compliance. There is no auditing, The states refuse to comply or create loopholes---not the federal government. The states and local towns/cities can't manage to nail rental properties run by slumlords. Lack of political will and lack of cash. That's why it isn't mandatory and where it is mandatory it's conveniently ignored. It will have to come from public funding.Doesn't tell me how to force compliance.
3. For education: Plyler v. Doe
For emergency medical care: They are often denied any medical care from their employers. At this point you are nailing the powerless instead of those that hold the power. Federal law prohibits any health care beyond emergency health care. Again, the funding comes from the states and local areas. Sometimes the owners of the companies also own the housing.
Arizona Dream Act Coalition v. Brewer, 13-16248
4. We can debate it. The problem is that lots of people nationwide have no problem coming here legally and becoming citizens.
It would need to become federal law with massive fines. And I liked what was said earlier. Confiscation
Illegals deserve nothing. We have to strip away the incentive.
Plyler vs Doe was based off the 14th correct? "all persons born or naturalized in the United States" How does that include illegals exactly?

This is the clause: nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Massive fines are easily paid as we have seen already.

The reason that it is not mandatory is a question of who pays. States that have made it mandatory have refused to enforce it or refuse to develop any method of monitoring compliance. As I like to call it...........they talk out of both sides of their mouths.
1. MASSIVELY fine employers
2. Mandatory e-verify for jobs and living quarters
3. They get nothing. Not schooling, drivers licenses, healthcare (even turn them down at the ER. Sometimes actual solutions are harsh) they get NOTHING
4. Make becoming a citizen easier. The current system is a bunch of bullshit. They make it seem like we don't want any immigration..
The economy you ask? The jobs?
After that gets implemented, create a work requirement for welfare(obviously not all cases). Then we fill those jobs "Americans don't want" AND we cut welfare. 2 birds 1 stone.
If they don't want to work em', then fuck em'. They obviously don't have much self-respect or respect for their families. I would do whatever I had to do to feed my family. But that is just me.

Different ideas? I am willing to actually compromise ;)

Illegal immigration is less serious than a regulatory offense. If you're in some 3rd world hellhole in fear for your life and your family's life you're not taking much notice of international borders and laws pertaining to entry. Nor do you have the time, ability, or money to do it legally. Instead of treating illegals like we do violent criminals, outta be making the best of it and getting them legalized as with driver's licenses and all that. They're here anyway. Instead of letting them stay undocumented, get them documented and accountable.

In the meantime though, genuine disincentive needs to be created so business isn't hiring them off-book for less than legal wages. It's like how we fight prostitution. Instead of focusing on the prostitutes, which doesn't work, focus on the johns/employers. Less inclination to hire illegals means less illegals. If it gets out companies that used to hire them aren't any more due to legal crackdowns and fines, illegals will go somewhere else or otherwise not enter illegally.
1. MASSIVELY fine employers
2. Mandatory e-verify for jobs and living quarters
3. They get nothing. Not schooling, drivers licenses, healthcare (even turn them down at the ER. Sometimes actual solutions are harsh) they get NOTHING
4. Make becoming a citizen easier. The current system is a bunch of bullshit. They make it seem like we don't want any immigration..
The economy you ask? The jobs?
After that gets implemented, create a work requirement for welfare(obviously not all cases). Then we fill those jobs "Americans don't want" AND we cut welfare. 2 birds 1 stone.
If they don't want to work em', then fuck em'. They obviously don't have much self-respect or respect for their families. I would do whatever I had to do to feed my family. But that is just me.

Different ideas? I am willing to actually compromise ;)

1. Prison + confiscation of business and/or property.
2. Now explain how your going to enforce it and how your going to fund it. There are states that have mandatory e-verify but have no apparatus in place to assure compliance.
'The poultry industry never stops': How E-Verify, immigration rules work in Big Chicken hiring
3. Can't do that. I support no drivers licenses. You don't have a right to a drivers license.
4. No. No immigration until the US takes care of it's own.
1. I like that. To be sold publically of course :)
2. Fund it with public dollars. When all of those people leave by choice, we would start saving money. I would bet almost immediately. That's when those fines and such could kick in. For landlords too. If we are going to do this, we have to do it RIGHT.
3. Why cant we?
4. It should be debated
1. MASSIVELY fine employers
2. Mandatory e-verify for jobs and living quarters
3. They get nothing. Not schooling, drivers licenses, healthcare (even turn them down at the ER. Sometimes actual solutions are harsh) they get NOTHING
4. Make becoming a citizen easier. The current system is a bunch of bullshit. They make it seem like we don't want any immigration..
The economy you ask? The jobs?
After that gets implemented, create a work requirement for welfare(obviously not all cases). Then we fill those jobs "Americans don't want" AND we cut welfare. 2 birds 1 stone.
If they don't want to work em', then fuck em'. They obviously don't have much self-respect or respect for their families. I would do whatever I had to do to feed my family. But that is just me.

Different ideas? I am willing to actually compromise ;)

1. Prison + confiscation of business and/or property.
2. Now explain how your going to enforce it and how your going to fund it. There are states that have mandatory e-verify but have no apparatus in place to assure compliance.
'The poultry industry never stops': How E-Verify, immigration rules work in Big Chicken hiring
3. Can't do that. I support no drivers licenses. You don't have a right to a drivers license.
4. No. No immigration until the US takes care of it's own.
1. I like that. To be sold publically of course :)
2. Fund it with public dollars. When all of those people leave by choice, we would start saving money. I would bet almost immediately. That's when those fines and such could kick in. For landlords too. If we are going to do this, we have to do it RIGHT.
3. Why cant we?
4. It should be debated

2. The whole problem is in the enforcement or monitoring of compliance. There is no auditing, The states refuse to comply or create loopholes---not the federal government. The states and local towns/cities can't manage to nail rental properties run by slumlords. Lack of political will and lack of cash. That's why it isn't mandatory and where it is mandatory it's conveniently ignored. It will have to come from public funding.Doesn't tell me how to force compliance.
3. For education: Plyler v. Doe
For emergency medical care: They are often denied any medical care from their employers. At this point you are nailing the powerless instead of those that hold the power. Federal law prohibits any health care beyond emergency health care. Again, the funding comes from the states and local areas. Sometimes the owners of the companies also own the housing.
Arizona Dream Act Coalition v. Brewer, 13-16248
4. We can debate it. The problem is that lots of people nationwide have no problem coming here legally and becoming citizens.
It would need to become federal law with massive fines. And I liked what was said earlier. Confiscation
Illegals deserve nothing. We have to strip away the incentive.
Plyler vs Doe was based off the 14th correct? "all persons born or naturalized in the United States" How does that include illegals exactly?

This is the clause: nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Massive fines are easily paid as we have seen already.

The reason that it is not mandatory is a question of who pays. States that have made it mandatory have refused to enforce it or refuse to develop any method of monitoring compliance. As I like to call it...........they talk out of both sides of their mouths.
Section 1 is referring to citizens. That WHOLE section is. That is my argument.
1. MASSIVELY fine employers
2. Mandatory e-verify for jobs and living quarters
3. They get nothing. Not schooling, drivers licenses, healthcare (even turn them down at the ER. Sometimes actual solutions are harsh) they get NOTHING
4. Make becoming a citizen easier. The current system is a bunch of bullshit. They make it seem like we don't want any immigration..
The economy you ask? The jobs?
After that gets implemented, create a work requirement for welfare(obviously not all cases). Then we fill those jobs "Americans don't want" AND we cut welfare. 2 birds 1 stone.
If they don't want to work em', then fuck em'. They obviously don't have much self-respect or respect for their families. I would do whatever I had to do to feed my family. But that is just me.

Different ideas? I am willing to actually compromise ;)

Illegal immigration is less serious than a regulatory offense. If you're in some 3rd world hellhole in fear for your life and your family's life you're not taking much notice of international borders and laws pertaining to entry. Nor do you have the time, ability, or money to do it legally. Instead of treating illegals like we do violent criminals, outta be making the best of it and getting them legalized as with driver's licenses and all that. They're here anyway. Instead of letting them stay undocumented, get them documented and accountable.

In the meantime though, genuine disincentive needs to be created so business isn't hiring them off-book for less than legal wages. It's like how we fight prostitution. Instead of focusing on the prostitutes, which doesn't work, focus on the johns/employers. Less inclination to hire illegals means less illegals. If it gets out companies that used to hire them aren't any more due to legal crackdowns and fines, illegals will go somewhere else or otherwise not enter illegally.
I agree with what you said accept for getting them documented. We shouldn't reward our laws being broken.
When they leave on their own, with our reformed immigrant processes, they will be welcomed back with open arms.
1. MASSIVELY fine employers
2. Mandatory e-verify for jobs and living quarters
3. They get nothing. Not schooling, drivers licenses, healthcare (even turn them down at the ER. Sometimes actual solutions are harsh) they get NOTHING
4. Make becoming a citizen easier. The current system is a bunch of bullshit. They make it seem like we don't want any immigration..
The economy you ask? The jobs?
After that gets implemented, create a work requirement for welfare(obviously not all cases). Then we fill those jobs "Americans don't want" AND we cut welfare. 2 birds 1 stone.
If they don't want to work em', then fuck em'. They obviously don't have much self-respect or respect for their families. I would do whatever I had to do to feed my family. But that is just me.

Different ideas? I am willing to actually compromise ;)

Illegal immigration is less serious than a regulatory offense. If you're in some 3rd world hellhole in fear for your life and your family's life you're not taking much notice of international borders and laws pertaining to entry. Nor do you have the time, ability, or money to do it legally. Instead of treating illegals like we do violent criminals, outta be making the best of it and getting them legalized as with driver's licenses and all that. They're here anyway. Instead of letting them stay undocumented, get them documented and accountable.

In the meantime though, genuine disincentive needs to be created so business isn't hiring them off-book for less than legal wages. It's like how we fight prostitution. Instead of focusing on the prostitutes, which doesn't work, focus on the johns/employers. Less inclination to hire illegals means less illegals. If it gets out companies that used to hire them aren't any more due to legal crackdowns and fines, illegals will go somewhere else or otherwise not enter illegally.
I agree with what you said accept for getting them documented. We shouldn't reward our laws being broken.
When they leave on their own, with our reformed immigrant processes, they will be welcomed back with open arms.

Forcing them to leave is more expensive than it's worth and logistically impossible. Polish a turd and make em legal.

1. Prison + confiscation of business and/or property.
2. Now explain how your going to enforce it and how your going to fund it. There are states that have mandatory e-verify but have no apparatus in place to assure compliance.
'The poultry industry never stops': How E-Verify, immigration rules work in Big Chicken hiring
3. Can't do that. I support no drivers licenses. You don't have a right to a drivers license.
4. No. No immigration until the US takes care of it's own.
1. I like that. To be sold publically of course :)
2. Fund it with public dollars. When all of those people leave by choice, we would start saving money. I would bet almost immediately. That's when those fines and such could kick in. For landlords too. If we are going to do this, we have to do it RIGHT.
3. Why cant we?
4. It should be debated

1. Prison + confiscation of business and/or property.
2. Now explain how your going to enforce it and how your going to fund it. There are states that have mandatory e-verify but have no apparatus in place to assure compliance.
'The poultry industry never stops': How E-Verify, immigration rules work in Big Chicken hiring
3. Can't do that. I support no drivers licenses. You don't have a right to a drivers license.
4. No. No immigration until the US takes care of it's own.
1. I like that. To be sold publically of course :)
2. Fund it with public dollars. When all of those people leave by choice, we would start saving money. I would bet almost immediately. That's when those fines and such could kick in. For landlords too. If we are going to do this, we have to do it RIGHT.
3. Why cant we?
4. It should be debated

2. The whole problem is in the enforcement or monitoring of compliance. There is no auditing, The states refuse to comply or create loopholes---not the federal government. The states and local towns/cities can't manage to nail rental properties run by slumlords. Lack of political will and lack of cash. That's why it isn't mandatory and where it is mandatory it's conveniently ignored. It will have to come from public funding.Doesn't tell me how to force compliance.
3. For education: Plyler v. Doe
For emergency medical care: They are often denied any medical care from their employers. At this point you are nailing the powerless instead of those that hold the power. Federal law prohibits any health care beyond emergency health care. Again, the funding comes from the states and local areas. Sometimes the owners of the companies also own the housing.
Arizona Dream Act Coalition v. Brewer, 13-16248
4. We can debate it. The problem is that lots of people nationwide have no problem coming here legally and becoming citizens.
It would need to become federal law with massive fines. And I liked what was said earlier. Confiscation
Illegals deserve nothing. We have to strip away the incentive.
Plyler vs Doe was based off the 14th correct? "all persons born or naturalized in the United States" How does that include illegals exactly?

This is the clause: nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Massive fines are easily paid as we have seen already.

The reason that it is not mandatory is a question of who pays. States that have made it mandatory have refused to enforce it or refuse to develop any method of monitoring compliance. As I like to call it...........they talk out of both sides of their mouths.
Section 1 is referring to citizens. That WHOLE section is. That is my argument.

That's nice but it's the clause that is the important part.
1. MASSIVELY fine employers
2. Mandatory e-verify for jobs and living quarters
3. They get nothing. Not schooling, drivers licenses, healthcare (even turn them down at the ER. Sometimes actual solutions are harsh) they get NOTHING
4. Make becoming a citizen easier. The current system is a bunch of bullshit. They make it seem like we don't want any immigration..
The economy you ask? The jobs?
After that gets implemented, create a work requirement for welfare(obviously not all cases). Then we fill those jobs "Americans don't want" AND we cut welfare. 2 birds 1 stone.
If they don't want to work em', then fuck em'. They obviously don't have much self-respect or respect for their families. I would do whatever I had to do to feed my family. But that is just me.

Different ideas? I am willing to actually compromise ;)

Illegal immigration is less serious than a regulatory offense. If you're in some 3rd world hellhole in fear for your life and your family's life you're not taking much notice of international borders and laws pertaining to entry. Nor do you have the time, ability, or money to do it legally. Instead of treating illegals like we do violent criminals, outta be making the best of it and getting them legalized as with driver's licenses and all that. They're here anyway. Instead of letting them stay undocumented, get them documented and accountable.

In the meantime though, genuine disincentive needs to be created so business isn't hiring them off-book for less than legal wages. It's like how we fight prostitution. Instead of focusing on the prostitutes, which doesn't work, focus on the johns/employers. Less inclination to hire illegals means less illegals. If it gets out companies that used to hire them aren't any more due to legal crackdowns and fines, illegals will go somewhere else or otherwise not enter illegally.
I agree with what you said accept for getting them documented. We shouldn't reward our laws being broken.
When they leave on their own, with our reformed immigrant processes, they will be welcomed back with open arms.

Forcing them to leave is more expensive than it's worth and logistically impossible. Polish a turd and make em legal.
They will forced out of their own survival. I did not mention deportation.
Do u really want illegal kids running round the streets all day ? That's trouble .

Better to have them in school.
1. MASSIVELY fine employers
2. Mandatory e-verify for jobs and living quarters
3. They get nothing. Not schooling, drivers licenses, healthcare (even turn them down at the ER. Sometimes actual solutions are harsh) they get NOTHING
4. Make becoming a citizen easier. The current system is a bunch of bullshit. They make it seem like we don't want any immigration..
The economy you ask? The jobs?
After that gets implemented, create a work requirement for welfare(obviously not all cases). Then we fill those jobs "Americans don't want" AND we cut welfare. 2 birds 1 stone.
If they don't want to work em', then fuck em'. They obviously don't have much self-respect or respect for their families. I would do whatever I had to do to feed my family. But that is just me.

Different ideas? I am willing to actually compromise ;)

Illegal immigration is less serious than a regulatory offense. If you're in some 3rd world hellhole in fear for your life and your family's life you're not taking much notice of international borders and laws pertaining to entry. Nor do you have the time, ability, or money to do it legally. Instead of treating illegals like we do violent criminals, outta be making the best of it and getting them legalized as with driver's licenses and all that. They're here anyway. Instead of letting them stay undocumented, get them documented and accountable.

In the meantime though, genuine disincentive needs to be created so business isn't hiring them off-book for less than legal wages. It's like how we fight prostitution. Instead of focusing on the prostitutes, which doesn't work, focus on the johns/employers. Less inclination to hire illegals means less illegals. If it gets out companies that used to hire them aren't any more due to legal crackdowns and fines, illegals will go somewhere else or otherwise not enter illegally.
I agree with what you said accept for getting them documented. We shouldn't reward our laws being broken.
When they leave on their own, with our reformed immigrant processes, they will be welcomed back with open arms.

Forcing them to leave is more expensive than it's worth and logistically impossible. Polish a turd and make em legal.
They will forced out of their own survival. I did not mention deportation.

So what, put them in prison? That's even more expesnive. They're here now, if they're not already under arrest for some crime they're just working a job somewhere and not deserving of being treated like criminals proper. They're illegal entry "crime" was like having a hunting rifle's barrel a fraction of an inch too short.
1. I like that. To be sold publically of course :)
2. Fund it with public dollars. When all of those people leave by choice, we would start saving money. I would bet almost immediately. That's when those fines and such could kick in. For landlords too. If we are going to do this, we have to do it RIGHT.
3. Why cant we?
4. It should be debated
1. I like that. To be sold publically of course :)
2. Fund it with public dollars. When all of those people leave by choice, we would start saving money. I would bet almost immediately. That's when those fines and such could kick in. For landlords too. If we are going to do this, we have to do it RIGHT.
3. Why cant we?
4. It should be debated

2. The whole problem is in the enforcement or monitoring of compliance. There is no auditing, The states refuse to comply or create loopholes---not the federal government. The states and local towns/cities can't manage to nail rental properties run by slumlords. Lack of political will and lack of cash. That's why it isn't mandatory and where it is mandatory it's conveniently ignored. It will have to come from public funding.Doesn't tell me how to force compliance.
3. For education: Plyler v. Doe
For emergency medical care: They are often denied any medical care from their employers. At this point you are nailing the powerless instead of those that hold the power. Federal law prohibits any health care beyond emergency health care. Again, the funding comes from the states and local areas. Sometimes the owners of the companies also own the housing.
Arizona Dream Act Coalition v. Brewer, 13-16248
4. We can debate it. The problem is that lots of people nationwide have no problem coming here legally and becoming citizens.
It would need to become federal law with massive fines. And I liked what was said earlier. Confiscation
Illegals deserve nothing. We have to strip away the incentive.
Plyler vs Doe was based off the 14th correct? "all persons born or naturalized in the United States" How does that include illegals exactly?

This is the clause: nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Massive fines are easily paid as we have seen already.

The reason that it is not mandatory is a question of who pays. States that have made it mandatory have refused to enforce it or refuse to develop any method of monitoring compliance. As I like to call it...........they talk out of both sides of their mouths.
Section 1 is referring to citizens. That WHOLE section is. That is my argument.

That's nice but it's the clause that is the important part.
I think it could it is worthy of re-visitation considering the fundamental change(in a good way) for all AMERICANS. Because in that ruling you mentioned, "
"the illegal alien of today may well be the legal alien of tomorrow," [n4] and that, without an education, these undocumented [p208] children,
[a]lready disadvantaged as a result of poverty, lack of English-speaking ability, and undeniable racial prejudices, . . . will become permanently locked into the lowest socio-economic class."
I think I would have a case.
1. MASSIVELY fine employers
2. Mandatory e-verify for jobs and living quarters
3. They get nothing. Not schooling, drivers licenses, healthcare (even turn them down at the ER. Sometimes actual solutions are harsh) they get NOTHING
4. Make becoming a citizen easier. The current system is a bunch of bullshit. They make it seem like we don't want any immigration..
The economy you ask? The jobs?
After that gets implemented, create a work requirement for welfare(obviously not all cases). Then we fill those jobs "Americans don't want" AND we cut welfare. 2 birds 1 stone.
If they don't want to work em', then fuck em'. They obviously don't have much self-respect or respect for their families. I would do whatever I had to do to feed my family. But that is just me.

Different ideas? I am willing to actually compromise ;)

Illegal immigration is less serious than a regulatory offense. If you're in some 3rd world hellhole in fear for your life and your family's life you're not taking much notice of international borders and laws pertaining to entry. Nor do you have the time, ability, or money to do it legally. Instead of treating illegals like we do violent criminals, outta be making the best of it and getting them legalized as with driver's licenses and all that. They're here anyway. Instead of letting them stay undocumented, get them documented and accountable.

In the meantime though, genuine disincentive needs to be created so business isn't hiring them off-book for less than legal wages. It's like how we fight prostitution. Instead of focusing on the prostitutes, which doesn't work, focus on the johns/employers. Less inclination to hire illegals means less illegals. If it gets out companies that used to hire them aren't any more due to legal crackdowns and fines, illegals will go somewhere else or otherwise not enter illegally.
I agree with what you said accept for getting them documented. We shouldn't reward our laws being broken.
When they leave on their own, with our reformed immigrant processes, they will be welcomed back with open arms.

Forcing them to leave is more expensive than it's worth and logistically impossible. Polish a turd and make em legal.
They will forced out of their own survival. I did not mention deportation.

So what, put them in prison? That's even more expesnive. They're here now, if they're not already under arrest for some crime they're just working a job somewhere and not deserving of being treated like criminals proper. They're illegal entry "crime" was like having a hunting rifle's barrel a fraction of an inch too short.
OMG dude. My plan would drive them to leave on their own merit. If they were living int he street, couldn't get a job, money food etc, they would leave. That si the whole reason for this. To fix our problems without breaking everyone(lol).
Do u really want illegal kids running round the streets all day ? That's trouble .

Better to have them in school.
You think when those parents leave on their own because they have no jobs, money or a roof over their heads they are just going to leave their children here?
'Do you think illegals are shitty parents or did you not comprehend my premise?
2. The whole problem is in the enforcement or monitoring of compliance. There is no auditing, The states refuse to comply or create loopholes---not the federal government. The states and local towns/cities can't manage to nail rental properties run by slumlords. Lack of political will and lack of cash. That's why it isn't mandatory and where it is mandatory it's conveniently ignored. It will have to come from public funding.Doesn't tell me how to force compliance.
3. For education: Plyler v. Doe
For emergency medical care: They are often denied any medical care from their employers. At this point you are nailing the powerless instead of those that hold the power. Federal law prohibits any health care beyond emergency health care. Again, the funding comes from the states and local areas. Sometimes the owners of the companies also own the housing.
Arizona Dream Act Coalition v. Brewer, 13-16248
4. We can debate it. The problem is that lots of people nationwide have no problem coming here legally and becoming citizens.
It would need to become federal law with massive fines. And I liked what was said earlier. Confiscation
Illegals deserve nothing. We have to strip away the incentive.
Plyler vs Doe was based off the 14th correct? "all persons born or naturalized in the United States" How does that include illegals exactly?

This is the clause: nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Massive fines are easily paid as we have seen already.

The reason that it is not mandatory is a question of who pays. States that have made it mandatory have refused to enforce it or refuse to develop any method of monitoring compliance. As I like to call it...........they talk out of both sides of their mouths.
Section 1 is referring to citizens. That WHOLE section is. That is my argument.

That's nice but it's the clause that is the important part.
I think it could it is worthy of re-visitation considering the fundamental change(in a good way) for all AMERICANS. Because in that ruling you mentioned, "
"the illegal alien of today may well be the legal alien of tomorrow," [n4] and that, without an education, these undocumented [p208] children,
[a]lready disadvantaged as a result of poverty, lack of English-speaking ability, and undeniable racial prejudices, . . . will become permanently locked into the lowest socio-economic class."
I think I would have a case.

You're faced with the same issue as the time of the ruling. The state isn't trying to get rid of them.
It would need to become federal law with massive fines. And I liked what was said earlier. Confiscation
Illegals deserve nothing. We have to strip away the incentive.
Plyler vs Doe was based off the 14th correct? "all persons born or naturalized in the United States" How does that include illegals exactly?

This is the clause: nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Massive fines are easily paid as we have seen already.

The reason that it is not mandatory is a question of who pays. States that have made it mandatory have refused to enforce it or refuse to develop any method of monitoring compliance. As I like to call it...........they talk out of both sides of their mouths.
Section 1 is referring to citizens. That WHOLE section is. That is my argument.

That's nice but it's the clause that is the important part.
I think it could it is worthy of re-visitation considering the fundamental change(in a good way) for all AMERICANS. Because in that ruling you mentioned, "
"the illegal alien of today may well be the legal alien of tomorrow," [n4] and that, without an education, these undocumented [p208] children,
[a]lready disadvantaged as a result of poverty, lack of English-speaking ability, and undeniable racial prejudices, . . . will become permanently locked into the lowest socio-economic class."
I think I would have a case.

You're faced with the same issue as the time of the ruling. The state isn't trying to get rid of them.
LOL A majority want something done about immigration. And entitlement isn't one of them.
This is the clause: nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Massive fines are easily paid as we have seen already.

The reason that it is not mandatory is a question of who pays. States that have made it mandatory have refused to enforce it or refuse to develop any method of monitoring compliance. As I like to call it...........they talk out of both sides of their mouths.
Section 1 is referring to citizens. That WHOLE section is. That is my argument.

That's nice but it's the clause that is the important part.
I think it could it is worthy of re-visitation considering the fundamental change(in a good way) for all AMERICANS. Because in that ruling you mentioned, "
"the illegal alien of today may well be the legal alien of tomorrow," [n4] and that, without an education, these undocumented [p208] children,
[a]lready disadvantaged as a result of poverty, lack of English-speaking ability, and undeniable racial prejudices, . . . will become permanently locked into the lowest socio-economic class."
I think I would have a case.

You're faced with the same issue as the time of the ruling. The state isn't trying to get rid of them.
LOL A majority want something done about immigration. And entitlement isn't one of them.

LOL. That doesn't change anything. You can't just do anything. That's how you wind up with what we have now. It's like e-verify. Make it mandatory and that sounds good and then make sure that there is no enforcement. You can't just say a lot of us agree there is a problem. You have to tango with the jackasses that are hiring them. Like now. Because they are buying the no enforcement. And every damn time a group seeks to demonize those with the least amount of allow a bunch of other folks to team up with those that are buying the no enforcement. So, thats the undocumented workers and whatever nationality that is here legally, Wallstreet, and politicians and everyone that wants to defend the undocumented workers because they feel bad or they profit from it. See what I'm saying here?
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I don't give a fuck how hard a worker someone is, if they sneaked in and they are here illegally, they should be sent right back where they came from !

While I agree that we should all abide by the laws of this land my point was to clarify that the Mexican people do not come here for a welfare check. They are coming here for work and for a future. I agree with the OP on point number 4. Make citizenship easier.

To portray the Mexican people as lazy is grossly unfair. They are a very hardworking, industrious people and desire to earn their own way rather than accept a hand out. They are living under very stressful conditions and it is understandable they would want a safe place to live and a future for their families. Don't you?

I don't think they are any more lazy than any other group, some are hard workers, some come here to have their offspring in order to be entitled to benefits.
Regardless, they should show respect for our immigration laws. Millions have not, and in fact Mexicans are the #1 offenders.
I would send every single one who is here illegally back if it were up to me.

I've met people from Mexico and know firsthand that they are very hardworking people. Whatever trade they are in? They work harder than the rest do. What I'd like for you to do is to think about how you would feel if you lived in a neighborhood where violence ruled the streets and you feared for the lives of your family members. Where your neighbors disappeared in broad daylight never to be seen again. If you saw others crossing the border and lax laws on US immigration would you not at least try to get your family across the border? Given the right set of circumstances? I believe you would. You see, you do not know what you would do unless you were confronted with such a predicament. Have some compassion. Do you have any idea how many Mexican people have settled for lower pay - even under the minimum wage in order to have the opportunity to live here? They've been exploited by their own government, exploited by employers here in America and complain the least. I believe in obeying the laws of the land but becoming a citizen should be made easier for these people. imo.
How about they stand the hell up and fix their own country. It's not our problem Mexico is a shit hole. And we don't need to adjust our laws to accomodate them. If they want shit fixed just ask. Until then your citizens get to live under your rule as shitty as it is.
Mexico is in the top 10 of happiest countries on earth..
Apparently you've never been there. That poverty isn't happiness. And if it was why would they all like to move here?
While I agree that we should all abide by the laws of this land my point was to clarify that the Mexican people do not come here for a welfare check. They are coming here for work and for a future. I agree with the OP on point number 4. Make citizenship easier.

To portray the Mexican people as lazy is grossly unfair. They are a very hardworking, industrious people and desire to earn their own way rather than accept a hand out. They are living under very stressful conditions and it is understandable they would want a safe place to live and a future for their families. Don't you?

I don't think they are any more lazy than any other group, some are hard workers, some come here to have their offspring in order to be entitled to benefits.
Regardless, they should show respect for our immigration laws. Millions have not, and in fact Mexicans are the #1 offenders.
I would send every single one who is here illegally back if it were up to me.

I've met people from Mexico and know firsthand that they are very hardworking people. Whatever trade they are in? They work harder than the rest do. What I'd like for you to do is to think about how you would feel if you lived in a neighborhood where violence ruled the streets and you feared for the lives of your family members. Where your neighbors disappeared in broad daylight never to be seen again. If you saw others crossing the border and lax laws on US immigration would you not at least try to get your family across the border? Given the right set of circumstances? I believe you would. You see, you do not know what you would do unless you were confronted with such a predicament. Have some compassion. Do you have any idea how many Mexican people have settled for lower pay - even under the minimum wage in order to have the opportunity to live here? They've been exploited by their own government, exploited by employers here in America and complain the least. I believe in obeying the laws of the land but becoming a citizen should be made easier for these people. imo.
How about they stand the hell up and fix their own country. It's not our problem Mexico is a shit hole. And we don't need to adjust our laws to accomodate them. If they want shit fixed just ask. Until then your citizens get to live under your rule as shitty as it is.
Mexico is in the top 10 of happiest countries on earth..
Apparently you've never been there. That poverty isn't happiness. And if it was why would they all like to move here?
I am not the one who did the ranking :thup:
I don't think they are any more lazy than any other group, some are hard workers, some come here to have their offspring in order to be entitled to benefits.
Regardless, they should show respect for our immigration laws. Millions have not, and in fact Mexicans are the #1 offenders.
I would send every single one who is here illegally back if it were up to me.

I've met people from Mexico and know firsthand that they are very hardworking people. Whatever trade they are in? They work harder than the rest do. What I'd like for you to do is to think about how you would feel if you lived in a neighborhood where violence ruled the streets and you feared for the lives of your family members. Where your neighbors disappeared in broad daylight never to be seen again. If you saw others crossing the border and lax laws on US immigration would you not at least try to get your family across the border? Given the right set of circumstances? I believe you would. You see, you do not know what you would do unless you were confronted with such a predicament. Have some compassion. Do you have any idea how many Mexican people have settled for lower pay - even under the minimum wage in order to have the opportunity to live here? They've been exploited by their own government, exploited by employers here in America and complain the least. I believe in obeying the laws of the land but becoming a citizen should be made easier for these people. imo.
How about they stand the hell up and fix their own country. It's not our problem Mexico is a shit hole. And we don't need to adjust our laws to accomodate them. If they want shit fixed just ask. Until then your citizens get to live under your rule as shitty as it is.
Mexico is in the top 10 of happiest countries on earth..
Apparently you've never been there. That poverty isn't happiness. And if it was why would they all like to move here?
I am not the one who did the ranking :thup:
Gotcha, Only a fool would think that is a happy country economically speaking. It's straight up poverty.
I've met people from Mexico and know firsthand that they are very hardworking people. Whatever trade they are in? They work harder than the rest do. What I'd like for you to do is to think about how you would feel if you lived in a neighborhood where violence ruled the streets and you feared for the lives of your family members. Where your neighbors disappeared in broad daylight never to be seen again. If you saw others crossing the border and lax laws on US immigration would you not at least try to get your family across the border? Given the right set of circumstances? I believe you would. You see, you do not know what you would do unless you were confronted with such a predicament. Have some compassion. Do you have any idea how many Mexican people have settled for lower pay - even under the minimum wage in order to have the opportunity to live here? They've been exploited by their own government, exploited by employers here in America and complain the least. I believe in obeying the laws of the land but becoming a citizen should be made easier for these people. imo.
How about they stand the hell up and fix their own country. It's not our problem Mexico is a shit hole. And we don't need to adjust our laws to accomodate them. If they want shit fixed just ask. Until then your citizens get to live under your rule as shitty as it is.
Mexico is in the top 10 of happiest countries on earth..
Apparently you've never been there. That poverty isn't happiness. And if it was why would they all like to move here?
I am not the one who did the ranking :thup:
Gotcha, Only a fool would think that is a happy country economically speaking. It's straight up poverty.

Mexico is quickly becoming an emerging market heavy-weight. Its economic output, as measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was $2.143 trillion in 2014. This was much less than its primary trading partner, the United States ($17.46 trillion) but larger than its other NAFTA partner, Canada ($1.579 trillion). Mexico's geographic size is equivalent to Saudi Arabia, but supports five times as many people while exporting 1/4 of the oil.
Mexico's 2014 GDP growth rate was 2.4%, better than the 1.1% rate in 2013, but slower than the $% rate in 2012. Its standard of living, as measured by GDP per capita, was $17,900, less than half that of its other NAFTA partners. (Source: CIA Factbook)
More Americans Immigrate to Mexico Than Vice Versa
What aren't ANY of the candidates proposing anything like this that would actually HELP the problem?

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